Shimizu Sakiren looked at the "Guarantee of Voluntary Bearing Consequences" in front of her, and solemnly signed her name on the signature.

Skirt slip ⑧②①77-6

If Line: Chapter 203 [IF Line] Shimizu Misaki's Counterattack

It was already 02:30 in the afternoon when Shimizu Saki Koi comforted Mrs. Suzuki over the phone and returned to school after the inspection.

Although there are many teachers in the office of the second grade of junior high school, it is still as lively as usual.

Those who correct homework, prepare lesson plans, and discuss gossip in a group, when there are no classes and no leadership inspections, the atmosphere among teachers is not much different from that of ordinary social animal staff.

"Ms. Shimizu is back?"

"Well, good afternoon, everyone."

Shimizu Sakiren said hello to several familiar teachers, and then went straight to her workstation.

She tidied up the table and hung the delicate white bag on the hook on the wall. Before she could sit down, the phone in her pocket buzzed.

It seems that someone's text message came.

Is it a text message from Saori?

Shimizu Misaki swiped the screen to see, unexpectedly, it was the person Shimizu Misaki didn't want to see sent a message.

Ms. Fujiwara's text message is like a reminder, and the black font on the white screen is particularly frightening.

Fujiwara Yuki: What are you doing?

Are you under surveillance? !

Shimizu Misaki's azure pupils widened in horror, and suddenly an extremely cold feeling ran from her spine to her brain. She bit her lower lip tightly, her body trembling, and there was no trace of fresh blood on her face.

Has Ms. Fujiwara's means come to such an extent?

Shimizu Sakiren sat down on the chair uneasily as if she was losing strength.

As if entering the boundless darkness and being completely deaf, she couldn't hear what was said in the buzzing teacher's office, Shimizu Sakiren glanced anxiously.

The densely packed text on the lesson plan was spinning in front of my eyes, like ants on a flame, and I was so flustered.

Shimizu Sakiko felt that she was tottering like walking on a tightrope.

Maybe... Maybe... Ms. Fujiwara is just asking about her daily life.

In the end, Shimizu Saki Koi mustered up the courage to reply to Fujiwara Yuki: I am preparing lesson plans in the office, what's the matter with Yuki?

When her finger was sliding on the screen, Shimizu Sakiren's body was almost trembling, and her mind was filled with the threat from Yuki Fujiwara yesterday—"Do you want to directly transplant our child into it?"

The moment when Ms. Fujiwara was threatening, the cold eyes like poisonous snakes are still vivid in my memory.

If... Miss Fujiwara really angered, would she tell everything?Completely break your peaceful life...

It was only then that Shimizu Sakiren realized that the decision he had made in a flash of his head actually had a huge loophole.

The choice of life or death is never in his own hands, but in Fujiwara Yuki.

"Ms. Shimizu, Mr. Shimizu... Didn't respond?"

A beautiful white palm waved gently in front of his eyes, and then he called close to his ear,


This crisp white porcelain voice pulled Shimizu Saki out of her terrible contemplation like the gospel of salvation.

"Ah... What's wrong with Mr. Xia Chuan?"

The scattered light in the blue pupils gradually reunited, Shimizu Sakiren raised his head and looked at the person in front of him.

Xia Chuan Tianyin leaned against the plastic partition of the desk holding the thermos cup.

Her childishness has just come off but she still retains the cleanliness and self-confidence of a teenager. Her temperament is sunny like a holy angel, and her smile is like a spring breeze, melting the ice and snow.

Xia Chuan Tianyin is a very attractive sunny woman.

She is a teacher just hired during the graduation season of last year. She is responsible for teaching mathematics. Because she graduated from Xiuzhi High School together and is a year younger than herself, she always calls her senior sister.

Xiachuan Tianyin has excellent professional ability, is caring and dedicated to work, and has a gentle and considerate personality.

In the second grade group of the middle school, no, almost the entire Xiuzhi High School, from the teachers to the students, there is no one who doesn't like her.

