Seeing the page on her mobile phone, Chang Le's pupils shrank. That page was the account he used when he registered for renting a boyfriend, also named Qian He's renting boyfriend.

"Mr. Qianhe?" Yaqian Yinghua asked jokingly.

Chang Le was a little helpless.

"So, what are you going to do? Know my other identity."

"I won't do anything..."

She clicked on the order page.

"I'll rent you out for a while, how about it?" She seemed to be expecting Chang Le to agree.

Do rich people rent for a period of time?

Although he felt that he could earn a lot of money, Chang Le still refused after thinking about it.

"I have to go to class from Monday to Friday, and I have a day off on Saturday. I only go to be a rented boyfriend on Sunday or other holidays, so I'm sorry."

"Can't we discuss it?" Her expression seemed anxious, and Chang Le could vaguely see that she seemed to be hiding something. Combined with her abnormal behavior today, he felt that something happened to her family.

But looking at her appearance that she still doesn't care about money, it should be a family problem.

Chang Le thought for a while before speaking.

"Let's forget about renting a boyfriend. If you need help with other things, you can tell me. I will try my best to help you according to my ability. After all, we have known each other for so long, you can be regarded as our friend, plus Chang Yue also had a great time playing with you yesterday."

"I..." Her little face was slightly red, and she seemed to be a little bit brave.

"How can I have trouble? I'm the eldest lady of the Eight Thousand Family, and I've always been the only one who asks me for help...I won't find...others..."

It still seems unspeakable.

Chang Le had a guess in his heart.

But he didn't speak, but turned around and was about to leave.

"Well, then go back early, it's cold outside, and your family members don't feel at ease if you are outside alone, so goodbye."

After walking a few steps, Chang Le paused slightly, turned his head, and saw the eldest lady standing alone in a daze, feeling a little pitiful, Chang Le walked back again.

"So, aren't you ready to say? Do you have to wait for me to guess?"

Miss Baqian raised her head and glanced at him cautiously, her eyes looked like she wanted to cry.

"I... I was kicked out of my house."

As the eldest daughter of a noble family, Yaqian Yinghua has never experienced the bitterness and joy of ordinary people's life. In her life, she will always only get. She doesn't seem to know what it's like to give.

So when she was kicked out by the family, her first reaction was panic.

Look at the people and things around her that make her feel strange.

She is like a baby bird that has fallen from the clouds to the ground, she is so repulsive and fearful.

So she was the first to think of Chang Le, the only person she knew in this strange world.

Chapter 43 The Safe Was Thrown

"So, because you had trouble with your father, you ran out alone, just to get revenge on your father. After all, you are in charge of most of the family's company. Once you leave, your father will be under great pressure...revenge in this way He, thank you for thinking of it."

In the quiet rental house, the air conditioner was blowing the heat, but Chang Le was a little helpless.

Why is this guy so irrational?No matter how awkward you are, you can't let go of the whole family and sneak out alone, and even if there is no problem with the family, it is always unsafe to come out alone, let alone Yaqian Yinghua is still so beautiful.

Yaqian Yinghua was sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, the white water mist was floating on it, and the tea fragrance was permeating.

After listening to Chang Le, she glanced at Chang Le.

"You're right in summing up, but I want to emphasize one point." She paused.


Chang Le looked at her suspiciously.

"I didn't run out alone, I was kicked out, I drove myself." She looked very proud.

"Does that make any difference?"

"It always feels like a lost dog to say that I ran out alone."

"By the way, no one can drive me out of the family except myself, not even my father!" She was a little proud.

Don't use your inexplicable self-esteem in strange places!

Chang Le's expression darkened slightly.

"Is it really okay for you to sneak out alone? Give all the company to your father."

"No problem, the old guy has been slacking off, especially in recent years."

Seeing Yaqian Yinghua gritted her teeth and looked very angry when she mentioned her father, Chang Le couldn't help wondering what happened between them.

After thinking about it, he still asked:

"What kind of conflict did you have with your father?"

"It's not that old thing, give me my safe..."

As soon as this was mentioned, Yaqian Yinghua was like a cat whose fur had exploded. Anger appeared on her face instantly, and she was vaguely ashamed. She spoke subconsciously, but she suddenly came back to her senses.


"Huh...he threw away a very important thing of mine." Inhaling, Yaqian Yinghua exhaled, and the white mist of the hot tea in her hand dissipated.

"Is there anything important in the safe?"

"It's not a safe..." She wanted to deny it.

"Isn't it?"

Eight Thousand Sakura: "..."

"In short, it is a very important thing."

"Is that so..."

"Actually, I've wanted to give myself a vacation for a long time..." Yaqian Yinghua suddenly said at this time, she looked like she was in control, and a smile appeared on her face.

"This matter is just a fuse..."

"Then what is the specific reason?"

After thinking about it, Yaqian Yinghua sighed, and her expression became a little inexplicably vicissitudes, as if she had experienced many old people.

