The power to distribute snacks in the tutelary mansion was firmly controlled by Lexington. As long as the group of destroyers still wanted to eat snacks, they would never dare to mess around in front of Lexington.

Not only that, but all aspects of the tutelary will be affected by Lexington. Under Lexington's operation of taking Saratoga twice in three days, not many people dare to challenge the majesty of this veteran aircraft carrier.

Yuki shook his head, suppressed some thoughts of death from his head, and then said to Lexington: "Anyway, I think it's better not to keep such dangerous props nearby. "

"It must be more dangerous to put it in the warehouse. Does the commander think that the brats won't go to the warehouse to rummage?"

"Didn't I already get the school? Why do they still have time to play?"

Looking at the naive Yuki, Lexington slowly spit out two words: "Skipping class."

"Brother, can she do it? I let her manage the cram school because I saw that she could frighten the group of destroyers who make trouble every day. Why are there still people skipping class?!"

Yuki had an angry look on his face.

She was planning to settle accounts with the Prince of Wales later, this matter was a matter of her own life and death, if one day Changchun stole the hidden c301, maybe she could send herself to heaven in a moment of excitement.

Yuki doesn't think that she has the power of the T-headed Admiral in the comics, and can physically fly across outer space and return to Earth.

"The teachings of the Prince of Wales and Nelson are very good. Javelin has rarely run out into the deep sea with her javelin recently, and Amethyst doesn't play tricks on others as often as in the past..."

"Isn't what you said very good?"

"But these are limited to E-type ships. For non-E-type ship girls, their deterrent power will drop by more than one level..."

Yuki fell silent, which is not difficult to understand.Thinking about it in another way, it’s like for me who likes destroyers, those well-developed big sisters of battleships are not so attractive.

Ask yourself, Yuki is even bigger and Musashi has more 460 cannons in his hands.

Yuki asked tremblingly: "So, Changchun probably found the hidden c301 while I was away?"

"That's not true. I have kept all those dangerous equipment well, and I have hidden them in a place where outsiders can never guess—"

Hearing these slightly familiar words, Yuki seems to have guessed the location of 301.

She looked at the ground, and seemed to see through the floor a lot of dangerous goods randomly piled up in the basement, and she kept feeling apprehensive: "Running now is the kingly way, in case Hood comes to visit, then the increase of lucky E Triggered, maybe the missile will explode. '

Yuki reminded Lexington uneasily: "These things are put together, if one of them fails, the entire tutelary fortress will be blown up."

Lexington smiled confidently: "Don't worry, Commander, your worries are completely unnecessary. How could I make such a mistake?"

"Hood also had your mentality before he was sent into the soul."

"That's foreshadowing. Her protective design itself has hidden dangers. Coupled with her bad luck, it's normal for such a tragedy to happen."

Yuki looked around anxiously, and suddenly pointed to a certain An Xin and said to Lexington: "I think if you continue to repent without repentance, that figure will be your role model."

Lexington was taken aback, wondering why Yuki pointed at the door in his heart, and turned his head in that direction.

What she saw was a girl covered in bandages, leaning against the door frame weakly, with a trembling hand on crutches.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other side's end was a bit messy, but there was still some dazzling golden hair that could be vaguely seen, Lexington almost thought it was a mummy crawling out of some pyramid.

Lexington seemed to have guessed a little of the other party's identity, and she asked in surprise, "Are you...?"

"elder sister."

The moment Saratoga saw Lexington, as if he had found the backbone, he let go of the wooden crutch in his hand and took a step in the direction of Lexington.

Unsurprisingly, Saratoga fell to the ground in one fell swoop because of the loss of his crutches.


Yuki quickly rushed over to catch Saratoga, and Yuki barely held Saratoga's bandage-covered head, but unexpectedly found that the impact was not as strong as expected.

'Fat plus lost weight? '

With this thought flashing in her mind, she squatted down lightly, trying to lay Gaga's body as flat as possible.

