It lowered its high snout, aimed its fangs at the formidable enemy in front of it—the flaming pig's hooves, shattered the ground and planed violently, and launched a death-defying charge towards the villain holding the sword.

In the ancient ballads of the Gotts, it was the unscathed body of the barbarian who crashed into mountains and opened up rivers—the invincible weapon in the eyes of the flash tooth warriors.

But its enemy raised the sword light that broke through the mist to the sky. This chosen one among the sons of mankind, like an ancient god-slaying warrior, crossed the gap between historical generations and came to the world again.

"Come on, Thundercloud of God, help my old buddy to win!" The great wizard Gott raised the staff of animal bones and shouted for Ozma. The figure fell on the head.

However, the Thunderbolt, which was strong enough to vaporize the iron armor, was captured by the winged lion that emerged from the figure, and crushed the Thunderbolt sword summoned by the great wizard in its claws.

And he just moved his heels lightly, and swung his unpretentious big sword towards Ozma.

When the blood-ridden pig god intersected with the shining and heroic soul—the outline of the golden holy flame was instantly engraved with dazzling blood. Injured the undefeated hero.

The great wizard's soul vision was cut off—the proud big pig completely returned to the embrace of the mountains, and disappeared in ashes.

Ozma fell.

It has chased storms and rivers countless times, raised lovely children, and guarded the holy land of the Gort tribe.

However, whether it is the heirs born from the war or the comrades who have shared the joys and sorrows, they all fall before its eyes.

Memories of planing food in the mountains, digging out delicious mushrooms, and gnawing fruits on the trees-finally disappeared with the burning of the soul and flesh.

The Rexxar Mountains have lost an ancient patron saint, and the barbaric traces of the Gorts digging in the mountains will eventually pass away with the defeat of the last living totem.

"Ozma, I will not let down your fighting spirit!"

But Gelu Yunying is still there!

"O mountains, be wrathful."

As the simple words poured out between the shriveled lips, the ground below the old man shook instantly—the magic essence rushing from the ancient land veins echoed the roaring thunderclouds in the sky—the torrent of vast heavenly power converged on the archmage’s body. on the witch's staff.

The battle spirit of the Gott people cannot break down the Oga people who are protected by Wang Yan.

Then let the wind and clouds that have lingered on Lexus Mountain through the ages come!

At this moment - he is the embodiment of wild nature in these mountains!

The turbulent atmospheric front surges and gathers over the wilderness. With the cheers and cheers of countless warriors and heroes, a giant hunting beast gradually takes shape, roaring towards the mortal legion that invaded its territory in the wilderness!

In the fierce confrontation of rainwater and high-pressure airflow, thousands of thunders poured into the cloud storm column that fell vertically—the air column hit the formation of the Golden Winged Lion Army, just like standing among the mountains, another cloud storm The top of the gods folded together!

"It's not enough." The old wizard looked at the light shield of the legion that was struggling to resist the bombardment of the air column.

"Origin of the Witch Curse, the Thunderous Waterfall!"

The original rune that accompanied him in his lifelong battle, and the old man burned his soul, and it was broken, and this broken sacrifice——had given the great wizard Vibbi the power of the gods.

That is the center of the thunderstorm in the sea of ​​clouds—a downburst like a punishment from God!

The violent storm that seemed to blow away the forest land overwhelmed the soldiers under the protection of the light shield one after another.

Even a strong man of the level of a true knight can barely be shaken with the support of grudge.

However, under the pressure of the overwhelming atmosphere and thunder, a slender and straight sword light became the only torch that caught people's sight in the chaotic world-destroying storm, breaking through the crumbling legion light shield.

The sword light first pierced into the air column unstoppably, and then, like a lion's roar tearing apart the curtain of a storm, it collided with the sky column condensed by thunderclouds, forcing the downburst back to the clouds. Diffusion within the beast.

The great wizard coughed up the last thin blood from the remains.

"Porfirio, come on."

"My king, my disciples, and my people all died at your hands. Now that I have waited for the opportunity to settle with you, my old life will no longer linger on."

"Let's get this over with—"

His figure is no longer stooped—the wizard in charge of the atmosphere, roaring with the thunderclouds lined up by the ancestors in the sky!

"If I die here today, I will also be the first piece of soil shoveled down on your grave tomorrow!"

The atmospheric sound of the downburst and the golden pillar of fire soaring into the sky spread to the boundless sky in the collision that deafened and blinded the spectators.

