NO. Chapter 45 Copyright

Gwen quickly came to an administrative building of Stark Industries in Happy's car.

This confuses Gwen, who is ready to collect influence points. It stands to reason that the place they should go to is the Patent Office.

"get off."

Hapila's face was clearly still sulking.

To be honest, it is rare to see this bodyguard smile in the movie, although he is always a funny supporting role.

Could it be that this is a contrasting personality?

In short, Gwen is used to this guy's pulling face.

It's not her bodyguard, and she can't interfere with Toni's donkey face.

"We'll settle for..."

Well, judging by Happy's face, she would not answer her question, so Gwen had no choice but to give up.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Happy put on the image of a military training instructor, which was similar to what Gwen thought. Anyway, he was not his boss, who made this girl have short legs.

Running for two steps won't kill you.

So a scene that made people feel "harmonious" appeared at the entrance of the Stark Industrial Administration Building.

A tall sweater walked in front first, followed by a little loli with short legs.

The guy in the black suit, who didn't look like a good guy, flew away, and ordered the little girl behind him to follow with a stern expression.

This made the passers-by around Jiang Xinjiang hey, is this guy a human trafficker?

However, seeing that the two were heading towards the Stark Industrial Administration Building, the kind-hearted people who wanted to stop them did not say anything, but they decided to squat at the entrance of the Stark Industrial Administrative Building. If the little girl did not come out, they would call the police.

Who made this little girl so cute, this kind of cute loli is fierce, that guy must not be a good person.

Gwen didn't realize until she was seated that Toni had already thought of her idea of ​​applying for software copyright in advance, and even asked Stark Industries' lawyer Hou to wait for her here.

Huh?Why is Toni so nice to her?Could it be that the orangutan of the wise man cherishes each other?

Or did you say that what you said just now moved Toni?

However, it is difficult to use software to pay for things like this in the United States. Although the United States is the "Federal Reserve" that issues currency, most banks are private, which is doomed to the inconsistency of interest negotiation.

From this point of view, it is difficult to realize one of my own ideas.

But Gwen thought about it again, the Stark Industries of the Marvel Universe is so huge, maybe the major private "speculative clubs" in the United States can unite and use GMS software to circulate virtual currency.

"Here are some relevant documents for applying for copyright, please have a look at Miss Stacey."

The girl wearing gold-rimmed glasses put several documents on the table in front of Gwen, and then she sat opposite Gwen.

"I am Eve Moore from the Stark Industries Lawyers Group. Next, I will be in charge of your copyright application."

The blond girl with gold-rimmed glasses pushed down her wide glasses and introduced herself.

Eve?Gwen remembered that there was Sif in Marvel's "Thor" movie, and she was also a goddess who could fight, but she had a similar name to the lawyer in front of her.

Sif is a real goddess, from Asgard, the hometown of Thor.

Toni is so beautiful, even her lawyer is a beautiful woman.

"Miss Eve, if I use my software copyright patent to start a computer system company, is it feasible?"

Gwen asked herself that she didn't understand these things, and the textbooks purchased from the system mall were only limited to high school knowledge at the moment. In line with the concept of "specialization in art", she felt that since the lawyer in front of her could handle the matter of registering her copyright , then you should be able to handle the matter of registering your own company.

"This... is feasible, but Miss Stacy, I think we can discuss this issue later."

Eve's expression fit her identity as a lawyer. Gwen felt that this girl and Happy were a perfect match, so she pulled her face in the same way.

After signing several documents, Gwen found that the seemingly complicated process was compressed into a few signatures by himself.

This is the stink of capital. Money can make people push ghosts. No matter how complicated the process is, as long as the money is enough, all obstacles will be broken by themselves.

"So, Miss Stacy, do you want to set up a corporation or a Limited Liability Company?"

After sorting out Gwen's signed documents, Eve immediately shifted her focus professionally to the establishment of the company.

Although there are six business models in the United States, these two are the most formal.

Stark Industries is the operating model of the corporation, which has board members, chairman and shareholders.

There needs to be regular board or shareholder meetings or something.