Yuki patted Saratoga on the back and comforted: "What happened? You speak slowly, your sister and I are listening."

Saratoga endured the headache caused by the impact just now, brewed his mentality, and then said in a desolate tone: "Commander, after I exchanged rooms with you last night..."


Lexington glanced at Yuki indifferently, what Gaga said and what Yuki said before seemed to be inconsistent.

It's just that now is not the time to worry about such trivial matters, so Lexington temporarily let his commander go.

The two listened in silence as Saratoga told her own tragic story:

Last night, Saratoga was looking forward to finding some 'treasures' from Yuki's room, such as the warm 'trophy' that had just been worn and taken off, which fell within her hunting range.

But it's a pity that Saratoga didn't find the treasure, not even some kind of colored books that she imagined that the commander's stupid loli would have.

'Damn it, could it be that the commander had anticipated this moment long ago, so he deliberately asked me to change rooms without fear? '

Just when Saratoga was thinking wildly, disaster-fall.

After an earthquake and the mountains shook, Yuki's dormitory was blown up badly. Of course, the worst thing was not the building, but Gaga who was blown up into a pharaoh.

Lexington murmured: "The injury seems to be serious..."

She looked at her sister with a slight suspicion, which was different from the distressed look of the stupid girl next to her. Lexington felt that Gaga should not look so scary as hurt.

Among other things, the fact that it happened to be in Yuki's direction when it fell just now is very suspicious.

Saratoga seemed to realize that she was being suspected by her sister. She shrank her head and said, "Commander, you have to decide for me."

"Don't worry, I won't let those guys do whatever they want!"

Yuki's tone was firm, this time Gaga could be said to have helped her out of the thunder.If there was no exchange of rooms, these injuries on Jiajia would be her fate.

Thinking of this, Yuki couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

Lexington kindly reminded: "Commander, it's better to be more cautious."

Saratoga pointed at Lexington and said in a stern tone: "I have become what I am now, sister, don't you want to speak for your sister? Lexington, you have no heart!"

Just as Yuki wanted to nod in agreement, his eyes suddenly locked on the bandage-covered arm raised by Saratoga.

She asked suspiciously: "Gaga, don't your hands hurt?"

Hearing this question, Saratoga quickly withdrew her hand, and at the same time tears welled up in her eyes: "Ah, it hurts so much."

But Yuki would not be fooled anymore, she carefully helped Saratoga to the wall with her back against the wall, and then stood with Lexington.

Lexington said earnestly: "Gaga, lying to people is not something a good aircraft carrier can do."

Saratoga murmured, "I...but I'm lying"

Yuki asked angrily: "That is to say, you didn't get hurt at all?!"

"You can't say that. I actually still have a little scratch, but it's not as serious as it looks."


Yuki shouted Saratoga's name angrily, and scolded: "How much Kuaixiu have you cheated from me!"

"Not many, only a few hundred."

Yuki only felt a severe pain in her heart. She thought of the self who used to hurry up to go on an expedition for a few quick repairs, and felt that the past self was so stupid.

"If I had known earlier, I would have robbed you when I needed quick repairs."

"Commander, that's something you gave me, how can you take it back?!"

"Try to say it again."

Yuki grabbed the hand of his wife next to him and questioned Saratoga.

Gaga quickly turned off the fire. The commander is easy to bully, but it doesn't mean that her sister is also easy to bully.

"Isn't it just a little quick repair, how stingy."

Yuki laughed back angrily, and reached out to Saratoga: "Then spit out all the resources you eat before you say such things."

Saratoga straightened his chest that could make Yuki envious, and said confidently: "I can't spit it out!"

"Gaga, shut up, don't make the commander angry again."

Lexington's words had an effect, making Saratoga shut up her mouth that had been messing around.

Yuki breathed a sigh of relief, Mrs. Xindao's restraint on Jiajia's attributes was really useful.

She sorted out her somewhat chaotic thoughts, and asked, "Gajia, what's going on over there in my room, has it really been blown up again?"

