The clothes he wears now are conservative and quiet, typical of Yamato Nadeko's outfit. If grandpa sees this, he won't think he is a bad boy.

Saki Koi would also like it... No, she has the personality to say that she looks good in whatever she wears.

Xia Chuan Tianyin looked at the person in the mirror, and after a long absence, she showed a new smile to the mirror, real and happy, unlike the stiff and polite smiles before. can I be so happy when I haven't seen it yet?

Xia Chuan Tianyin patted her cheek hard, trying to calm down.

The next step is to get the phone back, and then you can walk out of the house swaggeringly, turning into a free bird and wandering completely, doing whatever you want.


In the gorgeously decorated and elegantly decorated study room, his father Natsukawa Takuto sat in the center of the room, lying on his back on the boss chair and reading the report, like a cold snake.

This was originally the place where grandpa used to work, but now it has become his territory.

Xia Chuan Tianyin couldn't call out the word "Father" no matter what, and the tone of her mouth was full of alienation and indifference, "Two months are up, I will attend all the interviews including the banquet, now you can give me the freedom to do what I want Yet?"

The cold snake raised his head from the black and white report, and he glanced at Xiachuan Tianyin, "The phone is gone, go buy a new one."

What does it mean to buy a new one?

The suppressed flame in Xia Chuan Tianyin's heart was about to burn again, even though she was her father, she had the ability to stir up other people's anger anytime and anywhere.

With bulging veins on his forehead, Xia Chuan Tianyin clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said word by word, "There are very important things in the phone, let's look for them again."

In the original mobile phone, there are a lot of photos with Saki Love...

Beautiful girls always like to take a lot of photos when traveling, and of course I am no exception.

Human memory is limited and will be forgotten, so these frozen pictures are needed to remind oneself of the mood at that time.

These ordinary things may not be worth a penny, but they are priceless treasures to themselves, worth more than shining diamonds.

"What is not there is not."

Xia Chuantuo closed the report with a snap, took out an expensive cigar from the drawer and lit it, "Could it be that you can accept what you get back from me without any hesitation?"

This is the truth, even if I return the phone to myself, I will 100% suspect that my father installed some kind of bug to track me.

He is someone who can do such despicable things. It is better to buy things like mobile phones by yourself.

The last chance to talk was also lost, Xia Chuan Tianyin was too lazy to say one more word with her father, their relationship was not good, and they locked themselves here for two months, so could it be possible that they still have to ask for warmth?

Thus, Xia Chuan Tianyin left the cage without looking back, like the wind of freedom.

When the car drove out of the slowly opened iron gate, Xia Chuan Tianyin only felt comfortable all over her body, as if a dying fish returned to the water when it was dying.

The wind in March was smooth, Xia Chuan Tianyin rolled down the car window, the warm sea breeze brought a refreshing taste, blowing the broken hair around the ears, and scratching the cheeks a little itchy.

The cherry blossoms on the side of the road are in full bloom, and the trees are crimson, and the scenery retreats like a shadow.

It's so beautiful, Sakura, it must be very comfortable to find a park for a picnic with Saki Koi and teammates.

The mobile phone was bought in an ordinary mobile phone store on the side of the road, and even a calling card was purchased on the spot.

The moment the machine was turned on, Xia Chuan Tianyin lay sideways on the seat cushion of the car, the muscles all over her body were tense, her heart was pounding like a fierce drumbeat, and she was extremely nervous.

The ultimate destination of the car is the apartment she rented at the beginning. Because she paid the rent for one year in one lump sum, Saki Koi also has the key, and her clothes and toiletries have been moved to the apartment, so she is not worried that Saki Koi will not be there.

I'm going to call Saki Koi...

This is a voice I haven't heard for two months...and I still left without saying goodbye.

Feeling unspeakable, nervous, excited, and scared.

Xia Chuan Tianyin tremblingly pressed a familiar phone number on the screen, and her breathing froze the moment she dialed.

The interior of the car is very quiet, and there is only one person in the rear compartment, so the rapid heartbeat and crisp dialing sounds are the only sounds that can be heard by the ears.

"Beep...beep...beep...the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later, press 1 to transfer to voicemail..."

The phone was hung up amidst repeated calls, and a certain ominous premonition was born... It sank down to the stomach, making people feel a little restless.

