The stupid loli twitched violently: "You, are you just gone?"

"Yes poi~"

Xili seemed to be very sorry to say.

But in fact, when she saw the destroyer who had just competed with her for the admiral being set on fire, she felt a little happy in her heart.

Yuki asked, "Why didn't you wait for the torpedo?"

"Bombardment is the romantic poi of a destroyer."

"Nonsense, your torpedo warfare is obviously quite strong."

As the destroyer with the highest lightning damage, if Yuki really believed Yudachi's words, she would really be a veritable stupid loli.

Xili thought for a while, and came up with a more reasonable reason: "If the torpedo is fired close to it, it will be easier to hit the poi."

"That's right, a sniper rifle will definitely hit the enemy's forehead with a hundred shots."

Yuji echoed Xili's words seriously, but her eyes didn't look like she really trusted Xili.

Seeing that his excuses didn't work, Xili had no choice but to take the cute route again: "Admiral, you have snatched away all his mouth fetishes, Xili is so pitiful."

Usually at times like this, if it was Shi Yu on the other side, he would already be comforting her while sighing.

But it's a pity that Yuki didn't seem to hear it, and just looked at Xili calmly.

"Just rushing over like this, isn't it very imposing? poi~"

Xili clenched a fist with one hand, as if waving it to add some courage to herself, but after seeing Yuki's expression at this time, she shrank her head in embarrassment.

Yuki covered her heart and asked, "Do you know how much silver coins it costs to repair a level 10 ship?"

Xi Li sneaked a glance at the computer screen, because the game was not over and the battle damage report hadn't come out yet, she only saw Yuki's total savings.

Looking at the long list of numbers above, Xi Li tentatively said, "Shouldn't it look expensive?"

"It's really not expensive."

Hearing this, Xi Li breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I'm saving money to climb the line now!"

Chapter 560: Devouring the Ancient God 0v0 Derich

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I will never mess with Amway and others to play games again."

Yuki murmured with dull eyes.

Ever since she taught Xili how to play a destroyer well, she has been watching this poi keep starting to charge towards the opposite side, and then died on the way.

"Throw the torpedo! You are a destroyer, not a German war of secondary artillery!"

Yuki's breathing was very rapid, and it was obvious that Xili was very angry.

Xi Li lit up: "This game is really fun!"


Yuki yelled loudly and pulled Xili away from his seat.

With a stern face, she said angrily: "You are not allowed to approach my computer again in the future."

Xili felt a little regretful.

She actually wanted to play a few more rounds.

"In this case, I'll go back to my dormitory and play poi."

Hearing Xili's muttering, Yuki felt guilty from the bottom of her heart.

She glanced at Xili who seemed to be planning the distribution of game time after returning, and prayed in her heart: "I hope that the teammates Xili meets in the future will not blame me."I also didn't expect that she, who is clearly a destroyer, would be so good at playing destroyers. '

In short, Yuki has announced that his original plan to play games with La Xili has completely failed.

Xili said angrily: "Admiral, I don't think I did anything wrong."

"Oh." Yuki responded flatly.

"Really poi! Xili is already working hard to play the game poi!"

Yuki forgot to take a look at Xili. Although the other party's attitude seemed very serious, Yuki also felt that Xili was probably really trying to do better.

But she had already made a decision, before Xili changed his fighting style in the game, no matter what Xili said, she would never play with Xili.

Otherwise, with a destroyer that may die suddenly at any time, Yuki feels that his climbing line will definitely increase to the difficulty of hell.

"Speaking of which, I once used your mouth addiction. Who did you listen to?"

Yuki suddenly remembered this.

Although she often wants to get something from the ship's mother, so of course it is necessary to be cute.

But Yuki definitely didn't have the courage to imitate the other party's unique attributes in front of her.

Then, someone must have made a whistleblower, told Xili about his cuteness in the past, and maybe even took photos and videos.

Yuki groaned, thinking about what happened not long ago, the image of Saratoga flashed into her mind.

"Did it come from Saratoga?" she asked.

Xili originally wanted to cover up Saratoga, but seeing that Yuki had already guessed who the prisoner was, he had no choice but to nod and admit Saratoga's suspicion.

Yuki gritted her teeth fiercely: "It really is her, I asked her to make money, and then she ran to you to talk nonsense?"

Xili found it interesting, imitating Yuki's face, and asked 'viciously': "So Admiral, you really did that, right poi?"

Yuki was choked, and nodded her head cowardly: "Yes."

"Too poi."

Xili found a chair and sat down opposite Yuki.

