"Then I'll go to the Student Union to apply later to see if I can add a microwave to the activity room, so that I can have hot meals at noon in the future." Izayoi raised his finger.

Wan Lihua was also quite happy, and immediately put her arms around Izayoi's arm and began to act like a baby, "You still understand me~~"

"Of course." He patted the back of her hand lightly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was just right, Wan Lihua started to mention another matter, "That... I don't know if it's my illusion, I feel that Xiao Ai... seems to have a lot of opinions on you."

"Really? Is it because I, as 'Tianchi Izayoi', am not familiar with her, that you feel this way?" Izayoi carefully avoided the topic.

Wan Lihua, on the other hand, strengthened her opinion, "It's not true, even with sister Hui Ye's temper, you can build a good relationship from scratch, it's impossible for Xiao Ai to have such a good personality—"

"Really?" Sixteen Nights laughed.

This time Wan Lihua was also questioned. To be honest, thinking about the experience of playing together when she was a child, Hayasaka was actually quite mean-spirited. From time to time, she came up with some strange ideas to tease everyone. If she had the help of Shizhu, she would work even harder.

"Well, pretend I didn't say it." Wan Lihua stuck out her tongue, "But...Even so, I don't think there is any reason for you to be hated, brother?"

"Not necessarily." Sixteen Nights calmly explained, "Think about it, if it wasn't you but someone else who assisted me in escaping back then, you would have received the news of my death—"

After that, six or seven years later, when I saw the friends I used to play with again, I thought I liked someone like Shizhu, but suddenly a stranger appeared beside me...

After being reminded by Shiliuye, Wanlihua fully understood the current situation after trying to understand this layer.

She already knew what Hayasaka said about "revealing anger" before, but she never thought that Izayoi, as a seemingly "irrelevant person", would be angered here.

"Even so..." Wan Lihua let go of his arm, and entered the club activity room first, "There must be some way to improve the relationship, so as not to—"

She was about to reveal her identity when Hayasaka thought of how embarrassed she would be towards him now, when she heard Izayoi click and lock the door of the club activity room.

"Huh..." Wan Lihua squinted her eyes, her heart throbbing suddenly.

Sixteen nights lowered his eyes, with an ambiguous smile, "You know, Wanlihua, I only have two states of food and color, but now, I'm full~~"

"Hey hey..." Wan Lihua felt her heart beating a little faster, she pretended to be reserved, "but now we are in school—"

"That's why I locked the door." Shizaya put his arms around Wanlihua's waist.

She backed up little by little following his pace, and didn't stop until she leaned against the edge of the long table.She raised her face in response to Izayoi kissing her lips.

Her body, which was still a little tense because of being at school, gradually relaxed, and her body became softer and slightly hotter.

It seems that the whole person has been melted into a soft mass, and it fits tightly with Izayoi's body, becoming a tight fit little by little, leaving no gaps.

She squeezed her lips tightly to suppress the voice in her throat, but she always hummed unconsciously.

It seemed like a long time had passed before she lifted her head weakly from his embrace, then lowered her head gently, panting in his chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart.

The words were replaced by kisses, and the silence continued.

"What should I do...the clothes are wrinkled everywhere...and dirty...you will definitely be found when you go back, right?"

After recovering from the happiness, when watching Izayoi start to clean up the mess, she couldn't help but start to worry.

Saying this, Wan Lihua sat softly on the chair and lay down on the edge of the table, her legs were a little weak now, without Shizayoi supporting her waist, she might have sat on the ground long ago.

"Don't worry, there are spare clothes here." Izayo found a clean and tidy uniform from the cabinet in the corner, and put it in front of her. ?”

"Then you change it for me?" Wan Lihua couldn't help but blush now even if they faced each other day and night.

She really wanted to complain about whether Izayo had premeditated it, but after thinking about it, she didn't seem very confident when she was climbing along the path, so she didn't care about it anymore.

So Izayo held her and sat on the table again, then carefully helped her take off the messy uniform, and then slowly helped her put on new clothes.

"To be honest, I was shocked." Wan Lihua coquettishly told Shizaiye in a low voice, "Suddenly want to do it in this place... You are not so casual usually. Except for the bathroom and bedroom, other places are not allowed..."

"Then consider the feelings of both parties at that time. It's okay if you don't feel well." Shizaiye said and pecked her lips lightly, "But I'm not a serious person, and sometimes I have such weird interests... Let's take it as an example, okay?"

"How come... people don't mind, just think that if you don't restrain yourself, it will inevitably spread." Wan Lihua said coyly, "Next time... at least let people be mentally prepared. I planned to talk to you about something serious."