Saratoga nodded: "Really."

Yuki knocked on Saratoga's forehead: "It's forbidden to be cute, speak well!"

Saratoga covered her head and said, "Those brats are playing for real. Although they didn't blow up your room, Commander, they really did something bad."

Yuki frowned: "Let's be clear, where did they blow up?"


"Could it be fried while cooking?"

"That's right, they said they wanted to cook delicious food for you, Commander. I didn't realize the danger at first, but it didn't take long before the kitchen started to catch fire and smoke, and then there was a 'bang'..."

Yuki breathed a sigh of relief, if this is the truth, it proves that the group of brats are not mad enough to shoot at her yet.

"By the way, what exactly are they making, how can they blow up the kitchen?"

"It seems to be called missile bread. According to Changchun, she even stuffed penguins into the bread."

Yuki's face twitched and asked, "Who came up with this idea?"

"It's Changchun herself. She said that she put the penguins in it so that people who eat the bread can have a taste explosion."

"This is not an explosion of taste at all, but the head is going to explode, right?"

If he didn't believe that Changchun was not that kind of ship girl, Yuki would have thought that guy was trying to murder him.

Seeing that Saratoga seemed to have something to say, Yuki quickly reached out to stop it: "I don't need to introduce other dishes, I think I already understand how earth-shattering the culinary skills of this group of guys are."

Saratoga said weakly: "Actually, what I want to talk about is not any other cuisine."

"what is that?"

"They seem to be looking for the legendary seasoning - uranium 235. I heard from the group of brats that if you add a little bit to the dishes, it will be delicious enough to make you go to heaven."

Yuki turned around, her face became extremely serious, and she said in a serious tone: "Hurry up and send the top-secret goods away, no matter where you hide, you are not allowed to stay in the tutelary mansion any longer!"

Lexington also agreed with Yuki's words this time, and she asked, "Where to send it... Commander, do you have any good suggestions?"

There seemed to be a strange light in Yuki's eyes, and she said maliciously: "How about express delivery to the deep sea? Don't say you don't know where the purple cabbage is. It's best to set up a timing detonation setting and send it to When the purple cabbage is in front of you, it is just ready to be fried."

Saratoga raised his hand and asked, "Commander, will this be too disrespectful of martial arts?"

"What kind of martial arts are you talking about with Shen Hai?" Yuki said nonchalantly: "Don't those guys just like to come and fight every three days? We do this just to let Zibaicai take a good rest for a while. Although it is an injury leave, but Isn't this also a holiday?"

Saratoga seemed persuaded: "It seems to make sense."

Of course, Lexington agreed to Yuki's plan unconditionally. She asked, "Then, Commander, do you want to write something on the express delivery? For example, leave a message or something?"

"Leave a message?"

Yuki dragged her chin, thinking deeply.

What kind of message can let Zibaicai relax her vigilance and open the express delivery?

"Just write..."

Chapter 590 Three: Who is that?inner ghost

Yuki's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "How about the letter of surrender?"

Lexington said helplessly: "The powerful opponent who has been beating you in various ways has suddenly handed you a surrender letter. Will the commander choose to receive the express delivery without hesitation?"

"It seems really outrageous."

Yuki scratched her hair and admitted that Lexington was right.

If she had received such a courier, she would definitely choose to reject this seemingly suspicious item.

Yuki asked: "Then what do you think can be done to dissuade her from vigilance?"

Saratoga suddenly tore off the bandage on his arm, and said excitedly: "Didn't the tutelary mansion raise a few deep-sea animals? It seems to be called deep-sea lobster sauce..."

Lexington corrected: "It's Long Xiang, don't change other people's names randomly, it's very rude."

"It's almost the same. Isn't that what the commander calls it? Anyway, we sent the courier in the name of Fukkai Ryujo, saying that she stole our secret weapon and was going to deliver it to Yamato and the others."

"It seems to work."

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