Obviously the body is sending out signals of joy, but the powerless soul and will are still struggling.

Ha ha, what an enviable love.

But it is precisely because of this that it is worth being destroyed.

Beautiful things are meant to be destroyed.

Of course, what belongs to her is not included in this list.

The so-called selfishness, but man is such a creature.

Although she has long been inhuman, she is walking in various worlds with a human posture after all.

"Am I wrong?"

Ziyi lifted Takamiya Mio's chin with her index finger, and smiled more playfully looking at the eyes that gradually turned into desire.

"I will never admit defeat!"

She gritted her teeth, a wisp of blood trickled down the corner of her mouth in an instant, and finally dripped on the proud and upright snow peak.

The pink and tender skin was immediately stained with a layer of blood, but Zi Yi didn't care.

She wiped away the smear of blood with Takamiya Mio's wetness, and wiped away the redness at the corners of her mouth with her own lips.

Then she cupped Takamiya Mio's cheek with her own hands.

"Did you know? There is no way to kill yourself by biting your tongue. Even if you bite your tongue, it will only bring you temporary sobriety and long-term pain."

"By the way, he is coming here, are you going to shout? My dear Siyuan Elf, this should be your best chance."

Itsuka Shidou looked at the empty park, feeling uneasy lingering in his heart.

He swallowed.

He told himself to go back quickly, if the frozen food in the bag was not put in the refrigerator quickly, it would quickly melt.

It even stinks.

But there was another voice in his heart.

And that voice let him in, there was something very important to him inside, someone needed his help.

But where is anyone here?

The park in front of me was empty, there was no one there, and the quietness made people feel scary.

Gritting his teeth, Itsuka Shidou made a choice.

He goes into the park.

At the same time, the dawn of hope appeared in Takamiya Mio's gradually diverging eyes. She saw hope, she was a true scholar!

He is coming for me!

Joy emerged in my heart, but then despair hit like a tide.

She saw that devil's smiling face!

What is she going to do!

Is she going to kill Zhenshi!


She will never allow it!She tried to struggle, but those tentacles that entwined her tightly turned into icy chains at some point. On the dark chains, countless golden inscriptions surged on the chains, absorbing her spirit vigorously. force.

Do not!

Not just spiritual power, but also her angels!

She could feel that her angel was being eroded by the power in the chain, and then it was forcefully stripped from her body.

The itching pain continuously stimulated Takamiya Mio's body, and the water splashed again, completely wetting the wooden chair under her.

The limp body twitched slightly, and Zi Yi looked at her with such a gentle smile.

She stroked Takamiya Mio's cheek that was still hot, and leaned over to her ear.

"Did you know that flowers are most beautiful when they are in full bloom?"

Zi Yi caressed the flower's fingers and slowly moved down along the lines of the branches......

Takamiya Mio's eyes were wide open, the poignant eyes were already full of despair.

240 Six, Angel's Sorrow

The end of twilight is like the embers after a flame dies.

The park is empty, and there is no one in people's eyes.

But on the bench that was already wet, the naked girl stared blankly at the lush sky above.

She is still alive, her heart is still beating vigorously.

But her heart died.

Yes, dead, even in throbbing.

Ziyi crouched in front of the bench, smiling at the dull face.

"How do you feel now?"

Her smile is like a spring breeze, like catkins blown by the wind brushing her hair.

It's like the clear running water passing through the heart, bringing a little bit of coolness without losing that kind of tenderness.

That smile is beautiful, but also scary.

Especially for the desperate Siyuan elf in front of him.

Abandoned by a lover, even if he doesn't know it.

But she gave Wuhe Shidao a choice.

Even Takamiya Mio's voice came to his ears.

The so-called human heart seems to be like this, even if she poured black on the bright red heart herself.

This doesn't seem fair.

Indeed, that was unfair to Takamiya Mio.

But for the creator of her game, that is fairness, and no one is even fairer than her.

This is the case.

Just because of one fact.

And the fact is surprisingly simple, I am stronger than you.

The world works like this too, the so-called law of the jungle, the so-called natural selection.

The latter has nothing to do with current affairs, but it's not bad either.

After all, the rules are made by her, a filthy pervert, so her words are reality, the truth above lies.

"There is only a little time left, do you have anything else to say?"

She smiled and looked at Takamiya Mio, whose heart had died. Her heart was indeed dead, but her body was still alive.

Even if she has stripped her spiritual power and angels, this body as a container is still powerful.

So she's still alive...

Touching the cheeks that were no longer hot, she looked like a corpse.

But she is not.

She's alive, just doesn't want to talk to her, like an angry child.

It's just that the anger in her heart is extremely strong.

But so what?

Emotions don't bring her any strength

the amount.

The anger and friendship in the story seem to bring strength, but it doesn't.

Emotions never give much power, they only serve to connect.

And now Takamiya Mio has nothing left.

Ziyi felt a little bored.

It was time for her to go back to dinner.

"Then you go first."

Ziyi stood up, but Takamiya Mio, who looked like a corpse, grabbed her calf firmly.


Zi Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, looking playful.

"Finally willing to talk to me?"

"Don't hurt her..."

Those dull eyes were full of lifelessness, and the originally beautiful eyes looked so ugly at this moment.

"Do you like her that much?"

There was no smile on Zi Yi's face, she looked at Takamiya Mio who was begging her with a blank face, as indifferent as a machine.

But she is not.

It's just that she is a little unhappy now.

It's just because of Chonggong Mio's love for that Chonggong Zhenshi or Wuhe Shidao.

She does have some jealousy, which is nothing to admit.

But more still curious.

Why is this happening?

She obviously threw Takamiya Mio into the vortex of desire many times, she should have sunk into it long ago and become her slave, but the reality now is not like this.

Takamiya Mio does have a crush on her, but that's because of her beauty, her body, the pleasure she can give her.

In those feelings alone there is no so-called love.

This is the case.

In a sense, she lost, and she lost completely.

"Do not."

She looked into Takamiya Mio's eyes, and uttered cold words.

Then she killed Takamiya Mio and completely annihilated her body.

And at that last moment, the woman still had pleading for her in her eyes.

Ridiculous affection.

Zi Yi's expression was extremely cold.

Jealousy, that does exist, that's what she is.

Besides, she is not human.

It was raining in the sky, and the ashes of the evening had been covered by sudden dark clouds.

The world is mourning because of the death of the Siyuan Spirit.

And she is the murderer who caused all this, the world is resisting her existence, because she cut off the way of the world's evolution,

According to the original boring fate, this world will be sublimated with the return of Takamiya Mio.

But now that Takamiya Mio is dead, the three powers that originally belonged to the sky, the earth, and the sea have all disappeared, and the path to sublimation has been cut off. How can the world not be angry?

Thunder and lightning rolled between the dark clouds, and Zi Yi just looked at everything in front of him indifferently.

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