She was talking, and was gently hugged by Izayoi, and he helped her pull the zipper on the back of the uniform skirt from behind in this way.

"That's right." After changing her clothes, Izayoi stroked her back and hair with his hands, "I'm sorry."

Then, the two laughed together.

Chapter 35 The Volunteer Takes the Bait

"Oh, only you are here."

After school, after opening the door of the club activity room, I saw Ai Hayasaka and Mako Shijo sitting in the classroom with the curtains drawn. The two were watching a movie on the computer together.

Hearing his greeting, Concubine Zhen immediately looked away from the screen, and Hayasaka took advantage of the situation and pressed the pause button.

Concubine Zhen tilted her head and said with a smile: "This statement is a bit strange, why don't you tell me if Wanlihua came?"

"Of course I know if Wanlihua won't come." Shizaya walked over and put the schoolbag on the chair, "Sawamura-san is a little unwell today, Wanlihua sent her back."

Although the email only said that he was not feeling well, Izayoi only needed to think a little bit to know that it was mostly related to menstrual periods and the like.

I hope that there is no endocrine disorder caused by long-term seclusion, which will cause the disorder of physiological date.

Thinking of this, Izayo was silently worried again, and decided to ask at night.

He walked over while talking, poked his head out to look at the computer screen, ""Nijigasaki Academy Idol Club"? It's a good thing you two are willing to sit here and watch the idol show together..."

"It was recommended by Wan Lihua, and she even brought BD here." Concubine Zhen stretched her waist, "It looks interesting, have you seen it?"

"Catch up with Wan Lihua to update the premiere every week." Sixteen Nights smiled.

"Really." Concubine Zhen was not surprised.

As for what Shiliuye thought, she didn't want to delve into it too deeply, and accidentally uncovered the scar that shouldn't be uncovered, which would be very troublesome for Concubine Zhen.

Hayasaka looked up at him, hesitated to speak, and finally just pursed his lips tightly without saying a word.

"But there's a projector here, why squeeze in front of such a small computer screen."

He is very familiar with the plot, especially the development of Chapter No.11, and he doesn't intend to squeeze in and sit here and review it with them.

"What do we think, is it important to Master Tachibana?" Hayasaka finally said, "Or is it against the purpose of the Film Studies Club's activities to say that not using a projector?"

The words that came out were slightly gunpowder-smelling, and they were more obvious and unfriendly than before.

Hearing this, Izayoi had basically figured out the situation.

Accompanied by his meaningful smile, Hayasaka's face flushed faintly.

Sudden pulling Wan Lihua to do that kind of thing during the lunch break, although it is a daily behavior that you like and I like, in the final analysis, it is not the way Izayo likes.

It was only two days after Hayasaka joined the club, he discovered the bug she set up.

After going to the student union, Kaguya's attitude didn't reveal much, so this matter was not ordered by Kaguya, but by Hayasaka's instructions from the Shinomiya main family... more precisely, Shinomiya Koko.

Of course, Izayo thought that Huang Guang only asked her to monitor, and the specific monitoring method was decided by Hayasaka himself.

He can determine this based on past knowledge.

He just discovered the existence of the bug, and dismantling it rashly will only expose his vigilance and anti-reconnaissance capabilities. Maybe Hayasaka will use a more secretive method next time.

That would only lead to endless reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

Furthermore, if she knew about such a thing but remained silent about it... Such an ambiguous attitude would definitely make her aware of something.

For example, the purpose of my coming to Tokyo...for example, my true identity...

The only way to avoid complications is to let Hayasaka back down.

But for this seemingly submissive and reliable maidservant, who is actually quite assertive and intelligent, how to make her find it difficult is the key point.

Therefore, the method Izayoi chose is very simple...H.

Deliberately doing something unhealthy in the club room, and letting Hayasaka, who didn't come here but tried to monitor it, hear it... For an untrained girl, the impact is naturally extraordinary.

In order to pursue authenticity, he didn't tell Wanlihua all this... After all, if he wanted to explain it, he had to start with Hayasaka's multiple identities. It was still troublesome to think about it, and he wanted to wait until later.

Originally, it was to spy on Izayoi's words and deeds, so as to inquire about the Tachibana family's information, but now that it came out, Hayasaka naturally chose to give up quietly.

"How could it be? What purpose does the club have? The club was originally created to allow Wan Lihua to enjoy school life. It can bring you old friends together. Nothing can make her happier than this." Sixteen Ye walked to the shelf and put the books and BD boxes he brought in the empty space.

Calmly pretending to be unaware, he swept across the place where the bug was placed, and he was sure that Hayasaka retreated in spite of the difficulties.

