"Uh, forget it, forget it."

Several people fell silent.

Half a minute later, someone said again: "The ones in the bedroom are really His Highness and Miss Anne?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that."

"But what mistake did Miss Anne make, His Highness wants to punish her so...so...uh?"

"It's been a few hours, and Miss Anne is still screaming [Hmmm~ahah~oh~!]."

"Supposedly to punish her for running in the hallway!"

"Ah? Well, then I also ran yesterday... Your Highness, Your Highness won't drag me to fight in the middle of the night, will you?"

"Ahaha, I see you are scared."

"Who, who's scared!? Your Highness can hit you if you want, I, I, I, I'm not afraid!"

"That's right, didn't you hear Miss Anne shouting [I want more]?"

"Well, she must have realized her mistake deeply. But His Highness is really serious, hitting like that will damage her body, right?"

"Isn't it enough to use healing magic? Sister Belle also said that it is wrong not to punish people who make mistakes."

"Well, but it's too noisy, we can't sleep... In this way, what about tomorrow's training and study?"

"If we can't finish it, will we be punished like this by His Highness?"


For a while, several people fell silent.

In the end, whoever swallowed his saliva said: "It seems good to be able to spend one night with His Highness?"

Volume 119#Chapter [-] Where is the need for treatment?

From the beginning to the end, after being sent back to the Gavin family in an ordinary carriage like an insignificant person...

The people on Wei Lisi's side basically didn't have a good attitude towards him.

Wei Lisi was the worst, she didn't even think about seeing him.

She is still her own teacher, and this status does not seem to apply to Willis outside the academy.

Lance Gavin felt slightly aggrieved and was secretly sent back to Gavin's house.

The Gavin family received the news early in the morning, and the servants at the door couldn't believe it when they saw the young master who had been looking for for more than two months came back.

It stands to reason that the time of his disappearance is a little sensitive, there are wars on the border, and the interior of the empire is not peaceful.

When the servants discussed in private, they all felt that something had happened to the noble young master, and it was more or less ominous.

Who would have thought that this scourge could come back?

In the panic and shock of the servants, Lance Gavin's mother, Ian Yoda, was the first to bring people out to greet him.

Seeing his appearance, Yan Yoda immediately hugged Lance in his arms and shouted heartily.

"Oh! Baby, mother's baby, you are back at last, have you suffered these days?"

"Quick, come into the house with mom."

"This time, you have to thank your aunt well, oh yes, I heard that it was His Royal Highness the Second Emperor who rescued you?"

After returning home, Lance Gavin looked much better.

But when Wei Lisi was mentioned, his expression became unnatural again.


"Is it really her? I heard that she is still your teacher in the academy, so you have to come to thank her when you find some time!"

"Mom!" Lance Gavin reminded, "I'm the imperial daughter of the empire, I'm afraid I don't have that much time to see me."

"You child, how do you talk. The etiquette that should be thanked is indispensable, otherwise others will think that we are not noble!"

"Okay, but I'll just find an opportunity to thank you in the academy, and don't bother to go to the palace, and the people there may not let us in."

Hearing this, Yan Yoda thought about it carefully, nodded and said: "That's true, fine, I will do as you want."

"But when it comes to the academy, teaching will resume after the celebration, and you haven't left anything behind by disappearing these days."

"Walk, go, go into the house, tell mom what the hell have you been doing these days!?"

The family is always so long-winded, noisy and silently concerned.

Even Lance Gavin couldn't help smiling because of this long-lost family affection.

However, he still has to lie to his mother.

There are many things that Yan Yoda doesn't know even as Lance Gavin's current mother.

Had to hide it from her.


In the morning, the rare autumn and winter sun shone down, but there was not much warmth.

The balm that can continuously generate heat and the basic formation of the fire system were lit in the bedroom, and Wei Lisi stood in front of the dressing table with her hands clutching her waist a little tired.

The magic spar in his hand spun twice, and then fell into the burnt groove on the ground.

