Classic elder work arrangement.

Sitting next to Guang Zichao, Wu Qiong and Zhou Jinjin looked at each other, Keya was sitting on the armrest beside him, Zaochi, Leng Xue, Bai Mengfei, and Liang Liang were all there.

After getting along for so long, I feel a little bit reluctant. One by one, I got up and walked towards Xu Xuan, wanting to get close to her. Girls are like this. They will get close to those poor and cute things. That’s why sometimes girlfriends choose to cling to you. , A large part of it is not because of your masculine charm, but because they think you are cute and silly from the bottom of their hearts.

Guang Zichao and Bai Mengfei were the most calm two of them. The group chatted there, and their eyes were red as they chatted, but Guang Zichao never chose to participate. Bai Mengfei immediately brought coffee He sat on the sofa on the left side of Guang Zichao.

The two had a high degree of tacit understanding, Bai Mengfei just handed him the coffee, Guang Zichao didn't even look at him, he reached out to touch the coffee table, took out the sugar bag in the weaving basin, and tore open the paper package, and poured half of the sugar inside into that cup of coffee.

"Huh~" Bai Mengfei breathed lightly, holding a long-handled spoon in her left hand, stirring it gently.

Concubine Bai Meng doesn't really like such touching pictures, which is very different from the nature of her work. It's like writing horror novels, watching novels, movies, and comics about criminal investigation, suspense, and supernatural, and looking for them. Inspiration, but it’s best not to go to some other subjects with a large span. It’s like saying that she watched the TV series of the Old Three Kingdoms. It was very good, but the follow-up will lead to the next three or four days. The conversations became very civilized, and from then on, she could only reluctantly put it aside for the time being.

When you choose one thing, you often have to give up other things that are completely different from it...

On the other hand, Guang Zichao on the other side is very different from Bai Mengfei's thinking. He can't do the other side's clear-cut imagination. The reason why he maintains such indifference is that as long as he can clearly see the other side The entry, the entry clearly stated that she was a little unconvinced, so she chose to leave.

I often heard from Xiang Feng, or people around me, that Xu Xuan has a bad temper, a bad temper, but Guang Zichao has never seen her angry, because he has always kept a reasonable distance from Xu Xuan , since you are a person with a temper, when you encounter such a thing, did you not quarrel when you broke up?Didn't you vent anything after breaking up?Guang Zichao didn't believe it. Xu Xuan's decision was an act of anger.

How should I put it, classic.

But so far, I am the only one who knows what the other party is thinking, Xiang Feng's wooden fish head, I'm afraid...

Guang Zichao didn't want to get involved in this whole thing, he did as much as he did and made mistakes as if he had carried out all the events that happened when he came to this world. My own reasons are a bit miserable, so let's put them in the past. It's fine if the two don't know each other well. If you love someone, or Xiang Feng's temper is too bad, I won't talk to him at all.

But now the two have become very good buddies, and Xiang Feng is also a very upright person. Looking back at the beginning, when I was still a sworn enemy with him, when I and Ke Ya were blocked on the road, I came from the opposite side. Xiang Feng passing by would rise up and jump over the fence to help, which can be said to have integrity written on his face, Guang Zichao couldn't help laughing, Bai Mengfei even glanced at him, Guang Zichao coughed dryly One sound.

"What's wrong?" Bai Mengfei asked.

"No..." Guang Zichao said subconsciously, but when he looked at Bai Mengfei's sharp eyes that could see through everything, he turned to smile apologetically, leaned closer to his ear, and whispered, "I feel like this is not really over yet."

"Really? What are you going to do?"

"I won't do too much, but the ending may be like watching a Qiong Yao drama."

Humanoid girl, I hope you can grow up.

When we meet again next time, if you have enough time, tell her about some good dramas you have watched in your previous life.

Even though she is a god, no matter when she sees her, she always has the illusion that she is entertaining herself. The god...maybe not so happy.


Zhao Yashi took the high-speed train back to Hangzhou. The first stop was to go to the restaurant at home to see the situation. Every time, only her uncle told her some small things. She knew that her mother would treat big things as small things and talk about them, for fear of worrying herself.

On the second stop, she went directly to her boyfriend, Guang Zichao.

The two made an appointment to meet in a shopping mall, and they saw Wu Qiong and Zichao far away from the door.

Gradually, she also got used to the feeling of being together with many people, and even had a sense of sight of sisters appearing. Guang Zichao was very relieved that she still maintained a balance of love.

