Asked, it is better not to ask.

He also didn't think that, seeing as if a tea party was about to be held, it would be of no use for a man like himself to stay here.

Maybe Alicia will say something more, really~~ Girls are talking!What are you standing by and looking at? !Big ice cubes, stinky ice cubes, I still don't understand the style, let's go, let's go back to your room...


really!People still need some self-knowledge.

"..." As for the other Yingjies, some of them conservatively chose to wait and see what happened just now, while others silently watched each other and the development of the situation.

It's about time.

They also made their own choices.

Su, Qianjie, Cosmo and others from Xiangleland also left.

As for whether to pay attention in the dark, that's another matter.

Most of the girls stayed.

Have a heart.

Even Gracie.

The entire Past Paradise hasn't been this lively for a long time.

To be honest...

Once in a while, it feels good, too!

"What do you want to drink?" Paradise Eden asked gently.

"Ah... let me help too."

Miss Eden smiled softly, and moved closer.

Actually, there's no need to ask.

Because Alicia and Mebius, what they like to drink, are no different from themselves in Paradise.

And after getting along for so long, how could they not know about such a small matter?

It's just like this, at first, it was still a bit strange!But as time goes by, it seems that there is nothing, don't you think? !

"~~~" Just treat it as a novel experience.

Now they are just, one, ordinary girls.

It is no longer Ying Jie.

So like this, relax and relax, I always feel that I will be very happy...

PS1: The second update is here, um, there is another update, it will be ready soon~~

Collapse 642 Parallel Civilization Interlaced Time and Space! : [-]. The strength of the Fourth Herrscher, right? !It's so weird!

"Hey, another me!"

Alicia of Paradise, sit with Alicia.

She hugged another slender waist of her own, intimately meant to be in the other's arms.

The novel experience made her very happy.

As soon as she sat down, she couldn't wait to ask, and she started to talk.

It also attracted everyone's attention.

"How did you become Herrschers? And, why did you become Herrschers? If you have all three... haven't you been punished?"

talk to me~~


Alicia smiled sweetly.

Then, she looked at Mebius.

Mebius looked at himself in Paradise, shrugged, and hummed softly.

"The other me, you should have guessed it?"

"Of course... After all, you have also said, 'reform' before! This word, right?"

Happy Land Mebius smiled, sitting still, but so coquettish.

She raised her right hand slightly, caressing her cheek, the snake eyes narrowed quietly, looked at it, and then answered with determination.

"Is it artificial Herrscher technology? ... But! It should be improved a lot..."

Happy Land Mebius paused, then continued.

"Although I haven't really studied these contents, I have also done some theoretical deduction. The so-called fusion fighter technology is also adjusted on this basis...I didn't expect you to really succeed."

"To be precise, I succeeded, but it was not me who was perfected in the end!"

Mebius spread his hands.

"That's my student. On the basis of my artificial Herrscher, I modified it. To be precise... I added fusion fighter technology, stigmata technology, etc. Now we have nothing to do with the real Herrscher The difference..."


Alicia agreed.

"This is the biggest gap between a complete Herrscher transformation and an ordinary man-made Herrscher!"

Even they, later, readjusted a wave and upgraded a bit.

Therefore, beside Lei Dianying, there is no longer any man-made Herrscher.

of course!

It would be the most convenient situation if Honkai directly gave the Herrscher core.

But there are very few who can meet the conditions, far less than the current one, it's a good time to come!

"Student?" Paradise Eden came over to serve everyone drinks, and couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this word suddenly.

"Is it Klein? You finally accepted Klein as a student, isn't that right... that's it! She's still alive..."

Paradise Mebius didn't hide anything.

In other words, in front of her, she couldn't hide anything.

In her mind, if she was a student, the only possibility was Klein.

Even Cangxuan and Danzhu are not qualified.


Mebius shook his head.

"Klein... she's still alive! But the student, it's not her!"

"But I feel that the sisters are happier than us!"

Gracie's voice was soft and soft, with a hint of milk.

"Because I can feel that the colors of the sisters, the colors in their hearts, are very bright and warm, and there is no haze."

"Can you tell us..."

Hua from Paradise asked seriously.

"How far has our world developed?"

She paused, as if fidgeting, unable to bear it, and a little impatient.

"What kind of history is your world? Human beings, have you won? Have you been driven away by collapse?"

please tell us!


Alicia clapped her hands together and lightly clasped them together.

"That's how it is! Let's first tell you how your world evolved!... From the pre-civilization you are familiar with to the pre-civilization, what happened over the long years..."

She picks and chooses and starts talking.

What is said is the key point, and it is also a big deal.

When Past Paradise was established, Paradise Sakura was not dead yet.

That is to say, her younger sister is not yet the Twelve Herrschers, probably around the time of the Binding tragedy, at that point in time.

All this, Lei Dianying had told them.

So they talked about everything from that point onwards.

No.12 Herrscher Incident...

Sakura died, and Suzu died too.

Humanity was destroyed to the point where only three shelters remained.

It's almost dead end.

The No.13 Herrscher is Alicia.

She chose to end her life in her own way.

In the most beautiful appearance, turned into withered flowers...

And then!

No.14 Herrscher comes, that is the last Herrscher!

If we want to talk about her characteristics, there is only one, very strong, very strong, very strong!

Thirteen Yingjie itself is not fully compiled.

Eight people landed on the moon, and nearly half of them were instantly killed in one encounter.

In the end, the Moonlight Throne, combined with Kevin's blow, caused the Herrscher of the Last Yan to shut down for 24 hours, winning the last time.

Only then began the final refuge plan.

Miss Eden, who chooses to sing for the end of civilization, does not want to live, and just wants to perish together.

And the other Ying Jie also ushered in their own end.

Those who really survive will survive to the next civilization.

It can be said that there are very few.

Kevin, one of them, is now in Quantum Sea.

Su seems to be dead, but his spirit sublimated and he played against the gods.

Hua is still implementing the fire plan and promoting the development of civilization. As the Chiyuan Immortal, he has been guarding the earth.

Just burn the memory, burn the soul.

I'm afraid I don't know how much I can remember from the past.

"..." All the Yingjies were listening quietly.

Not just tea party girls.

Even the other people who had left before appeared here honestly.

However, they didn't intervene, nor did they come closer, they just stared quietly, listening to Alicia's narration.

In fact!

These things, Gray Snake and Raven have also come and told them.

Just like now, so specific, and only this time.

The overall context is sorted out.

There is a concept in my heart.

What Fu Hua did...

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