"Can you imagine that a girl my age should have a romantic relationship, discuss cosmetics and clothes...and then go shopping together every day and experience the fun of shopping.

But I can only sit in the wide and cold office, signing documents with huge amounts of money, that kind of boring, that kind of boring, even if I am shopping, I am shopping alone in my own shopping mall. There is no joy in buying good-looking and affordable clothes. After all, no matter how expensive the clothes are, I can get them directly without buying them. To be honest, I have long wanted to sneak out, and I have long since I don't want to experience this kind of life for nothing. "

Chang Le: "..."

Is this... is this the trouble of the noble lady's happiness?

I don't know why, but she was complaining, but Chang Le had an urge to shut her out and never see her again, even though her tone was very sincere and what she said was true.

Thinking of how I worked so hard to earn 1 yuan to attend a dance party where my life would be in danger if I was exposed...


He also let out a deep breath, and his expression became much more vicissitudes.

"Then you're out, what's your plan?"

Hearing Chang Le's question, Miss Baqian's expression froze slightly.

She seemed a little embarrassed.

Because she had a dispute with her father when she went back yesterday, she sneaked out in the middle of the night and stopped a black taxi at the gate of the family.

The taxi driver is a good person, except that he looks a bit like a certain bodyguard she met in the family before, he has a very kind heart. After taking her to Changle's rental building, he saw her as a pitiful person, so he didn't accept her. Her taxi fare.

Thinking of this, she had to feel that there are still many good people in this world.

She told Chang Le about this, but found that Chang Le's expression became more and more strange.

At the gate of the family, a black taxi was stopped...


Black taxi?I remember that Tianhai's taxis are green... Also, there is no taxi fee... I remember that it is a long way from Tianhai North District to here, such a long distance, and they take the initiative to not charge... Unless it is really like what she said because of looking at her poorly...but...

Thinking of this, Chang Le slowly got up, and came to the window under Yaqian Yinghua's suspicious eyes.

The window was covered by curtains. After Chang Le opened it, he felt a glare of light. When he regained his vision, he saw, at some point, in a certain open space opposite the rental building where he lived. On the ground, a man in a black suit was standing with a binoculars. He seemed to have noticed that the window of Chang Le’s room was open. He wanted to avoid it, but when he saw that it was Chang Le, he stopped his movements again. He pointed Pointing to his collar, he took out another mobile phone, placed it next to his ear, made a gesture of listening, and then stretched out a hand, making a warning to cut his throat.

"What are you looking at?" Yaqian Yinghua's curious voice came from behind.

"It's nothing..." Chang Le closed the curtains again calmly, and secretly looked at Yaqian Yinghua's collar.

In that place, there happened to be a black "button".



In an empty room, white mist curls up on the tea table, and the fragrance of tea disperses.

Togami Maki, who was wearing a pure white yukata, knelt quietly outside the door of the house. The yukata was not completely pure white. On her chest, there were some cherry red inlays. There was an inexplicable poignant beauty, but it made people subconsciously think of blood.

Her pale hair was pulled up behind her head and fixed with a completely red hairpin. A deep red crystal pendant hung from one end of the hairpin, which swayed slightly with her movements.

Her appearance is still well-behaved and calm, like the most perfect lady, but only Dongshen Futian behind the tea table can know that what Dongshen Maki wearing such a color yukata will do next is not those Things that every lady can do.

"Still the same as usual?"

"It's still the same as usual."

"Well, then you can go..." Dongshen Futian thought for a while, and then added.

"be careful."

"Got it, father."

Chapter 44 Sentencing

Tianhai City, at the junction of the South District and the West District.

An abandoned factory in the suburbs.

A black car slowly approached from the side of the road, stirring up a series of dust, and on the other side, it seemed that something was detected in the abandoned factory. Suddenly, a few men with rifles came out, and they looked at the approaching cars, the rifle in his hand subconsciously raised, and the muzzle was pointed at those cars.

One of the men with a rifle in his hand seemed to have received some message at this moment, and he put his hand on the earphone next to his ear and listened for a moment.

"Understood." A deep voice sounded, and he looked to his companion who was staring at him.

"It's them, put down the gun."


...In the factory, in a slightly dimly lit room, two groups of people stood at the dividing line of a table.

"Have you brought anything?"

"Hmm..." The man with the white tiger pattern on his arm took a box, but he didn't open it, but looked opposite.

The leader-like figure on the opposite side waved his hand when he saw this, and the companion behind him also took a box and put it safely on the table.

The two sides looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

The boxes were exchanged. However, when the person with the white tiger pattern on his arm was about to open the box to inspect the goods, the people from the factory suddenly spoke.

"and many more!"

He raised his head, frowning slightly.

"You do this, does your eldest lady know?"

"Would people in the West End be interested in such a question?"

"Of course, after all, we must be cautious in everything. The most important thing for those who come out to mess around is to be vigilant."


At this time, a pitch-black object was thrown out of nowhere and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

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