At this moment, whether it is the Star Cult missions that are blocking the wilderness, or the fleet that is preparing to set off on the lower reaches of the river, they all witnessed two mighty forces that surpassed the mortal world——in the wilderness of the upper reaches of the Feilengcui River, and in the peninsula. In the arms of the mother river, miracles remembered by the world have been created.

The confrontation between two unyielding souls finally came to an end.

The soldiers who woke up from the nightmare of the storm raised their heads to look at the radiant sky where the dark clouds had dissipated, as if there was an earthly sun that was showering the rain of light that warmed the soul.

Over the wilderness where the legion is - there is a rainbow bridge that symbolizes victory.

The applause resounded over the Hongqiao and reached the sky, cheering for their God of War to complete another great cause to pass on to future generations.

The fog barrier that blocked the army's advance has disappeared, and the muddy and difficult mountain soil has gradually solidified and hardened under Wang Yan's illumination.

And the unparalleled hero who pioneered all these miracles, his gaze from a distance, passed through the fog, the big river, the grass hills and the forest in an instant, and projected to the peak where the powerful enemy fell in the distance.

On his perfectly proportioned body, the gorgeous armor he wears is not any kind of metal—it is formed by the condensed thin and bright flame battle energy.

From the gap behind the man's majestic lion-faced helmet, the long golden hair flutters, entangled with flickering flames like birds and flowers, just like the mane of the holy beast that guides the hero in mythology, the weather is majestic and magnificent.

"Your Highness." The elite knights under the seat of the Golden Winged Lion Army knelt down on one knee in a row behind Oga's hero, pleading loyally, "A scout team has been sent to the other side to search for traces of the enemy. We are needed." To find the wizard's head and offer it to you?"

"The enemy is dead." Behind the helmet carved by the light of flames, came the ethereal voice of heaven above the clouds, "He is a worthy opponent."

The hero put away the eternally pure and shining sword, and he turned and walked to the grassy mound, where the wildflowers under his feet were full of vitality surrounded by golden fire.

A divine horse wearing a golden battle armor is galloping towards its master, stepping on the shining light of the clouds.

"Prepare the boat and go to welcome the distinguished guests." The golden lion of Megatron Peninsula turned over and jumped on the horse, "Call the manpower and rebuild the bridge."

PS: The first warrior of the peninsula is on the stage.In my setting, his rivalry with An Jiaye and Lao Lang will be extremely exciting. This is also a character that is opposite to Lao Lang, but will be very charming.This week will enter the Cold Lake chapter, please wait and see.The Cold Lake chapter will be the first big climax on the tour.See how the teenage girls overcome this hopeless opponent.

In addition, Chapter 56 has been modified due to part of the orange plot bjb, which is not in compliance with the norms. If you want to read it, you can join the group, or find Chapter 56 to read the reminder.

Chapter 66 The Cannon Ship Is Also a Witch's Romance

Maybe I should teach Bill and Lance how to swim more, and swimming should be a natural skill for mushrooms. ——"Ankaye's Chat Notes"

"Mr. Ronan really has a lot of friends."

Jana hung her bagpipes on her shoulders, got out of the mushroom basket, and looked around the pier curiously.

The bard who led the dandelion team to kidnap the princess was communicating with the black-clothed navy guarding the temporary pier.

After stepping into the warning range of the fleet, Bill and Lance unloaded the mushroom baskets behind them, and the girls followed Ronan to the pontoon bridge, and began to observe this magnificent fleet at close range.

At this time, the rain has weakened, and the dark clouds rising and falling over the river are flowing rapidly in the direction of their previous ambush.

"Did you notice it?" Elsa looked up at the celestial scene, "This battle is coming to an end."

"Yeah." Anjaye was a little uneasy. She took out the witch-cursed skull from her pocket, and the gloomy eye sockets of "Sun Eagle" were leaking a little bit of red light, mixed with the traces of rain, like Weeping for the tragic fate that the disciple is about to usher in.

"The great wizard Yunying is releasing the last origin witchcraft in his life."

Elsa also wanted to touch the skull curiously, but Anjaye pushed her claws away with a mushroom staff.

"Xiao An, didn't you awaken the new origin Rune? Will there be a chance to release such an amazing witch spell in the future?"

"The Dayuan sacrifice that wizard Gaut is good at is a double-edged sword. I don't want to trade my life." An Jiaye retracted his skull and said slowly, "At present, what I am most interested in is their wild beast domestication. As for thunder weather witchcraft, and various black witch secrets, we must find a safe and controllable improvement method.”

