Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun looked at Qi Qi with complicated eyes, and he slowly told the story of that time.

"At that time, an immortal was polluted by the residue of the demon god and fell into the devil's way. We immortals fought with him. The aftermath of the battle affected the cave, and it also affected her in the cave..."

"She, a little girl collecting herbs, naturally couldn't bear such turmoil. When she was on the verge of death, she possessed the God's Eye. The brilliance of the God's Eye ended the war, but it also made her trapped between life and death... ..."

At the beginning, they didn't realize that a little girl had broken into the fairyland. When they found out, the battle had already reached a fever pitch, and they couldn't pay attention to her.

The immortal who fell into the devil's way was once their colleague, and they also reserved a bit of attack, but the immortal who had lost his mind was different. downwind.

The brilliance of the God's Eye briefly restored his sobriety, and realizing his own state, he chose self-sacrifice without hesitation.

After the battle, they rushed to the cave, but her body was lifeless, and only the eyes of God protected her soul.

"...We couldn't bear it, so we each took a ray of fairy power and sealed it into her body, intending to revive her body. She also woke up later and regained her new life, but because she couldn't control her body Xianli fell into unprecedented madness..."

"In order to calm the restlessness, I had no choice but to seal her in the amber..."

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun said with emotion.

There are things even immortals can't do.

They thanked the girl for helping them end the battle, but they couldn't really bring her back to life, only kept her in a zombie state.

Now it seems that she has returned to normal, and can get along well with people. Although the zombie body is still flawed, it also gave her the power to protect herself, which also solved one of his worries.

Chapter 79

Qiqi didn't speak, as if she was listening to someone else's story.

These things are too long for her, so long ago that she has forgotten them all.

She also doesn't want to find her past. For her, it is a good thing to forget these pains.

It was just because Hu Tao wanted to know her origin, in order not to be sent to death by Hu Tao, so she knew her past again.

But that's all right, soon she'll forget again.

She is still that unpredictable little zombie Qiqi.

"Is that so..."

Walnut's tone was low.

Although True Monarch Lishui Stacked Mountains said it very simply, it was enough to make people imagine the pain Qiqi suffered in it.

He strayed into a fairyland, was trapped in a cave, was affected by battles, and had the eye of God when he was dying.

The most important thing is that Qiqi was just a child at that time.

It's hard to imagine how scared and desperate she was at that time...

Jiang Bai didn't speak, just looked at Qiqi.

The moment he knew that there was a zombie like Qi Qi, he realized that it must be not easy, and now it looked like it was.

How could he become half human and half corpse if he had not suffered great pain?

What about him?How did he lose his memory?

"Has Master Zhen seen me?"

Jiang Bai pointed to himself.

I don't know if these immortals know about him.

Master Lishui Dieshan looked at his face, then shook his head.

"I've never seen you before."

Jiang Bai never appeared in his memory.

Of course, it may have appeared, just like passers-by passing by, and it didn't leave any impression on him.

"Well..." Jiang Bai nodded.

"Even Zhenjun has never met you, so your background is probably more complicated than Qiqi..." Hu Tao frowned and held her chin.

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan's curiosity was aroused a little bit.

"Oh? What's so special about him?"

"Zhenjun doesn't know something..." Hu Tao briefly explained Jiang Bai's origin.

"Oh? Resurrected from the dead? It's a miracle..."

"Have you ever heard of something similar before?"

"The state of the people sealed in the amber is similar to him, but it's just similar. The living are still alive, but because the magic contained in the amber makes their time stagnate, it's not a fake death or death. Resurrection."

Hu Tao thought about Jiang Bai's state when he was picked up, and said: "He didn't breathe or have a heartbeat before he woke up, and his body was cold and cold. Is he also in a state of time stagnation?"


True Monarch Lishui Dieshan looked at Jiang Bai and said, "Stretch out your hand."

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, Jiang Bai did as he said.

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun's wings were placed on Jiang Bai's palm, and while touching, he looked around in his body.

"There is no trace of immortal power in your body, it should be in some other way. But..."

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun changed the subject, "However, there is a chill in your body scattered in the meridians..."


Jiang Bai remembered that Bai Shu seemed to have said so.

"Why is there a cold?"

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan shook his head, "I don't know about that..."

Hu Taoxiu frowned slightly, "The cold air shouldn't affect the body, right?"

"It should be fine."

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun is not a doctor, he can only feel a chill in his body, and the rest can't be seen.

Jiang Bai didn't feel any discomfort, but his body temperature would be a little lower than ordinary people.

However, the few people he came into contact with were not people with normal body temperature, and he couldn't feel the difference.

Since there was no problem, Hu Tao's brows were loosened, and his expression relaxed.

"Although there are ways to stop time, most of them require external force, just like my amber. After being wrapped in amber, the creatures inside will enter a relatively static state until the amber is shattered."

