Next, he had to go to Orion's house on the other side. His house usually had a lot of firewood. As long as he helped a little, these honest people would give some help within their ability.

Mandy's mother Barney told him this information.

"He is a good man, as long as you are willing to do some work, he will help you..."

It's just that when she said this, Barney's eyes were full of worry. Obviously, she didn't think that Sheld's thin arms and legs could do any rough work.

This is a "little master".

As early as a few days ago, when Sheld came here, this was already the consensus of the people in the village. No one knew why the other party came here to settle down, asked the village chief to buy this unoccupied house, and dismissed it. The accompanying coachman didn't even have a single horse left.

"Little Master" ran away from home or something, even though Sheld seemed to be middle-aged... But nobles are usually like this in their eyes, always doing some unreasonable and incomprehensible things.

And Barney chose to let Mandy bring two pancakes there, entirely out of the "smartness" of a country woman, the illegitimate son of a nobleman or a big businessman, no matter what kind it is, if you give a little kindness when you are down, you will always be there in the future. There are some advantages. If you meet a wealthy person, you may be able to go to the city to make a living after receiving the reward.

The original owner of the vacant house, old Darren, went to the city because of similar things. What kind of guard was his son selected because of this relationship?

In short, it is developed!And there are a lot of rewards!

"Is Uncle Colin there?"

Shield called over the fence.

It's not that he didn't want to go in and knock on the door, but there was a ferocious-looking big black dog grinning at him in the yard.

"A good dog."

Sheld chose to respect the other party's work of "housekeeping and nursing home" and did not owe him anything.

"Uncle Colin! Is there?"

He yelled a few times at the top of his voice, and finally, there was a "creak", and an uncle with half white and thin yellow hair and an unshaven beard poked his head out from the door. He looked a little dazed, and his nose was a little red.

Investigation skills on!

"Name: Colin. Occupation: Unemployed, Strength: 8, Dexterity: 9, Intelligence: 5, Constitution: 7. Skill: None."

"Oh, it's the new kid, what's up?"

Both of them selectively ignored the fact that one uncle called another older uncle uncle.

It looked like an exchange between the old and the young.

"I'd like to borrow some firewood."

"Come in and get it."

After speaking, Colin retracted behind the door, which was left open.The big black dog next to him probably saw his master chatting with the other party, so he lost his hostility. After yawning, he paced around twice in place, drooping his head and lying down to take a nap.

Seeing this, Sheld pushed open the gate of the fence and walked into the yard.

In Colin's yard, there were several furs of unrecognizable animals spread out on a wooden shelf, and there were several barrels of unknown liquid and brushes beside them.

Opening the door and walking in, the oncoming smell of wine is the smell of alcohol. The layout of the bachelor's house is very simple, without any divisions such as kitchen and living room. It is no different from Sheld's room, but the content is much richer. All the necessary furniture is available.

"Take as much as you want from the side."

Colin took a metal jug and poured it into his mouth. Judging from the smell in the house, the other party was drinking high.

"It doesn't need much, just enough to boil a pot of water."

"Boil water?"

Colin hiccupped: "Do you want to take a shower?"

"No, boil water to drink."

"Boiling water? For drinking?" Colin stared at Sheard as if he was looking at something strange, then took another sip of wine and muttered: "Weird, do you still use boiling water for drinking? Why not?" Will it be hot... If you want to drink water... hiccup!"

"Here it is!"

Colin stood up and went to the table beside the crockpot and knocked on the crockpot.

"Look, if you want to drink, this will do. It's a waste to boil water..."

I vaguely remember reading some little knowledge that I don’t know if it’s reliable or not. In the Middle Ages in Europe, people basically didn’t drink water, and they drank alcohol because the water quality was not good.

Although this is a different world, people drink water as well as wine, but they still don't seem to have the habit of boiling water for drinking.

Sheld just smiled and picked up some firewood.

"Why don't you just cook it here? I just plan to cook some soup."

Drink and drink soup?

Sheld didn't comment, but the proposal was acceptable. His hands-on ability is really not high. A child who has lived in the city since he was a child, he would occasionally go to the old man's house in the country for a few summer vacations when he was a child.It's difficult to expect him to light a fire and do something!

Life after time travel is not an easy task, and he realized it in just a few hours.

Sheld doesn't know why the protagonists of the web novels I've read have such a good life. The average chef can cook a good barbecue, and he can also use this to abduct some mythical beasts, beautiful girls, etc., bringing a breath of fresh air to the wildness of the other world. ...

Although Colin drank, his hands and feet were still nimble and busy. Sheld wanted to help, but he didn't know where to start.

I had to stand by the window in a daze.

And at this moment, a bright red figure slowly walked past the other side of the fence outside the window, catching his attention.

It's the famous red monster named Kazik who started to move, and the destination is probably outside the village?Opening the map panel and judging the other party's intentions, Sheld asked Colin, "Do you know that person?"


Sheld pointed out the window, and Colin walked over to take a look. Although he was old, as an old hunter in the village, he had good eyesight.

" doesn't look like it's from the village?"


Sheld was slightly taken aback, that is to say, isn't it some kind of local hooligan in the village?

"Then if one is not in the village, and is sneaky, wandering around the village for a long time, do you think..."

"Who knows, this is just a poor place, although some strange people come here occasionally."

As he spoke, Colin glanced at Sheld.

Sheld twitched the corner of his mouth, he was obviously one of the "strange people" in everyone's eyes.

"What if... I mean if, what if he's hostile to the village?"

"If there is hostility? How do you know if others are hostile?"

Colin waved his hand and laughed twice: "Besides, how can anyone be hostile to the village? It's not those crazy monsters outside, unless bandits come to set foot on them."