"The Tower of the Sun probably has related research." Elsa clasped her hands together and said with great interest, "I'll help you then."

The barbarian warriors who were taking off the bridle and saddle of the war beast and returning to the forest with their companions, as well as the Gaut women and children who were about to leave their homes, also discovered the vision of the sky.Many old people knelt down towards the majestic cloud vortex swirling in the sky, towards the direction where their last spiritual leader was, and wailed and wailed.

Even though the little witches could not understand the barbarian language, they could still feel the deep sorrow.

The torrential rain that lasted for half a day poured into the Emerald Emerald River, like tears flowing across the mountains, filling the mother river with surging emotions.The river is full of tides, washing the warships with thousands of sails across the river.

In the camp next to the pier, the raging fire was gradually extinguished, and the rain washed away the burning smell of kerosene and carbides.

After finishing their pilgrimage to their homeland, the Gotts boarded the boat again with a sad expression, urged by the warriors and the black armored army.

The pier built with thick driftwood has two trestle bridges, and two armed merchant ships are moored beside the bridges.

Anjaye saw the way.

The inland river fleet of the Black Marsh Territory is very heavily guarded against the Gotts.

Although the interpreter guarding the entrance of the pier did not force the barbarians to hand in their weapons, they also asked the armored warriors to take off their armor.After they disrupted the Gort team, they boarded different ships. Among them, women and children who lacked weapons were picked out as hostages and isolated on a separate ship.

Whenever an armed merchant ship is loaded with the corresponding number of people, it will leave the temporary dock.

The number of Gaot people is about a thousand old and weak, and the number of hard-covered warriors is less than two thousand. Among them, there are probably many warriors who are scattered members of other tribes called by the prestige of the great wizard.

Even though they were guarding each other, the fleet and the Gotts always cautiously maintained a kind of restraint.

An Jiaye remembered that night when the old wolf took Ronan to conspire with the great wizard to make a deal——

"The leader of the Black Marsh will give up his feud and form an alliance with the Gotts. The situation is getting more and more interesting." Elsa leaned close to Anjaye's neck and whispered slyly.

"There are not many people left in the Shanya tribe." An Jiaye shook his head and sighed, "This small number of people can't make waves in the territory of Oga. It only depends on what the old wolf promised to give them. It is worth the whole tribe to sacrifice their lives for."

The black-haired girl leaned on her staff and observed from the side of the pontoon—even if it was just an armed merchant ship from the Black Marsh Territory, judging by the size of the hull lying beside the pier, it was still smaller than the first-class Galen of the same type in her previous life. The sailing boats are almost the same, and about six boats can accommodate the Gauth immigrants.

"Two 'Stone Crocodile' style sailing battleships, four 'Freshwater Shark' cruiser gunships, three 'Beaver' assault ships, and eight armed merchant ships." Bounty also jumped to her with a pair of long legs at this time. Beside her, the piece of driftwood wobbled, she stretched out her hand and counted the warships on the river, and the beautiful braid behind her was also jumping with excitement.

"It's amazing, the leader of the Black Marsh has pulled most of the inland river fleet over!"

"Bounty, you are a country knight who grew up in a ravine, and you are quite familiar with warships." Anjaye almost fell off the bridge by her ignorant actions—the girl tried to push the little lynx into the river with a stick in the impulse.

"After all, my dad also participated in the war in the Black Marsh Territory." Bounty was overwhelmed by the chill on Anjaye's face, stepped back quickly, rubbed the back of his head and laughed foolishly.

"At that time, he was going to participate in the border joint martial arts competition, but he did not expect that the Gotts came, and the Adrian city-state also came to take advantage of the fire to rob, so he followed the border joint army and participated in a battle along the Lenghu River network. A series of battles, and even went to sea to drive the Adrians back to their hometown."

The braided girl patted her chest proudly, sharing her father's adventure story with her teammates.

"After that, he became obsessed with warships. While doing woodworking at home, he also carved a lot of ship models for me and my brothers."

"Bounty, your father is so kind." Adele rubbed her fingers enviously.

"Haha, right, I'll take you to see him in the future!" Little Shanmao embraced Adeli boldly, making the girl blush, "Dad will definitely like such an obedient child like Adeli Yes, he always taught me to be mischievous, and he didn't even look at whose daughter I was."

