Little Loli tilted her head.


Well, it's simply that the lips of the donkey are not right with the mouth of the horse.

"Do you have a name?"

Elizabeth felt that the artificial intelligence was not as aggressive as in the movie, so she relaxed.

Seeing Gwen and her struggling to communicate, she couldn't help but help her lover.

"Name... YUI..."

Little Loli hesitated and popped out a word.


Gwen quickly opened the system mall, searched around in the artificial intelligence column, and indeed did not see the artificial intelligence source code with the same name.

However, in the exchanged goods is the source code of the original artificial intelligence 'Friday'.

It's just that there is an extra bracket after 'Friday', which says 'integrated YUI source code'.

"Gwen, what's wrong with you?"

Elizabeth was taken aback by Gwen's question, but when she looked back, she saw Gwen's solemn face in a daze.

"'s alright."

Letting out a breath, Gwen was relieved.

Although I don't understand why the two artificial intelligence source codes merged, it was not because of her operation error.

Maybe the system has some ulterior secrets in doing this.

It's just that she was messed up inexplicably, and Gwen always felt a shock in her heart.

It's really uncomfortable not to have things under control.

"It looks like we're going to bring the baby up from scratch."

Seeing the little guy suddenly appearing here and then flashing there, Gwen felt that his head was a bit big.

It is really troublesome to bring up children, because you first have to worry about your own words and deeds.

Children are like a blank sheet of paper, how you draw them will show what kind of picture you have.

If the painting is done well, it is a famous painting; if it is bad, it is a waste painting.

Without any instructions, Gwen knew how scary the little girl in front of her would be when she grew up.

At least at this stage, there is no computer firewall on earth that can withstand this girl's attack.

Basically, the artificial intelligence in the Gwen System Mall has such a strong strength, or it may be that the artificial intelligence of Marvel Universe Earth is too weak at this stage.

In this case, if you don't teach it well, then you can start the Ultron Destroyer in advance.

"That's not bad, where is our child?"

Elizabeth suddenly came to nature, as if she had completely forgotten her fear of artificial intelligence.

"YUI, come here, come here mama."

Elizabeth squatted down and waved to the little Lolita.


The little guy with his little face upturned and a silly smile ran over with his short legs.

"Gwen, I saw you when you were a child!"

Elizabeth smiled back at Gwen.

"I don't have such short legs!"

Gwen looked at her long legs, they were not short at all.

The height problem is a comprehensive reason, not because of shortness.

"It's just that we can't touch her, and we can't teach many things."

Elizabeth looked at the little loli in front of her, but she reached out to touch it, but the mold was pierced.

Little Lolita also showed a disappointed expression.

Hugging is a way for people to express their emotions. Without this way, emotions will become cold and unreal.

"We can't do it in the short term. At least I feel that how to convey this kind of thing to an artificial intelligence like her has no idea at all."

Gwen actually thinks that it is possible for electrical signals to imitate muscle bioelectricity, and it seems that the system mall also has humanoid robots that can be exchanged, but the influence points required are too high.

At this stage, she has already spent seven or eighty eight influence points in exchange for an artificial intelligence.

But she has her in the mall, but she can't exchange it. No matter how you say it, it's tantamount to blank. Why don't you just say that you can't get it at this stage.

Artificial intelligence is also an ultra-high-end technological product at the current level of technology. If her lazy soul hadn't exploded, she probably wouldn't have exchanged it at this moment.

It's a pity that it should have been a complete pseudo-artificial intelligence that can serve people just like Jarvis, but it has become a real artificial intelligence that needs to take care of its growth from scratch.

It did not achieve Gwen's goal of freeing her hands at all, but instead spent time teaching her children.

"Even YUI can be born in your hands, I believe you can speed up the research progress and make something that can make YUI feel as soon as possible."

Elizabeth tried to encourage Gwen, and seemed to really treat YUI as her own child.

Sometimes it is really unreasonable for a woman to explode motherhood, just like a mother cat with a puppy.

"Ah, ah, I'll do my best."

So NMDWSM, other people can enjoy it when they make artificial intelligence, but I will be more tired if I make it?Gwen couldn't figure it out.

"However, if she first understands how to use the knowledge stored in her storage system, it will save a lot of trouble."

Gwen walked back to the monitor that came with the chassis, and the green code painted on it was not binary at all.

"Now, I'm going to learn programming again..."

A completely different system, and there are very few places to learn from.

Perhaps the initial development of the ternary system was based on the binary system, but when it was truly perfected and put into practical use, it would be completely different from the binary system.

This can be exemplified by the computer language in the era of machine language and the computer language in the era of assembly language.

