In Emily's arms, there is a 19-style 9mm pistol and an AIM3-style .45 pistol.

***Type 19 is a pocket version of Type 17, suitable for pilots, gendarmerie and intelligence personnel, easy to carry and powerful.

The AIM3 pistol is a .1911 caliber pistol made by the AIM Weapons Development Department modeled on the M45.

The reason for bringing two guns is the ammunition problem. The messy gangs here in Brazil have led to no unified statement on weapons here. It is always good to have one more option for logistics supplies. If you can’t buy .45 ammunition, you can buy 9mm ammunition, and vice versa. .

However, all world-renowned ammunition models should be available for purchase.

Gwen didn't tell George and Helen about drilling into the slums, but arranged a three-day honeymoon trip for the two elders.

I will not get involved in the romance between the two elders, so as not to dislike myself as a light bulb again.

What Gwen told Emily was that she was curious about the slums, so she took a SLR and dragged Emily on the road.

In fact, Gwen had already obtained the location of the Guarana soda factory from James Miao.

The soda factory was originally built on the outskirts of the city, but as the population expanded, so did the housing.

The result of several years of urban expansion is that the soda factory that was originally on the edge of the city has become part of the residential area.

The simple huts of red cut brick that surround the soda factory house most of the soda factory employees.

It only takes a few steps to go to work every day, which is so convenient.

The human resources here are ridiculously cheap, and the wages of an ordinary soda factory employee are less than $1 a day.

That's right, the wages of the soda factory are paid on a daily basis, and most of the employees are temporary workers, and many times they disappear without a word.

Fortunately, this city has no other advantages, except that there are many poor people.

One worker left and countless others filled in the blanks.

Working in a covered soda factory is better than moving bricks at the port in the scorching sun, and the jobs here are considered fantastic by many.

Emily followed Gwen around for a long time, and the cute and fierce girl decisively lost her sense of direction.

The block-cut brick buildings here are more like shacks than houses. Low buildings can save building materials, and narrow alleys can increase building space. In this way, every narrow alley that only one person can pass through has poor light.

It's normal for people who don't have a strong sense of direction to get dizzy.

"Huh? It turns out that the Guarana Soda Factory is here. I used to drink it so often that I didn't know it."

After going around an alley, Gwen covered her mouth in surprise.

It's that kind of super-exaggerated American style of surprise.

For example 'Really?! ' or '! ' These two sentences.

It must be touching the chest with one hand, and the fingers of the other hand are close together and lightly resting on the mouth, making a particularly fake expression.

The sound must be dragged on for a long time, so that everyone around can focus on the person who made the sound.

Gwen's movements and expressions at this time are completely in line with American exaggerated surprise.

"Boss, is this soda good?"

Emily scratched her head, she never drank soda.

This fattening stuff is not going to help her stay in shape.

Fat bodyguards can't protect their employers, just like throwing the host down, fat people can't achieve quick results.

It is even possible that the host was not hurt by the enemy but was pressed out of the problem by the bodyguard.

Gwen is so small, and will be only 1.5 meters in the third year of junior high school. If Emily is a little fatter, it is really possible to cause problems for Gwen.

At least Emily thought so, so she didn't dare to touch these high-calorie junk foods.

Because of this, she doesn't even know what this drink tastes like.

"Emily, are you 24 years old?"

Gwen turned to Emily who was scratching her head.

"Yes boss."

Emily adjusted her suit and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

It's really embarrassing for this girl to wear such tight clothes in such a hot Rio.

"How did you live so long? I mean, don't you have any fun in life? Like going to the bar after get off work to drink and eat delicious food?"

Gwen tries to dig deeper into her bodyguard's secrets.

"Boss, do you think I have time to rest?"

Emily drooped her eyelids. Her current bodyguard job is a contract with a ten-year term and a 24-hour standby.

Of course, ten years later, she can retire with 2000 million US dollars and still have a monthly salary of 5 US dollars. At the same time, Gwen Fang also prepared various insurances for her.

If Gwen is injured or even permanently disabled because of protecting Gwen, she will be compensated accordingly. The highest compensation is the death of Gwen protecting her, and her family will receive a compensation of 4000 million U.S. dollars.

This kind of high salary is just selling 10 years of life, and there is nothing you can't do.

She is only 24, and she has been guarding Gwen for more than a year. In another nine years, she will be able to go to a certain beach to enjoy an essential oil massage for her little boy.

Gwen also realized that the poor guy in front of him was 007.

Working seven days a week from 0:0 to [-]:[-].

There is no job more miserable than this, always responding to the needs of employers.

Fortunately, Gwen is just a child, not well-known, and not that dangerous.

At this moment, the door of the beverage factory opened, and the workers came out in single file.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the beverage factory's day's work was over.

