Then, he told Strange the purpose of his trip,

"I have been separated from my brother for decades, and I just found him these days."

"That's why I want to ask Doctor Strange,"

"Give him a full physical."

"For that, I'm willing to pay a hundred thousand dollars."

I heard it was a physical examination.

Strange's handsome face wrinkled, and he was about to refuse.

But after hearing the reward of 10 yuan,

He hardly hesitated,

Immediately agree to come down.

"No problem! My hospital is also very suitable for physical examination!"

He was going to refuse,

But this Mr. Wu gave too much.



Why does this Mr. Wu look familiar?

Abandon this sense of familiarity,

Strange began to conduct the physical examination of Abbot Wu Chen himself.

The physical examination only takes half an hour,

You can make a hundred thousand dollars in such a short time,

It's just picking up money!

Of course Strange is willing to do it himself,

After all, this is the request of the patron.

After checking,

Strange looked at the report card with a look of surprise,

"Mr. Wu, your younger brother has really good physical fitness!"

"He's perfectly healthy!"

"In other words, in the whole hospital, there is no one who is healthier than him."

Wu Chen took the report and looked at it, raised his eyebrows,

"Is that right?"

Strange promises,

"Absolutely, on my credit!"

At the same time, Strange was a little curious,

Who are these two people?

Chapter 199 The Plan Was Successfully Completed (4/5)

Not only surprisingly healthy,

And so tacitly,

It's like telepathy.

Of course, the most important thing is,

That inexplicable sense of familiarity,

It was as if Strange had seen them before.

However, the benefactor did not say,

It was not easy for Strange to ask.

After all, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the benefactor is the biggest!

Strange made sure,

But Wu Chen still looked a little disbelieving.

He said:

"Doctor Strange, it's not that I don't believe in your level."

"It's...forget it, Ah Chen, you tell him yourself."

Hearing this, Wu Chen glared at Wu Chen,

Lifting his feet, he passed Wu Chen and came to Strange,

"Doctor Strange, I don't know what's going on,"

"In the past two days, my left hand has been a little sore."

"That's why Wu... elder brother brought me for a physical examination."

Strange suddenly realized,

"I see."

"Can you let me see where it hurts?"

Wu Chen nodded upon hearing this, and stretched out his hand.

And Strange didn't have any intention of avoiding suspicion,

Take out the basic attitude of a doctor,

Seriously began to ask about Wu Chen's condition,

He supported Wu Chen's hand, and gently pressed a certain part of the palm,

"Does it hurt here?"

"No, not here."

And Wu Chen saw this,

Immediately take out the jade dish of good luck,

And gently throw it out.


Jade discs fly in the air,

Instead of falling,

Instead, it seems to be lifted by some inexplicable force,

Send it to Strange and Wu Chen.

Then, under Wu Chen's gaze,

The jade plate started to spin.

Because he is a wealthy patron,

So Strange received Wu Chen and Wu Chen in the private living room.

it's here,

Generally, no one will disturb you.

But just in case,

Wu Chen got up quietly,

Come to the gate and be on guard.

A few minutes later,

The jade plate shattered and disappeared without a sound.

At the same time,

Two golden breaths, one thick and one slightly smaller,

from above Strange's head,

It poured towards Wu Chen's body.

And because Strange focused on asking about his condition,

Didn't notice this.

Wu Chen and Wu Chen looked at each other,

All breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment,

Strange had an inexplicable feeling,

He seemed to have lost something important and yet unimportant.

But after looking up the situation,

But found nothing.

Helpless, he can only talk about the diagnosis,

"Two Mr. Wu,"

"After my serious diagnosis just now and the results of the previous hand physical examination,"

"I can conclude that there is nothing wrong with Mr. Wu's hands."

When talking about the diagnosis,

Strange is very confident,

This is the confidence that belongs to his field of medicine.

Lots of nerves in the hands,

The problem here naturally also belongs to neurosurgery, which Strange is good at.

"Oh! I'm so relieved!"

Wu Chen took a deep breath of relief,

There's nothing fake about this look,

It was the result of his sincerity.

Personality Seizure Plan,


Strange only felt that he was a responsible and good brother,

I didn't think too much about it,

"Ahem~ What's the fee?"

Wu Chen immediately said, "We'll go and pay the fee now,"

"Thank you very much, Doctor Strange!"

Wu Chen also nodded and said:

"Thank you for your generosity, Doctor Strange!"

Strange was a little puzzled,

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