There are no age, residency or other legal requirements for companies that set up a corporation operating model, but shareholders must be US citizens/green card residents, and the company must be less than 100 people.

Companies with this operating model are generally entrusted to the manager for management, and shareholders are only responsible for collecting money most of the time. If the company goes bankrupt, the court will not confiscate the shareholders' personal assets.

And another operating model of Limited Liability Company seems to be used by Hammer Industries. This model has no age, residency or other legal regulations and identity requirements.

One person can be the chairman, shareholder and manager, but the manager not only does not get a salary, but also pays social security money, and the income can only be distributed by the company.

Both have pros and cons.

The advantage of the first one is that the shareholders work for their own company and still get paid. The disadvantage is that poor management will be jointly impeached by the members of the board of directors. If the members of the board of directors jointly hold more shares than the chairman, the chairman may step down.

The second advantage is that you don’t have to worry about anyone hindering you. The development of the company is what you say. Of course, you can also recruit managers to help you manage it. You can also divide the shares to recruit shareholders, which is more flexible.The disadvantage is that if something goes wrong, your own assets have to be invested, and you don't have to run away.

Like Justin Hammer, he ended up in a cell to raise a boy.

Although it is also related to his breaking the law, if he is a company operating in the corporate mode, his own account will not be frozen if the company has a problem, then he will not be reduced to raising a bad boy, at least he can still do it by hiring a street girl every month arrived.

Look at Tony (616 main universe), if something goes wrong, the board of directors will dismiss him as the chairman at most, but his own money is still his own, and he didn't say that a group of guys confiscated his villa luxury car.

Gwen is scratching her head now, she doesn't want a bunch of inexplicable guys to come in and point fingers, maybe there is someone from Hydra.

However, it is obviously impossible to rely on her alone for the development of a company, not to mention that she has no management experience in two lifetimes, even if she can hire a professional manager, she will be afraid.

What's more, if you participate in the high-tech industry, it involves R&D and production, which is not easy for one person.

You see that Toni is so powerful, don't you have a weapon research and development center?

It is said that vultures are researchers here.They should not be laid off now.

"Miss Stacey, I recommend corporation. As long as you don't break the law with this model, even if your performance declines due to poor management, it won't affect your personal assets."

Eve has a business-like attitude, so Gwen thinks she should try to poach a corner?

I feel that this young lady is very professional and well-mannered.

But the salary price offered by Stark Industries should not be able to afford it?

NO.Chapter 46 Don't be alarmed, Mom, please sit down

Gwen never imagined in his previous life that one day he would also become the leader and helm of a company.

Now that there is no hook in this life, it has done it instead. It is still a computer system joint-stock company with a registered capital of 50 US dollars.

The most brutal thing is that the board members of this company are Helen Stacy and Toni Stark!

That's right, Toni was on the board of GMS Computer Software AG, but she didn't bring anything with her.

Well, after a lot of tossing, although Toni kept her promise and really didn't invest money, Gwen admired the decision she made.

This is a businessman who not only abides by the agreement and contract, but also bypasses the agreement and contract, and participates in investment in disguise from another angle.

But as long as Toni joins, it's equivalent to joining a big V with her own traffic. Of course, her media traffic is better than any big V. I don't know how much.

As long as she is there, Gwen's company will naturally attract the attention of others without doing anything. This is the celebrity effect that Gwen laments in the first two chapters.

Of course, Toni is also taking risks. Although it seems that she has paid nothing, if Gwen makes money, she still has money to take.

But if the GMS company messes up, it will lose Toni's face. After all, Gwen is hot and who knows, people are all concerned about GMS company for Toni.

But as long as Gwen doesn't promote this kind of thing, outsiders will not know that Toni has invested in it.

The advantage of the corporation (joint stock company) is reflected here. When necessary, Gwen can hide the information of the entire board of directors and only introduce one manager to the public.

I don't want to publicize that no one knows who is on the company's board of directors.

The question now is whether Toni wants to promote it, and Gwen doesn't care anyway.

