My lord, I want more. "

Just like a child, it is logical to ask the adult in front of him for food that can satisfy his hunger.

As the child's voice sounded, Erte Luqi's face became more rosy.

It can be felt that the feeling of being sticky and wet is becoming more and more obvious.

Where are the clothes already...soaked.

The milky fragrance with a touch of fishy smell gradually spread in the air.

My heartbeat accelerated, and I wanted to avoid this request, rather than avoiding the child's foul smile.


Totally impossible.

Eltruchi bit her lips lightly, her slightly raised hand grabbed the hem of her waist.

Slowly pull it up, and then...

The flat lower abdomen has a delicate and pleasing sensuality, and the snow-white skin is still sprinkled with a thin layer of coconut, which is full of seductive sweetness, making people want to stick out their tongues and gently lick the delicate skin. skin.

Snow-white hemisphere, glowing with light pink blush cherry kernels.

There, food that is extremely attractive to babies is slowly flowing out.

Zi Yi raised her head slightly, her slightly parted lips gently embraced the upright cherry red.

Gently sucking and sucking, feeling the subtle taste rippling in the mouth.

It's like milk, but with a hint of honey sweetness, and that incredible strawberry taste...  


It was breakfast time, but this was the second time for Zi Yi.

Her mother hasn't come yet, after all, as a child, she has made her dear mother quite miserable.

Although she just moved some hands and feet somewhere, but for that mother, she was really exhausted physically and mentally, and she didn't even have the strength to get out of bed and wash her body.

In the end, she, the child, helped her mother and adults complete everything.

She is really an obedient and sensible child~

The smile on the corner of the mouth was so charming that a certain "sister" who was at the table couldn't help but be attracted.

She had a reddish pretty face, and her bright red eyes seemed to have a layer of watery light.

Like yesterday, like then.

It really was a delicious day.

The appearance of the beautiful sister snuggling in her arms and begging her face really makes people feel like "appetizing".

Yes, it is like that.

Because the stomach was full, Zi Yi didn't eat anything at all.

In addition, the food in Millennium City is really mediocre, and it belongs to the category that can be eaten in the stomach.

But it is understandable, after all, there are only two people living in the Millennium City, and these two people cannot be regarded as human beings, and they don't have the necessary food needs like ordinary people.

Especially the existence of a near-perfect true ancestor like Alquite.

Although he has a blood need similar to that of Alteluchi, Alquite can completely suppress the need for blood with his own will.

It is even said to permanently abandon this impulse, and it only takes some time to complete this requirement.

There is no need to eat, not even blood, so it is a great thing to have food that humans can taste here.

Well, it was brought by Zhu Yue.

Because of some curiosity, Zi Yi took a little look at the fate of this world, especially the fate of Zhu Yue.

After all, it was her own world, and the so-called fate was like a special diary that belonged to her.

And as her own thing, she naturally looked at it whenever she wanted.


She was referring to Zhu Yue.

In the past, Zhu Yue, who was not afraid of anything, could even be said to be terrified of the air, would now be afraid of her daughter because of her existence. For Zhu Yue, who is the King of the Moon, there is no doubt that An interesting thing.

After all, it is Zhu Yue, the king of the moon, and both Alquite and Eltruchi can be said to belong to her creation.

This is the case where the blended creature defies the Creator.

Although such things do exist, they cannot change the meaning of irony.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zi Yi took care of his messy thoughts in a short moment of thought.

Although I just wanted to see Zhu Yue's fate at the beginning, but because some fates involved her existence, I also watched it together.

It's not a big deal, but it's all kind of fun.

But it's quite surprising, I didn't care about the so-called Holy Grail War, I didn't care about his existence, but the so-called fate still made him and the child have a relationship with her.

Strictly speaking, it was she who wanted to have a relationship with her.

The reason for having such an idea was that the other party saw her existence.

Weber, or El-Melloi II.

