
Yuki's eyes lit up: "Does Baisi have a group of young wives?"


Furutaka looked back at Yuki who was stupefied, and reminded: "Admiral, your saliva..."

"What, what?"

After hearing the reminder, Yuki hurriedly wiped the corners of her mouth, and then found that there was nothing.

The stupid loli who found out that she had been cheated asked fiercely, "You lied to me?"

Looking at the admiral who was blowing fur like a cat, Furutaka said kindly: "I mean, if you don't restrain yourself, admiral, your saliva will really flow out."

"Hmph, do you want to take care of it?"

Yuki Tsundere snorted coldly, expressing a rather disdainful attitude towards Furutaka's concern.

Veneto bit her lower lip lightly, and said unwillingly, "Sir, if you really like Baisi so much, I can wear it."

"But, vv, don't you always think that white silk is something that children only wear?"

"I never said that." Veneto said bluntly: "True maturity is a temperament that can't be concealed by appearance or clothing. Even if you keep treating me as a destroyer with malicious intent, sir, you can't change my true ship type. "

"Oh, come on, come on White."

Veneto's originally confident expression suddenly froze.

Furutaka said in surprise: "White seems to be that little toy that can increase the mine value of battleships?"

Veneto's complexion became more and more difficult to look at.

"I remember that White seems to be Veneto, you have been collecting it all the time, have you brought it with you?"

Veneto took a deep breath, calmed down and replied: "I have already lent that thing to the submarine."

Yuki said regretfully: "It's a pity, can we see the destroyer Veneto again after the fishes are recovered?"

Gu Ying also asked in a low voice, "It's a pity that we can't compete in torpedo warfare in tonight's exercise."

Veneto looked at Gu Ying coldly, and he had already decided in his heart to let this heavy cruiser see the horror of the battleship.

Yuki suddenly said lazily: "It seems to be coming soon, we have been away for so long."

To tell her the truth, it was too tiring for her, who has always been slack in exercise, to walk such a long distance all at once.

So stupid loli doesn't want to go on anymore.

"Hey, find a place to rest? There seems to be a convenience store not far away?"

"Admiral, I'll be at the tutelary mansion soon, because it's located in the urban area, not too far from us, and I often run over to sell firewood."

Yuki panted and asked: "So, Furutaka, why do you know how to sell firewood? Also, what age is it now? Stoves, floor heating and other equipment should have been popularized a long time ago? No matter how bad it is, there should be other things for heating ..."

Gu Ying explained: "Those firewood are leftover props from sword practice. As for why you bought it? Because the firewood I sell is very cheap, and the town guard mansion is poor and weak, but it also raises a ship girl like Yamato who consumes a lot of money , before the improvement of Yamato's training level, the tutelary fort will definitely be at a loss for a long time."

Yuki took over the topic: "This is also to protect the early security of the new tutelary mansion, especially for this kind of tutelary mansion that has battleships at the beginning and has great potential. Moderate pressure."

Gu Ying opened his eyes wide and said in surprise: "Admiral, you know so clearly?"

"Of course, I also graduated from the academy. Even if I failed the final graduation exam, it is impossible that there is no real material at all."

Veneto recalled something that had always felt wrong in the past, and asked: "But every time Lexington asks you to help with official duties, you always make low-level mistakes one after another... Have you always done it on purpose? To avoid work?"

"Haha, vv, your fantasy is really rich, I almost thought that what you said was true?"

"Isn't what I said the truth?"

Yuki replied ambiguously: "Of course it's impossible."

Veneto's eyes flickered, and he was a little confused about what Yuki meant when he said it was impossible.

"Okay, the convenience store is here, let's go shopping, it's almost noon, and I haven't even had breakfast."

"I remember Admiral, you still eat quite a lot. It seems that the amount of food you eat is second only to Quincy? If you continue like this, you will definitely get fat."

"Get fat? Impossible, I'm not fat, how can I get fat after eating so little."

Yuki didn't care about Furutaka's alarmism.

If she could grow some flesh, she would also wish for it.

At this time, a cross talk of something falling to the ground alarmed Yuki and his party.

A somewhat soft and pleasant voice sounded in everyone's ears: "Are you... the admiral?"

Veneto and Furutaka turned their heads and saw a blue-haired girl with no surprise on her face.

"I knew it……"

"It really is Snow White."

"Shirayuki?" Yuki glanced around, and instantly realized that the Shirayuki that Veneto and Furutaka mentioned was a junior high school girl wearing a sailor suit in front of her.

The other party's hair is very long, it is very difficult for people not to notice it, Yuki even felt that if the hair hadn't been tied up, it would have been dragged to the ground long ago.

"Master Admiral, you finally came back to look for me. It's just...how did you become a child? Did you suffer from some kind of illness?"

Bai Xue didn't ask where Yuki had been all these years at the first time, but nervously asked about the admiral's physical condition.

"There is nothing wrong with my body, Bai Xue doesn't have to worry."

"That can't be done. I have to do a physical examination for you, Admiral."

If it wasn't for the fact that Bai Xue's eyes were so clear when she said this thought-provoking sentence, Yuki would have almost thought that this was some kind of physical examination series. A vi's distortion unfolded.

Of course, Stupid Loli must still have some unhealthy things in her mind.

"There's really no need for physical examination or anything else. I'm very healthy. If you don't believe me, you can ask the two of them."

Yuki pointed to the two ship girls beside her.

