The man stood up from the sofa and walked slowly towards Junhui.

"In this case, please pay respects to the Kirielod people first - first, start with you."

"Why did you find me?"

Jun Hui asked back.

"There's not much time left. If you don't pay homage to the Kiriairods here on behalf of the humans on Earth, the K1 area is next."

"You can't do that!"

Ji Hui suddenly roared out—the K1 area is a shopping mall with a lot of traffic, if it is destroyed like the building that is still under construction, the casualties will be huge.

The man ignored Jun Jianhui's anger.

"The holy fire will burn away all filth, but here's how to stop it—you can."

Saying so, the man picked up the photo of the girl on Junhui's desk.

"Do you want to?"

"I'm sorry, although I really don't want to interrupt your speech; but I'm sorry, I really can't help but want to chop you twice!"

A sudden voice interrupted the words of the Kiriarod. Shigure, wearing a half-black and half-white JK uniform, suddenly appeared behind the Kiriarod, and cut off his hand holding the photo with a sword. that arm.

"Sorry, I can't blame me; after all, one of the people I hate the most in my life is the kind of unscrupulous and innocent man who likes to speak classical Chinese and pretend to be a force!"


By the way, why doesn't everyone like the one-eyed girl?I think it fits the setting of Gann Q!And isn't the one-eyed girl cute?

Is there something wrong with my XP system?

Tiga Volume: Chapter No.17: The Battle of Monster Girls to Fame

"Sorry, I can't blame me; after all, one of the people I hate the most in my life is the kind of unscrupulous and innocent man who likes to speak classical Chinese and pretend to be a force!"

The sharp Snake Heart Sword pierced through the man's body, Shigure's hand clenched into a fist, and slammed hard on his face.

"Monster girl!?"

When Ju Jian Hui saw Shi Yu who had just appeared, he was surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, the defense of the TPC headquarters was breached twice in one day, not only the Kiriarods, but even monster girls can invade here at will; In the matter of the Rialod people, the reliable combat power of the monster girl is on the human side.

"Hey! The intermediary captain, I'm sorry that the way we met for the first time was this way."

After saying hello to Jujianhui, Shigure raised the Snake Heart Sword and slashed at the Kiriarods again.

"Who are you? Are you also an ignorant person who wants to become a god?"

Caught off guard by Shigure's unspoken martial arts sneak attack, Kirielod was startled and angry, his body turned into a blue light and shadow, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Ah, escaped! What a boring guy."

Carrying the Snake Heart Sword casually on his shoulder, Shi Yu showed a helpless expression.

At this moment, the door of Jujian Hui's room was suddenly opened; Lina and Dagu rushed in with pistols in their hands, and aimed their guns at Shigure in unison.

"I said, it's not the first time we met, is it necessary?"

Looking helplessly at Dagu and Lina, Shiyu curled his lips.

"Monster girl? Why are you? Where's the Kirielod?"

Dagu was very puzzled, the guy who appeared in the captain's room was from Kiriarod, why did he turn into a monster girl after they came in.

"Here, that guy's gone; that's all that's left."

With the tip of the sword, she picked up the arm that was cut off by her on the ground, and it fell in front of Dagu and Lina, making them take a step back in fright.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first. You guys should study this arm yourself!"

Saying so, Shi Yu raised his hand and swung the Snake Heart Sword, cutting out two crack-like things in the air, and after the crack expanded, it became a door.

This is the ability that Bruton's card bestows on Shigure in the possessed state.

"Wait, where are you going?"

Dagu hurriedly asked.

"Go save the world!"

Turning around with a smile, Shi Yu stepped into the door, and then the door disappeared.

"Wait! K1 area!"

Ju Jianhui suddenly thought of what the Kirielod had just said, she hurriedly ran to the GUTS combat headquarters, Lina and Dagu looked at each other, and quickly followed.

"Ye Rui team members! Immediately issue the slightest warning order; send the Victory Feiyan to the K1 area!"

Nozui Yasumi, who was sitting in front of the computer, nodded, and then issued instructions to the communicator.

"Xincheng team members, please fly to the K1 area immediately!"

Xincheng on the communicator immediately replied "Understood", but Ju Jianhui gave Lina another order.

"Go find the image of the K1 area!"

After Lina's operation, a map of the K1 area appeared on the big screen of the GUTS combat command.

It was a department store similar to Ito Yokado. Judging from the bustle of people outside the building in the video, there were quite a few people inside.

"Is that... a monster girl?"

Dagu just saw it at a glance. In the image, a door of light that they had just seen in Ju Jianhui's room appeared, and Shi Yu walked out of the door of light.

"Tsk, hurry up!"

Through his spiritual vision, Shigure had already seen the huge heat rising from the ground—undoubtedly, this was the so-called "sacred fire" by the Kirielod people.

"Heh, you dare to call yourself the holy fire with this little power, you are really beyond your control!"

Countless light spots converged from the center of the earth toward Shigure's hand—that was the earth's response to Shigure's call.

Relying on this ability, Tianwangsilan gathered a lightsaber and threw it at Taijia, endowing Taijia with the Yikun form at the second level of the third echelon; The maiden relied on this ability to seal the monster Night Fang, which was also the second level of the third echelon.

And now, Shigure also wants to use this power to fight against the holy flame of the Kirielod people, and save those people in this building who would have died in the explosion of the holy flame from the hands of these frenzied bastards.

"Photon Earth!"

With a roar, Shigure stabbed the lightsaber fiercely into the ground, and golden spiritual energy immediately covered the entire K1 area.

"What is... what is she doing?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ju Jianhui felt a little dazed.

