Gwen really wanted to yell!The wicked capitalist!

That's $7!In 1999, you can buy a house in the United States!

NO. Chapter 33 Trench

"20 U.S. dollars will be given to you as a sponsor for student union activities, and the scale will be expanded as much as possible for me! The stuff named by Stark Industries, even if it is a primary school science and technology fair, must be the best primary school science and technology fair for me!"

Miss Stark still has that lazy look, but the words in her mouth are really commanding.

"The other 80 yuan is your research and development funds. It's up to you to decide how to spend it. I don't care even if you donate it to the orphanage. Anyway, the money is given to you. I only want you to produce results that I am satisfied with."

trench!You are really mean!oh!It's damn sweet!

No!I am a staunch red descendant!I will never be corrupted!

This demon girl actually wants to tarnish my red heart!Shameful!

Gwen pocketed the check quickly.

She definitely wasn't afraid of Toni's repentance, it was because she didn't want to see this check again, not even for a second!

Yes, that's the reason!

"Thank you Miss Stark."

Gwen didn't know how many times she thanked her today.

There is no way, that's how sponsorship is. After success, the only thing to do is to keep thanking the sponsor.

This is the same as after the negotiation is concluded and the other party pays.

Unless you're a seller's market, it's a different matter if someone comes to you begging to sponsor you.

This is the market, business, and society.

"But one thing, you're going to send me the bill, yes, send it to me, not my secretary or anyone else. It's a deal between the two of us."

Toni emphasized this point, because she wanted to take care of Gwen herself.

A little girl who got her all interested, so interesting.Toni began to have a little expectation for Gwen.

The idea of ​​expecting a little kid had never been in Toni's life, but it didn't feel bad, expecting someone else or something.

With a high IQ, she can see the results of many things at a glance, so "expectation" rarely happens.

Toni thinks it's good to experience it once in a while, and whether Gwen wins or loses, her little expense is worth it to her.

Look, is this what people think!If those people at the bottom who struggled for a living found out, one person would have to spit.

However, after spitting, they still have to continue to struggle to live. This is the helplessness of the poor.

"Okay, let's go if you don't stay for dinner!"

Toni didn't mention the signing of the contract, and Gwen knew that "this small amount of money" didn't reach the bottom line of signing the contract with Toni.

"Okay, goodbye, Miss Stark."

Gwen tidied up the budget list, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait a moment."

The cold voice of Yu Jie sounded behind her.

"Miss Stark, is there anything else?"

Gwen turned around warily, and suddenly felt that she was making a big fuss again, and she relaxed again.

Someone throwing me 100 million is the same as throwing me a dime, and I actually thought that he would want it back.

After ten thousand steps, the money originally belonged to others, and if they want to go back, there is nothing they can do, right?

"When will your expo be open?"

Sure enough, Toni stopped talking about the check.

"A month from now, Miss Stark."

Gwen replied.

"Okay, I see, you go back."

Toni waved her hand, and Gwen slipped away with the folder between her hands.

"How is it, is it going well?"

Jefferson Davis asked Gwen, who was sitting in the back seat.

"It didn't disappoint me."

Gwen's words have a double meaning.

The first implication is that Toni has not fallen from the sacred height in her heart, but has taken a step closer.

It felt like Jesus walking into a mortal.

Although it no longer retains the indifferent divinity, it is even more sacred.

Her fears before entering Toni's house were unfounded.

Another meaning is that she really wants to get the sponsorship fee, or she has overfulfilled the task, and there is no need to go to other alternatives such as "Coca-Cola Company", "Osborne Group" and so on.

"So you succeeded?"

Gwen was amused by the surprised look on Jefferson's face.

Apparently the young cop never thought Gwen would succeed.

But his understanding is also literally

"Well, so please brother Jefferson to send me to the bank now, and I have to remit the money to the account of the school's student union."

Gwen wiped beads of sweat from her face, this time a mixture of tension and heat.

With millions of dollars in hand, I have never seen so much money in my previous life!

That would be the same as holding gold of the same price, the psychological weight alone would be enough for Gwen to suffer.

"Okay, the Orient Express is leaving!"

Jefferson picked a meme casually, started the police car and headed to the bank.

I rely on big brother, why don't you say this!Do you know the origin of the Orient Express?

That's a detective story!There are dead people!

How unlucky!Don't use memes indiscriminately!

Not to mention that, even the train stuck halfway due to natural disasters in "Murder on the Orient Express" is not auspicious!