Xia Chuan Tianyin's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, she lowered her head to look seriously, Ming Qi's eyes were full of worry and concern,

"Senior sister, you had a bad expression just now, did you encounter something unhappy?"

"No, thank you for your concern."

Shimizu Sakiren didn't want others to know about this, so she could only shake her head.

"It's deceiving, senior sister, your words are deceiving, but your expression is not. Senior sister, if you want to talk, I can also be a quiet tree hole."

Xia Chuan Tianyin said as she gently dragged her own chair in front of Shimizu Saki, resting her chin on the back of the chair, looking at Shimizu Saki like a hungry animal.

"Sister, you know, I'm very trustworthy."

Can such a thing be said?Cheating...if anyone hears about it, they will be responsible for their shamelessness.

Shimizu Sakiren shook her head slightly, "Mr. Xia Chuan, you don't need to call me senior sister when you are in school. We are all teachers in the same class and don't need to be like this."

As soon as Shimizu Sakiren's voice fell, the mobile phone placed on the table buzzed and vibrated, as if there was new news from Fujiwara Yuki.

"Sorry, Teacher Xia Chuan, I'll reply to the message first."

"Okay, senpai."

please!Ms. Fujiwara... Maybe it was a casual greeting, not spying on herself.

Shimizu Sakiren held her breath, feeling her abdomen tensely twisted into a ball, she didn't have time to talk to Xia Chuan Tianyin, but decided to investigate her own life and death.

Fujiwara Yuki: Going home early in the afternoon, I want to eat dinner made by my wife, mushroom miso soup and sukiyaki.

Was it just eating?

Shimizu Sakiren stretched her brows and eyes in relief, and swipe on the screen to reply "Yes".

Xia Chuan Tianyin glanced at Shimizu Sakiren's face lightly, showing a surprised smile, "Huh? It seems that senior sister's trouble has been solved."

In fact, no, his father's property and himself are actually all controlled by Ms. Fujiwara, strangling her throat like an invisible chain around her neck.

Even if Ms. Fujiwara can be deceived now, the expected date of delivery cannot be deceived at all.

It's almost at the end of the road.

Shimizu Misaki's eyes wandered over her pure and bright cheeks.

"What does senior sister want to say? I can't guess what I said all the time."

Shimizu Sakiren let out a long sigh, and then said:

"I'm thinking about one thing... If, I just said that if a person says he likes you but does something that hurts you, does that count as liking?"

"For me, it's not. But there are many kinds of people's liking, and I won't easily draw conclusions and criticize what other people's love should be like."

"No one in the world can truly empathize with others. They have different positions, different cognitions, and different actions."

"So, what do you do with such a person?"

"Escape, the farther the better."

Xia Chuan Tianyin gave an unexpected answer, and Shimizu Sakiren thought that with her personality, she would insist on correcting the other party's mistakes.

Shimizu Sakiren shook his head helplessly, and continued to ask,

"What if the opponent's power is too great to escape?"


Xia Chuan Tianyin blinked her eyes, pointed her chin with her finger and thought about it for a while, her clever eyes suddenly lit up,

"Since you can't escape, let's try to compete with the other party."


With Miss Fujiwara?

Shimizu Sakiren thought about it, it was impossible, Ms. Fujiwara is a politician who is born to play tricks, there are thousands of ways to subdue her, how could she be able to compete with her?

Xia Chuan Tianyin nodded firmly, "Yes, I like you but do things that hurt you. Senior sister will definitely not like such a person. Once you don't like you that much in a relationship, it means you can get away at any time. "

"At this time, even if you are powerless, you can attack spiritually and occupy a dominant position. Use love as a rope to tie each other down."

It is easy to say these words, but it is too difficult for Shimizu Sakiren to practice.

However, Shimizu Sakiren didn't regard Natsukawa Tianyin as a hope of rescue, so she just expressed her gratitude a little.

"Mr. Xia Chuan, thank you for your answer, I understand."