"Captain! According to the detection, there is a huge heat in the ground - the means by which the Kiriarods destroy those buildings is the flames emerging from the ground!"

When relying on the power of the photon land called by Shiyu to block the "sacred fire" of the Kiriarods, Ye Rui also took the opportunity to analyze the form of energy components of the Kiriarods' holy fire.

"Can you analyze the power used by the monster girl?"

Ju Jianhui turned around and asked Ye Rui.

Compared with the "sacred flame" of the Kyriairods, the golden power of the monster girl is also very important.

"No, it is preliminarily estimated that the source of this power comes from the ground and deep underground, but the composition of this energy has not been analyzed."

Ye Rui operated on the computer, then shook his head.

Shigure's psionic energy does not belong to any kind of energy known so far, so Ye Rui can't compare the composition of this energy without reference.

However, it is undeniable that Shigure successfully withstood the holy fire of the Kirierods and saved the humans in that building.

For this, those people in the building are very clear.

Without him, after all, this is not Taiga's Earth. Even if the current Earth has power, it is trying its best to suppress the seal of Gatanjae, and there is not much power to lend to Shigure; therefore, it was originally enough to seal Dark Night Fang It is very difficult for the photon earth lightsaber to completely resist the holy fire of the Kirielod people.

Fortunately, Shigure not only has the psychic power from Tennoji Lan, but also the different-dimensional energy from Bruton's card.

"Everyone, come out to me!"

Using Bruton's power, Shigure opened the space door and transferred everyone in the building to the outside.

After the last person was transferred out, the photon earth lightsaber finally couldn't withstand the holy fire of the Kirielods and shattered. The raging flames spewed out from the ground and blew up the department store building in the K1 area. ruins.

However, compared to the heavy explosion in the original book, no one was injured in this incident this time.

To reverse the tragedy, this is the purpose of Shigure coming to the world of Ultraman - not only the tragedy of monsters, but also human beings.

Standing up slowly, Shi Yu looked at the humans behind her who were looking at her in disbelief, as well as the Shengli Feiyan No.

"I hope that from today onwards, you will no longer be hostile when you mention the name 'Monster Girl'!"

Whispering like this, Shi Yu took a step forward and stepped into the space door that was punched in front of her.


Somewhere in a high-end apartment, the Kirielod seer who possessed the body of a man named Mitsuo Itabashi had an unusually ugly face.

In front of him, there was a picture of a monster girl blocking Kirierod's holy flame and saving mankind.

If Tiga is alone, he is confident that he will not lose to him; but if he adds another monster girl...

He had also watched the battle on Kurara Island from a distance—the mighty strength of the Five Emperors was not something that could be matched by a Kiriarod alone.

He glanced at his severed right hand; then picked up the phone with his left.

"Hey, witch... I need your help!"

Picture: ""Reversal", Location: "Images/1612331178-100225480-106625007.jpg"

Tiga Scroll: Chapter 18: The Second Generation of the Kirielods

Seeing Shigu successfully rescued the people in the K1 building, Ju Jianhui was relieved.

If the K1 area really became devastated because of the holy fire of the Kiriarods, she who refused the threats of the Kiriarods would bear great responsibility—even if the superiors and the families of the victims did not intend to pursue , she will feel very sorry in her heart.

After all, it was she who rejected the Kirielods and made them start the holy fire.

Ji Jianhui, who suddenly relaxed, turned around and left the GUTS combat headquarters—she just wanted to go out to get some air, and feel a little bit of the joy that was too much for her to survive the disaster.

The team members didn't stop her either—she needed to rest in the first place. Since no one was injured in the K1 area, the GUTS team members could complete these aftermath tasks even without the leadership of Zhong Hui.

When Ju Jian Hui returned to her room, she suddenly noticed the arm on the ground.

Although the arm was cut off, it did not bleed, and when Ju Jianhui picked it up from the ground, he did not feel the warmth of a living person on it.

— like a dead body.

This is the feeling of Ju Jianhui.

But anyway, that's the only thing left of any Kyriaelod.

Ju Jianhui picked up that arm, and then turned on the computer in her room.

"Activate the system, Metropolitan Police."

The metropolitan police is a central system; like the metropolitan security system, it records blood samples, fingerprints, and appearances of all people in Japan. It is a system for preventing crime and applying it to urban management and population management; When it appeared, TPC wanted to use this system to find Shigu, but it was blocked by the fake information made by Aichan.

But now, Ju Jianhui will rely on this system to find the Kiri Ailode people.

"Please check this fingerprint."

Ji Jianhui aimed the finger of the severed arm at the camera in front of the computer.

While Jianhui was checking the fingerprints on the severed arm left by the Kirielod prophet, the combat command of GUTS also welcomed a troublesome guest.

"The principle of the explosion, and what is the power used by that monster girl, have you found out?"

The arrival of Tetsuji Yoshioka, head of the TPC police department, made Commander Munekata frown.

Minister Yoshioka is an out-and-out representative of the hawks within the TPC, and put forward all kinds of orders for their GUTS in a tough way; while the Namwon staff, who is opposite to his political views, is a pro-friendly faction for GUTS; This led to great conflicts between GUTS, Minister Yoshioka, and the police department.

In the past, it was Captain Jujianhui who dealt with Minister Yoshioka every time, but now Jujianhui is not here, so it is Zongfang Commander who deals with him.

"We have learned about the opponent's attack form and are studying countermeasures; the power of the monster girl is currently unclear; now our main task is to carry out the aftermath of the K1 area ahead."

Commander Zongfang replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"You still have time to deal with the aftermath?"

Yoshioka was very impatient and authentic. He put away the Japanese folding fan in his hand and kept tapping on it.

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