Kamicia raised her eyebrows, and said without fear of getting serious: "If you are jealous, you can be like me."

"If you let Andrea know that you are tempting me to skip school with you, hehehe."

Ugolini covered his mouth and 'smirked'.

"You will not."

Kamicia asserted, making Ugolini's face stiff.

She asked back, "Are you so sure?"

"Of course, you and I are the same kind of people. You must be the first to find it interesting to see Andrea in trouble."

Ugolini wanted to refute, but suddenly found that Kamicia didn't seem to be wrong.

'Is Kamicia really an idiot? 'Looking at the confident and unscrupulous Lolita, Ugolini had this question in his heart.

"Besides, we don't have to go to school now! As for the reason, Kukuku—"

Kamicia held back a bit, and after seeing everyone looking in her direction, she finally spoke again: "Because the admiral is back!"

"Sister, is what you said true?!"

Aviel asked excitedly.

"Of course it is."

Seeing Aviel's overflowing joy, Kamicia felt a little strange.

Knowing that the admiral was back, Avi was very happy, which did not surprise Kamicia.

It's better to say that there is no ship girl who would be unhappy, right?

But Avi went too far, and tears filled the corners of his eyes.

"Don't cry, Awei, the admiral is back, if you cry so badly, the admiral will definitely not like you."

Hearing what his sister said, Aviel quickly wiped the corners of his eyes.

Kamicia asked: "Why is Avi crying like this? Is it because I miss the admiral so much?"

Aviel replied honestly: "Because if the admiral returns, with the admiral here, I won't be oppressed by my sister in the future."

"Hahaha." Ugolini rubbed his belly and burst out laughing.

Even an unscrupulous and shameless guy like Kamicia couldn't help but blush.

After all, no one can bear being demolished by his own sister.

"Antonio, look at these two guys next to you. It's called plastic sisterhood. We can't be like them."

Ugolini stroked Antonio's head and said.


Antonio patted Ugolini's hand away, pouted dissatisfiedly and said, "Don't touch my head, meow, I won't grow taller."

Plastic sisterhood +1


"Admiral, are you here?"

Antonio asked Camicia, pointing to Veneto's room.

Now that they know that the admiral has returned, a group of elementary school students naturally want to see Yuki sooner.

Especially knowing that Yuki is now a little loli similar to them, this feeling is even more urgent.

"That's right, Andrea took the initiative to give the admiral the room of the eldest sister Veneto. I don't know how to teach her when the eldest sister comes back."

Seeing Sister Veneto show off her power, this is one of the few entertainment sessions in Kamicia.

Antonio was not interested in these things, she stared at the door, thinking that the admiral was inside.

It's been too long since I saw the admiral, and Antonio felt that he almost forgot the admiral's appearance.

Although Kamicia said that Yuki is a girl now, it is useless to remember her previous appearance.

Anthony was about to push the door, only to find that the door was locked from the inside.

There was doubt on her face, and excitement appeared on Kamicia's face next to her.

"Avi," Kamicia said, "you come and knock the door open."

"Bump away? Sister, this is not good."

Kamicia began to flicker: "What's wrong?"

Aviel tried the room and said, "The admiral is inside."

"It's because the admiral is inside that I asked you to open the door!" Kamicia pretended to be angry and said, "Think about it, everyone must really want to see the admiral sooner, right?"

Aviel nodded.

Kamicia continued: "In contrast, the admiral must also want to see us sooner. If you open the door, the admiral and everyone will be very happy."

Aviel was dubious: "Really?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Ugolini."

Aviel looked at Ugolini again.

Ugolini coughed dryly, and nodded his head out of conscience.

Antonio was completely unaware that Kamicia was fooling others, and nodded in a daze.

After struggling a little in his heart, Aviel finally chose to knock open the door.

Chapter 250: Obtaining the Fatty Artifact

Under the strength of the ship's mother, the door of the room was easily knocked open.

If Veneto finds out that the door of her room was conspired to be broken by these elementary school students, they will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

But now no one would think about such a far-reaching matter, not to mention that Aviel will be responsible for it at that time, at least Kamicia is not in the slightest panic.

After Aviel's action, the elementary school students rushed in in a swarm, wanting to see the admiral sooner.

As a result, when they saw everything in the room clearly, they all stunned by coincidence.

"It hurts, sister, what's wrong with you?"

Aviel rubbed his aching forehead, and suddenly found that Kamicia and the others didn't say anything after they broke in, just standing there in a daze.

