Seeing her expression change from dark to bright, Izayo felt relieved, "Okay, let's not talk about this. Are you happy to meet everyone?"

"The real concubine and the emperor are fine, and they have been seeing each other several times a year since three years ago." Wan Lihua smiled, "Sister Huiye and Hayasaka are also very energetic... I remember hearing that sister Huiye seemed to have changed after that, with a cold face. Now it seems..."

"Perhaps something diverted her attention." Sixteen nights guessed, he was not very interested.

He is very clear about his sister's temperament. Although it is a bit bad, it is still considered ordinary.Plus time will dilute these things, plus the surrounding environment is not so harsh.He thought that in a few more years, apart from being a little sad to mention it, she should not be immersed in excessive sadness all the time on weekdays.

The "death" of a close and trusted person will bring different impacts depending on the person.

"It's always a good thing to be able to come out." Sixteen nights said, "I saw Aunt Sayuri who came here to celebrate your birthday for Yinglili..."

What did that person notice in his current self, or was he overly cautious.

It is impossible for me to say those words specifically to myself.

"I can't help it... Ying Lili..." Wan Lihua buried her face behind Shiliuye's shoulder, "You know, the love she and I have for you..."


"...I'm really too cunning—" Wan Lihua said in a low voice.

The more I see that everyone in the past is healthy and energetic, the more I feel guilty for the only one who was trapped.

Ying Lili would lock herself up, and Wan Lihua felt that it was all her fault for monopolizing the person beside her...

"Do you know, Wanlihua—" Shizaiye suddenly grabbed her arms, lowered his head, and stared carefully into her eyes, "The most terrible weakness of a woman is to take responsibility too eagerly. Mingming seven years Before, it was my own choice. I asked you for help. I hid my life and death from everyone. I was dormant in Kyushu and at Tachibana’s house. I’m sorry Yinglili, but Wanlihua, you think Yinglili is in that state now It's your responsibility..."

"But, but I..." Wan Lihua looked at the only pair of eyes that did not change in Shizayoi with wet eyes.

"I'm still alive, Wanlihua, you don't need to bear this kind of guilt, okay?"

After Izayoi finished speaking, he kissed her lightly, the familiar touch of lips and teeth dispelling the haze in his heart little by little.

She suddenly wanted to understand what she could do, so she responded even harder to Izayoi's kiss, obeying her desire, just like every time since three years ago.

The girl hugged the boy and fell down little by little, sinking into the soft mattress.

Chapter 11 Where to Lock Yourself

Sayuri Sawamura returned to Tokyo, two days later in the afternoon.

Originally planned to return the next day after attending Tachibana Wanlihua's birthday banquet, but she got along well with those famous ladies at the banquet, and received invitations from Shimizutani and Naoe two days in a row.

Out of various considerations, Sayuri did not decline.

Fortunately, a helper was hired at home, and her husband was still in Tokyo, so she was not too worried about Yinglili's situation at home.After handing over the special products brought back to the helper to put away, she immediately went to Ying Lili's room.

The door was ajar, and it was so quiet inside that no sound could be heard.

Since she was not in the room, she could only be in that room. She sighed silently, turned and went downstairs, and went to another room - Ying Lili's studio.

Pushing open the door of this sunny studio, the door hinge made a faint sound, and Sayuri saw her daughter sitting in front of a canvas, painting some new work with oil paint, as expected.

She walked silently, slightly avoiding the completed works on the table or standing on the shelf, and then, out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the shelf three or four meters behind the left rear of Yinglili's chair, where a dust cover was put on the canvas.Sayuri opened the gap with her fingers and saw the content on the canvas.

It was a portrait of the upper body, the body and the background were basically completed, only the head, let alone the hair, did not even have the facial features, and the blank space just formed a circle, like a duck egg.

Then Sayuri looked at the corner of the room, also covered with a cloth, was a pile of picture frames - all of which were scraps that Ying Lili thought were unqualified or impossible to complete.

It's just that Yinglili has never thought about disposing of it. Every time Sayuri quietly brought someone to clean it up, Yinglili didn't say anything about it.

It has changed again.Sayuri clearly discerned that the number there had increased compared to before she set off for Kyushu.

At this time, Ying Lili was going to make new paints, and turned around to find something suitable, only to notice that her mother had come in at some point.

"Mom, you're back." Ying Lili, who was wearing square glasses, looked a little uneasy.

Sayuri knew that her daughter was embarrassed for not being able to come out to welcome her mother home.

"Well, I'm back." Sayuri walked over, pulled an empty high stool beside her, and sat down next to her, "You should have gone in person this time, but people have handed invitations home, but you didn't even read them."

Ying Lili paused her hand looking for the paint, and her smooth movements stopped abruptly, as if a puppet whose screws had been pulled out and lost its ability to move, it sat back weakly.