"Really." Hayasaka responded meaningfully.

Concubine Zhen smelled this delicate atmosphere, and instinctively felt a headache.

She really didn't know where Izayoi offended Hayasaka, and she couldn't do anything to mediate.

"Well... do you want to come and watch it together?" Concubine Zhen asked with her mouth pouted.

"Huh?" Hayasaka was taken aback.

Sixteen nights just shook his head, "No, I have to go back earlier today. I just put down my things when I came here, so I won't accompany you. Remember to turn off the lights and return the classroom keys when you leave."

"Is it time to leave?" Concubine Zhen was a little disappointed.

"My lord father wants me to go there, you understand." Sixteen nights looked helpless.

"Got it, got it." Concubine Zhen leaned against the table with one hand resting on her chest, her eyes flicked back and forth between the screen and Izayoi, "Anyway, you old man is too busy to play with us kids."

"Then after this period of time is over, I invite you to go out to eat, go shopping and watch a movie." Sixteen nights said seriously.

Concubine Zhen's eyes lit up, "Really? Wanlihua is also together?"

"Let me think about it..." Izayoi smiled implicitly, "How about just the two of us?"

"...Ah...ah..." Concubine Zhen hesitated.

But Izayoi had already laughed and picked up his schoolbag, turned around and left the door of the activity room.Concubine Zhen, who realized that she had been tricked a little later, could only yell "What!" to the closed door of the activity room.

"It's surprising that Miss Zhenfei still hesitates about such a question," Hayasaka said.

"I-I didn't hesitate, okay! It's because that guy didn't play cards according to common sense!" Concubine Zhen hurriedly argued, "How, how could it be possible for me to go on a date with Wan Lihua's brother... or something..."

It's a pity that her explanation was hesitant, and a discerning person would know what she was thinking at a glance.

"Do you still want to watch it? Or are you going to break up here today?" Hayasaka did not continue this topic.

Concubine Zhen was stunned, then nodded slowly, "Well, let's finish reading. Anyway, there is nothing else to do..."

Chapter 36 Ai Hayasaka's Indignation

Ai Hayasaka has been busy all day.

On the contrary, it was a relatively relaxed time during the school year. Although at the beginning, out of the mood of completing the monitoring task, Wanlihua's club was just announced as the first new member to submit the look.

She couldn't deny, however, that spending time in that activity room was the most relaxing part of the day.

Watch a movie, talk about light topics and pass.

Even if you think about paying attention to this or that, you will quickly forget it.

"Thank you, Miss Kaguya. The young lady of Yamate Transportation has already returned."

At nine o'clock in the evening, after entertaining the visiting guests, Hayasaka followed Kaguya back to her room, and routinely waited in her bedroom until Kaguya's bedtime at ten o'clock.

"It's really not easy today, I have to receive guests." Hui Ye habitually lamented the exhaustion of this kind of social affairs, and sat on the side of the bed.

"But Miss Kaguya's performance today was also perfect, there is no problem at all." Hayasaka reported truthfully.

Hui Ye smiled, as a way of expressing her approval, she stretched her waist, and suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, Student Tachibana has never come to visit, right?"

"Yes." Hayasaka nodded.

Tachibana Izayo and Tachibana Wanlihua lived together in Tokyo for almost a month. During this period, only Wanlihua came to visit once a week, and Izayoi never visited the door in person.

From Hui Ye's point of view, it was probably because the other party felt that she was not familiar with her, so he felt that it was more appropriate to only let Wan Lihua come over.

"Speaking of which..." Kaguya curled up his legs and sat on the bed, "When I went to the student union after school in the afternoon, I met Tachibana-san, so I invited him to come to the villa as a guest."

"How did Tachibana answer?" Hayasaka asked.

Kaguya shook his head, "Student Tachibana refused. He said that I am the only female member of the Shinomiya family in the Shinomiya villa. It is not appropriate for an unmarried man like him to visit at random. If there is something important to convey, just tell Wan Lihua."

"I see." Hayasaka was not surprised by this.

Regardless of personal impressions, in the final analysis, Tachibana Izayoi's face outside is indeed a steady and thoughtful type.

Compared with Kaguya's easy sentimentality, that person is extraordinarily rational and calm.

"Honestly speaking, when I proposed the invitation, I just thought I should invite it. That person often comes to the student union, and he is also Wan Lihua's brother-in-law... It would be better to build a good social relationship..."

When Kaguya mentioned this, his expression softened unconsciously, and disappointment overflowed from the depths of his eyes.

"It seems that Miss Hui Ye is quite interested in the matter of Young Master Tachibana."

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