"Sorry doctor, we obviously moved her here, maybe we really moved her to the wrong place, we just went to find it! (English)"


The sound of the door being closed suddenly came from behind them, this place is underground, the door cannot be blown shut by the wind, it can only be thought to be closed.

The men hurriedly looked behind and saw that the muzzle of a submachine gun was facing them. They wanted to shoot back at first, but when they saw the girl with short light yellow hair, they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Ah — my God! (English)"

Except for "Doctor", everyone was scared back a few steps, and some even sat on the ground. "Poposa" also looked at them with a dazed expression. Is his submachine gun so scary?It can actually scare so many people away. It seems that the nickname "German Gun Strafe" is not called for nothing!

"It's really a bunch of little bourgeois..."

"Poposa" sighed, and complained, still not aware of anything wrong with her.

"How should I say it in Albion? Gewu, give up your gun! I won't say it a second time! Give me your hands!"

Chapter 64 was almost counter-killed

"Oh? Tell us to surrender? My God! Hahaha! It's ridiculous."

Just when "Poposa" thought it was a one-sided battle, the "doctor" standing behind the men suddenly smiled with his chin in his hand, his surprised eyes gradually became calm, as if he seemed to know something Same.

After the "doctor" finished speaking, the men came to their senses and picked up their rifles from the ground one after another, as if they didn't take "Porposa" seriously. The submachine gun in her hand was a BB toy. Doesn't do anything at all.

"You... what do you all want to do? Stop, or I will shoot!"

Looking at the men who picked up the rifles, "Poposa" anxiously pointed the guns at them. Probably because of the language barrier, they still didn't listen to any word of "Poposa".

"Poposa" looked at those men, they were only wearing a bullet hanger, not even a layer of Lv.1 body armor. bomb", but for these unarmored targets, they can be smashed into a sieve within a few seconds.

But this is not right. In this case, as long as a normal person sees being pointed at by a gun, he will honestly raise his hands. Thirty rounds of bullets are enough to knock them all down. This behavior of bowing his head to pick up a gun I don't even think about it.

Then there is only one possibility, unless they are not human beings, bullets are just tickling for them.


The sound of the men loading their rifles clearly responded to "Poposa"'s warning. The muzzles of the four AR guns gradually raised, and they were about to aim at "Poposa".

There is no more time to think about the "problem of human nature". This moment seems to be stretched very long in the brain of "Poposa", and everything becomes very slow, and you can still see it frame by frame. Raised black muzzle.

If it is targeted, it will definitely be a dead end. Four ARs fire at themselves at the same time, and the bulletproof plate will be smashed soon.

There is only one way to survive in front of "Poposa", and that is to press the trigger, and now she has just taken advantage of this, the submachine gun in her hand has been aimed at the men, and can shoot out a stream of moving guns at any time. fire snake.


So, please all of you die!

Bah blah blah——

After thinking for less than a second, "Poposa" immediately pulled the trigger, and almost all [-] Toya Sonic Karev pistol bullets were shot out within two seconds. The flames also produced a special work of art in which body tissues were torn and blood splattered.

If there is any poor performance of the Bobosa submachine gun, the only failure is probably the "wartime drum drum for rush work".

As a submachine gun more than 80 years ago, it has a fast rate of fire, high single-shot accuracy, and a small muzzle lift. The 71-round drum is cool enough to explode, and it can also be used as a dumbbell occasionally.

Although compared with some advanced miniature submachine guns, it is indeed a bit old-fashioned, but as long as it is slightly modified (magically modified) and the accessories are replaced, this thing is still quite powerful.

In such a small room, "Poposa" has earned a lot of money. Subsonic bullets don't have to worry too much about ricocheting. Thirty rounds of magazines are enough to knock down all the enemies in an instant.

Things were just as "Poposa" imagined. The chests of the four enemies were pierced by bullets into "people living in a pineapple house". They all fell to the ground, and dark red blood flowed from their wounds. After a while, it became a strange "blood lake".

Bah - bah - bah - bah -

"Bobosha" looked at them blankly, holding the body of the Bobosha submachine gun with his left hand, took out the pistol with his right hand and loaded it with one hand, and then shot at the enemy's corpse on the ground to prevent fraudulent corpses from happening. .

There was such a big commotion just now that even the deaf could hear it.

Originally, "Poposa" was going to sneak out all the way, and installing a silencer on the submachine gun was just a precaution, but this time the shuttle went down, I believe the enemy should have noticed this place, if you don't leave here, I'm afraid you will be surrounded by the enemy of.

click - click -

Pull the bolt, and put the drum on the gun back on the gun. The hot silencer was also put back into the pocket by "Poposa". She looked in the room, and the four enemies had been killed. Now Only the "doctor" is left, maybe he knows how to get out of here.