In the era of machine language, all computer languages ​​must be composed of 0 and 1, including 26 English letters, all of which have fixed string representations, which are long and difficult to remember.

In the era of assembly language, although the basis of computer language is still 0 and 1, fixed instructions can be made into codes, which means that 26 letters are typed, and the computer will convert the data information composed of 0 and 1 by itself instead of 0 one by one. Or the input of 1 into the computer.

In other words, one is to input 0 and 1 to form the meaning of the letters that the computer understands, and the other is to input the letters and the computer will understand what it is.

In this way, when writing computer code in the era of machine language, the screen is full of 0 or 1, while when writing computer code in the era of assembly language, the screen is full of letters.

Now that Gwen is here, the code in front of him is no longer two-dimensional, but three-dimensional.

The codes on sides 1 and 2 have one meaning when connected, and the codes on sides 1 and 3 have another meaning. Turning an angle, the codes on sides 1 and 6 have another meaning.

This is a Rubik's Cube, you can see the code on three sides when you turn an angle.Who can understand this.

"YUI, if I'm mama, what is she?"

Elizabeth didn't have any trouble with Gwen, anyway, it was Gwen's business to worry about such things.


Yui jumped up and down in place, muttering more and more smooth words.

NO. Chapter 133 Daughter

"Phew, I finally don't need to start teaching words."

After a lot of talking and body movements, Gwen finally let YUI understand what calling out information is.

At the same time that the little loli knew how to use the database information, several cabinets the size of floor-standing wardrobes flickered for a while, and finally returned to silence.

"Good evening, Mama."

In an instant, the little loli who knew nothing and could only smile silly seemed to have grown into a sensible and obedient primary school student.

From this point, we can see how terrifying the learning ability of artificial intelligence is.

As long as there is such a thing as a database, they can save a lot of learning time. Anyway, as long as they can be transmitted by data, they can be directly copied into the database.

There is no need to learn slowly from beginning to end like a human being.


Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, because it was too boring waiting for Gwen to teach little Lori how to call the data, so she fell asleep.

When I woke up, I saw YUI standing there in a black Lolita suit.

"Elizabeth mama, good evening."

The little loli turned her face to Elizabeth, and said hello as much as a lady, just like the eldest lady of any noble family.

"Okay, good evening Yui."

Elizabeth greeted with some hesitation, and then looked at Gwen.

"Well, so far, the information stored in her database is still what I have stored before, because I am a little... a little unfamiliar with the code that makes up her, so at this stage, apart from the existing information, other knowledge must be taught by us. gone."

Gwen scratched her face in embarrassment. As the creator, she was unable to make post-production changes, which was a bit unreasonable.

"Well, it's the same as being able to have a baby without knowing how to make a baby."

Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully.

At present, it seems that the secret hidden by Gwen gave Gwen the ability to create artificial intelligence, but obviously this secret did not allow Gwen to understand the coding of artificial intelligence.

"Although it's a bit weird, it's not wrong to use such a metaphor, but I can still learn how to construct children... Bah! Learn the code of YUI."

Gwen pondered for a while, and found that what Elizabeth said was a reasonable analogy, but it sounded weird.

"System Administrator Settings, YUI, give Elizabeth Brant level [-] administrator privileges."

"Okay mama."

Yui nodded in agreement.

"Is this gone?"

After waiting for a while, Elizabeth asked suspiciously.

Of course she knows what administrator privileges are, but shouldn't there be some sound and light effects at this moment?

"What do you want? She is an artificial intelligence. Of course, she can recognize people by looking at her face. She is not a stupid machine. She can only rely on fingerprints."

Gwen rubbed Elizabeth's head.

"So, am I living in a movie? Why do you only see the things you do in movies?"

"Because I'm Gwendolyn Stacy!"

Facing Elizabeth's question, Gwen answered calmly and pretended to be x by the way.

"However, she really looks more like when you were a child... YUI, why are you wearing such a suit?"

Elizabeth took a closer look at YUI, but still couldn't help asking.

Girls, of course, are more sensitive to clothing accessories.

"Because the database search shows that a quarter of the photos of Mama when she was a child are wearing this type of clothing, so I immediately selected three pieces and combined them together."

Yui grabbed the corner of the skirt and turned around.

"At this stage, it already possesses the four capabilities of data retrieval, information analysis, drawing inferences from one instance, and information synthesis."

Gwen muttered under her breath as she jotted down what she said in her notebook.

"Does Elizabeth mama like it?"

YUI tilted her head and asked Elizabeth.

"Hi... like it."

"Well, there are also questioning skills and social skills."

Compared to Elizabeth who was at a loss, Gwen was calmer.

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