Monster Girl Author: Sheng Lingyi


It doesn't matter whether it's bright or dark, it's justice to be honest

Never fell into darkness, nor went to light; just a flame, a phoenix that burns only for itself

The story of a girl who worships the giant of light but does not agree with the selfless kindness. After coming to the world of Ultraman, she relies on the power from her heart and the power of the monster girl to exercise the justice she insists on.

Tiga Volume: Prologue: That Year, You Become Light

Shigu at Phoenix Temple was very confused.

Fenghuang Temple Shigu, female, 19 years old, Chinese-Japanese mixed race, currently living in China; graduated from high school and has achieved excellent results in the college entrance examination in China, and is currently studying at a university in China; his side job is a bilibili website special Camera area UP master.

His father, Shizhong, was a student studying in Japan in China. When he was studying in Japan when he was young, he met and fell in love with his mother, Phoenix Temple Linxiang, who was engaged in special photography related work.

Shizhong got in touch with Toksho through his wife, and quickly became a Tokusho fan. Under the influence of the couple, Shigure came into contact with and fell in love with Toksho at a very young age.

Among all Tokusei dramas, Shigure especially likes Ultraman.

The huge figures of the giants of light will always bring great stability to people, and the figures of these aliens spare no effort to help the earth save the earth are very reassuring.

Shigure has fallen in love with Ultraman in this way, since he was a child; from the foundation of Showa Oku to the peak of Heisei Oku, and then to the trough and rise of the new generation; Shigure has been following in the footsteps of the giant of light.

But now, she was getting confused.

When I was a child, Shigure always thought that Ultraman was a giant of light who protected mankind, perfect and powerful, and a messenger of justice; while monsters were monsters who wanted to harm mankind, and they were villains.

However, since she learned about Gauss, a loving warrior, she gradually understood that many monsters are also poor; they are just a part of the earth, and they just want to live.

In many cases, it is humans who hurt monsters instead.

Monsters want to survive, and humans cannot stop their own development; everyone has a reason, so the only possibility is to fight.

However, according to the law of the jungle, human beings would not be able to defeat those monsters—if it wasn't for Ultraman.

From a certain point of view, the Ultramans are often forcibly depriving the living space of the earth monsters, forcing them to give up their territories to humans in order to satisfy the endless desires of humans.

Is this really good?

Shi Yu didn't know.

What caused her confusion was a sentence from the heroine Yoko in Zeta Ultraman, the Ultraman work that ended last year and was hailed as a turning point for the new generation.

"Monsters have no place on Earth!"

really not?

Shi Yu was confused.

Earth monsters are also natives of the earth, inhabitants older than humans, and an integral part of the earth, right?

Then why is there no shelter for them on the earth.

Just like her now.

Shiyu's parents, Shizhong and Fenghuang Silin, came to Shenzhou to settle down after they got married and became pregnant with Shiyu. After giving Shiyu a perfect childhood, they both died in an accident when Shiyu was 15 years old. Sudden car accident.

Passers-by were crossing the road, Shizhong was in a hurry to go home for Shiyu's 15th birthday, and Fenghuang Silin was in the co-pilot.

The car wasn't speeding, but the person crossing the road was unexpected; the brakes made the tires screech, and the steering wheel was turned to its full capacity.

However, the car still hit the unscrupulous young man in his 20s, and then lost control and hit the side viaduct pier.

The person who was hit was paralyzed, but the people in the car had already left.

That night, Shi Yu waited for his parents to come home, and waited and waited; the phone calls never got through.

It wasn't until four o'clock the next morning that a call from the police station brought her to the hospital.

When entering the door, Shi Yuben was a little shaky because of sleepiness and exhaustion; after entering the door, before seeing the remains of her parents, she was slapped to the ground by an old lady in her 50s, and her nails scratched her. s face.

"The dog traitor raised by the Japanese devils!"

The aunt she didn't know cursed at her viciously; Shi Yu, who didn't know what happened, stood up and pushed the old woman down.

Then, she was knocked to the ground by more people, who kept kicking and beating her, and some even tried to tear her clothes.

She was not rescued until police arrived from nowhere and separated the crowd.

Until then she knew that her parents died; the cause of death was a car accident, to avoid hitting a bad boy who was crossing the road; those who beat her were the relatives of the bad boy who was hit and paralyzed.

But why?

Wasn't it you who ran the red light?Aren't the dead people my parents?

Why?Why can you beat me like this, but get only verbal criticism?

Why is it clear that you were the one who was wrong, but I was the one who got hurt?And what I got after losing my parents is just a nonsense ending of "the other party is responsible for the traffic accident, and there is no need to compensate the other party"?

What about my compensation?

Wasn't he the one who was wrong?

Am I not the one who gets hurt more?

Since then, the girl has lost her family.

Although relying on the property left by her parents to live well in this world, although relying on the spiritual power brought to her by the Giant of Light, she can survive and live well; but there is no doubt that her life lacks something.

That year, her parents turned into light and protected a person who was not worth protecting at all; however, she lost the light that illuminated her forever.

Just like those monsters with "no shelter".

Shi Yu can't feel that he has a place to stay here.

My video comment area on bilibili has never been harmonious, no matter what kind of video I edit, there will always be someone KY; either Sai Luo is blowing and stepping on it, or Rob Hei is using the classic "everything is a failure" " to belittle Rob;

When did the circle of Tokushe become so chaotic?Or did I not find my own piece of pure land?