She supported her face with her hands, and some baby fat was deformed by her hands. It seemed that people couldn't help but want to squeeze a few to try the feel.

But Yuki forcibly suppressed the urge to itch.

Of course you can pinch and watch, but you may be bitten by a dog later.

'Speaking of which, if you are bitten twice by Solomon's rabid dog, will you get sick? '

Yuki suddenly had strange eyes and began to think about it.

"Admiral, your eyes are very wrong, maybe it's because spring is coming, what do you think about Xi Li?"

Xili tilted her head slightly, looking at Yuki with some expectation.

"How is it possible, where did you learn these things?"

Xi Li said as if asking for credit: "I've seen all those dirty things in Shi Yu's collection."

Yuki's heart skipped a beat, and she asked with a blushing face, "A sour thing? Can you be more specific?"

"It's just some cartoons drawn by Qiu Yun. Recently, it seems that even the work of that guy named Tirpitz has been included in the poi collection. Have you read poi, admiral?"

"If you have a chance, bring it to me." Yuki said itchy in her heart.

But it didn't take long for her to realize that this was not the topic she should be focusing on.

"What is Saratoga doing now?"

"Probably, she is still taking poi classes in the classroom. She said that she wants to be an idol to earn money to support her husband, so she deliberately found another Saratoga to learn how to be a good idol. So now she is probably still attending poi classes with Chuuxue and the others. "

"Fubuki is here too? Does she want to be an idol too?"

"That's right poi, Fubuki has always been a very hardworking poi."

"But don't you feel that there is something wrong with the direction of this effort?"

"But Admiral~ You actually like idols, poi?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Because your computer desktop, Admiral, is the very famous idol group POI."

Yuki was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he would overturn the car here.

"So Fubuki wants to become an idol because he knows this?"

Yuki sighed slightly, a little surprised by the effort of that hard-working child.

"Of course not, she is a coerced poi."

Xili's words shattered Yuki's fantasy all of a sudden, the emotion just now disappeared instantly, she looked at Xili speechlessly.

"Did the admiral just moved poi?"

Yuki turned her head: "No."

"It's obviously like this poi."

Yuki got up impatiently, rumpled Xili's hair, and then dragged her to the door.

"I'm going to take a lunch break, you'd better go out."

"Wait, Admiral!" Xi Li shouted, and then took out something like a leaflet from his body.

"Xili and everyone formed an idol team, is the admiral interested in going to see our concert poi?"

Xi Li's eyes seemed to be shining.

Yuki thought for a while and said, "I will watch the live broadcast."

"Aren't you going to the scene poi?"

"Just watch the live broadcast online, don't worry, I will definitely cheer for you."

Yuki smiled, clenched his fist, and puffed up in one go, and then he was about to close the door without giving Xili any time to react.

"Wait a minute poi! Admiral, are you interested in being an idol poi?"

"Sorry, no."

The blue-haired loli shook her head, and even the messy hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side twice, as if she was refusing at the same time as her master.

"I can tell, Admiral, you must have a vision of being an idol!"

Yuki raised his eyes, and glanced at Xili with dissatisfaction: "How is it possible, why are you so filthy and innocent?"

"Rely on intuition poi."

"Then you guessed wrong, I like idols, but that doesn't mean I like being an idol. It's like Xili, you like me, right?"

"That's right poi!"

"So, is it possible that you want to be an admiral?"

"The admiral who can become an admiral...seems like a good poi?"

Xili imagined for a while, the scene where the admiral on the opposite side could only obey obediently when he gave an order, and suddenly became excited.

Yuki pondered for a long time, and said, "You're not right."

"In short, I don't like to show my face on the stage. Of course, my wife is welcome to be an idol, but you want to pull me on the stage together?"

Yuki sneered twice: "No way."


Yuli poi sadly, and then the door was mercilessly closed by Yuki.

Yuki waited until there was no movement outside the door, took out the flyer that Yudachi Fortress gave her just now, and glanced at it, and was immediately attracted by the name of the idol team with the largest font on it.

"I don't want to be the flagship group, the members are Aoba and Quincy? Why do you feel so familiar?"

Yuki frowned, as if he had heard the name of this group somewhere.

Especially with the addition of these two names, it immediately made her feel more familiar.But at the same time of familiarity, a sense of disobedience also kept rushing to my heart.

"The name Qingye is quite common. As for Quincy... is it a foreigner's name?"

"Quincy... Quincy, Quincy 0v0?"

Yuki shook her head abruptly, just at that moment, she felt as if something in her head was about to be sucked away and swallowed.

Although she didn't know what it was, she felt that if she really allowed herself to be devoured, she might become a real stupid loli.

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