No, what was I thinking, but I didn't answer a call.

Xia Chuan Tianyin forced a smile, patted her cheek, trying to wake herself up.

"It's just that I didn't answer the phone. It's okay. Give her a surprise then~ She will definitely be happier."

Yes, if I didn't answer it now, I would treat it as a surprise for Saki Lian, and I want to bring a beautiful bouquet of blooming roses to meet her.

Xia Chuan Tianyin carefully selected a bouquet of freshly picked roses in the flower shop. The thorns on the branches were smoothed, the bright red was thick, and the petals were stained with fresh dew, which was extremely beautiful.

She had never seen such a beautiful red color, and her anticipation for the reunion reached its peak.

What to do after reunion?

The first thing to do is to eat!Then go to the band to meet with friends, and finally... find a suitable time to confess your love.

This is not an impulsive decision, but after two long months of thinking, I decided to share my feelings.

If you bury some words in your heart, you will never get an answer for a lifetime.


When he returned to the community, the property owner reminded himself that he had piled up a lot of mail and hadn't received it, but now he only wanted to see Saki Lian, and Xia Chuan Tianyin was not in the mood to go to the mailbox to sign for it.

Xia Chuan Tianyin had never thought that the elevator in the apartment would be so slow, climbing up one floor after another, but it was as thin as trying to drain the surrounding air.

The heart has never been so fast, the skin of the body is tense and red, and every inch of skin is longing for the hug of reunion.

To meet Saki Koi...

The elevator door opened slowly, but the door of the apartment did not change. Xia Chuan Tianyin opened the door lock with the key with excitement.

The moment she turned the handle, Xia Chuan Tianyin felt a thin layer of dust, as if no one had been here for a long time.

The scene after opening the door also made Xiachuan Tianyin confirm this idea. The decoration inside the door is exactly the same as it was two months ago, and most of the items have not changed.

A thick layer of ash fell on the ground, and this layer of ash can be dissipated with a light blow, but it is like a thick layer of haze covering the heart and lingering.

Saki Koi... can't you?Did you move out?

"Saki Koi—! Saki Koi—!"

Xia Chuan Tianyin's subconscious couldn't believe this anyway, and she, with her last glimmer of hope, started calling Sakuren's name in the room.

The living room, bedroom, hallway, kitchen, bathroom, there is no sign of Saki Koi everywhere, and the unpleasant smell of dust is always lingering in the tip of the nose.

No one has lived here for a long time...

An unprovable premonition seemed to be fulfilled, Xia Chuan Tianyin's heart seemed to sink into the bottom of the lake, leaving only a chill that pierced through her heart.

She anxiously picked up the phone and dialed "Saki Love", again and again, but no matter how anxious she was, she never responded.

The screen of the phone was black and then bright, bright and then black, Xia Chuan Tianyin nestled on the sofa, like a small animal curled up in winter afraid of the cold.

It's spring, but it's so cold.

There is still a photo of the amusement park on the table. In the photo, the two are standing side by side under the fireworks, with clean and innocent smiles.

Where is Saki Koi?

Xia Chuan Tianyin didn't want to wait for Shimizu Sakiren to answer the phone anymore, she spent a long time finding the password of her social account, and when she logged back into the line, her screen was swiped with bright red messages one after another.

1.20 Saki Koi: What time will you be back today?Want something to eat?I'm learning how to burn unagi recently, but I don't know if it's good or not?

1.20 Saki Koi: Aren't you coming back tonight?I practiced eel yaki at night, and it tastes a bit salty, but it should taste good when you come back tomorrow.

1.21 Saki Koi: Eel burnt is delicious, but why didn't you reply to the message?Is something wrong?

1.23 Saki Koi: It's the third day, if you are angry with me... can you tell me?Don't ignore me.

1.27 Saki Love: Momo-chan slept in your seat today, and it misses you very much.

2.02 Saki Koi: The weather is getting sister is going to have an operation soon, and I am very scared.

2.25 Misaki Love: My sister died, and all the surgery fees prepaid by the hospital were refunded, and I sent them to you by mail.

3.12 Saki Koi: Tianyin, I'm sorry.

What do you mean?

Seeing the last reply on the 12th, Xia Chuan Tianyin's heart suddenly turned cold, and a terrible idea was born in her mind.

