The stock will not change greatly, but it will also decrease a lot. Stark asked Gwen to discuss the acquisition of Mobil's stock in the name of GMS.

Those big companies have done this kind of detour to buy stocks.

Some guys who manipulate the stock market do this through the bag company, driving up the stock price or driving down the stock price or something.

Miss Stark is happy to do this kind of thing to suppress a hostile company.

So George's brain supplement is completely nonsense, and Gwen is doing business.

NO. Chapter 59 LV giant

On the third day of the '911' incident, General Thaddeus E. Ross passed the US military's review of the soldier's strength enhancement plan, because Howard Stark was politically arranged to be the person who researched Captain America, so General Ross Invite Toni Stark to participate in the research.

He thought Toni would have Howard's research material.

In fact, Captain America's serum was developed by a German scientist. Howard only developed gamma rays to match the serum.

Where does Toni have any information about Howard, so Toni refused this matter.

Gwen knew it through Toni's mouth. At that time, Gwen wanted to discuss with Toni about the Mobil Oil acquisition plan, but Toni told Gwen that she was in a meeting with General Ross.

General Ross, but the old man of the Hulk is here.

Most of the appearance of this product is related to the Hulk.

The Hulk appeared in 2005, which means that the old guy is starting to do things now.

Comparing the before and after, and thinking about it again, Gwen basically figured out what Ross was doing.

And a week after '911', an organization called the Ten Commandments Gang came out and claimed responsibility for this incident.

Even a failed terrorist attack still caused panic among American citizens.

Helen grabbed the father and daughter and reprimanded them for this.

Gwen scratched his head straight, but Uncle Lantern's feelings didn't show up. This matter was actually done by the Ten Commandments Gang.

No wonder the efficiency is so low, the plane was only driven to hit the building in the afternoon.

Uncle Lan Deng's efficient team brought down the building in the morning.

In short, if someone is responsible, the US government should take a stand.

So the U.S. military began to frantically expand its armaments and supplies.

Oh, Miss Toni is very happy, it's all money.

Gwen was also very happy. The GMS military communication software she developed specially for the military was also successfully bundled with Toni's hardware communication equipment and sold.

That's big money, and one of the most lucrative legal businesses in America is arms.

Finally, after two years of preparation, on March 2003, 3, the Iraq war started.

This war was fought for no apparent reason, and the cause was Iraq's use of biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction against its own people.

Then the ground in Baghdad was washed over by shells and rockets.

This battle had nothing to do with Gwen. She was already in the sixth grade at this time, and the system also released university textbooks.

Gwen can finally do some high-end technological research, and at this time she also has enough funds to set up a laboratory.

Who would have thought that a 10-year-old girl could actually study biological cell reinforcement engineering.

There is also artificial intelligence technology, and the chaotic ternary code is a difficult subject to study.

So far, Toni has achieved a lot in this field.

You must know that artificial intelligence is made to imitate the way the human brain thinks as much as possible.

At the beginning, humans designed computers with their own brains as a blueprint, and now Gwen and Toni are trying to use computers to imitate the operating mode of the brain.

This difficulty is not ordinary.

True AI is capable of self and creativity.

All an ordinary binary computer can do is take an input and produce a result.

From the computer's point of view, inspiration and creativity come from a miscalculation.

The correct operation will not cause uncontrollable changes, and it is even said that no variables will be generated at runtime.

The ternary fuzzy operation will generate inspiration and creativity in the calculation process.

Because it leads to vague conclusions like maybe, probably, maybe.

This is what humans do, binary computers only have zeros and results.

Just like women's clothing, except for 0 times, there are countless times, and there is no such thing as half a time.

The fuzzy calculation is like this big guy who only put on his shirt and took a selfie for sand sculpture netizens. Anyway, he didn't say that he had to wear the whole body.

Toni really couldn't see Gwen doing this research by herself, so she simply dragged her into the 'Jarvis Development Team'.

She needs an assistant anyway.

There are only two of them in the entire development team, and there is no one else.

With Toni as a big tree to enjoy the shade, Gwen's artificial intelligence development has made rapid progress.

At the beginning of 05, Jarvis entered the final stage of self-study.This basically means that the artificial intelligence of Jarvis has been initially developed.

The program that took Gwen and Toni two years to write is finally learning how to think like a baby.

But this technology was hidden by Toni and Gwen.

For public opinion, there are also negative comments that artificial intelligence will replace humans or even eliminate humans.

And Jarvis is the artificial intelligence that serves Toni, and no one else needs to know.

The old and frail Jarvis was approved by Toni to retire and sent to the Stark family farm in New Jersey to raise horses.

At this time, Gwen thought of the Hulk.

Bruce Banner became Green Roshan in 2005.

It's just that Gwen forgot exactly when.

Until a piece of news broke Gwen's calm.