The weak formation glowed with magical light again, and the temperature in the room was kept down.

Leaving aside the other luxurious furniture, a beautiful angel 'corpse' was lying on the huge soft bed at this moment.

The lotus root arms are exposed, and the slender legs are stretched across.

The tender body exudes a burst of fragrance, and the soft ~ meat occasionally exposed from the quilt looks delicious and delicious.

Willis glanced at it and sighed.

It was a little too crazy last night.

So much so that she feels a dull pain now.

However, because of Annie's certain emotions, the last layer of the relationship was not broken last night.

Instead, he took a detour and went to another path.

So now she is lying on the bed to sleep, so as not to cause pain from being crushed by her body.

Hearing the sound of Wei Lisi getting up, Annie opened her eyes limply, and asked in a daze, "Your Highness?"

She wanted to raise one hand, but because of her extremely weak body, Annie gave up.

Wei Lisi was dressing, and looked back after hearing the sound: "What's the matter? Are you going to get up?"

The girl shook her head: "No, I don't want to move...it hurts there."

Her Royal Highness the Second Princess licked her lips and said with a smile: "After all, it's an agreement. From the first day to the end, Miss Anne doesn't have to get out of bed."

Reddened by her joking voice, Annie buried her head in the quilt and decided to continue sleeping.

And Wei Lisi continued to ask: "How is it, how did you feel all night?"

Facing such a shameful question, Annie only responded with two muffled grunts.

But the other party came over reluctantly, and patted a bump on the quilt: "My princess is asking you!"



The pain mixed with an uncontrollable electric current flowed all over her body, even through the soft quilt, Annie couldn't help crying out.

Willis insisted on asking for an answer, but Annie could only reply in shame: "It's... very intense... okay?"

"Oh? Is this the only feeling?" Wei Lisi shook her head, obviously dissatisfied, "It's the first time I walked behind, this princess is working hard to love you!"

Annie's body trembled, and she muttered softly, "That... that... I, I know."


"So, so... It's also the first time for me... to feel... that... very comfortable."

"anything else?"

"Also...very, very, very...shameless! Woo...it's so dirty in there."

"Nothing, I like it very much..."


"Oh? Annie can make such a lovely voice, is she infected by Xixia?"

"No, no...don't, don't lift the quilt, I haven't put on yet...ah, no, no, no, no, don't in the morning..."

"It's useless to talk too much!"


When Xixia woke up, it was already bright outside.

But the sun only came out for an hour in the morning, and then disappeared without a trace.

The sky was gray and colder.

When she walked out of the house, the maids brought her a hand warmer and a plush cloak, and took Xixia to wash and have breakfast.

When I met Lu Yu on the way, I heard some amazing words from the other party.

"When I went to the bedroom with Victoria in the morning..."

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Xi Xia asked curiously.

"I heard Annie's miserable scream."


Xi Xia took a step back in fear, but Lu Yu had a strange smirk on his face.

"I heard from the maids that Anne started it last night...I didn't expect this morning..."

"It's been so long, I guess Annie is broken. Xixia, you were also..."

The girl with pink curly hair quickly shook her head: "No, no, how could it be... I didn't scream!"


"Of course..."

Just screaming.

"Yes, yes, where is Your Highness? Is she still in the bedroom?"

"Oh, before you got up, she went out with a maid named Helen..."



"Then, what shall we do next?"

Looking around at the maids who began to gather to study and train, Xi Xia asked.

Lu Yu thought about it, and said with a smirk: "How about we go to the bedroom? Annie is screaming so badly, she must need treatment, and it happens that you and I can help."

But Xi Xia kept shaking her head: "I, I, I don't think it's necessary... Go at this time, Sister Annie will beat us to death."

The girl was surprisingly understanding.

Volume 120#Chapter [-] The non-existent holy light secret method?

On the way to drive to Gareth's family, sitting in the carriage, Helen kept holding Willis' hand tightly.

He obviously planned to bid farewell to his former home, but now he wants to go back.

That mood is very complicated.

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