Even the rice balls made by Fufu are much better than those made by her mother.

At least what Fufu makes can be eaten, and what my mother made...

In short, it belongs to the kind of mineral that is completely different from food.

She couldn't even figure out how her own mother did this.

After all, what is squeezed out of food is completely another thing.

It was not my mother who made the bento, but Sakura and Iori.

Although it is a bento, it has two styles.

The arrangement of meat and vegetables is completely two styles.

And it seems that that idiot Iori is responsible for meat, which is what she likes to eat, while Sakura is responsible for vegetables.

"And fruit."

Another bento box, but noticeably smaller. "I prepared it all for Ziyi myself!"

Prepare yourself...

Although I don't want to expose this simple lie, but...

To be precise, the saying that I prepared it myself should be that I personally asked Sakura and that idiot Yiori.

Opened fruit, that familiar feeling is...Grey that kid!

Even the fruit needs other people to help prepare it!

And it's Gray!

Zi Yi didn't know what to say anymore.

But looking at the smile on her mother's face and the expectation in her eyes, Zi Yi silently extinguished all the thoughts in her heart.

The bento is delicious, after all, it was prepared by Sakura and that idiot Iori.

Yizhi's cooking skills can not be lost to anyone.

Speaking of which, that idiot learned from Medea at the beginning, but it didn't take long for him to surpass Medea as a teacher.

She remembered clearly that one night Medea used this reason to beg her for comfort.

And the result naturally needless to say.

The bento is delicious, even the bland vegetables are delicious.

Although this is inevitable, it seems that it is because of the feeding of the mother, which makes this delicacy even more delicious.

A unique taste.

The so-called emotion...

Chewing slowly, the cheeks bulged slightly, like two small buns.

Erte Luqi looked at her child with a smile, the smile on her face was extraordinarily gentle, and the taste rippling in her heart was so sweet.

The bento gradually bottomed out and disappeared.

Zi Yi has already narrowed her eyes, snuggling into Erte Luqi's arms.

It wasn't just becoming that disappeared, she also ate up all the fruits.

Eltruchi also ate, but only tasted a little bit, and most of the dishes went into her stomach.

As the saying goes, mothers always leave delicious food to their children.

And that was the case with Eltruchi just now.

Because of eating too much, Ziyi felt that his stomach was being stretched out, as if he had stuffed the tentacles of his soul into his stomach.

The whole person felt his stomach was bulging, as if something was about to flow out from an unknown place.

Astringent feeling, obviously full.

Is it because you haven't eaten much recently?

Or is it time to evolve again.

With the change in strength and the increase in the number of evolutions, her perception of evolution has become less and less clear than in the past.

That feeling became hazy, blurred.

According to the system, this means that her life level has entered an extremely important stage.

Another formal leap that symbolizes the level of life.

To put it simply, as the strength becomes stronger, some things not only do not become easier, but become more troublesome.

Forget it, I don't want to.

Just come and evolve.

Although I am absolutely sure that my current strength is enough to use, but the strength... the stronger the better.

Just like money, most people think that the more the better, and when the amount of money reaches a certain height, the thinking will be changed.

Enough money to generate new ideas and change the original vision.

...same as my mother.

Listening to Eltruchi's heartbeat.

Her heart is a little messed up.

I was thinking about weird things again.

He clearly said that he would not leave her after this time.

But after all, it's my own fault.

What she didn't think was a problem at first had a big impact on Erte Luqi.

Back then, she didn't have that kind of thought, and if she made that kind of move, then nothing would happen.

There is no so-called if, because such a thing should not exist.

The loud siren sounded slowly, and with the rattling gears, the train stopped smoothly in front of the platform.

330, closely connected world

The train has arrived.

This is... England.

Amazing, right?

After all, he was still on the small island of Neon before, but now he has come to Britain, which is at the other end and has few neighbors with Neon.

If you are flying, then everything is not a problem.

But it was obvious that Ziyi and Eltruchi were not on a plane, but on a train.

And such a miraculous scene is the status quo of this world, and it is also the creation of all the necessary knowledge about world reconstruction that Ziyi obtained from Yogsothos, that is, Bubbles, through the Silver Key. product.

One thing to say, the knowledge of Bubbles is very useful.

That is, many methods of committing crimes have side effects, large or small.

Finding a perfect fit from that vast body of knowledge takes a fraction of the time.

Today's world is still the earth, but the relationship between continents is completely different from before.

The so-called neighbor relationship.

Scattered continents have disappeared.

It's just that this disappearance is not the kind of disappearance from the earth plate, but a more interesting change.

Looking at the earth from outside the universe, you will find that 90.00% of the current earth is ocean, and the only one percent is the continent.

Compared with the past, the land area has not changed at all, but every continent, every piece of land and every piece of land has become one, becoming a so-called neighbor.

Each of the continental plates are spliced ​​together to form a huge continent.

However, this splicing is not a complete splicing, but a subtle relationship.

From the outside it looks like the once scattered continents are all connected, but they aren't.

There is a layer of transparent color septum that can be seen between each plate that is not connected originally.

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And the shuttle needs to follow the rules.

The rules from the world, in the rules, only things that have been granted authority can travel through the diaphragm, so as to shuttle from one country to another.

And the founder of the rules is naturally Zi Yi.

People living in this world do not feel any curiosity about the changes in the world, and their thinking has been changed and corrected under the ideas of Zi Yi and Alaya.

The whole world can perfectly follow Zi Yi's will, and the rule setting of the diaphragm is based on this.

Thus, they complete the journey from Neon to England.

The moment they got off the train and stepped onto the platform, they truly came to England.

The breath of the exotic came to the face.

And Ziyi and Elte Lucy are already familiar with this.

Before meeting Ziyi, Elt Lucy was mostly active in England, and she went to Fuyuki City only because of the harassment of some annoying guy.

And now, that guy is dead, the kind who can't die anymore.

It was the first time for Zi Yi to come here, but for her who can dominate the world with her will, the first time can be equal to countless times.

Although I have been to the Clock Tower before, and the Clock Tower is in the UK, I have only been to the Clock Tower.

After all, there is nothing very special about Britain.

Walking on the streets of foreign countries, a different kind of style comes oncoming.

Eltruchi held Ziyi's hand with a sweet smile on her face.

She is really beautiful in this state.

No one disturbed, and the invisible prohibition surrounded the surroundings, cutting off all aspects of imagination in a special form.

Ziyi felt a little possessive in her heart.

And saying it like that is as fun as slicing meat into thin, thick slices.

Walking slowly on the streets of this country, stopping from time to time, in front of those scented stalls.

Although it is the UK, it still has a lot of good snacks.

How to say that life is always improving, even for how stupid people are.

So the snacks in this country are not bad.

The steaming hot dog buns are covered with nice sauces, although it looks like all kinds of seasonings have been smeared indiscriminately, without any aesthetic feeling.

But the taste doesn't lie.

good to eat.

Although I have eaten a lot on the train, I think this small snack is undoubtedly filled by another stomach.

Erte Luqi held a tissue in her hand, and gently wiped the sauce on the corner of Ziyi's mouth.

She originally wanted to use a more intimate method to wipe off the sauce and debris from the corners of her child's mouth, but considering that this was a street, the shyness that remained in her heart finally broke her idea.

Maybe next time it will be fine.

As she thought about it, the stirring tenderness in her heart was so hot.

Stopping again, Erte Luqi frowned slightly.

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