Curiosity flashed in his heart, and Aviel also looked in the direction *others were looking at.

Then, she also froze.

Although her appearance has changed a lot, no matter how much she changes, she can still recognize Yuki's aura as a ship girl.

Therefore, the blue-haired loli who was lying next to Lexington and sleeping soundly was the admiral's current appearance.

It wouldn't be a big deal if it was just sleeping in Lexington's arms. What really surprised everyone was——

Lexington appears to be naked.

When everyone broke in, Lexington quickly picked up the quilt and covered Yuki.

Then she sat on the bed, covered part of her body with the other half of the quilt, and looked out the door, trying to see who broke in suddenly.

In the eyes of Kamicia and others, the current scene is like this:

His own admiral was lying on the bed in an unknown state, with a half-naked Lexington beside him.

For a moment, the faces of Aviel and Ugolini turned red.

The faces of the other two did not change much. One of them was an old driver, and the big loli was so pure that she didn't know the world, and she didn't understand what the scene in front of her meant.

"Is the admiral asleep?"

Antonio regretted that she was still planning to find Yuki and share her treasured snacks with Yuki.

But now Yuki seemed to be sleeping soundly, so Antonio had no choice but to give up the idea.

"The admiral just fell asleep, did the little guys come in to play with the admiral?"

Lexington asked softly.

To be honest, the moment the door was broken open just now, even with Lexington's mentality, he was taken aback.

After all, both she and Yuki were defenseless.

Antonio nodded and said, "It's a pity that the admiral is already asleep. Really, why did the admiral go to bed so early? It's too strange to go to bed before it's dark."

Lexington's face flushed slightly, and he didn't know how to explain it to the little guy.

Ugolini had a strange expression on her face. She didn't know whether her sister said these words on purpose or if she really didn't understand.

Although Ugolini thinks the latter is more likely, Antonio is not really as young as he looks.

Sometimes, Ugolini even felt that Antonio was talented.

Fortunately, Kamicia broke the silence at this time.

Beside Lexington, Yuki's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then a slit was slightly exposed, carefully observing the intruder.

Kamicia found out Yuki's little action and felt strange.She thought for a while, then suddenly said: "The admiral is not asleep at all!"

Yuki immediately closed her eyes tightly and stopped making small movements.

As a result, Kamicia, who had been observing very keenly, became more convinced of the guess in her heart because of Yuki's actions.

She rushed over decisively, ready to pull off the quilt covering her body.

Lexington glanced at Yuki reproachfully, quickly pressed the quilt and said, "The admiral just fell asleep, don't wake her up."

Seeing that Kamicia still didn't let go, Lexington gave her a stern look.

It seemed that this glance had an effect, and Kamicia withdrew her hand resentfully.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when Lexington relaxed, Kamicia jumped onto the bed and pulled the quilt off with all her strength.

"Tsk, you're still wearing underwear."

Camicia said very regretfully.

Then she was kicked off the bed by Yuki who was ashamed.

The sound of "donglong" made me feel very painful when I fell.

Lexington smiled very gently, but Yuki, who was familiar with her, knew that Lexington was definitely not in a good mood at this time.

She said sullenly: "Little guys, it seems that you are usually too idle."

Ugolini instantly understood what Lexington wanted to say, and it was nothing more than telling them not to be so idle.

Whether it is increasing homework or increasing the amount of training, Ugolini does not want to see it.

So she secretly kicked Kamicia who fell to the ground, and sold her without hesitation:

"Sister Lexington~ This is all Kamicia's idea, we just followed to see."

Lexington smiled strangely: "Oh? Really?"

"Of course, if sister Lexington doesn't believe it, you can ask Antonio, she will definitely not lie, right?"

Lexington didn't ask, no matter how cute Antonio was, it had nothing to do with whether she would lie.

On the contrary, it was the stupid loli who spoke directly, which made Lexington help his forehead and sigh softly.

Yuki looked in Antonio's direction.

In the game, this destroyer has always had the alias of big loli, but now Yuki finds that this big loli is not big at all.

At least not as big as her.

Yuki asked, "Antonio, is what she said true?"

Ugolini looked at Antonio pleadingly, but the big loli didn't know if she understood her eyes, and hesitated for a long time before saying submissively: "I, I don't know."

Just when Ugolini thought it was going to be cool, Kamicia, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly opened the coffin.

"Admiral, what Ugolini said is correct, I wanted to break in on my own initiative!"

Ugolini's eyes widened in surprise, did this guy just get knocked stupid?He actually took the blame all on himself.

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