Obviously she doesn't have any thoughts about him and the people around her, but now it's all right, that child is already thinking about how to send herself to her side, use herself as capital to please her, use herself, even say yes The entire El-Melloi faction for her pleasure and bounty.

And the purpose of doing this is also very simple, for the "eternity" of the El-Melloi faction.

It's good, she doesn't hate being approached with ulterior motives like this.

Because this is a very sincere performance for her.

And among magicians, how many people can do this?

She can even say that she has none.

At this point, even Qingzi and his elder sister couldn't do it.

they can

But they won't do it.

Because there is no so-called need, and she, the current family of the El-Melloi faction, Reinis, she... has!

With a smile on his face, he looked at Elder Elquet who was at the side.

"Sister Alquette..."

There was another sister, the body tensed suddenly, and the joy that danced in the eyes.

This is the current Alquette.

A somewhat lovable idiot.

Well, that's it.

Ziyi looked into her eyes, but she lowered her head slightly, not daring to meet Ziyi's eyes.

Looking into Ziyi's eyes, Alquette couldn't control what happened between him and Ziyi yesterday.

Although she is often called an idiot by her own mother, she is not really an idiot.

Even if she is an idiot, she also knows that what Ziyi and herself did yesterday completely surpassed Ziyi's request at the beginning, and also completely surpassed the interaction between sister and younger sister.


I can't refuse, and I don't hate it, but I kind of... like it.

An unspeakable liking, but this liking must not be a false feeling, but a real existence.

"Can you take me out to play?"

Ruannuo's words are like grass touched by the breeze, gently scratching something.


Answered completely without thinking.

Facing Ziyi's request, Alquette couldn't refuse at all.

At this moment, she even forgot that she couldn't leave the Millennium City at will.

The moment he heard Ziyi's request, Alquite felt a hundred of his own power flowing in his body.

As long as it is Ziyi's request to her, then she can have no fear!

Zhu Yue who happened to be walking couldn't help but stop.

She heard it, but some idiot didn't notice her.

want to go out?

After a moment of thinking, an answer was quickly given.

I have no ability to refuse, so I can only choose to let it go.

After all, the relationship between her and that adult is like throwing an egg at a rock, but she is not a rock, but an egg, and the other party is the rock.

Hit a rock with an egg, and the end result is completely obvious.

So she had only one choice.

The stopped pace started again, and with a dry cough, she appeared in front of Alquite and Ziyi.


Slightly taken aback, but soon came back to his senses.

That idiot is not important now, let's make this adult happy first.

Since you want to hang out with Alquette, then go ahead and go as much as you want.

The better the relationship between Alquette and that adult, the better it is for her.

If it wasn't for the lack of self-confidence, she would have thought of selling herself!

After all, this lord is now the strongest without a doubt.

And isn't it natural for the weak to submit to the strong?

This was the reason why she attacked the earth in the first place.

And this is the style of Zhu Yue who is the King of the Moon.

Whether the strength is strong or not determines everything in everything!

330 seven, irritated Reinis

Millennium outside the city.

The obvious look of joy hangs on Alquette's face.

This is the first time she has left the Millennium City openly, the castle where she has lived for too long, a beautiful cage.

And this beauty is not literally beautiful.

Especially for Al Quite!

The breeze named freedom blows the figure outlined by the white dress, with a joyful smile on her face, she is as beautiful as an elf flying among the flowers, dancing gently among the blooming flowers, seeing praises silently the freedom of the moment.

That was Alquiet's desire.

And now, she has fulfilled what she has always wanted.

She left the castle, left her mother, and stepped into the land outside the castle down-to-earth.

To Ziyi, Alquette is like a child, and a child who will not grow up.

Although it was a bit weird to say that, she knew very well that Alquette was such a person.

She has already read the script called fate, she has such qualifications to say such words.

Whether in the past or now, Alquette is a big kid who can't grow up.

This is her, this is Alquette.

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