Gwen watched a Banner wearing a peaked cap walk out of the factory. There was no way, the white complexion was so dazzling among a group of colored people.

Gwen wondered why it took Rose so long to find it so easy.

Reminiscent of "Hulk 2" who acted in advance to capture Banner's army without Ross's consent, there will be no organization behind it.

Gwen suddenly felt that the way the Brazilians looked at the foreigners gave her a chill down her spine. Could there be spies from some organization among these aborigines?

After all, this is a national melting pot area.

In Brazil, you can find people from almost all nationalities.

So this is also a country for information exchange, and many spies are here.

However, she, Gwen, seems to be using the excuse of traveling, isn't it very suspicious?

Seeing Banner disappearing into the crowd, Gwen unhurriedly followed.

The SLR in her hand still takes photos of tourists from time to time, although she doesn't know what she is taking.

Seeing a fruit stand on the side of the road, Gwen moved over.

"Boss, is there a place where I can send parcels here? I want to send some special products home."

Gwen tried hard to make her Spanish look rusty, which was a bit difficult for her, but she had learned Spanish through systematic textbooks, and there was no problem with fluent communication.

But it would be surprising if she really spoke Spanish proficiently.

Gwen never had a record of Spanish learning in her social profile.

NO. Chapter 6④ Watching him secretly

"Yes, it's at the corner of that intersection."

The owner of the fruit stand pointed to the intersection, which was a road leading to the port and also the transportation road for the soda exported by the soda factory.

Likewise, the direction the boss points to is also the direction Banner left.

"Is this the place where the parcels are delivered near here?"

Gwen didn't know which mailing place Banner went to drop off the package.

"Just this one. This is a slum, miss. Not many people know how to send parcels, at most they send some letters."

The owner of the fruit shop waved his hand, how could people in the slums have so much money to do some kind of package mailing.

At this time, there is no express delivery yet, and it is okay to mail letters. The mailing price of parcels is really expensive.

Banner is written and paid.

"Thank you boss, please pack these fruits."

Gwen handed over the mangoes she picked to the boss.

"it is good."

The dark-skinned boss pulled the cigarette out of his yellowed teeth, threw it on the ground and crushed the sparks with his feet, clapped his hands, took out a cardboard box from under the counter, and quickly wrapped the fruit in it with scotch tape.

As for the ice pack or some incubator?

These things don't exist, how can you expect a roadside stall owner to give you some high-tech.

Gwen shrugged indifferently, and she didn't really want to buy any specialty fruits.

Tilting her head to signal Emily to pick up the packed cardboard box, Gwen headed for the express delivery point.

Walking to the intersection, Gwen not only saw a mailing point where packages could be sent, but also saw Banner talking to someone.

This Banner is the Banner in the Avengers, not the Banner in "Hulk" and "Hulk 2".

At this point Banner took a lump of green from the person he was talking to.

According to the plot of the movie, this should be a plant that can suppress gamma energy.

Gwen became excited, it was a coincidence that she came sooner rather than later.

Banner's next step is to go back to the rental house to do experiments to solve the problem of his own transformation, but the experiment fails.

The next step is to draw blood and send the blood sample to Mr. Lan.

"Boss, this mango is so heavy."

The big fierce lady was holding the fruit, and she was a little staggering in the aisle.

Isn't this nonsense, Brazil has so much water, and the fruits have absorbed enough water.

It's strange that it doesn't sink.

Gwen also has subordinates now, although the business of bodyguards does not include helping the employer move things, because moving things will take up both hands, and the employer cannot be better protected when danger comes.

But now Emily is not only a bodyguard, but also a part-time secretary.

It seems normal for the secretary to help the boss resist some things.

So Gwen felt that it seemed time for him to become a full-time secretary, just like Jarvis.

But Emily still needs to carry things.

"Hurry up, we still have to hurry."

Seeing Banner disappearing from sight, Gwen urged her but was not in a hurry.

Just know that there is only one delivery point nearby.

In the analysis of netizens that Gwen saw in her previous life, it is said that the Hulk has some nonsense such as the law of power.

Although Gwen has seen Marvel, she is not a fan of Marvel.

She doesn't know if Marvel has such a thing as laws, she just thinks that laws should be something only in the immortal novels she read.

So after seeing that analysis, she automatically dismissed the article as nonsense.

She only felt that Banner's invulnerability after transformation was only due to the biological reorganization of muscles and skin.

Gwen felt that Banner's change could be explained scientifically.

She didn't know that there was such a thing as the Celestial Group in the Marvel Universe.

Those guys are completely unexplainable by science.

So this time Gwen came here to get Banner's blood samples, also thinking from a biological point of view.

She wants to give herself a stake in the future by studying Hulk's blood.

As for whether it was successful or not, that was something to be discussed after getting the blood sample.

And now, it seems that the success of her short-term plan is not far away.

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