There are so many things in the world, it's impossible for her to know about every one of them. As for Qiuqiu's language, she has never paid attention to it.

"However, there should be related topics at the Sumeru Academy. If you meet relevant people, I will help you find out..."

The two chatted while walking, and Jiang Bai still had time to observe the surroundings.

There are many plants that he has never seen growing on the mountains of Mond, some of which are quite distinctive.

For example, windmills whose petals look like windmills and can rotate when the wind blows, such as small lamp grasses that can provide light like a small lantern.

Jiang Bai found that there are quite a lot of things that can provide light on the Tivat continent.

Plants, ores, or some artificial creations can all achieve the effect of producing light.

Although it cannot make the room at night as bright as day, it also prevents the people from being blind in the dark.

Seeing these plants, he saw them and picked some.

I don't know what's the use, anyway, I'll talk about it after I pick it up.

"There are a few dandelions there, let's pick them!" Hu Tao pointed to a few dandelions on the top of the mountain not far away.

These dandelions are blue in color and look as soft as clouds.

"Mond has a very famous dandelion wine. This dandelion wine is brewed from the seeds of this dandelion. It is said that there is a smell of wind in it. Whenever I come to Mond, Mr. Zhong will ask me to bring him a bottle back... ..."

"It is said that it smells like wind? Why is it said? Hall Master, have you never drunk it?"

Jiang Bai walked up to the dandelion curiously, took a big breath of air, and then blew it out suddenly at the flowers that were like small umbrellas in a large flower.

Under the action of the wind, these petals, which look like small umbrellas and cotton wool, slowly drift away and fly into the distance, leaving only some dandelion seeds on the flower stems for picking.

Walnut picks these dandelion seeds and puts them in a small box.

"I'm not old enough to drink, besides, what's so good about wine?"

Out of curiosity, Hu Tao also secretly drank wine, but she only felt the spicy and choking taste of the wine, and could not feel the fun in it at all.

"It's the same..." Jiang Bai has never drank this dandelion wine, so he can't give an evaluation.

It's just that since Mr. Zhongli likes this dandelion wine, he can't go empty-handed next time.

"How about we take some more dandelion seeds back and let Zhongli brew a pot?" Jiang Bai made a suggestion.

He has no money to buy wine for Zhong Li, but he can pick dandelion seeds.

Rounding it up is a big altar of dandelion wine!

"good idea!"

Ever since, the two embarked on the road of looking for dandelions and picking dandelion seeds.

Empty all the dandelions in these mountains, and the walnut box is also filled with a box full of dandelion seeds.

The walnuts put the lid on contentedly.

With so many dandelion seeds, it should be enough for Zhongli to brew a dozen pots!

This time there is no need to bring him any other Mond souvenirs, a box full of dandelion seeds, there is nothing more representative of Mond than it.

"Mr. Zhongli will be very touched by our careful preparation of souvenirs!" Jiang Bai smiled complacently.

Their gift can not only satisfy Zhongli's desire to drink dandelion wine, but also exercise his hands-on ability.

It takes time to brew well, but you can drink it anyway, right?

Walnut gave a thumbs up.

"Next time I will bring you a souvenir according to this specification."

Although it takes a bit of effort, when it doesn't cost money.

"Don't hall master! I don't drink alcohol, so it's useless to pick dandelion seeds for me... But if it's Liuli Lily, I'm willing to accept it..."

"In your dreams!"

The two stopped and went, and reached a canyon in the dark.

This canyon is like a crack in the earth, winding and circling.

Surrounded by high stone walls, looking up in the canyon, you can only see a line of sky.

Regardless of the danger of monsters, this canyon is also a good place to camp.

The two pitched a tent, set up a table, and built a fire.

It is good to have storage space.

Even if they sleep in the wild, the living conditions are not bad at all.

Tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans are all available.

Jiang Bai cut the sunset fruit and sweet flowers picked on the road and set up a fruit plate. While eating the fruit, he boiled water to cook the soup.

"? I want to drink soup ~ put some pepper ~ radish also ~ a piece of ginger ~ la la la ~"

Jiang Bai hummed a song he composed without any melody.

Not to be outdone, Hu Tao sang her famous song Qiu Qiuyao.

"? Daqiuqiu is sick, Erqiuqiu is sick, look at Erqiuqiu, Sanqiuqiu gathers medicine and Siqiuqiu boils~"

Strange singing voices spread in the canyon one after another, as if they were competing with each other, the two were not to be outdone, they sang louder and changed their tunes completely.

However, the joy turned into sorrow, and a group of Qiuqiu people were attracted by their loud voices.

Chapter 149 Are You Won't Be Angry

Before Jiang Bai's soup was cooked, a group of Qiuqiu people with weapons stared at them and surrounded them in the cave.

"Master, look at you, singing the song of Qiuqiu people, and attracted Qiuqiu people here..."

"It's clear that your song is so ugly that you attracted them here!"

Hu Tao glared at him, and the two blamed each other.

When they looked at each other, there seemed to be lightning and thunder.

An arrow shot by the Qiuqiu people broke the confrontation between the two.