Then, because of the traffic jam, Gwen rushed to the bank just before the bank closed.

So I am not afraid of talking nonsense, but I am afraid that the mouth of talking nonsense will be opened.

"Miss, what kind of business do you want to handle? We are going to get off work soon!"

The saleswoman who was assisting customers outside the counter stopped Gwen who was about to go to the counter.

In fact, she should have asked Gwen who her parents were, if she got lost or something.

But seeing Gwen's tense little face, she wanted to tease this cute little guy again.

"What the hell are you doing? Sister. Where should I go to save money?"

Seeing that it's time to get off work, do you really want to sleep with 'One Bowan'?

This pressure is not small... Maybe my parents have never seen so much money.

The person in front of him is still blocking himself, which is annoying to death.

Why didn't Jefferson quickly park his car and come over here!

"It's true that you should go to the counter, but children, you can't handle it without your parents."

The salesman is not nervous at all, this little girl seems to have learned the process of saving money from adults, so she wants to try it herself to prove that she is an adult.

"I came with my brother, but he was parking the car. You guys are going to get off work soon, and I'm afraid it's too late!"

Gwen can't say that she has the 100 million from Toni, can she?This young lady definitely doesn't believe it.

And if she really showed the young lady the check, she didn't dare, she was afraid that the young lady would pick her up and do something bad when she saw it, and then take the check and run away with the money.

The safest thing to do is to take it out in front of the manager, and then while Jefferson is waiting at the door of the manager's room.

Her goal at the beginning was not the counter. She went to the counter to ask where the manager was.

Her danger rose a notch with each additional person who knew about the money.

"Then sister, can I see the manager? I'm the student council president of the Ninth Public Elementary School, and I'm here to save thousands of dollars for student union activities."

Gwen tilted her head and tried her best to be cute, hoping that the young lady in front of her would be confused by her beauty.

"Uh... at this point, the manager should have already left work."

The clerk looked at the clock hanging in the lobby of the bank, and shook her head helplessly.

"Lily, what happened?"

A middle-aged man with a big belly came over. He wore a short-sleeved shirt and suit pants, and his nose was bigger than the glasses at the bottom of a wine bottle. He was either an accountant or a scholar.

"You're so lucky, cutie. Manager, this kid is looking for you. She said she is the student council president of the Ninth Public Primary School, and she wants to ask you to save thousands of dollars for student union activities."

The young lady named Lily pinched Gwen's little face and turned to explain to the manager.

These guys!No matter what, I like to pinch my face!What to do if it is pinched!

Gwen wiped her face with the back of her hand in resentment. This is a good guy, so he can't let it get dirty.

NO.Chapter 34 Become a Miracle Girl!

Brian Wilson looked at the little girl in front of him.

In the past, he would only play as a manager when the customer service needed a large amount of currency business.

So when meeting customers, it is natural to put on a serious face. After all, it is a matter of money, and we must fight for it.

But this little girl didn't know what expression he should use.

In other words, he didn't know what attitude he should take.

Theoretically speaking, at this moment, he should let this little p child who has not been weaned go home to find her mother.

However, as a leader in the service industry, he understands the truth of 'you can't judge a person by his appearance'.

He didn't know that his prudence had saved him at the beginning, but after he knew it, he was extremely grateful.

In fact, later on, the black policeman showed up to prove that the girl was not making trouble, and Brian had to follow the little girl's wishes.

"Okay, Miss Stacy, everyone who has nothing to do with it has gone out, can you tell me?"

Try to make yourself amiable, Fat Brian thought for a while, it's better not to be as serious as usual, the little girl is not an adult.

In fact, it doesn't matter what his expression is, as long as it can meet Gwen's needs, even if he stands on his head, Gwen won't even blink his eyes.


Gwen took the check Toni had given her from the folder and handed it to Fat Brian.

Brian didn't think it was anything at first, but when he caught sight of the format on the check, he was instantly taken aback.

Having been exposed to these things for many years, I am so familiar with it that I can tell if it is something he is familiar with just by looking at the general outline.

He couldn't imagine that the little girl in front of him would really take out a check.

This girl didn't get her pocket money with her parents' check, did she?Did she not understand the value of the check at all?

As for saying the check is fake?Next, look for the check that is already in front of me.

The bank's stamp was on it, and Brian knew it was a check from his own bank just by smelling the ink pad.

So what the hell is this amount?

No wonder Brian made such a fuss, it was indeed a little scary for such a little girl to casually take out a check of this denomination.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one million!

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