The eyes suddenly turned red uncontrollably, the tip of the nose was sore, and the chest seemed to be split in half by someone.

Her lower lip kept trembling as if she was unconscious, and she struggled to click on other people's messages.

The dialog boxes are always sorted from the back to the front, and the last line of Guanghai's news is like a sharp knife, stirring in the chest, which is heartbreaking.

"Maybe, you can't see it anymore, but I hope you can come out, people always leave..."

Above this sentence is a news website, the headline of the news is written in bright red characters: A 23-year-old young woman jumped to her death in order to escape arrest after killing someone, for money?For love?

The word death was like a huge needle piercing straight into the pupils of the eyes. Xia Chuan Tianyin clenched her fists tightly, her nails embedded in her flesh, she kept trembling, and there was a faint feeling of pain coming from the palm of her hand.

Maybe it's bleeding?But what does that matter?

She raised her head cautiously, looked at the ceiling, and kept making wishes to heaven.

Please, please, it's a dream, it's a hoax, it's a prank, please...

When I clicked on the website and saw the first seven words "Suspect Shimizu Sakiren", I immediately quit.

how come?How could it be, how did it become like this...

Her eyes seemed to be covered by a layer of mist, and she couldn't see anything clearly. She turned to look at the carefully prepared rose beside her, as if a pool of thick blood had covered her eyes.

The body seems to have lost the strength to move, only the tear glands are working, sobbing constantly, exhausted to breathe and even want to retch.

I don't want to eat or sleep, and I even hope that I will lie in the emergency room at some point. Finally, the doctor silently announced to everyone in the world: "I'm sorry, we have tried our best."

It is the rule of the world that people die due to illness, but if you choose to commit suicide, you are giving up your soul.

Xia Chuan Tianyin couldn't imagine why a kind person like Saki Love would kill a person. Even though she was living in misery, she still had the purest and cleanest soul.

How could she give up like this...

Why don't good people get good endings?Why do the man-eating monsters always have the last laugh?

Why did Saki love leave her?

There is still a breath of life in everything around me. I used to watch TV together on the sofa leaning on my shoulders, shouted together in the hallway looking for momo sauce, and hugged and slept together in the bedroom.

Even if you want to drink water, in the glass you inadvertently pick up, there are memories that travel through time everywhere.

There is still a long way to go in life, but I don't want to walk anymore, this living body is too heavy.

Unable to even utter a weak sigh, Xia Chuan Tianyin pressed the only remaining photo frame tightly against her chest, she couldn't see the person in the photo, otherwise she would cry.

Today's moonlight is very dark, too dark to see the future.

Xia Chuan Tianyin remembered Shimizu Sakiren's words, and made a wish to the starry sky exhaustedly:

If there is a god in this world, please let her live the life she wants happily, without pain, without worrying about food and clothing, and live a beautiful life.

Be loved by all.

Q skirt one 6 bar two 17 wife slip away

Volume 235: Chapter 180 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] God therefore heard her wish

Are there really gods in the world?

Xia Chuan Tianyin didn't want to believe those childish and self-deceiving fairy tales, but the facts were already engraved on the tombstone.

The chat history is always from the end to the front, it would be nice if the time can also be from the back to the front.

She dared not read the reports on the news website for a long time.

"The suspect, Shimizu Saki Koi, 23 years old, female, a freelancer, stabbed the victim five times with a fruit knife after a quarrel with a 34-year-old man, Shinichi Miyazaki, causing the victim to die on the spot.

According to the investigation, the victim Miyazaki Shinichi married the suspect's sister in 2014, and her marriage broke down in 2016.After the divorce, the criminal suspect and the victim often have financial contacts..."

The densely packed characters are like a fuzzy fog, which always makes people unable to see clearly, and they don't want to see clearly.

I don't want to care about love or hate anymore, Xia Chuan Tianyin exhaled a pale breath, the bone-cold spring night swallowed up all emotions and wishes, leaving only a wandering body like a ghost.

Saki Koi also left an email in the mailbox downstairs.

Xia Chuan Tianyin tried her best to support her tired and broken body, and now she was going to get her last relic...

After getting off the elevator, Xia Chuan Tianyin just stared blankly at the elevator, counting from ten to one.

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