"...There is nothing to go..." The girl's tone was full of evasion.

As a mother, Sayuri felt distressed, but there was nothing she could do.

Since that day seven years ago, Ying Lili, who lost the Shinomiya dianthus, has been withdrawn from her soul since that day, no longer laughing or lively, and has been shutting herself in the room.

It took Sayuri a year to persuade her to leave her room and go downstairs to paint.

Even so, Ying Lili has never left the house for half a step. She doesn't go to school, doesn't see her friends, and her parents take care of all external contact.

Anything related to the outside world, don't listen, don't look, don't ask, and close yourself firmly.

Sayuri saw her daughter curled up in the corner of the bed at night more than once, weeping secretly.

She tried many comforting methods, but at an early age, losing the most important person, for the child, was undoubtedly a slash in the heart.

Fortunately, Ying Lili is still willing to use painting to fill in the vacant part.Even if she closes her heart, her painting skills are still improving.It's just that Ying Lili has never seen the awards she won outside.

The unfinished paintings in the studio, all portraits, stopped when it was time to paint faces.

You don't even need to think about who is painting.

For everyone, the time frame was completely fixed on Sigong Shizhu that day seven years ago, and no one knew what he should look like now, what kind of expression he would have.

Not to mention Yingli pears.

"I would be a pity not to go." Sayuri tried to speak.

In fact, the daughter has always been very sensible. Even after being so stimulated, she has never lost her temper with her mother in these years.But Xiao Baihe would rather Ying Lili be less unreasonable, even if she yells, it is better than what she is doing now.

Ying Lili, who has not gone out for a long time and lacks exercise, has a sickly fair skin.Fortunately, I didn't suffer from boredom. What needs to be heart disease.

"What a pity?" Ying Lili was puzzled by her mother's speech.

"Little Wanlihua's brother, have you met him?" Sayuri said after thinking about it.

"Brother? She's not an only child..."

Because of unknown information, Ying Lili's thoughts were taken away by her mother.

"I heard that he is an adopted son. He was secretly raised in Tachibana's house in Kyushu until he was a teenager, and it was not made public until... the last few years." Sayuri carefully chose her words, trying to avoid the phrase "seven years ago".

Thinking about it carefully, Tachibana Sixteen Nights is almost the adoptive son who disclosed his identity shortly after Wan Lihua was called back to Tachibana's house after the fire seven years ago.

Probably the Tachibana family thinks that Wanlihua and Sigong Dianthus are still possible, so let's wait and see first.

However, since Sigong Shizhu is no longer alive, it is another matter.

It is very utilitarian, but there is nothing to say - after all, it is someone else's family business.

"However, everyone around me understands that he is an adopted son. He is a "child foster husband" who was specially raised from a young age and will marry Xiao Wanlihua when he grows up. Besides, in the past few years, that boy has also started to act as a substitute for Xiao Wanlihua. Hua's mother takes care of Tachibana's affairs..."

"Wanlihua...does he like him?" Yinglili asked hesitantly.

Then I was also surprised that I was so curious about such a thing that had nothing to do with it.

"I should like it quite a bit, you can tell by looking at your eyes." Said Baihe was thoughtful, "That child is mature, he knows how to behave in the world at a young age, and knows how to please the elders without appearing flattering."

"...Oh..." Ying Lili lowered her head and responded casually.

She felt trapped in a fog, and she couldn't figure out something for a while.

"Furthermore, little Wanlihua will come to Tokyo to study next month, together with her older brother." Sayuri slowly added, "It's at... Xiuzhiyuan."

"Huh?" Ying Lili didn't understand why her mother mentioned this matter.

But she couldn't help but not understand.

—Everyone is there, go meet those old friends.

"School, do you want to go?"

In the end, Sayuri Sawamura asked the usual question like she did every year at this time.

Chapter 12 New Home

After bidding farewell to her mother at Tachibana’s house in Kyushu, Wan Lihua and Izayoi embarked on a journey to Tokyo together. There was no leisure and leisure along the way. I visited several counties in Shizuoka for a day or two.

I originally set off in mid-March, but when I arrived in Tokyo, it was already late March, and in less than a week, it would be April.

As far as the result is concerned, it just caught up with the time period when the cherry blossoms in Tokyo are in full bloom, so it is not too much to delay the schedule.

Arriving at Tachibana's house half a year ago, the mansion in Minato, Tokyo was bought and arranged to be renovated. As soon as she got out of the car, Wan Lihua saw her father standing in the courtyard gate, obviously just came out of it.

"Oh, it's finally here, Wanli, Sixteen Nights, it's really late." Ju Yan seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Oh, Father, we were a little delayed on the road for a few days and played in various places. Anyway, it's the spring break." Wan Lihua immediately went up to greet her, coquettish with her father, "Look, we also brought you local specialties from Izu, you will definitely like it."

