There, a thin figure fell from the sky under the reflection of the fire, and then smashed into the asphalt road abruptly.

"Gwen, what we just saw was Banner being carried out on a stretcher by soldiers? Can he still turn into that green thing?"

Toni looked at the big hole in the asphalt road and hesitated a little. Banner didn't fall to his death, did he?

"And I don't think it's going to help that Banner becomes a green guy, it just makes the street worse?"

Toni couldn't even imagine what a ruined Broadway would look like.

"Who knows, that's why I said that there is a good show to watch. Isn't a good show just to make the audience unexpected and still fresh in their memory?"

Gwen asked Toni back, looking at the huge green hand protruding from under the asphalt.

"Well, now I think the biological variation caused by gamma rays can be studied as a subject."

Seeing these two invulnerable guys, Toni touched her chin and pondered.


There is no referee for the two big guys, but just like there can only be one male lion in a territory, the Hulk and the Gray Giant saw each other right when they appeared.

The giant's wrestling ♂ kicked off with a loud roar from the Hulk.

NO.Chapter 75 Large-scale wrestling scene

"Duang! Duang! Duang!"

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the street, mixed with the screams of passers-by.

Two guys from across the street ran head-to-head and collided with a bang.

With a height of more than two meters and a weight of 635 kilograms, the Hulk has strong kinetic energy.

The gray giant who is a little taller than him is obviously more impactful.

In one encounter, the Hulk was knocked over by the Gray Giant.

The gray giant with fighting experience is better at using his own strength than the Hulk, and a shoulder fall made the Hulk fly out.

Gwen smacked her lips watching from the rooftop.

This situation shows that the muscle strength and weight of these two guys can no longer be calculated according to human proportions.

It is impossible for human beings to throw things that are about the same weight as themselves tens of meters away, not to mention that the Gray Giant throws the Hulk hundreds of meters away.

Hulk crashes into the roof of a bus.

It's a pity that the weak iron skin has no ability to stop him from continuing to roll.

With the iron sheet, he knocked over a car again, and the steel fragments were squeezed together and mixed into a pile of entangled works of art.

The Hulk released most of the kinetic energy he carried on the car, and he landed not far behind the bus.

The vibration caused by the fall on the ground caused the cars around him to shake continuously. Some cars that had been locked on the side of the road before had their alarms beeping continuously due to the vibration.

Flashing warning lights are as exciting as Christmas lights.

This time, Hulk was thrown into a G tide in his head. When he got up, he half-kneeled first, and it took him a long time to stand up with his hands on the ground.

Gwen saw Gray Giant standing on the remaining half of the bus waving with an arrogant look on his face.

Any fool can see that this means continuing. Although Hulk's head is not working well, he is also irritated by Gray Giant.

The Hulk looked back and forth with his big head, and at a glance, he spotted the police car parked on the side of the road.

Hey, what happened to this police car next to you?

The Hulk put a knife on the roof of the police car with a knife in one hand, clasped the cracked gap with both hands and tore it on both sides forcefully.

Okay, there are two gloves in hand again.

I have to say that even if you are not good at using your brain, you still know how to use tools.

The Hulk with the gloves in hand fought with the gray giant who was rushing forward.

The Hulk hit the gray giant's forehead with every punch, and the police car in his hand was an iron thing after all, and the gray giant couldn't find it when he hit it.

After fighting for a while, the Hulk finally got the upper hand with the tools.

It's a pity that when he rubbed the gray giant on the ground, the two halves of the police car were completely disintegrated by him like a plastic toy.

The metal shards flying around looked shocking, but it made the police car even more broken.

After a while, the Hulk was left with only the hardest part of the entire police car-the engine.

So in addition to tearing down houses, tearing down cars is also a gifted skill of the Hulk.

He should go to the construction bureau or scrap car processing plant to work.

That's pretty efficient.

After being beaten for a long time, the gray giant slowed down because the Hulk had no tools.

The Hulk's fleshy fist was obviously not as hard as the iron sheet, and he was kicked out by the gray giant.

Under the tremendous force, the Hulk rolled and disappeared from Gwen's vision.

The Gray Giant immediately got up and rushed in that direction.

"These two big guys fought too hard."

Toni circled the roof.

Although this matter was caused by General Ross, General Ross should be responsible.

But seeing the heavy casualties of New Yorkers, Toni still felt uncomfortable.

She still has a warm heart in essence.

"But you can do it?"

Gwen's rhetorical question silenced Toni.

"Da da da!"

The sound of machine guns caught Gwen and Toni's attention.

General Ross' transport helicopter hovered in the air.

