Akashi Meow looked serious, it didn't look like she was lying.

Lexington looked at the naval canteen, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"How much did it cost you to build this Navy mess hall?" she asked.

Akashi Meow said naturally: "Just spent the research funding you gave me."

Lexington breathed a sigh of relief, but quickly brought it up again.

Akashi Meow said: "Next, there will be maintenance fees and upgrade fees for the Navy canteen. Compared with these, the money invested before is a fraction."

Lexington looked at the Navy Mess, as if he saw an abyss monster with its mouth wide open, ruthlessly nibbling at his wallet.

Oh, it's eating the commander's wallet.

Lexington changed his mind slightly, and his face looked much better in an instant.

Lexington said with a gloomy look: "When the commander comes back, it's up to you to tell her the 'good news'."

Akashi Meow, who doesn't understand the sinister nature of human beings, agrees casually.



In the early hours of the morning, Yuki suddenly woke up with a loud cry.

The big mackerel who was sleeping on Yuki's chest rubbed his bleary eyes, and asked vaguely, "Well... Commander, what's wrong with you?"


Yuki was panting violently, she just woke up from the nightmare and felt that her breathing was not smooth.

Eh?Wait, what is that thing on my chest?

Yuki scolded with a cold face: "Climb down quickly, big mackerel, what if I'm flattened by you?!"

The big mackerel obediently left.

Yuki calmed down a little bit, and said, "I just had a nightmare."

"Yeah." The big mackerel nodded, looking forward to the next one.

"In the dream, I was living a happy life, but not long after, a monster appeared."

"Commander, has Ultraman seen too much?"

"Don't talk, listen to me. That monster has a special ability to devour other people's property. Wherever it walks, all victims become paupers."

The big mackerel swallowed his saliva: "It's really a terrible ability, then, Commander, have you been eaten into a pauper by it?"

"Yes." Yuki's face was extremely heavy, "In the dream, at the end, I seem to have only one fat leg left on my whole body?"

Yuki was a little uncertain, the content of the dream was clear when she first woke up, but now it has become a bit blurred.

After hearing Yuki's words, the big mackerel's eyes suddenly focused on the white color on Yuki's body that made her constantly dream about.

Chapter 630 Seven: The content of the nightmare?

A beautiful new day has come.

The literary girl walked out of the room, yawned lazily, and was just about to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone, when she suddenly found a blonde loli collapsed on the sofa in the living room.

Dafeng couldn't help asking: "Big mackerel, what's the matter with that bag on your head?"

"This, hiss~" The big mackerel rubbed his head, forced a smile that was okay, but soon took a light breath because of the pain.

The literary girl looked at her worriedly.

Her friendship with the big mackerel is actually quite good, of course, this is based on the condition that the big mackerel does not have torpedoes in its hands.

The big mackerel said with teary eyes: "I accidentally fell."

"And then when you fell, the top of your head just hit the leg of the table?"

"Yes, that's right!"

The literary girl had no expression on her face, she was too lazy to expose such a clumsy lie that seemed to be playing around with her like a child.

Big mackerel was in the same room with the admiral last night, and the big bag on her head must be more or less related to the admiral.

Coupled with the squeaking appearance of the big mackerel, it is not difficult to guess that she must have done something too much to cause her head ↑ to stare at a big bag that has not subsided all night.

The literary girl only felt that her heart seemed to have become a little heavier.

She muttered softly: "Stealing cat..."

The big mackerel didn't hear clearly: "Dafeng, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, do you want to prepare breakfast together? Let me teach you how to make Tamagoyaki."

"It's not good to eat that all day long."

"Don't worry, the weight of the ship's mother will not change easily. There are only a few cases where she keeps getting fatter and fatter like a certain aircraft carrier."

The literary girl squinted and smiled.

But she was thinking darkly in her heart: "It's best to make you fat to death, so that you can never float on the sea."

"That's right." The big mackerel didn't notice the evil thoughts in Dafeng's heart, and followed her into the kitchen with a relaxed expression.

Not long after, Yuki swayed out of the bedroom.

She looked around, her eyes swept twice from the kitchen separated by the glass door, and then she focused her sight on the kitchen where there seemed to be a figure.

Then, subconsciously, she moved her body step by step to the cupboard, took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and then staggered to the corner of the table...

The brown-haired Taiho who almost followed into the living room noticed Yuki's series of movements, and shouted angrily: "Admiral, brush your teeth!"


The bleary-eyed Yuki answered, and with a 'dong' sound, her head came into intimate contact with the tabletop.

"The sound is so loud, but I didn't wake up from the pain. Admiral, how sleepy are you?"

The brown-haired loli complained, then picked up a pillow from the sofa, gently raised the stupid loli's head, and put the pillow under it.

The admiral is already like this, of course it is not good for Dafeng to force her to brush her teeth, maybe the admiral will even eat the toothpaste if the brush is not good enough.

Dafeng sighed, obviously she only had the appearance of a lolita, but somehow she gave off the feeling of an old lady.

After a while, the literary girl walked into the living room with a plate:

"The tamagoyaki is ready, eh? Why did the admiral fall asleep?"