With a flick of the walnut goma stick, the incoming arrows were slapped away.

"Then let's compare who will get rid of these Qiuqiu people first!"

"Compare, who is afraid of whom!" Jiang Bai took out the star silver buried in snow, eager to try.

Although it was originally said that it would not be easy to attack the Qiuqiu people, but these people Qiuqiu people attacked him first, so it is no wonder he.

This new weapon of his has not been officially used yet, just to see if it works well!

"Hall Master, one person on one side!"

These Qiuqiu people blocked their way one after the other and surrounded them in the middle of the canyon.

Jiang Bai didn't carefully count the numbers on both sides, but judging from the momentum, it should be about the same.


As soon as Hu Tao finished speaking, she rushed towards Qiuqiu's crowd.

The flaming staff of Goma outlined an S-shaped ring in the air, and the screams of Qiuqiu people continued to sound.

Either they were directly knocked out, or they were sent flying. These Qiuqiu people were cleaned up at an extremely fast speed.

Of course, Jiang Bai was not to be outdone, and rushed into the crowd of Qiuqiu with a big sword.

He wielded the snow-buried star silver, which was obviously a huge two-handed sword, but it was like a one-handed sword in his hand, slashing at Qiuqiu people without any rules.

It's unorthodox, but very effective.

Without exception, all the Qiuqiu people within one meter of him were knocked out, and some of them were even lifeless.

However, some Qiuqiu people with thick rock shields resisted Jiang Bai's random attack.

Although the rock shield of the Qiuqiu people looks very random, and some of them were broken, they dug out rock slimes from the ground on the spot to turn them into shields.

But the effect is really good, and it can resist Jiang Bai's two blows before it shatters.

The two of them were like gods of evil. After a while, all the Qiuqiu people who surrounded them fell to the ground.

Looking at the people in Qiuqiu all over the place, with walnuts on their hips, they looked smug.

"I won!"

Jiang Bai pursed his lips, making excuses for himself, "I just got a new weapon, and I'm not very comfortable with it, otherwise I won't lose..."

Perhaps due to the influence of the Qiuqiu people in the snow mountain, Jiang Bai always subconsciously withdrew a little bit of strength when facing these Qiuqiu people, otherwise the thick shield would be useless, and it would have ended long ago .

Hu Tao teased, "I understand, I understand."

"The exercise before the meal is over, deal with these Qiuqiu people, and then eat!"

Those Qiuqiu people who died were cremated on the spot, and those who fainted were thrown away, so as not to run over again when they woke up.

After a busy meal, Jiang Bai felt more tired than the Qiuqiu people.

If he hadn't cleverly made a cart out of rock elements, he would have dragged these Qiuqiu people for a long time.

After dinner, feeling drowsy, Hu Tao yawned a lot. She fiddled with the fire and said:

"You go to bed first, I'll keep watch. So many Qiuqiu people came here just now. There may be a large tribe of Qiuqiu people nearby, so it's not very safe."


Jiang Bai did not refuse.

I didn't sleep all night last night, and now I'm really sleepy.

Lying in the condensed coffin, he fell into a deep sleep as soon as he touched the bedding.

Hu Tao sat in front of the fire and yawned boredly. After sitting for a while, feeling bored, he took out a pen and paper and started writing "Once Upon a Time in Snow Country" at the table.

It's the first book she's going to write, and she's quite excited when she thinks about it.

Let her think about what to write in the first sentence...

Got it!

"This story is based on a true story..."

Writing such a sentence can not only enhance the authenticity of the story, but also increase the trust of the audience.

Her walnut is indeed a genius!

That night, my thoughts flowed like a fountain, and I wrote seven or eight pages eloquently, and I was already in the sky without knowing it.

She looked at the time, yawned and put away the manuscript paper, ready to wake Jiang Bai to sleep.

Lifting Jiang Bai's coffin board, the people inside are sleeping soundly.

Seeing Jiang Bai sleeping so dead, Hu Tao couldn't help but tsk a few times.

"Sleeping so dead in the wild, I don't know if it's because you have a big heart, or because the hall master here makes you feel too safe..."

She raised the corner of her mouth, showing a sly smile, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

The little ghost emerged from her body, with two little paws drooping, giggling.

One person and one soul looked at each other, everything was silent.

With loose hair, Hu Tao held a luminous stone against his chin to shine on his face, and then stuck out his tongue to make a vicious expression.

When the preparations were finished, she bent over and her long hair fell loose, some hanging down into the coffin.

If you open your eyes from the coffin at this moment, the image of Hu Tao at this moment is like a ferocious female ghost, which can frighten people until hemiplegia.

"Wow~" The little ghost imitated a sharp wolf howl.

Hu Tao's icy paws stuck to Jiang Bai's face, while whispering a faint voice.

"Take your life... Take your life..."

Jiang Bai woke up suddenly, opened his eyes, and saw the female ghost in front of him trembling with fright.

His hands moved faster than his brain, and under the stress reaction, he directly hit the monster in front of him.

Of course, Walnut couldn't just be beaten like this.

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