The software GMS was made by Gwen summarizing the experience of successful online social platforms in his previous life. Although it is a bit ahead of the curve, it will not make it difficult for people to accept it.

If you don’t know how to play space or circle of friends, then you can only chat. When Fangzheng first appeared in OICQ, he could only chat.

It's not forcing you to do everything at once, I, Gwen, just put everything there, whether you play all at once or a little at a time, it's all up to you.

"Gwen, you, I..."

On the way home, Helen kept stuttering, even a woman who was calm when her husband was seriously injured and entered the ICU and might be widowed at any time, but now she couldn't turn her head when she was shocked by a series of slapstick operations after her daughter called her temporarily up.

"mama. It's very profitable to write code."

Fortunately, Helen doesn't know how to write codes, so Gwen can easily fool a mother like her who doesn't know much about it.

"But that's too much! Half a million dollars!"

Helen never thought that her daughter's age did not reach double digits, but she already earned double digits in front of [-].

"Didn't Papa have a deposit of 70 US dollars?"

Gwen tilted her head in doubt. It's not like my mother has never seen so much money.

"It's not the same thing baby, how old are you! Oh my gosh, how did you become my chairman?"

The problem was that Helen wasn't surprised because she had never seen so much money.

"Mama, people will grow up, and Miss Stark took a fancy to the code I wrote, but she still has to manage Stark Industries, so she gave me the position of chairman."

This explanation is reasonable, but the problem lies with Helen. If she can point out that Toni's so-called "management of Stark Industries" is "to date which beautiful woman", Gwen's "explanation" will be exposed.

"Okay... Am I going to come back? I agreed to educate you at home."

Helen began to think about it.Gwen, a cheap mother, is a high-achieving student no matter what, even if she is now a husband and a child, she will become a social elite after regaining knowledge.

Maternal love is great, and children are the first in the mother's heart. Even if she has adapted to the life of staying at home, as long as the child needs it, she can go to battle again.

Gwen also knew that her recent performance was a bit exaggerated, but the time was really rushed.

If she doesn't do it now, brother Ma will start it in China.

Not to mention that Facebook was born in 2004, which is the millennium.

People who don't understand writing code may find it mysterious and difficult to understand, but those who really understand can quickly write a chat program.

Not to mention Gwen, a new thing that is formed by adding some functions to the original programs on the market.

This is not an exaggeration, at most others think it is a prodigy or something, and Hydra will not go to war for a child who can write code, at most it will be included in the observation sequence.

Only Gwen knew the exaggeration wasn't the second grader writing the code, it was the second grader coming up with the ideas.Well, Toni knows she knows, no third person knows the conception.

So Toni seems to have no problem giving her money.It's okay to even sign a VAM agreement to cover all her future living expenses.

It looks weird to others, and Gwen is not worth the price, because they are missing keyframes.

And that key frame is the same as the old master who repaired the tractor with a hammer. A hammer is only worth one dollar, and the knowledge of how to repair a tractor with a hammer is worth 99 dollars.

Gwen's idea is worth $500 million equivalent in Stark Industries stock and $79 in research and development funds. The code code is not worth even $1, because Toni can code it out at hand.

The difference is that Toni didn't expect it, and Gwen stole it from the future.

However, Toni felt that Gwen thought for herself, this is really awesome, it is really worth so much money.

Gwen felt that the purple sweet potato spirit would soon be destroyed, and he had to be awesome, and he had to accept the money without conscience.

One is willing to give and the other is willing to receive, both of them are very satisfied.

It's none of their business whether others are surprised or not, it's normal for people who eat melons to make a fuss.

At this moment, Gwen was thinking, why is he also a chairman, should he have a car and a secretary?

Uh too corrupt, no, can't do that.

They haven't graduated from elementary school yet, and the company doesn't even make a profit, so it's not good to be so formalistic.

I am a person who always remembers the red spirit.

"Gwen, although you...have already established a company, I still hope that you will not give up your studies."

Helen was a little worried. She didn't know how to deal with this matter. What her daughter did made her not know how to educate her.

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