Let them experience what pain is!

The pain of family destruction!

The pain of the loss of a loved one!

The pain of career collapse!

All of this was brought about by the Akatsuki organization.

And Jin Bin,

It is an official member of the Akatsuki organization.

Such him,

Even if the personal force is extremely high,

There is no way to continue to develop in New York!


Jin Bin, who is full of thoughts,

He set his sights on the whole United States,

Even the whole of North America!

Relying on his status as the underworld emperor,

Want to recruit gangsters from all over the world,

This is not difficult!

And just at that time, the masked man gave Jin the task of finding surgeon Stephen Strange,

Jin Bing searched for this person,

While recruiting gangsters,

Form your own gang intelligence network!

With unrivaled personal strength and powerful wisdom,

Kim easily achieved his goal,

Not only has it incorporated all the gangsters in the United States,

Also found the surgeon.

After completing the task assigned by the masked man,

Kim didn't just stand still and do nothing.

He started making money!

in fact,

Money is for gold,

It doesn't make any sense anymore.

What he is pursuing now is his own strength!

To him, money is just a number.

But even so,

He also still strives for wealth.

the reason is simple.

Akatsuki needs money!

Kim will never forget the day before New York was destroyed,

Take out your life savings,

After half a billion dollars in gold bars,

The masked man and the leader looked at him.

That was a look of approval!

Although the strength is not as good as theirs,

But earning power,

Gold and beat everything!

especially at this moment,

With gangsters from almost all of America as subordinates,

It is easier to make money and make money.

That's why he was able to, in this half month,

Take [-] million U.S. dollars!

so much at first,

Afterwards, even if there is some attenuation,

It can also reach [-] million a month!

For Wu Chen,

Gold is not exactly the hen that lays the golden eggs!

So when he played the mask man to find Jin Bin,

After Jin took him to see the [-] million US dollars,

He looked at Jin Bin's eyes,

getting softer,

"Jin Bin, do you want to learn other water escape esoteric ninjutsu?"

The masked man actually took the initiative to ask,

This flattered Kim!

However, he did not propose to learn the new Water Escape Profound Truth,

Instead it said:

"If possible, I hope you can give me some advice, sir."

"When I was practicing the Water Escape Mystery that you gave me before,"

"A bottleneck has been encountered."

Facing the golden and expectant eyes,

The masked man's eyes flickered slightly,

"I don't have much left to tell you,"

"After all, my specialty is Fire Escape."

"However, I can find someone to guide you."

Chapter 196 The Birth of the Avatar (1/5)

The masked man is looking for someone to guide Jin Bin,

What they are talking about is naturally the Thousand Hands!

There is a majestic water god,

Kim doesn't have any problems with water escape,

As long as the money is enough,

That's not a problem.

As for Qianshou Feijian who is not from the Akatsuki organization,

Will there be any disadvantages in doing so?

Find out in disguise!


Various transformation techniques can also solve the problem.

Jin Bin and others don't even know the existence of transfiguration.

Naturally, there is no possibility of exposing the Thousand Hands Door.

Looking at it this way,

Wu Chen didn't let the transformation technique spread at first,

It is a wise move.

What the masked man said made Jin Bin feel lost first,

Then there is ecstasy!

He has no doubts about the authenticity of the masked man's words,

After all, such a powerful organization,

Impossible in such a thing,

deceive insiders.

such an organization,

Impossible for long!

"Lord Ah Fei, when will the lord you mentioned be free to guide me?"

Jin Bin kept his posture very low,

Said very respectfully.

The masked man Obito looked at Jin Bin,

"You've been free recently,"

"When he is free, I will bring him here directly."


Jin was overjoyed.


After taking the money and leaving, Wu Chen returned to Shenwei Space,

Without any hesitation,

He exchanged three items directly,

Completed the preparations for the personality capture plan.

wow wow wow~

Gold bars worth more than 3 million disappeared directly,

replaced by,

A crystal clear little jade butterfly,

A warm white jade pendant engraved with the Bagua diagram,

and a scroll.

without hesitation,

Pick up the scroll directly and pull it away at yourself.


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