"Hey! Do you understand what I'm saying? (English)"

"Poposa" stepped on the corpses with her, walked up to the "doctor" who was sitting on the ground, and expressed her own feelings in the Albion language she learned in school. mean.

Not to mention, this "doctor" was really lucky, the thirty rounds of bullets missed him, but only rubbed a few sides, and there was a slight burning sensation.

"Well... I understand, I can tell you whatever you want to know, as long as you... as long as you keep a little distance from me. (English)"

"Doctor" stuttered a little, his eyes full of fear.He swallowed several times in the middle, and leaned towards the operating table as if he didn't want to be touched anywhere by "Poposa".

"Are you... afraid of me? (English)"

"Poposa" squatted down in front of "Doctor" with puzzled eyes.

She wanted to touch "Doctor" with her hand, but she encountered strong resistance. "Doctor" was like a rabbit who only saw a tiger, and the whole person kept moving back.

Now is not the time to "walk into science", "Poposa" immediately stopped his thoughts of seeking further research, and the top priority is to leave here now.

"Hey! I don't want to ask you a second time, how to get out here, tell me quickly. Otherwise, you can talk to my gun! (English)"

Threatening words came out of "Poposa" immediately. Although it was too inconsistent with her cute girly image, the gun was real, and it was the kind that was bigger than anyone else.

"Ah this... (English)"

"Doctor" deliberately pointed his finger at the muzzle of Poposa's gun, made a face, and looked at her strangely.

"No way? No way? You really think you can get out of here? You're kidding me! (English)"

"What? If you have the ability, you are talking about... ah!"


A gunshot came from behind "Poposa", and the severe pain like piercing the bone continued to pour into her brain.

This was hit by a bullet, and the position was probably a little above the buttocks. If it was too late, it was too fast. "Poposa" endured the severe pain and quickly lay on his side, and then turned his body forcefully. Splashing water and shooting, there are still a lot of drums anyway.

Bah blah blah——

The dense rain of bullets flew towards "Poposa", and the scorching bullets passed through the standing "corpses" again. The blood flowers would naturally bloom, but this time, their entire upper bodies could not be found. Here comes a good piece of meat.


The "corpses" fell down again, and "Poposa" stood up from the cold ground with his legs staggering, and touched the part just now with his backhand. There was no bleeding, and the bullet did not penetrate the body armor. The problem was not too big. .

What kind of creatures are these?After being hit by a bullet, she was able to stand up. "Poposa" looked at the "corpses" on the ground with some anxiety, wondering if they were dead or not. Anyway, let's pinch a thunder first, shall we?Carbon-based organisms are generally afraid of this kind of thing.

"Hey! Little Bourgeois, do you have any skills? Take it out and have a look. (English)"

Holding the high-explosive grenade with the safety plug pulled out in the palm of his left hand, "Poposa" walked to the door of the room, held the gun with one hand, and said something coldly.

It may be because the non-subsonic bullet was fired just now, and a ricochet just hit the "doctor"'s thigh. It seems that the artery was cut, and dark red blood gushed out of the blood vessel like a fountain.

"Really? Hahahaha! It's rare to see such an interesting experimental product. As expected, my assumption is correct. This... can not only be made into a weapon, hahahahaha——(English)"

"What? What are you talking about? (Russian)"

"Poposa" looked at the "Doctor" who was bleeding profusely with the eyes of a mentally handicapped child. He used a lot of specific nouns in his words, and "Poposa" couldn't understand what he said at all with his Albion level. the words said.

But "Poposa" knew one thing, that is, judging from the distorted faces of the "doctors" who looked like maggots, they must be talking about some evil plan, and things that hurt nature and reason must be indispensable.

Boom!Gudong Gudong——

A cylinder with a red ring was thrown on the ground before "Poposa" left, and the safety film was also bounced in the air, and finally fell into the "blood lake".

The black and large cylinder gradually began to stir inside, and then a crack opened, and white light suddenly burst out from inside.

Then a raging fire burst out from inside, the restless cylinder burst instantly, and the crimson flame instantly engulfed the entire room, and a huge explosion sound came out from inside in an instant.


The door of the room was pushed open by a large flame, and the billowing hot air lifted the skirt of "Poposa" from behind. She had experienced this kind of explosion countless times in the game, and she could easily handle it.

"An explosion of this magnitude should have been burned to ashes, right?"

"Poposa" quickly replaced the submachine gun with a new drum, and looked around. Now she is in a corridor. As for the exact location, how could she know?

But there are no windows on both sides of the corridor, so this place should be underground, or in some kind of sealed building. If you go out, you should only go out of the intersection or the like.