Having been focusing on Yuki just now, Shirayuki didn't notice Veneto and Furutaka following behind Yuki until now.

"Two, is what the admiral said true?"

Veneto replied: "It's a lie."

Yuki glared at Veneto, but Destroyer Shiro was unmoved.

As a battleship, how could he be threatened by his own stupid loli chief?

"Sir, she is very unhealthy. She just walked a short distance, and she can't stand it anymore."

"It's just that you don't exercise much at ordinary times. Let you fish for a few months, and you won't be able to hold 381 steadily."

"I have never touched a fish, so the situation you mentioned, sir, cannot happen."

Veneto and Yuki were fighting passionately, and Furutaka wisely chose to shut up.

Bai Xue asked faintly: "Master Admiral, haven't you exercised for a long time?"

Cold sweat dripped down Yuki's face, and she replied cautiously: "It's not that long."

Veneto dismantled Yuki without any face: "I'm afraid, I haven't exercised seriously for more than ten years."


Facing Yuki's angry stare, Veneto turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Bai Xue's tone became a little harsher, and she said, "Master Admiral, this is not good."

Of course, because her voice was already very pleasant, even if her voice became more serious, Yuki still found it very pleasant.

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, it seemed that Bai Xue deserved to be a soft and cute young wife character, and now Bai Xue was probably her most severe appearance.

"If my sister knows that you have been fishing, Admiral, she will not let you have the chance to fish again."

"Will Fubuki do this?"

"Maybe I will take the admiral to run in the morning and practice in the afternoon? Of course it may be..."

Bai Xue calmly speculated about various possibilities.

Of course, Yuki couldn't calm down at all.

Yuki muttered in dissatisfaction: "Run in the morning? It would be better to kill me."

"Admiral, do you hate sports that much?"

"Of course, it's tiring and uncomfortable, especially when you're drenched in sweat after every workout. How can it be comfortable to feel completely drenched?"


Gu Ying glanced at the admiral who was several heads shorter than him, and suddenly became a little excited.

She suddenly wanted to see the wet version of the admiral, even if she was caught in the gendarmerie's detention room, she would have no regrets.

The eyes of Veneto and Baixue also became a little strange, and Gu Ying understood that the two of them probably had the same thoughts as him.

'It's easy now. '

With a move in his heart, Gu Ying smiled and said, "Admiral, I think you should seriously consider getting up early in the future, right?"

"That's right, sir, as a soldier, it is necessary to have a good body."

"Master Admiral, I will supervise you to exercise well, and I will accompany you by your side every time you run in the morning."

Yuki was dumbfounded, and asked dully: "What's the matter with you guys?"

Chapter 570 Eight: Magic 'child obedient legs'

Yuki recalled what the ship girls said when they chatted just now, and felt that his future had become bleak.

"I don't want to exercise, Bai Xue, I'm very healthy."

Yuki looked at Shirayuki pleadingly.

The young wife Bai Xue frowned slightly, looked at Yuki's very sincere eyes, hesitated a little, and said: "Master Admiral, it is quite necessary to exercise occasionally."

"I will arrange the exercise and so on myself, so I won't let everyone worry too much."

Bai Xue said apologetically, "But to be honest, I don't really trust your promise, Lord Admiral."

"You are my wife, why don't you even believe me?"

"This one……"

Bai Xue muttered, lowered her head, and had no choice to continue talking.

Veneto next to her didn't care that much, she replied lightly: "Because you are always full of lies, sir, it is very difficult for people to believe you."

Furutaka nodded in agreement: "That's right, you can go back on what you say. When I first transformed into a secretary ship, she talked sweetly to me all day long, and kicked me away after a few days. Change to Aoba and the others."

Yuki defended himself awkwardly: "Ahem, no one stipulates that the secretary ship is a lifetime job."

"What about my equipment? The U country's triple 8-inch main gun, as a weapon that can reach 10 points of firepower among heavy cruisers, is rare. Because of the large number of heavy patrols in the guarding mansion, you seem to often tear down the western wall. Repair the east wall? And every time you keep saying who you want to hand over the main gun, she is the hope of the whole village, let her fight well."

Gu Ying gritted his teeth and continued: "Then, just when I thought this main cannon would belong to me forever, you gave her to your new woman without hesitation."

"Wait, what is a new woman?"

"Afterwards, every time I came to the new heavy patrol to level up, didn't you, admiral, strip us all?"

"I can't help it. There are only so many good main guns. You must know that Eugen carries three steel plates with him. If it is worse, who can compare to her? Also, when did I say that I would send those equipments to you?" I gave them to you? I gave them to you one by one, facing the death stares of Wichita, Baltimore, and the others."

"So you snatched those things from you, the admiral? No wonder the group of ship girls from the U system used to trouble us all day long. It turned out to be..."

Furutaka was stunned, and there was something wrong with the look in Yuki's eyes.

"Next time, if someone still troubles you, you can come to me."

"Admiral, are you going to stand by my side?"

"No, I ask you to return the main gun to them."

Seeing Furutaka's astonished expression, Yuki comforted him, "Don't worry, I'll get it back for you when you're about to go to war."

Furutaka was speechless: "Is there no other solution?"

Although she also knew that those main guns belonged to the U-type guys, and they were the real beneficiaries in this matter.

But if you can get the ownership of these equipment, wouldn't it be more fragrant than only the right to use it?

"Think about it, is it more enjoyable for you to take other people's equipment, or for others to take your equipment? Especially when the relationship between that group of people and you is very bad."

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