"However, bandits in our poor place don't like it either. Usually they go to the 'big mill' on the other side."

Colin smiled happily, but Sheld's face was a little ugly, where did the bandits step?He dare not be 100% sure, but there is a [-]% to [-]% probability.

Others don't know it, but he knows it perfectly, it's a famous red monster!

Sheld couldn't sit still for a moment, opened the door and rushed out.

"Hey! Boy, where are you going?!"

"Fire the water for me first! I'll go back as soon as I go!"

How fast is the agility of up to twenty?With a gust of wind, in the eyes of Colin who was holding the window, Sheard was like a galloping fast horse, and he ran away in a flash.

"I am drunk?"

Colin rubbed his eyes.

]q skirt 1 ⑥ Pakistan 7 ① [-] ⑦ Iraq six

Volume 5 A New Beginning: Chapter 5 Tracking

Sheld, who ran wildly, was actually somewhat regretful.

The sense of justice came from nowhere, so after he learned that the other party might be a bandit, his first reaction was not to stay away from danger, but to find a way to stop the other party.

Float by yourself?A good young man in the new era, born in a peaceful age, has never been in danger a few times until the end of his life by a big truck. The worst thing he encountered was that his bicycle was stolen when he was a child, and he didn't even see the face of the villain Pass.

But now you dare to follow the popular name of bandit with high probability?Is it possible that I was born to be bold and adventurous, but I couldn't discover it because of the environment?

Hanging quietly behind the famous red monster named "Kazik", Shield still had the energy to reflect on himself, thanks to his [-] points of agility.

The attributes beyond ordinary people do have a unique effect. Sheld himself was surprised when his steps could be so light.

"Isn't it good to be a shield user, a thief, a ranger or something?"

My intelligence is also [-], maybe I can learn a spell and play as a magician?I just don't know if there is such a job in this world.

Thinking wildly all the way, without knowing it, Sheld has followed Kazik for a long distance.

Shield is also not afraid of getting lost.The map panel clearly recorded his own trajectory, and as the road became steeper and more difficult to walk, even when Kazik began to use his hands and feet, his map panel also brushed as the map opened up. There is new information.


A simple and direct name, it seems that the name of Qinggu Village comes from this.

Compared with Kazik who uses both hands and feet, Sheld is much more relaxed. He moved forward cautiously at a far position with flexible hands and feet. The only bad thing is that there are a lot of thorns here, which occasionally scratches his hands, feet and cheeks, without bleeding. But it hurts hot.

"Where is this going to go?"

Soon, Kazik told Shield his destination with practical actions.

A platform opens up.

Shield didn't rush to follow, because the dense white dots on the map panel made him flinch.

It's not a red dot, but there are definitely many people.

Looking behind him, and carefully planning the escape route on the map panel if he was found, Shield swallowed his saliva and climbed to the middle of the bushes on one side, and lay down with his waist down.

A bunch of robbers!

Don't ask Sheld why he knows, the other party's clothes are obvious, it looks a bit barbaric and tattered, but it is full of fierce aura, and it is definitely a very classic look in the game.

Especially the one who seemed to be the leader, with a strong figure, more than half taller than the other bandits, and the explosive muscles exposed under the fur suit made Sheld lose an investigation skill.


"What is the blood of the ancestors?"

As if responding to Sheld's question, a new comment appeared: "Ancestral bloodline (barbarian): strength and physique are increased, breaking through ordinary people."

The skill "Investigation" seems to have more to explore, but now is not the time to explore it.


Sheld knows how this figure came to be. Although he has never seen what a barbarian looks like, according to the conventional routine, it is probably some kind of mighty and majestic humanoid creature.

This is also the first time he saw someone other than him with attributes beyond double digits and with skills.

But, it doesn't matter, everyone is level 1, no matter how high the attributes are, they can't exceed 20, right?Shield decided to get a little closer.

There were more than 20 bandits, all of them armed with weapons, such as notched axes and daggers, no long-range weapons, and low alertness. They could be called mobs.

But they have a viciousness that ordinary people don't have. They have killed people. After gaining advantages in some skills, the people of Qinggu Village must have no room to fight back, especially the descendant of the barbarian named Hasen.

At this time, Kazik was talking to Hasen about what he saw and heard.

"...there are quite a few women there, and there are a few good-looking ones who can be picked up and played for a while. There is still a lot of food and houses there.",

"There is no defense force, there is a family of hunters, but that guy is old."

"There is also a new guy who moved in. I took a look. That guy is dressed very brightly, just like those nobles in the city."

"You mean, nobleman?"

Hasen wasn't very interested at first, but when he heard the word "nobility", his ears immediately perked up.

"Yes, the texture of the clothes is very particular!"

Kazik smiled obsequiously: "When he came, he was carrying three large boxes. Those things looked very heavy. Maybe they contained a lot of gold coins!"

But all the robbers who have been on the road for a few years know that a nobleman who is alone is an excellent business.There is no need to kill them. Killing them will cause unnecessary trouble. Once those nobles are killed, it is equivalent to slapping the face of the country they represent behind them. At that time, they will face various empires, Annihilation of the regular army of the kingdom.

But if it’s just to scare, hehe, those thin-skinned and tender-skinned guys will pretend to shout a few words to protect the so-called "noble dignity", and they are more scared to pee their pants. They will obediently hand over all the wealth that can be handed over.That's wealth that the country bumpkins in the village can't save in a few lifetimes.

If luck is better, the nobleman can have a lot of fun with a maid or something.

Thinking of the beauty, Harlem laughed out loud. He couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up from the big rock he used as a stool, and then picked up the big ax beside him.

"It's time to work! Brats! The Great Mill hired a lot of mercenaries to wipe us out, but it doesn't matter, God is on our side and has brought us new wealth!"


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