"It should be because I didn't sleep well last night. Wait a minute, Dafeng, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Commander's lack of sleep has nothing to do with me!"

But there were only a few suspicious eyes to greet the big mackerel.

Literary girls, brown-haired loli, including the unicorn who just woke up, none of them trusted the words of the big mackerel.

The big mackerel stomped his feet and said angrily: "Commander, she had a nightmare last night, it was the nightmare that kept her from sleeping well!"


The literary girl subconsciously glanced at Yuki's sleeping face.

Coincidentally, Yuki was muttering some indistinct murmurs.

Out of curiosity, she moved her ear to it.

"Don't...you can't..."

Dafeng blushed and stood up straight.

She glanced at the big mackerel sharply, and asked coldly: "Do you still want to continue to argue?"

"What is sophistry! What I said is obviously the truth. Wait, what did the commander say? Is it something terrible?"

The big mackerel realized the key point, and imitated the action of the literary girl before, and put his ear to the side of Yuki's head.

"I can't eat it, this is my last... last treasury..."

Big mackerel: "???"

'There seems to be no problem with what the commander said?

What did Dafeng understand to be so angry? '

The big mackerel was puzzled.

"Okay, the matter of the admiral is more important. What kind of nightmare did she have last night? Could it be that she has been doing it all night?"

The brown-haired Loli put down the dispute between the two for the time being, looked at the big mackerel and asked: "You were with the admiral last night, you should know something?"

The big mackerel replied: "Indeed, in the middle of the night, the commander woke up once, and she probably told me something about the nightmare."

Everyone asked nervously, "What is it?"

While recalling, the big mackerel said: "It seems that the money saved by the commander through untold hardships was all eaten up by a monster."

The brown-haired Loli squeezed her chin, thinking: "It is indeed a terrible nightmare, of course, it is for the admiral."

The literary girl wondered: "When did the Admiral pay so much attention to money? Didn't she often buy vow rings before, and she always kept many of them unsent? By the way, she often bought new clothes for everyone. There are so many examples”

'How could such an admiral become a loli who regards money as her life? '

The literary girl Taiho shook her head, feeling completely unable to imagine how deeply Yuki's obsession with money is.

The brown-haired loli's face was a little embarrassed.

From what the guy she hated just now said, Dafeng analyzed a lot of content that made her full of anger.

The admiral seems to be completely different from before, not only in appearance, but also in personality.

The literary girl guessed: "Has she ever had the experience of being short of money?"

"Probably not? She seems to have been living a happy life. If it is a relatively difficult environment, there is no way to cultivate the admiral's current character."

The brown-haired loli spread her hands, with helplessness written all over her face.

Perhaps the cruelest thing my admiral has ever experienced is such a trivial thing as spending a lot of money in the game and getting nothing in the end.

She had a flash of inspiration and said, "Could it be that she is playing a black heart mobile game now, and it is also a problem of that mobile game that she has such a dream?"

Chapter 630: The Great Trouble of Archerfish

"I don't really pay much attention to things like money." After waking up, Yuki tilted her head, with an unnatural expression on her face, and said, "So how could I be scared by a dream into what you say?" What about that?"

The big mackerel squinted his eyes and asked, "Really? Commander?"

"Of course it's true. Don't look at me as young, I'm very brave."

The big mackerel wanted to ask who was the person who was woken up in the middle of the night last night, but tearing down the Commander's platform at this time would definitely be remembered for a long time, so she shrank her head and did not implement this bold idea.

The literary girl noticed Yuyu's strange appearance and asked, "What's the matter, big mackerel, do you have anything to say?"

The big mackerel shook his head quickly: "No, absolutely not. I was thinking about the archer fish just now, and I don't know if she has noticed the fish hunting notice we published in the newspaper. Can you guess that the commander is here?" Find her."


A deep-sea heavy patrol sauce looked around vigilantly.

From the very beginning, the teammates around her were sunk by torpedoes from unknown directions without listening.

First, Zhenghang, the mother, and then the only light mother sauce in the team with anti-submarine capabilities, one by one fell.

This kind of atmosphere, as if he was slowly welcoming death, made Chong Xun-chan, who was not very rational, even feel a little fear.

In fact, she had no choice but to wait for death with the submarine.

Although it seems that a very powerful deep-sea battle cruiser has invented the cannon shake technique, which can bombard fish against the nature of the ship, but unfortunately, it is obviously impossible for this deep-sea heavy cruiser to learn such a high-end operation.

With a loud noise, Deep Sea Heavy Tour Sauce was sent back to the bottom of the sea in fear and confusion.

Not long after, a loli with blonde twintails poked its head out from the bottom of the sea.

Judging by her size alone, she can only be regarded as a young girl, but her good figure makes this description a question mark.The swimsuit has the same pattern of stars and stripes as the big mackerel, and her face is extremely similar to the big mackerel, the identity of this fish is immediately clear.

Of course she is an archerfish.

Archerfish looked around, and as expected, he didn't find any trace of the deep sea that was still alive under her hunting.

It's just that she didn't have much complacency on her face, instead she frowned and said to herself bitterly: "If this continues, it will be very difficult for me to catch up with my sister."

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