The archer fish looked at Li Anxi with a trace of looking at a silly roe deer, which made Li Anxi feel very uncomfortable.

Li Anxi frowned and asked, "What does your look mean?"

"It's nothing."

Archerfish, who didn't want to cause more trouble, let go of his hand and let go of his grasp on Li Anxi's vitals.


Li Anxi exclaimed, and her body, which was originally tense due to tension, was out of crisis because of the action of the archer fish, and quickly relaxed.

Li Anxi blushed and asked, "Why did you let go all of a sudden?!"

Archerfish made the French military salute: "I admit defeat, let's shake hands and make peace."

Li Anxi thought for two seconds, then nodded slightly.

If she hadn't let go of the hand that was pulling the archerfish's hair, the archerfish wouldn't even have noticed her nod this time.

After being relieved, Archerfish glanced at Li Anxi in surprise. She didn't expect this scoundrel who snatched things to be quite talkative.

She curled her hands into claws and straightened her messy hair. She found that some hairs were tangled together, and it would be painful to straighten them.

Without even thinking about it, Archerfish put his hand down.

She said to Li Anxi: "I'm going to chase the commander, see you by fate."

Li Anxi was shocked: "Is that person really an acquaintance of yours?"

"Of course, I'm not lying at all."

"But, why don't you dare to stand up directly?"

Archerfish's expression became gloomy: "This is a private matter between me and the commander."

However, Li Anxi seemed to read something deeply hidden from the expression of the archer fish. She said seriously: "If there is any conflict between you, it is better to explain the misunderstanding as soon as possible."

"There is no misunderstanding, yes, there is no misunderstanding between me and the commander!"


Li Anxi echoed, cleverly not refuting the archerfish who was obviously angry.

Archerfish suddenly calmed down a little. She glanced at Li Anxi lightly and said, "When you have a commander, and then you are abandoned by the commander when you are full of expectations, you will understand how I feel now."

"That lady, it seems that she is not as bad as you said. She probably didn't intend to abandon you. Maybe there is something hidden in it?"

Archerfish didn't want to hear these explanations, she had found countless excuses for the commander.

It's just that the resentment of staying alone for so long, coupled with a trace of girlish reserve, made it impossible for Archer Fish to forgive the idiot Commander who hurt her so quickly.

The blue-haired ichthyosaur suddenly clenched its fists, and said with enthusiasm: "I'll accompany you to find that person! If she is really a bad person, then let Li Anxi help you teach her a lesson!"

Archerfish deliberately wanted to refuse, and asked the girl to meet his commander, especially since the girl had the status of a ship's wife, which was basically the same as giving away his wife.

But seeing that Li Anxi was so familiar and wanted justice for the friend she just met, Archerfish did not stop her by mistake.

"Then, do you know where the Commander lives?"

"What's so difficult about it? Just leave it to me."

Li Anxi patted her chest and went ashore, followed by the archerfish.

"Don't run around, just follow me, and we will never get lost!"

Archerfish nodded, expressing his trust in Li Anxi's ability to lead the way.

A few hours later, the archerfish who was still circling in place looked at the back of Li Anxi in front of him, thinking with complicated emotions:

'This fish betrayed my trust. '


Yuki was counting the 'corpses' on the ground.

Of course, these can't be real corpses, these are all the ship girls who passed out on the ground after eating Yuki's own Stargazing Pie.

Until they passed out, Yuki didn't know: whether the cooking she made caused great harm to these ship girls mentally or physically.

Or more severely, the spirit and body have been greatly hurt.

"One, two, three, four, five."

After spending a long minute, Yuki finally counted the number of unconscious ship girls on the ground.

"Five people, no more, no less, exactly... no, how could it be five people!"

Yuki couldn't deceive herself anymore, she looked in a certain direction, and there was a big sister with dark blue hair lying there.

Who is that?

Yuki didn't know, even the stupid loli didn't even know if that woman was a ship girl, and if she was a ship girl, what kind of ship girl she would be.

After all, in this era, battleships can be as small as destroyers, and destroyers can also be taller than battleships.

Unless the ship type is written on the forehead, it is impossible to identify the ship type of the ship girl at a glance.

"How could there be one more person? I don't have any impression of her. Could it be a neighbor who came to visit?"

Yuki squeezed her chin and began to think about various possibilities.

Yuki deeply apologized to this big sister who was stunned by her poison, and planned to compensate her well after this person woke up.

However, Yuki also secretly admired this person's courage. Although she thought it was nothing, according to the girls on the ship, the dishes she made looked terrifying.

This person can actually eat that kind of food without changing his face, he can definitely be regarded as a ruthless person.


My head hurts, where am I...

By the way, I seem to have eaten the food that the Admiral made with great love, and then...

The next memory is a large blank.

Shinano suddenly became frightened, like a drowning person who suddenly got a chance to breathe. She sat up straight and breathed heavily.

"What did I eat and why, I don't have any memory at all?"