"A mysterious event happened at the Nuclear Energy Biotechnology Institute of the University of Berkeley. The green monster destroyed the university laboratory? The laboratory equipment was severely damaged and large footprints were found on the scene? Gwen, what do you think?"

Toni put down the newspaper in her hand and looked at Gwen who was holding coffee on the sofa opposite.

Gwen is at Toni's house. The girl in the second year of junior high school is wearing jeans and a white short-sleeved T-shirt. The simpler the dress, the more youthful and energetic she is.

Toni has moved into the mansion at 10880 Mabry Shores that fell into ruins in Iron Man 3.

Jarvis's processor is also placed in the basement of the villa.

"Biochemical experiments? I guess the gorillas were mutated by radiation."

Gwen put down the coffee cup. She couldn't say that a guy injected herself with various bio-based sound mixtures and then passed them on to her son, and then his son received gamma rays for saving other researchers. Turned into a green angry big meat mountain, right?

"Miss Stark, General Ross is calling."

Jarvis' voice came over the loudspeaker.

"It looks like there's something for sale again."

Toni put down her whiskey.

"Put it on, Jarvis."

After tidying up her clothes, Toni looked at the large TV mounted on the wall.

"Hello, Miss Stark."

The slap in the face of the old man Ross appeared on the TV, and the four stars on the collar of the military uniform were shining brightly.

"It's been a long time since General Ross, why did you remember to contact me at this time?"

Toni dragged her voice leisurely.

Gwen had never seen Party B in such a stance before.

In the previous life, when Party B met Party A, which one was not like his grandson, when she came to Toni, she became a master, and others had to beg her.

This is to master the core technology, a seller's market.

"Miss Stark, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

General Ross had a very serious expression on his face.

"Of course it's convenient. You know, I live alone."

Toni didn't even look at Gwen, so she said flatly.

"Miss Stark must have seen the information in the newspaper. I hope you research a weapon that can target this monster."

Because of the camera angle, Ross did not see Gwen on the sofa and coffee next to him.

"General Ross was joking. I'm just an ordinary American citizen. How can I deal with monsters that even your army can't destroy?"

Toni found it very interesting. The old man didn't block any news like before. It seemed that he couldn't handle this matter at all, and even let the newspaper publish it.

General Ross gritted his teeth, with blue veins on his forehead, he really wanted to step over the network cable and punch Toni in the face, even though he never hit women.

It's really that Toni's posture is too hateful, not to mention being so high on the shelf, but still making sarcastic remarks.

NO. Chapter 60 General Ross Desires Weapons

"I'm not asking for your help. My army can deal with this thing. I just want to be prepared. The higher-ups ordered either to destroy this guy or to capture this guy. I don't want any mistakes to happen."

Although he hates it, Ross still admires Toni's brain. If anyone in this world can make weapons and equipment to destroy or capture the Hulk, there is only Toni Stark, the only one.

"Is this 'thing' the result of your experiment?"

Toni picked up the whiskey on the table again. It was too much effort to talk to the old guy, and the topic kept spinning.

"Miss Stark, you know, there are some things I didn't authorize..."

General Ross had a hesitant expression on his face, but the people present were all good people, and this old thing was just acting.

"You can't say it under certain circumstances, I know it, but how can I help you if you don't tell me, at least I should have information about this 'thing'."

Toni was too lazy to go around in circles with him, she was too tired.

"Yes, the information will definitely be sent to you, provided that you are sure to participate."

General Ross no longer circles around. In fact, as a powerful general, he also climbed up step by step from the bottom of the ranks.

He was not a politician from the beginning, and he didn't bother to go around in circles, but Toni was not a soldier, he would only face soldiers and politicians, not businessmen.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to treat businessmen in the same way as politicians.

"Okay, tell me."

The military does not earn money for nothing, so why not squeeze out so much oil and water.

"I think Miss Stark should know about the weapon research and development plan that our military cooperates with Stark Industries, right? There is a 'biotechnology enhancement plan' as a sub-project of the weapon research and development plan, and Miss Stark should be familiar with it. I invited you to participate in 2001, but you declined."

General Ross lit his cigar.

This old Fox Gwen is very familiar, this is General Ross in all Marvel Universe movies except the first Hulk.

It was William Hurt, not Sam Elliott.

This worries Gwen, after all, Liv Tyler is far less good-looking than Jennifer Connelly.

Hey, but Jennifer is the artificial intelligence of the nano-spider suit in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Well, like her husband Paul Bettany, a Tony AI voiced and a Peter AI voiced.

Marvel Pictures only accepts husband and wife files?

In other words, Gwen forgot to complain about Jarvis.

"This 'thing' is the result of research?"

Toni became serious. This weapon research and development plan started from her father, Howard, until her generation was also conducting related research, which is why Stark Industries has developed steadily.

As long as the arms division of Stark Industries is still there, Stark Industries will not go out of business.

"It counts, and it doesn't count."

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