The three of them bought a cup of hot fruit tea on a cold day, and half an hour later, they saw Concubine Bai Meng and Zhou Jinjin again. The date of the three turned into a date of five, but the atmosphere was still active, and even later it evolved into four girls getting together Chatting about girls, Guang Zichao followed behind.

Concubine Bai Meng didn't care about these topics, and turned her head to look at Guang Zichao frequently, but she was still dragged away by the other three.

Guang Zichao could only see Concubine Bai Meng's little hands stretched out behind her waist, gesturing at him repeatedly.

Guang Zichao's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward in three steps and two steps, and held her little hand with his right hand.

Hmm~ I declare that you will still be able to sneak away today.

The biggest pleasure for girls is shopping. After Zhao Yashi opened a restaurant at home to make money, the cost of living has also increased a lot. In addition, she saved a lot of money by herself. Guang Zichao only saw a copy from the manager some time ago. According to the clear report, since the expansion, the income has indeed increased significantly.

Catering is a trap these days, but successful catering is what everyone expects, and with the help of Guang Zichao, it is more than enough to be well-off.

After a round, Concubine Bai Meng bought the least. Guang Zichao thought it was because she didn't have enough money, and was about to step forward to hint, but unexpectedly, Concubine Bai Meng walked up to him directly and said, "I can buy money here. Spend your money?"

When the other girls heard this, they also felt very bold, and looked at the two of them in surprise.

At this moment, a few people were walking in the aisle in the middle of the clothes shop. Her answer made a loving couple passing by listen to them, and their eyes immediately looked at him.

"En." Guang Zichao said without hesitation, touched his pocket, took out a bank card and handed it to her.

The young couple was dumbfounded. The boy among them was a little timid, but he still smiled and pulled his girlfriend away.

Guang Zichao had a natural and joyful smile on his face, probably only Bai Mengfei and himself could understand this matter.

This is an argument that the two talked about at the beginning.

That is, a modest refusal or a generous promise, which of the two will make the other party feel more comfortable, and according to this argument, if it is a generous request, what will happen if it is a generous request?The two chatted for half a week because of this matter, and finally referred to the thoughts of the rest of the grade, and concluded that even if it is a request, it is better than a modest refusal.

Haha ...

I never expected that the things I discussed with Concubine Bai Meng would be answered one by one in the current communication process. In this way, the two will not quarrel over this matter again, because the two One is a rationalist and the other is a partial rationalist. When they reach a conclusion, they will also abide by the practice of this conclusion.


Guang Zichao's mind suddenly flashed that day on the bed looking at Concubine Bai Meng who was slowly sticking out her tongue.

She is not a pure rationalist either.

At this moment, Guang Zichao remembered that he still had three girlfriends following him, and quickly said with a light smile, "What else do you need, I will pay for it later."

"Oh~ the domineering president is here again, it's very tasty, okay, Concubine Meng has already taken action, and I'm not polite." Wu Qiong is the most open-minded of all Guangzichao's girlfriends. Fortunately, she is the pillar. Otherwise, the maintenance of this balance will be easily broken.

"Let's go together, you two don't be shy." Wu Qiong pulled the two people on the left and right, Zhou Jinjin and Zhao Yashi were naturally super embarrassed, but they were dragged into a shop in the end.

After more than an hour, several people bought a lot of favorite things and came out. The small tickets were also drawn for a small heater. Applause and cheer for a 800 yuan heater, this is the essence of life.

When Guang Zichao came out, he hugged left and right again. This move attracted the attention of many passers-by, especially the single boys, who were simply envious and jealous.

They went for a walk together after shopping, and walked straight along a road, but before they had gone far, suddenly, Zhou Jinjin pulled Guang Zichao back and grabbed his arm repeatedly.

"Look! Look!"

Several people looked over and saw Xu Xuan and Xiang Feng sitting at one of the round tables in an open-air restaurant more than ten meters away. It seemed that most of the food on the table had been eaten.

How could they have dinner together?

Could it be that they got back together again?

Guang Zichao obviously felt that his arms were pinched tightly by Zhou Jinjin and Wu Qiong who were nervous, and they were probably expecting that the two would get back together.

Hey, no, Xu Xuan has long since ceased to be a heroine, the two of them...


Guang Zichao suddenly thought, now that even Xiang Feng has lost the male lead logo, wouldn't Xiang Feng become a passerby?