"You're welcome, senior sister, I'm just expressing my opinion, eh? That's right,"

Xia Chuan Tianyin suddenly realized as if she had thought of something, and added seriously,

"Also, you can seek help from more powerful people."

Is there anyone who can be stronger than Ms. Fujiwara?

The mobile phone placed on the table vibrated again.

Shimizu Sakiren moved his eyes from the phone to Xia Chuan Tianyin, showing embarrassment and guilt, and said:

"Thank you, Mr. Xia Chuan, but my message came again, I'd better reply first, sorry."

Xia Chuan Tianyin stood up from the seat covering her hip-covering skirt, waved her hand to express her understanding, "It's okay, senior sister, you can deal with it first, if you have anything to do, just tell me, I'll go back to my work station first."

"Okay, Mr. Xia Chuan, goodbye."

After saying hello, his slender fingers slid across the screen, and Shimizu Sakiren could clearly see what she was thinking. The person who sent the message now was the idol lady who was sought after by thousands of people, Aoi Ayase.

Aoi Ayase: Shimizu-sensei, if Suzuki-san really has the basic talent of being an idol, the agency may consider signing a contract. What do you think?

Shimizu Sakirei: Everything Suzuki does is his own decision. As the head teacher, I have no right to interfere, so the most important thing is Suzuki's wishes.

Aoi Ayase: Okay, I see.Does Teacher Shimizu have time on weekends?Would you like to play a co-op mini-game with me?It's the kind of vlog.

Miss Ayase's vlog invitation was abruptly displayed on the electronic screen. Shimizu Sakiren couldn't understand why Miss Ayase was so enthusiastic when she was just a simple ordinary person.

Yes, zeal, more than normal zeal.

If it wasn't for the fact that they were both girls, Shimizu Sakiko would almost have wondered if Ms. Ayase was interested in her, and she was so considerate, even like Ms. Fujiwara.

Thinking of the word Fujiwara, Shimizu Sakiko suddenly remembered that in the current Japanese society, she thought that women could gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, which meant that the power behind Ms. Ayase must be evenly matched with that of Fujiwara Yuki.

Can I ask Ms. Ayase for help?But how can she promise herself to help deal with Fujiwara Yuki?

The choice now is clear.

Shimizu Saki Koi replied to her on the screen: Okay, what time is it on weekends?

Aoi Ayase: At three o'clock in the afternoon, the location is at the office.

The message here has just been sent, and on the push bar of the electronic screen, Fujiwara Yuki sent a new message.

Fujiwara Yuki: Ma'am, it will be delivered by courier this afternoon. I like it very much. Please pay attention to sign for it. I hope to see you wearing it for dinner today~ I will be home at five o'clock, ma'am.

new courier?what is it then?

Shimizu Sakiren clutched the phone with a vague premonition.

And this premonition soon came true after school this afternoon.

When Shimizu Sakiren had just returned home and hadn't had time to change her work uniform, the doorbell rang.

Shimizu Sakiren immediately climbed up from the sofa with difficulty. At this time, she had eyes, and quietly observed the people coming from outside the room through the peephole on the door.

The people outside the door were wearing blue and white courier uniforms, with huge white masks covering their dark cheeks, and carrying a mountain of courier boxes and square bags on their backs.

Confirming that it was an unknown courier, that's right, Shimizu Sakiren opened the door and signed for two couriers signed by her.

After seeing off the courier and closing the door, Shimizu Misaki impatiently cut all the carton tapes of the two couriers with a knife and separated them. After seeing clearly what was in the courier package, Shimizu Misaki's face gradually Become as crimson as blood jade.

Two couriers, one set is real yarn underwear.

Shimizu Sakirei's pupils trembled, a little unbelievable... Ms. Fujiwara really wants to wear this set of underwear.

In the other package was a simple pale yellow silk nightgown, and the black one that Ms. Fujiwara wore at home after bathing should be a unique couple's outfit.

This set of silk nightgown is knee-length, wrapping people tightly, and even if you hug them tightly, even half of your white neck will not be exposed.

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