"But this time can't be too long, otherwise you will lose all consciousness, no different from a dead person."

"Will you still wake up?" Hu Tao was thoughtful.

"No." Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun shook his head, "So I will release people who are sealed in amber regularly."

Li Shui folded mountains and flew away with one wing, leaving only three people in place.

Hu Tao looked at Qiqi, and patted Qiqi on the head under Qiqi's frightened eyes, "I said I won't send you to your death, then I won't send you to your death. If you encounter trouble in the future, you can come to me , although I'm just the head of the little Hall of Rebirth, I still have some skills in Liyue..."

As she said that, she remembered something, and changed her tone, "Forget it, you will forget about it after a while. When I get back to Liyue Port, I will work harder to see you from time to time!"

Qiqi: I don't really want to see you...

She hid behind Jiang Bai, tugged at Jiang Bai's clothes, and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Qi Qi needs to wash her hair."

Now that I'm done with my work and got my things, can I help Qi Qi wash her hair?

Jiang Bai's expression froze, watching her clean and penetrating eyes fail.

"Okay, I'll wash it for you..."

Doesn't this kid have a bad memory?

How can I remember washing my hair for so long?

A few people walked down the mountain, Hu Tao casually pulled a grass root and put it in his mouth, holding his head in his hands, chatting to Qi Qi at the same time.

"I can also wash it for you, why do you have to wash it..."

"Qiqi doesn't like you." Qiqi, who pulled Jiang Bai's hem away from her, gave her a heart-pounding blow.

Walnut: (?o·o?)

Walnut's cheeks puffed up, and then he let out his breath with a "boo".

"It's okay, I like you!"

Jiang Bai really wanted to say, 'Master, unilateral liking is fruitless! '

But considering the consequences of doing so, he kept his mouth shut.

Finding a creek, Jiang Bai set up a shampoo bed again, and washed Qi Qi's hair under the watchful eyes of Hu Tao.

Untying the long purple braid in his hand, Jiang Bai had a problem.

"Qiqi, will you lose your hair?"

Qiqi put her fingers next to her small face and thought about it carefully, and found that she had no impression of this at all.

"Probably not..." She was also not sure.

Jiang Bai didn't know whether to wash or not to wash for a while.

Since the body has no vitality, it will naturally not grow hair again, so if Qi Qi becomes bald after washing his hair, then he is a sinner...

"You won't be in pain, will you?"

Qi Qi shook her head.

Jiang Bai carefully pulled a piece of purple hair on her head, pulled it, and felt relieved after finding that it was quite firm.

Washing Qiqi's hair is easier than washing Hutao's hair. First of all, Qiqi's hair is tied. Although it is also very long, it is not knotted.

The second is that Qi Qi doesn't know how to command blindly, she has to scratch here and there for a while.

Because it's a zombie, her skin doesn't secrete sweat and oil, and it's relatively easy to clean, just rinse it with water to wash off the dust on it.

She obediently lay on the shampoo bed, pressed the talisman on her forehead with her hands, and let Jiang Bai, who doesn't wash girls' hair very much, mess around.

Chapter 80 Is the sun coming out of the west?

Looking at Jiang Bai's rough hair washing technique, Hu Tao couldn't see it.

"I come!"

She rolled her sleeves, squeezed Jiang Bai away, and pressed her hand to Qiqi's head.

Qiqi's body froze, and immediately tensed up.

With her head in Walnut's hands, she had no way of escaping, so she could only bite the bullet and lie on the spot, her whole body tensed like a steel plate.

"Wash like this!" Walnut showed Jiang Bai how to wash long hair on the spot.

"To wash your hair, you must first wet your hair completely, and then use shampoo to make bubbles. Generally speaking, the dirtiest part is the scalp, so you need to focus on cleaning. For Qi Qi, the scalp only needs to be washed briefly. It's..."

"Scratching the scalp is not as messy as you are. You should use your fingertips instead of your nails to gently rub the entire scalp along the lines of hair growth..."

"After washing the scalp, wash the ends of the hair. Generally, the ends of the hair are just to clean the dust. It's fine to wash the hair with a little shampoo..."

Walnut explained to Jiang Bai while washing.

Although she has never washed anyone else's hair, she has learned how to wash her own hair all year round.

Jiang Bai nodded while watching.

It turned out to be washed like this, I learned!

Qiqi's stiff body gradually relaxed.

"Help me scoop water with a ladle..." Hu Tao instructed Jiang Bai to work.

Jiang Bai scooped a ladle of water according to his words, poured it on Qiqi's head under the command of Hu Tao, and rinsed the foam.

He fell on one side, while Hu Tao fiddled with Qiqi's hair, so that every corner of the scalp could be flushed with water.

"The bubbles must be washed clean, otherwise leaving them on the scalp will cause hair loss. Although Qiqi is a zombie, you must also pay attention, after all, it will not grow back after taking it off..."

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