Between two passers-by, maybe...

Guang Zichao was startled, is it really possible for the two of them?

202. Mutual understanding (4k)

Everyone will have their own guesses in their hearts, but they don't want to go up and disturb them, for fear of disturbing the two of them, they just stand not far away and watch quietly.

"Zichao." Wu Qiong put her hand on Guang Zichao's arm.

Guang Zichao stroked it with his left hand to comfort him a little, and looked at the two people in the open-air restaurant. The distance was too far, and even the entries of the characters could not be seen clearly. It would be great if he could zoom in and out, he complained in his heart , while observing the expressions of the two when they were talking, the strange thing is that the atmosphere between the two seems to be very dignified. It is estimated that it is not as they guessed, to reconcile.

After waiting for 30 seconds, the measuring people over there changed from a relatively calm state to a dispute, and the voice of the dispute also became louder. The few people standing here, especially Guang Zichao, were the first It was the first time I saw Xu Xuan get so angry. According to Xiang Feng, she was very peaceful when they broke up. Didn't you think it was just the calm before the storm?

You are going back to your country, and you still want to quarrel with the other party before you leave?Then make a fuss and never get in touch with each other?

Guang Zichao often doesn't understand some young people's love concepts, saying that the other party has changed, but in fact nothing has changed, he just realized that two people who were so good at the beginning will have such a quarrelsome day ?

As Xu Xuan's most familiar friend, Wu Qiong finally couldn't bear it anymore. After a moment of restlessness, she trotted up with Zhou Jinjin to stop her, and the rest followed suit.

The two blushing from the quarrel noticed that familiar friends were coming, they were taken aback for a moment, then they all closed their mouths, and turned their heads away, Xu Xuan was so angry that his chest kept rising and falling, and he clasped his hands on his chest and showed Showing a gesture of resistance, Xiang Feng put his right hand half in his trouser pocket, with a gloomy face, and said nothing.

These two people... are absolutely amazing.

"What are you doing, you two are arguing again, when you were together, and now you are still arguing when we are separated, since we have agreed to break up, why are we still meeting?" Wu Qiong raised her hand and patted Xiang Feng's face with a feeling of hatred. On the shoulder, it looks like this all day long, it is really a piece of wood!

"I..." As soon as Xiang Feng was about to say something, Xu Xuan who was on the opposite side rushed over, his eyes became dodgy at this time, and his tone dropped, and said, "I told him to come out, just before leaving, I was thinking able to speak clearly.”

"It doesn't look like a normal conversation between you guys, it's clearly a quarrel." Zhou Jinjin said.

"She's here to quarrel." Guang Zichao said.

Xu Xuan glanced sideways at Guang Zichao, and then said: "That's right, the feeling I hold in my heart is not good for him or me. I don't need to make a good impression before I leave. If it can solve the problem, I will solve it." The problem, me and him, the conflict itself is intensified because the problem cannot be solved."

Xu Xuan's eyes looked at Xiang Feng. At this time, everyone present heard the implication of these words, including Xiang Feng, who had relieved most of the breath he was holding in his heart just now.

"..." But he is still a dull gourd after all, he doesn't like to talk when he is angry.

"Don't treat your next job like this in the future. Of course, I will also correct my temper. In short, that's it. Goodbye." Xu Xuan bent down and took her from behind the wicker chair as if she had finished the ultimatum. Bag, then turned and left towards the intersection in front.

Wu Qiong was about to call her to stop, but she quickened her pace and ran away quickly.

So, this meeting between the two is actually a formal declaration of breaking up?So this meal is a breakup meal?

Wu Qiong and Jinjin's fantasy of expecting the two to get back together was shattered in their hearts, and Ke Ya beside him also sighed. I can only say that fantasy is always beautiful, but there will always be a gap between reality and thinking of.

The few people chatted for a few more words, and then they wanted to leave. Xiang Feng also expressed that he was going home. We were all friends, and the comfort to a boy who lost his love was often very fast. After a few girls walked away a little, Guang Zichao and Xiangfeng only raised their heads to let each other know, there was no need to say anything else, everything was in their hearts.

But the character entry when Xu Xuan said those words just now...

Guang Zichao looked in the direction where Xu Xuan had just run away. After thinking for a while, he finally told a few girls not far away that he had something to do and that he wanted to leave for a while. They could go to the cinema to vote first.

"Oh~ will it take a long time?" Wu Qiong asked.

