If you don't tell the other party, this is an exam, please pay attention, be serious, don't be too presumptuous.

How does the other party know that the exam is starting now?

You don't tell the other party the scope of the exam or the solutions to some questions.

How does the other party know, how to do this question, how to do this exam, what to do?

It is impossible to open the book.

However, leaking questions is no problem!

"..." With a little guidance, it is definitely possible.

At least it can let them know what direction to think about and what way to solve it.


Miss Seele in red has such a mentality.

Then he began to explain leisurely, casually, but as if he was serious about something.


Where should I start?

"..." she said while thinking.

Honkai is not about putting humans to death.

What she wants to do is to test, test, and screen. For the sake of civilization, it can develop better and more tenaciously in the future. This is a necessary work!

Just like how can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain?

As long as it is the world on the tree of imaginary numbers.

Each one cannot escape this process.

so!You don't have to be too hostile to Honkai, it's unnecessary and unrealistic.

In addition to making myself particularly distressed, too much hatred is not conducive to action.

This point needs attention.

"The most intuitive manifestation of the collapse is a catastrophe, and the most powerful vanguard is the so-called Herrscher."

Presumably, you are no stranger to these.

Miss Seele in red, continue to tell them.


Every time, with the development of civilization, the arrival of the Herrscher will only become stronger and faster, the intervals will be shorter and shorter, and it will become more and more difficult.

The difficulty seems to be climbing steadily.

That is also a progressive process.

And this time is different.

Honkai wants to make an attempt, and we want to do an experiment.

It's all good!

No matter what method you use.

All the world, all the time, is counting on you!

Because according to the results of your performance, Honkai will increase some difficulty or lower some standards for other worlds and other times in the future as appropriate.

The so-called radiation of all worlds affects all parallel time and space...

Maybe that's what it means? !

This is your chance, and the chance of all the worlds, to change or not, in one fell swoop.

It may be very unfair to you, after all, I didn't tell you anything, so I tried it directly!

However, in the world, what is really fair?Opportunities always coexist with risks!

Can we seize that opportunity and realize our own value?

It's all up to you, how you choose...

"..." Everyone present heard this, although they were shocked, they couldn't help but fell silent.

There are various reasons.

The collapse is different from what I imagined.

In my eyes, the world also seems to have changed, it has become a little different, it seems complicated, but it is also so simple.

"Tell you the truth."

The red Miss Seele spread her hands.

Then said.

"Even I don't know how many Herrschers will come."

Anyway, the longer you delay, the more Herrschers will come.

She is outspoken.

Although not everyone will stand on the opposite side of human beings, more people also choose a neutral attitude.

But as long as there is one more Herrscher, interest comes, and he decides to participate in the trial and become your examiner.

Your difficulty has risen by one level.

There is no doubt about this!

"Now there are about twenty, what will happen next? How many will there be?"

in my memory.

Native, man-made, whatever!

Zero and zero add up.

But there is a whole world.

Let alone 10,000+, right?

Even if not all will come, how much can you bear?How much can you accept?

This, too, is something to consider.

PS1: The first update is here, and today is the third update, keep going~~

Collapse 654 Parallel Civilization Interlaced Time and Space! : [-]. Enough is enough, I'm tired, destroy it!

"Ten... 10,000+?!"

K423 has been shocked to the point of numbness.

Are you a bad street? !

Why so many? !

"..." It's just a pity!

We all hope that Miss Seele, in red, will smile and say that she is only joking.

But her serious look clearly showed that she was not joking!

Everything she said was true!


Do you think twenty or so Herrschers is already a lot? !

Sorry, fractions don't count.

Even I don't know.

If Ms. Sakura is bored, she will summon one after another, how many more will she summon.


Talk and go.

One thing is certain.

Your time is really running out.

"..." Not only are there dead spots oppressing brightly in the sky.

The increasing number of enemies is also something to consider, isn't it?

If you don't make a decision quickly and participate in the trial!In the future, the difficulty may be higher.

Because you can't do it, let the subsequent Herrschers, all the Herrschers, stand by your side, right? !

Then... since that's the case!

Should say or not.

In my own heart, I also have to have a count.

If you continue to be so dazed, you will really suffer!

"Mr. Walter, you should have met Miss Wendy before, right?!"

At this moment.

The red Miss Seele looked at Walter.

"Then you must have seen it too? That illusory tower that has not yet been solidified."

"Hmm..." Walter was startled, then nodded.

This made the other girls, uncontrollably, a little curious.

Tower?What tower?

what is that? !

Walter explained briefly.

described it.

Then, he looked at the red Miss Xier again, as if waiting for her, and continued to explain.

"..." Then Miss Xier told them.

That high tower is where you will be tested!

Let me tell you the truth.

Your real examiner, not long ago, has confirmed that it is the Fourth Herrscher.

She is the Herrscher born in this era.

Strong enough.

It can also completely refer to the collapse of this world.

Unlike girls like them, they came from other parallel time and space.

Strictly speaking, people who cannot be regarded as people of this world can't completely replace the test of this world.


It goes without saying.

To pass the test, the most important thing is to get rid of her.

If there is no way to get her approval, no way to defeat her, no matter how many Herrschers have been crusaded before, it will have no effect.

"..." But then again.

That tower is a trial.

You can meet Miss Wendy just by climbing.

Each layer in it, like every imaginary number space, seems to be narrow, but also seems to be infinitely wide.

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