After calming down a bit, Shinano looked at his hands, a little dazed.

Yuki's surprised voice sounded: "Are you finally awake?"

Holding the washbasin in his hand, with a joyful expression on his face, Lanmao Duanzi trotted all the way to Shinano's side.

"I didn't expect you to be the first to wake up," Yuki said with a sigh: "I thought that Taiho, who had tasted my craft before, would be the first to wake up."

Facts have proved that her food is not a virus and does not leave antibodies in people who eat it.

Yuji thought about it bitterly.

"I, the first to wake up?"

Shinano pointed to himself, suddenly feeling a great honor.

Although this mood came quite inexplicably, this is not a quality title.

But knowing from the Admiral's mouth that he is number one still makes Shinano very happy.

Yuki nodded, affirming Shinano who was in a daze.

She took out a towel from the washbasin, wrung it dry after getting wet, and said to Shinano in a soft voice: "You just need to continue lying down, and I'll help you wipe it off."

"Oh, alright!"

Shinano was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that this might be his unique opportunity in this life.

She was so excited that she trembled slightly, when Yuki, who was wiping her sweat, encountered a lot of resistance.

"Don't be too nervous." Yuki had no choice but to comfort her: "I just wiped your body for you, there is no need to be so nervous."

"Wipe... body?!"

I don't know which galaxy I want to go to, but Shinano's face turned red all of a sudden, and his voice was as soft as a mosquito, "Admiral, please be quiet, don't wake up Dafeng and the others."

Yuki, who seemed to be a little bit, asked subconsciously: "What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing. Don't pay attention to what I'm talking to myself."

Yuki nodded clearly: "Oh."

As Yuki carefully helped Shinano wipe his face, the light pink breath gradually became more intense.

Yuki frowned, and criticized: "Don't hum, I'm going to lose my mind if this goes on. If someone can only hear the voice, I don't know what they think I did to you."

"Okay, I won't hum any more."

Shinano moaned because he was too comfortable, and the admiral himself felt comfortable with the experience of a man who did such a thing for himself, and soon realized his mistake.

She covered her mouth, closed her eyes, and tried hard to replace Yuki's character model with that of an archer fish in her imagination.

In an instant, Shinano became calm.

Chapter 640: Backstab is the characteristic of aircraft carrier

People often say: No, it's very peaceful.

It means that when a person is extremely unlucky, it is time for good luck to arrive.

Shinano feels that she is in this state now, otherwise how can she explain that the admiral who thinks about it day and night is actually serving her?

Although the so-called service is just such a trivial matter as wiping his face, Shinano already enjoys it very much.

If it had been left in the past, it would have been her turn to do such a good thing. All the wardens guarding the mansion would have fought for this opportunity long ago.

Shinano squinted slightly, looking at the admiral who was wiping her face with a wet towel.

The admiral has changed a lot. The previous admirals always wore some weird doll costumes. She asked her predecessors why the admirals dressed as fish-head monsters, but no one could answer.

The current admiral is obviously much more pleasing to the eye than the previous image, and he is also very cute.

Staring at Yuki who was panting slightly, Shinano suddenly lost his mind.

Yuki wiped off his sweat, and asked casually: "By the way, are you a friend of Dafeng? Come here to visit?"

Shinano, who was originally in a happy mood because his ultimate wish in life was fulfilled, suddenly fell from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

Shinano, feeling overwhelmed, subconsciously disregarded his relationship with Dafeng: "That woman and I are definitely not friends."

Yuki blinked, a little curious about Shinano's identity.

But even if Shinano personally denied that she and Taiho were friends, Yuki still kept doubts.After all, it's possible that the two of them had a falling out.

Yuki said solemnly: "I'm really sorry, I accidentally let you eat such a bad thing. I don't know your name yet, what is your name?"

Shinano was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Old..."


Shinano originally wanted to say the word 'wife', but after thinking about it, hearing this title from the admiral's mouth, his heart would definitely not be able to bear it.

For various reasons, she gave up this shortcut to reach the sky in one step, so she could only say unwillingly: "It's nothing, just ask me to believe it."

"Letter? You and someone I know seem a bit similar. Her name also seems to have the word letter in it."

Yuki frowned, and looked at Shinano carefully again.

The more he looked at it, the more Yuki felt familiar, and he always felt as if he had seen this person somewhere a long time ago.

Yuki tentatively asked: "Miss Xin, are you the ship's wife?"

Shinano nodded.

She was suddenly a little panicked: she was enjoying the admiral's 'compensation' with peace of mind by relying on her identity as an innocent passerby who ate the admiral's food.

This is also a rare moment for her to be intimate with the admiral, and Shinano really doesn't want to end so early.

So, after Yuki asked "what kind of ship girl are you?", Shinano replied in a strange way:

"I'm a submarine."


Yuki was dumbfounded, and the whole person was stunned.

Can a submarine grow to such a large size?

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