"Oh? What did you learn?"

Gwen switched to standard Mandarin with one click and asked Elizabeth.

"It's an ancient poem. I made up a section myself. Listen to it. The shallow grass is still green and the heart is reflected in the heart. I will go to the greenery with you. I will travel quickly and enjoy the mountains and rivers. Every little bit of love will tell you the warmth."

The same standard Mandarin came out of Elizabeth's mouth, and there was something unclear in her smile, which caught Gwen in a daze.

The black-haired girl was originally a bit like a fair-skinned Asian, and this combined with the Mandarin in her mouth made Gwen feel like returning to the embrace of her motherland.

"Okay, I can even make up poems... But why do I feel like doggerel?"

And why it feels weird, it clearly depicts a picture scroll of a spring outing.

"Well, Chinese is difficult to learn anyway, and poetry is even more difficult. You can understand rhymes. After all, English poetry also has this requirement. I haven't been able to understand the level. It's good to be able to write such things. Got it."

Elizabeth had a suspicious blush on her face, and turned her head to look at the rapidly receding building outside the window.


Gwen still couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Boss, I'm almost home, I'm already full, stop feeding me!"

Big Amy poked her head out of the front window. Although this Hummer was modified with soundproof windows similar to commercial vehicles, Gwen would not close the windows under normal circumstances.

Important things are generally not discussed in the car, and she is not a pure businessman, and there is no confidentiality in those business competitions.

She is engaged in either military industry or artificial intelligence. Cars are easily bugged by bad guys, so risky things should be avoided.

So when the two girls interacted with each other, Amy the driver and Emily the co-pilot were full of dog food.

Fortunately, Big Amy is not big, and she is also in her youth.

Emily has reached the age of marriage, and she has been single all the time, which will be a bit uncomfortable.

However, this kind of question can be said that Amy and Gwen have a good relationship, except for the bodyguards, they are still friends.

She, Emily, is just a serious contract worker, she can hold back as long as she can, and will remind her when she can't hold back.

"Alright alright."

Gwen waved her hand.

Humans live in groups, and they cannot live alone, but in the same group, there will be inconveniences. This kind of situation of eating dog food while spreading dog food will naturally appear.

"By the way, help me tonight."

Gwen pulled Elizabeth's men out of the car.

"Is there anything else you can't handle?"

Elizabeth was pulled forward by Gwen with a teasing face.

"You can't say that. I'm not the Almighty God. Besides, the Almighty God can't create a stone that He can't lift."

Gwen dragged Elizabeth to the basement without looking back.

"But then we have to do what God can do."

Gwen stopped suddenly and pulled Elizabeth to her face.

"You, have you made up your mind? Follow me, the road ahead may not be so smooth."

The expression on Gwen's face was never serious.

"Although I'm not stupid, I don't have any desire to pursue the essence of the world. I used to just want to surpass everyone to prove that I didn't live in vain. Now I find that the guy in front of me may be something I can never surpass , but fortunately, this guy can witness that I am very powerful, so naturally I cannot let this 'recorder' go."

Elizabeth guessed what Gwen wanted to do.

A long time ago, Gwen ordered several cabinet-sized chassis and placed them in the basement of the Long Island villa. These things are about the same length as the GMS server on the fifth floor of the GMS company building, but Elizabeth understands that the computing level of these things is much higher than that of the server. much taller.

Coupled with the artificial intelligence that Gwen said before, it is obvious what this will do.

"Then I will naturally live up to your expectations. But it's not interesting to just record it for me. I want to create it with you and let the world record it."

Gwen pushed open the door to the basement of the villa, and the cool and fresh air rushed in.

This is the wind from the ventilation air conditioner that is turned on for the main engine to dissipate heat.

A row of gray cabinets glows red and green, like a universe of stars in the dark basement.


Elizabeth chanted Gwen's words, feeling that the temperature of her face could not even be suppressed by the cool air from the air conditioner.

"Yes, tonight, I'm going to 'create' my own artificial intelligence."

Well, it's just an exchange from the system mall, far from being a creation.

So Toni is really a big bug in the Marvel universe.

Which of the races in the universe that developed artificial intelligence was not created by a group of talents. When it came to Toni, it was created by itself, with emotions.

You must know that in Avengers III, Vision is normally in a relationship with Scarlet Witch.

This is almost comparable to God and Nuwa who created man.

She Toni is equivalent to creating a life.

Let Gwen do this kind of work, who knows if it can be done, maybe even if he spends his second life in it, he may not be able to do it.

"Gwen, are you sure you're okay? I mean something like that in a movie..."

After World War II, Hollywood promotes "entertainment to death", directors usually shoot movies from some strange angles to win the audience's attention and pay for tickets.

The destruction of artificial intelligence is a subject that has been shot badly, but while the theme of artificial intelligence destruction over the years has won countless dollars, it has also written the definition of "artificial intelligence = bad" into people's minds.

Most Americans are afraid of these things.

In other words, most Americans are afraid of everything, such as aliens, artificial intelligence, the loss of vampires and werewolves, and the Chinese who say with their hands behind their backs, "You'd better not force me."

Even Elizabeth would hesitate at such times.

For any human being, the unknown is something that is frightening and full of temptation to explore.

Although curiosity drives human progress, it also kills many 'cats'.