The small machine gun that comes with it is releasing firepower to try to attract the attention of the gray giant and make the Hulk breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the gray giant is lying on the wall of a building, where there is a large hole that the Hulk has knocked out.

The head of the gray giant, who was squatting there to see where the Hulk was, kept shaking. It was hit by a bullet.

Although the bullet cannot penetrate his skin, kinetic potential energy is applied at the point of impact.

At this moment, the gray giant was also angry, climbed to the top of the building a few times, and then ran.

"What is he going to do?"

Toni can't understand Gray Giant's operation a bit, isn't he not afraid of bullets?Can't just find something and throw it on it to smash the plane down?

Gwen didn't answer Toni, the 4D movie was at its most intense right now.

The gray giant ran a few steps, and after accumulating enough power, he made a big jump and jumped towards the helicopter.

But collided with the Hulk who also jumped up in mid-air.

It's just that the Hulk jumped off hastily and wasn't ready, thus only grabbing the Gray Giant's lower body.

The gray giant still held the helicopter's landing gear with his hands.

Two guys of incredible weight just hung under the transport helicopter and started fighting.

Although the upper limit of the helicopter can control these two big men, but that is when they are not moving.

As a result of this constant tossing, the plane spun and lost its lift, and fell to the ground.


Gwen stepped towards the direction where the plane fell.

Thanks to the architectural features of Harlem, New York, the roofs are all close together, and the short legs can run and jump quite fast.

It's just that when you get to the street, you can only slide to the ground from the iron stairs outside the building, and then run across the street.

Looking at the figure running with her butt twisted in front of her, Toni smiled wryly, why did she and this girl really come to this battlefield.

Toni burst into tears from the smoke caused by the burning car.

However, the little guy in his eyes ran to join in the fun as if he didn't care about it at all.

Toni thought for a while, she didn't seem to be the type to join in the fun, what magic power does this girl have?

Panting, Gwen climbed up to the roof across the street.

Toni just wanted to catch her breath when Gwen dragged her to the edge of the roof.

Ahead, on the ground, were scattered pieces of helicopter and building debris.

This is where the helicopter crashed.

The Hulk is sprawled not far from the helicopter, while the Gray Giant is out of sight.

"How about we...forget it."

Thinking about how she and Gwen have been secretly observing, Toni thinks it's better not to show up.

Besides, I still have a little guy with me, so it's better not to let the little guy participate in such a dangerous matter, just take a look.


The gray giant suddenly jumped onto the wreckage of the helicopter, and yelled at the hulk with the color on his body.

Then he jumps down and pins the Hulk against the building wall to blast the hammer.

At this time, the fuel leaking from the helicopter was ignited by an electric spark.

Seeing his lover's tragic death, the Hulk completely exploded, breaking Gray Hulk's arms and sending his head into the wall.

Then clap your hands together vigorously in one stride.

A powerful airburst extinguishes the burning flame.

Gwen in Loud Town's feet went limp and almost fell off the roof.

Fortunately, Toni grabbed Gwen by the collar and carried the little girl back to the roof.

NO. Chapter 76 The Marquee-like Head

"It's amazing."

Toni looked shocked.

In fact, for her, there are very few things that can surprise her.

It never occurred to Toni to use physical strength to blow away the air and create a space that was temporarily empty of air.

The power of a carbon-based creature can reach this level, it is simply unimaginable.

But the battle was not over. The recovered gray giant picked up the iron chains of the barricade, and with two concrete barricades, he swung them like a chain hammer.

The concrete barricade hits the Hulk in the head, knocking him out.

The blow stunned the Hulk briefly.

The gray giant's target was on General Ross and Betty who hadn't climbed out of the helicopter wreckage.

Just when the gray giant raised the barricade and was about to smash it at Betty, the Hulk woke up, and he punched the ground hard, causing the ground to crack.

The action of the gray giant stepping forward and throwing the roadblock caused him to step into the crack. With his unstable center of gravity, he subconsciously loosened the iron chain to try to stabilize his body.

The iron chain spun around in the air and hit the Gray Giant in the face.

The feng shui took turns, and he just used the roadblock to take a hit from the Hulk, and he immediately tasted the feeling of the roadblock riding his face.

When the gray giant was in a daze, the Hulk rushed up, wrapped the iron chain connecting the two roadblocks around the gray giant's neck, and pulled the two ends of the chain hard.

Even if the gray giant swung his arm vigorously to attack him, he didn't let go.

The Hulk pulled the iron chain so hard, obviously trying to strangle the Gray Giant to death.

However, just when the gray giant was about to belch, the Hulk let go.

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