"It should be soon."

"I'm still busy with the trivial matters in the company, why don't I just stop watching the movie?" Zhou Jinjin said worriedly.

"It's all right, it's just a little thing, it'll be soon." Guang Zichao looked at Yashi in the crowd and gave him encouraging looks, and he also raised his eyebrows at her, and turned to Concubine Bai Meng, with that look on her face An indifferent expression, uh... Obviously, she seemed to understand what she was going to do in a second, so it was a little embarrassing.

Guang Zichao smiled at her, it seems that the number of times he went to her house for dinner on weekends should increase again.

Then Guang Zichao separated from the others and chased in the direction where Xu Xuan left. After passing the corner, he didn't see anyone, but he thought he could look for it again. So unkind.

The subway is being built at the other end of the shopping mall, and Guang Zichao passed by after a long detour. Far away in the empty big square, he saw Xu Xuan sitting on a stone bench by the edge of the flower bed, and it was exactly as he had guessed. , she was crying like a rainstorm.

Xu Xuan, who has a tough personality, just doesn't cry in front of familiar friends, because being strong is the label she has set for herself personally.

When I first met Concubine Bai Meng, she had warned me not to label her privately. Xu Xuan had obviously already labeled this character on her, and it was deeply ingrained in her, so she would try not to show herself in front of others. The other side.

She will still be wronged and sad.

Just now, when Guang Zichao said those high-profile words, she still felt that she was really like the kind of open-minded, non-love-minded sober girl in comic books, but in fact, this is also a label. Apart from the label, she is also A girl with personal feelings.

Just like now, more than ten meters away, Xu Xuan was crying hysterically.

The bitterness of love did not fall on him, the usurping protagonist, but on such a passer-by girl.

This love game is really seriously ill.

Guang Zichao looked around and noticed a dessert shop on the right. He took two bottles of mango coconut milk and hurried out.

Then he ran towards Xu Xuan quickly.

Everyone doesn't understand her, nor does Xiang Feng, nor does Guang Zichao, who doesn't have a golden finger, but now that he knows everything, it seems that he has shouldered some responsibilities faintly, and he feels that he can bear it quite well. , even more tolerant than Wu Qiong.

This is like watching a mystery drama. People who know who the murderer is in advance hear people around them wrongly evaluating who is the murderer and quarrel with each other. Because the former cannot spoil the spoiler, the degree of anxiety is far beyond For the latter, the latter still has the fun of watching movies anyway, while the former only has a sense of anxiety that has been endured.

Xu Xuan's decision to go abroad really forced him. If he didn't say something, the two sides would really meet with such regrets. Thinking of this, Guang Zichao tightened his hands holding the glass bottle.

All the way to Xu Xuan, Xu Xuan cried loudly, her eyes were red from crying, and now she was a little tired from crying, and felt that the light in front of her was a little different from before, she opened her eyes slightly, and saw that it was Guang Zichao, who was still a little bit tired. surprise.

"You, you, what are you, here?" She sobbed and wiped her tears with her hands, but it was not so easy to accept it now.

"It's because you're not in a good condition, so come and see the situation."

"There's nothing wrong with it. If you cry, you'll be fine. You'd better go." Xu Xuan wanted him to go without saying a word. The two of them had been deliberately avoiding Guang Zichao in the early stage and keeping a distance in the middle stage. So the relationship is fixed at the level of marginal friends, that is, friends of friends.

When Guang Zichao heard this, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he sat down on the side seat and said, "I feel that I am quite understanding, but seeing what you said just now, I feel very uncomfortable. That's when I came over to chat with you, didn't they all say that bystanders know, you and I are not even good friends, so I understand."

"You understand?" Xu Xuan turned her head and said.

"Well, I understand. It's just a willful way for you to choose to leave the country. In fact, you should like it more here. Besides, no one here wants you to leave." Guang Zichao opened a bottle of mango coconut. Milk, then, drank it by himself.

Xu Xuan didn't speak, and she gradually stopped crying when someone was present, and calmed down for a while and said, "That's right, or it would be better to talk about a relationship like yours."


Thinking appeared in Xu Xuan's eyes, and he stretched out his hand to Guang Zichao, who looked puzzled.

"Isn't that bottle for me?"

"I bought it for myself." After Guang Zichao finished speaking, the two laughed, and he handed over another bottle of mango coconut milk.

Guang Zichao himself likes to eat mangoes, so he likes all mango products.

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