NO. Chapter 130 Error

"Mengda milk, the current artificial intelligence can't do bad things like in the movie, don't worry, this is not a movie, how can it create such a humane guy?"

Gwen let go of Elizabeth's shoulders.

"...It means that I still need to learn Japanese. When did you become interested in Japanese after Chinese?"

Elizabeth's face turned pale. People say that being proficient in six languages ​​is a genius. Gwen shouldn't let her go too far, right?Or is it... more?

"Er... this is not necessary."

Gwen choked on Elizabeth's words, this girl, it's not that she has to learn what she has learned.

"Scare me."

Elizabeth watched as Gwen flipped a screen out of the closet-like case, and then pulled out a keyboard from under the screen like a drawer.

"Is it a little different from what you imagined?"

Gwen typed some codes on the keyboard, and the display lit up, with green characters on a black bottom.

"I thought you would enter these things on the computer in the study...how could it be the same as "Mission Impossible"?"

Elizabeth saw that Gwen's hand was convulsed, and the characters on the screen were scrolling so fast that she couldn't see clearly.

Lines of green code reflected Gwen's face flickering.

"Well, if it is a simple operation, it must be solved on the computer in the study, but for such a large project, it is better to directly type the code on the host computer, which saves the step of unlocking administrator privileges."

The crackling of keyboards matched Gwen's voice, and the sound of the wind blowing from the silent ventilation system.

"What are you going to make? Uh, is there a gender? A name? How old is it? Is it the same warm voice as Jarvis?"

Elizabeth threw out a bunch of questions.

"Ah, so you like that kind of voice?"

Gwen turned around in surprise.

"No, I just think that kind of voice is more in line with the setting of artificial intelligence."

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders as a matter of course.

"I think artificial intelligence should be a girl with no expression and a cold voice..."

This is completely the bad taste of Gwen's previous life.

After watching too much artificial intelligence in Japanese anime, thinking is limited.

Like the group of mental models in "Arpeggio of Blue Steel", especially the heroine Iona, and the stereoscopic projection image of the main computer of the space battleship in "The Lost Universe", especially the heroine Kaina Wuffy Special, these are typical of girl artificial intelligence.

Gwen, who has watched too many Japanese comics, is now thinking of girls and girls, and there is no place for men at all.

"It seems good for you to say that. Anyway, you said it with no expression... But, will we see the image of this one you designed? Didn't it mean that Jarvis has no specific image? Anyway, I'm with Toni Just the horn."

Elizabeth turned her head to look up and down the dark wardrobe cabinet, trying to see what the soon-to-be-born artificial intelligence would look like from the cabinet.

"There are also a bunch of chassis in the basement. This kind of thing requires extremely huge data calculations, and ordinary computer mainframes can't bear it. Well, or ordinary computer chassis can also run, but it can only be regarded as smart, far from reaching level of artificial intelligence."

Gwen said this with his mouth, but his hands didn't mean to stop.

"I seem to have seen this. Some scientists said that the difference between the virtual world built by computers and the real world is the amount of information. Like the human brain, it is composed of many neurons, which is far more complicated than computer accessories. Electrode motherboards are comparable."

Although Elizabeth didn't dabble in IT, she occasionally read related articles.

"Well, the electrical signals running in neurons are actually similar to the electrical signals running in computer motherboards. Computers are made by imitating the human brain. As long as you find a way to make the computer infinitely close to the human brain, then the hardware is fine, and the software is not. It’s easy to grasp. It’s also interesting to say that humans imitate their own brains to make computers, and now they want to make computers imitate human brains. This time, it’s better to use human brains directly... I don’t care what you look like. would do that."

Gwen beeped and talked about more taboo topics.

Then I found my girlfriend was covering her mouth and looking at me in disbelief.

"You know, there are three kinds of people I hate the most in this world. One is scientists. Those people are all mentally ill. They always come up with things that endanger the world first, and then try to find ways to make up for them by saving the world. One is half-spoken, another is illiterate, and the last is the last."

Gwen quickly dropped the keyboard and took a stand.

"Your words make me complain!"

Elizabeth dropped her hand, dumbfounded.

"Hey? Is there anything to complain about?"

Gwen opened her hands, puzzled.

"Heh, you should go to Hollywood to act. Is it okay to just throw it away like this?"

Elizabeth pointed to the monitor next to Gwen.

"No problem, it's not running, it's just coding."

Gwen waved her hand, then turned her head.

"Well, it's almost there now. Of course, the complete code can't be done in a short while."

With that said, Gwen took out a black USB flash drive from his pocket and inserted it into the socket next to the keyboard.

"This is the main program?"

Elizabeth looked at the USB flash drive curiously, but there was no sign on it.

"But such a small guy...is too obvious compared to such a big guy."

Indeed, the contrast between a thing with a big thumb and a thing with a big wardrobe is too obvious.

"If I didn't want to keep the influence points, I would just exchange the system case..."

At this moment, the Marvel Universe does not have any black-tech hosts, and can only use traditional quantity superposition to increase the computing power of the computer.

That is the computer matrix.

Of course, as a black technology universe, even if there is no small high-computing computer, ordinary large-scale scientific research computers are more powerful than those big guys in Gwen's previous life.


Elizabeth tilted her head.

"In short, this USB flash drive is more powerful."

Gwen put her hands back on the keyboard to debug the system.

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