Followed by more exclusion from the environment.

Because of her different hobbies and sexual orientation from many girls, she was excluded by her roommates; after she moved out of the dormitory, she encountered unscrupulous landlords who cheated for money; the drug addict next door shouted loudly at night, which made her sleepless all night and had unbearable headaches; Even the Giant of Light, who had been supporting her spirit, gave her a backstab.

Ge Liqiao and Sero's strong pull of CP is a serious backstab for a lesbian fan like her who thought she could finally find her favorite candy in Ultraman.

In just three years, everything seemed to have left her.

It seems that there is really no place for me in this world!

Phoenix Temple Shigu thought so.

Just like those innocent monsters.

But ah, such an ugly human being!Do you really have the qualifications to be saved by the giant of light?

That unscrupulous young man who was half paralyzed relied on his paralyzed lower limbs to defraud how much money and the girl's sympathy and innocence on the Internet?But his parents who died in order to save his life became "hit and run Japanese couples" in his mouth.

Does such a guy really have the qualifications to live?

If my father didn't worry about the life and death of this scumbag, he stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel, but just ran over him; wouldn't he get the same sentence "the other party is responsible for the traffic accident, and there is no need to compensate the other party"?

Holding such doubts, Shigure of Phoenix Temple frowned.

My head hurts!

so tired!

I don't want to think about anything!

Just like that, amidst the silent shouts, Shigure's consciousness sank into darkness.

Tiga Volume: Chapter 1: Light and Darkness Doesn’t Matter, A Clear Heart Is Justice


An ethereal voice rang in my ears, like a call from ancient times, spanning time and space.

Shiyu at Phoenix Temple opened his eyes slightly, like a child who just woke up.


The voice gradually became clear—it was an ethereal and beautiful female voice like an innocent elf.

"wake up!"

Suddenly, that ethereal voice took on a bit of majesty; it seemed to be an empress who ruled time and space, and also a goddess without sorrow or joy.

The drowsy Shi Yu suddenly woke up, and then she found that she was not in that small rental house.

This is a starry sky, and she is lying between the starry sky and the starry sky. Under her body is a transparent mirror like a lake; as she sits up, the mirror ripples one after another.

"you're awake?"

The majestic voice became ethereal again, Shigure looked in the direction of the voice; then his eyes widened.

It was a giant, a giant that Shigure was too familiar with.

Crystal-like eyes, the three corners on the top of the head form a crown-like shape, a face with a mechanical texture, a flame-like tassel floating behind the head, and a body made of red, white, and black intertwined; The bumpy figure and the perfect vest line highlight her gender. Her slender legs, shoulders, and clavicle are decorated with bright crystal-like wings. The whole body seems to be wearing a pair of armor. A pair of wings made of light and fire.


Obviously, the existence in front of him is the Ultraman that Shigure of Phoenix Temple has always loved and admired, and it is also an extremely rare female Ultraman.

Although, this Ultraman is not any Ultraman that Shigure of Phoenix Temple knew.

[But, why did Ultraman appear in front of me? 】

Shi Yu at Phoenix Temple was puzzled.

Ultraman is a product of the Tokusei drama filmed by Tsuburaya Company. It is a giant of light that protects human beings from monsters and aliens. It is a product that should not appear in the real world.

[Is it a dream? 】

"It's not a dream, Shigure; this is reality... Although strictly speaking it's your spiritual world, I undoubtedly exist."

The unknown female Ultraman replied; as if she could hear Shigure's heart.

"A real one?"

Shi Yu was puzzled.

"In other words, you have left your original universe; and here, both Ultraman and monsters exist."

The unknown Ultraman took two steps forward, and her 55-meter-high body gradually shrunk in the process of advancing, and then turned into a person about the size of Shigure; Xiang Shang, who was still sitting on the ground, Stretched out his hand.

For some reason, Shigure didn't have any doubts about what the Ultraman in front of him said; he also didn't have any real feeling about the fact that he had crossed the world.

She silently handed her hand to the Ultraman, and was pulled up by her.

"So, who are you? I don't remember ever having an Ultraman like you."

Although he had an inexplicable trust in the Ultraman in front of him, Shigure was still very curious.

She is an old Austrian fan. Basically, as long as it is an Ultraman with a name and surname, she can Can call out.

But she had never seen this before.

In fact, this is not surprising, the universe is so big, there are many places where Ultraman can be born; although Ultraman with a name and surname are all the best among the giants of light, there are a few Ultraman that she does not know Man is so normal.


The unknown Ultraman took a look at Shigure, and then seemed to show a smile - although Shigure didn't see the expression of "smile" on her face.

"I am you—the real you!"

Shi Yu's eyes widened at her next sentence.


Shi Yu pointed at himself with a look of shock.

To be honest, although she likes and admires Ultraman, she never imagined that she would become Ultraman; after all, she knows exactly what kind of person she is.

Complain about others, have a negative personality, look gloomy and difficult to get along with, and lack tolerance for others...

Most critically, she lacks love for humanity and trust in others.

A person with this kind of personality will never be able to become a giant of light who protects mankind.

It is precisely because Shigure understands herself better than anyone else, and it is precisely because she sincerely likes the Giant of Light that she thinks that she cannot become Ultraman.

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