"Izu? Did you go to the hot spring?" Tachibana looked at Izayoi.

Sixteen nights was very calm, while directing the people who had been arranged here to take care of him and Wanlihua—mainly Wanlihua—to remove the luggage and souvenirs from the car and put them in a suitable place.

Hearing Juyan asking himself, Izayo smiled, "The hot springs in Izu are good. Although Wan Lihua's body is recovering, it is inevitable that her physique is a little weak. Bubbling in hot springs will help improve her physique."

"Really... I'm not that delicate anymore." Wan Lihua covered her mouth, coyly flirting with Shiliuye.

In fact, she didn't want to play on the road at first, there were plenty of opportunities anyway, but Izayoi specially planned a perfect itinerary for her, which made it hard for her to let go.

"Tch, what a glib boy. Hurry up and get people to move things in, the house has already been packed." Juyan grinned, laughed and cursed at Izayoi, and didn't mention that they arrived in Tokyo several days later than scheduled.

Afterwards, Juyan explained to Shizaye about the new house, and then walked out of the yard.

"Father, is he leaving now? Wan Lihua has just arrived..." Shiliuye hurriedly asked to stay.

"That's to say, Father, at any rate, have dinner before leaving... No, there is your room here, why don't you stay here tonight?"

The residence of Wan Lihua's father is a huge tower apartment three or four blocks away from here.

Because he is the husband of the head of the Tachibana family and also the police chief, the place to live was also decided by Wan Lihua's mother. She bought all the top floors of the apartment and opened it up to become a special residence.

"I'm not the same as you two young people. I have a job." Ju Yan smiled kindly at her daughter—even though the fierce face was smiling warmly, it was still fierce, "If everything goes well, I should be able to come here at night Have a meal."

"Really, that's great." Wan Lihua was very happy, "I will cook myself tonight!"

"Don't push yourself too hard, Wanli." Ju Yan patted his daughter's head, "Just let that boy Shizaye cook."

"Father, you're just joking, my cooking skills are nothing special." Izayo spread his hands and complained, then put away his smiling face and said goodbye seriously, "Then I still have to take care of the chores I'm staying at , I won’t send my father off.”

"It's all right, as long as Wanli is happy." Juyan nodded, and when he was walking out, he stopped for a while when he passed by Izayoi, "I will take some time to come to the "Sakura Field Gate" later. There are some new developments in the matter I mentioned earlier, and I want to hear your opinion."

"Understood." Izayoi responded in a low voice.

Then Ju Yan left here with his accompanying subordinates, and left by car.

Izayoi was not idle either, and continued to direct the staff of the Tachibana's villa to do various housekeeping matters.

Although it was cleaned and repaired in advance, it is almost ready to move in at any time, but after all, there are many things that Juyan arranges according to his own habits, which do not quite conform to the habits of Shizayoi and Wanlihua.

Fortunately, there were enough people, and the packing was done before evening, and only a few people were walking around preparing dinner.

Wan Lihua changed into casual clothes in the room, and tied her hair up with a hair rope. At a glance, Shiliuye knew that she would not be able to stop her from wanting to cook, and she couldn't say anything about the exhaustion of the boat and the car. .

Besides, I also miss Wanlihua's culinary skills a little bit, and it's not bad to try it after a long absence.

"Speaking of which, before my lord father left, I asked my lord elder brother to go to the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department. Is there something important?" Wan Lihua took off the marigold hairpin pinned to her right temple and replaced it with a simple one. little clip.

Shiliuye was counting the materials and documents he had brought to see if there were any omissions so that he could contact Kyushu. When he heard Wan Lihua's question, he stopped.

"That, it's nothing more than the case of the Metropolitan Police Department. The case is a bit complicated, and the investigation is complicated. I want to borrow the brains of an outsider like me."

"Hey...that's amazing."

In fact, it was the first time Wan Lihua heard about it. It took her father a lot of time to accept Shizayo who had changed his identity. Wan Lihua was surprised that he would ask about police work in this way.

"After all... someone was killed. Although my father is a bit strict, at least he has a much more sense of justice than someone like me." Izayoi said naturally.

When he came to Tokyo, he thought he had a clear conscience about what he was going to do, but he also knew that if he proceeded, he would definitely hurt some people, either close or unrelated.

"So, I'm also very happy to be able to help Father." Sixteen nights couldn't help laughing when he said this.

At this time, Wan Lihua gently hugged him from behind.

"That's not the case, brother is also very good."

"...Well, that's true."

Feeling the tenderness from Wanlihua, Izayoi also responded with the same temperature.

Only then did Wanlihua let go.

"Then I'm going to cook, and today I will make some dishes that my brother likes to eat."

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