"I heard that many of the resident witches in the Black Marsh Territory were originally members of the Piper Sisterhood." Jana also joined in the fun, "Their Wind Calling Curse and Water Shape Curse can make the big ship get the protection of the West Wind and the Goddess of Navigation. , no disadvantages in river and sea navigation.”

"I read in the history of the rise and fall of the peninsula that the history of the fleet of the Black Marsh Territory can be traced back to the beginning of the founding of Oga." Adeli also joined the discussion in a soft voice, "I heard that when the fleet was reformed in the mid-term, it was still through alchemy in the school. It was completed with the help of Ke. These huge water monsters equipped with starstone alchemy cannons and ship wizards were blessed and strengthened by psychic spells, and they were forged with multiple rune alchemy techniques to forge a durable hull that is not afraid of wind, waves and reefs. The impact of the attack is the fearsome soldiers on the inland river of the peninsula."

"I have indeed heard the name of this fleet for a long time." An Jiaye also came into contact with relevant information when he was helping tutor Ludier sort out the operation report of the alchemy workshop in Twilight City.

"The big workshop in the Academy has been contributing to the maintenance of the Inland Fleet and the building of new ships. It's no surprise that the Black Marsh Master was recruited by the old wolf."

Anjaye turned his head and casually looked at Ronan who was preparing the "Tide Brigade": "However, Argos Frontier Boss is really as scheming as the rumors say, and there may be secrets we don't understand."

"We'll see him soon, let's enjoy the river trip that's been arranged for us."

Elsa keeps wandering around with her memory shell, and kitten cheers up for even more fun after a thrilling princess kidnapping campaign ends.

"Ladies, prepare to board the ship to meet the master of the Black Marsh Fleet." Ronan ended the exchange at this moment, and waved back to the Dandelion Squad.

On the pier, an officer holding a black hand flag signaled a semaphore to a large black sailing ship parked in the river.

The two-masted warship, known as the "giant" in the fleet, quickly received the signal, and put down two wooden boats, like two fast-swimming crocodiles, and rowed towards the pier to break the waves.

Anjaye came to the mushroom basket guarded by Bill and invited the princess who was still in the basket out.

In order to protect the dignity of the distinguished guests, Adeli also cast a water-proof spell on this delicate Sade rose.

"Your Highness, based on our respect for you, we will release the custody measures." An Jiaye said in strict words, "Just for safety reasons, your sword will be kept by us. I also hope that you will understand the current situation and be able to reconcile with us. We get along well."

"Thank you for your courtesy." Princess Tini also stretched out her wrists bound by the magic rope reservedly, "I will bear witness in the name of Antonio, and I will follow the way of being a guest."

"Sorry." Adelia looked ashamed, and untied the shackles of the witch curse on the princess's hands.

The female officer and the old knight, who were tied to Lance's head by the "magic rope" and vines, twisted and struggled even more when they saw this scene.

"May I ask my entourage, can you let them go free?" Princess Tini carelessly combed her messy but more charming red hair, showing a gentle and amiable smile, "One of them is Lafayette. The Baron, the daughter of the Viscount Silver Truffle, has served the Antonio family for generations."

"I'm sorry, your entourage, the way of resistance was too fierce before." An Jiaye tried his best to imagine the pitiful red rose in front of him as a face wearing a mushroom headgear, so as to politely decline her request, "To avoid accidents, I will only consider releasing them at my discretion once the convoy has departed."

"Miss Witch." Princess Tini didn't bother with this question anymore, and said generously, "I haven't asked your name yet."

"Anjiaye." The black-haired girl took off her hood, touched the peaked hat hanging on her back, and put it on solemnly, "The unknown soldier of the Emerald Tree Court."

"Oriental?" Princess Sade's eyes showed curiosity, "Given your black hair and black eyes, I thought you had the blood of the ancient Fana Empire on your body."

"I'm a mixed race of oriental immigrants and peninsula natives." An Jiaye said cautiously, "You just need to know that I'm a witch."

"It will probably take a long time to deal with each other." Princess Tini looked at the fleet in the river, and sighed with her arms on her chest. "If a witch like you comes to accompany me, I will gladly accept it."

Anjaye bowed slightly to her, acquiescing to the princess' request.

The group of people who were released by the guards walked towards the two small boats moored at the trestle under the awe and astonishment of many soldiers.

Anjaye dragged her limp, boarded the slightly shaking wooden boat, and found that the boat was very stable, the veteran rowing boat made a gesture of reassurance to her.

Ronan, Bill and Lance took the captives in one, and the little witches took the guardian princess in one.

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