And the current situation is not optimistic, the sound is too loud, and the enemy will surround him at any time, so "Bobosha" must leave here immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Chapter 66 Bound Fate, Falling into Darkness

Bah blah blah——

The sound of fierce firefights kept ringing in the corridor, and several violent flames from AR continuously illuminated the place, and charred bullet casings could be seen almost everywhere, falling from one end of the corridor to the other end of the corridor.

Sure enough, "Poposa" guessed everything right, and the sound from that "operating room" really alarmed the people in the entire enemy base.

In her eyes, the enemy is attacking her like locusts. The "Porbosha" submachine gun has some great advantages within this distance. The large drum of 71 rounds is enough to suppress several AR rifles, but the enemy There are too many, once the bullets in the drum are fired, they will be firmly suppressed behind the bunker, unable to move.

"Suga! How many people are there? Is there an infantry regiment?"

"Poposa" who was hiding behind an iron box cursed secretly. She really didn't expect that there would be so many enemies. She had already shot out two drums, and now there were only two drums left in her storage bag. There are six submachine gun magazines, five pistol magazines, two high-explosive grenades and two flash bombs.

With this amount of ammunition, "Poposa" can still fight for a while, but the opponent is not an ordinary person, or not a human being at all. Just like a zombie, XX can stand up and continue to shoot if his chest is smashed by a bullet. gun.

Then "Poposa" learned how to behave, and the submachine gun was aimed directly at the enemy's head. This is also the experience she gained in constant battles. It is very useful to break the inside of the leg. Although the head is blown off, they can still move. But basically lost the ability to fight.

But it’s not that simple to hit the head with a gun. Originally, the Bobosha submachine gun had a fast rate of fire, and coupled with the small target on the head, many of the "Bobosha" guns were shot empty.

In addition, you have to avoid enemy bullets, which also intensifies the consumption of ammunition. You must know that this is the enemy's base, and the increase can be reached immediately, and "Poposa" has almost all the magazines in her storage. Take it out, it is almost impossible to press the bullets in the fierce firefight, as long as all the magazines are fired, then the enemies will all swarm up, and then... then it will be troublesome.


A ricochet bounced off the wall and just hit the white red star velvet winter hat of "Poposa". Suddenly, "Poposa" jumped up in fright, and quickly touched the hat with her hand, exhaling. ...Fortunately, it's just a bit of rubbing, unlike a certain "big-headed operator", where the hat is the body.

"Damn, why is my hat shot again!"

"Poposa" complained that her favorite hat had been pierced with two holes by bullets for the second time, but now she has no time to complain about this. The number is constantly increasing.

click - click -

After installing the new ammunition drum into the submachine gun, "Poposa" decided to break out. He leaned against the iron box, took out the flash bomb from the tool bag, pulled out the safety bolt and held it in his right hand.

She roughly calculated the distance, and then threw it violently, and the flash bomb was thrown out, emitting a dazzling halo.


There was a wail of men outside the iron box. Seeing that the flash had bounced off the effect, "Poposa" immediately picked up his submachine gun and rushed out, aiming at the enemies outside and shooting all kinds of water. He wore a uniform similar to that of the old Soviet army. At this time, she seems to be possessed by the red dead. The seniors have given her countless courage, and the only way to win is to move forward all the way.

"Hahaha! Get the hell out of here! You little bourgeois!"

After all, the Soviets are still Soviets, and without vodka, they still look the same at this time. "Poposa" fired at every enemy who was still standing. Twitching back and forth on the ground.

It's really difficult... I wasted a flash bomb.

"Poposa" ran among the fallen enemies, and used flashbangs to exchange a path to freedom, which was actually quite worthwhile. She also slightly turned the submachine gun in her hand. There is a It feels like gravity, so at this time "Poposa" feels that about half of the bullets in the drum have been knocked out. It is a bad habit to change the drum, so you can't change the drum at will.

"Quick! She's over there, hurry up! (English)"

A man's shout suddenly came from the corridor behind him, and then the sound of several pairs of footsteps stomping on the ground, like a drum beating, continuously entered the ears of "Poposa".

"Poposa"'s complexion changed, and she immediately realized that something was wrong. She quickly quickened her pace, passed through several corridors, made an emergency stop and turned right. At this time, a door suddenly appeared in "Poposa" In front of him, "Poposa" didn't think too much, planted a booby trap and kicked open the door without remembering the location, so she hid in the room.

"Huh...huh... finally avoided them?"

"Poposa" leaned against the door panting, and the footsteps outside became smaller and smaller, probably because she didn't notice this place.

Moreover, the corridor is relatively dark, and booby traps are difficult to find. As long as someone comes over, they will definitely step on it to see Max.

"It seems that I am very lucky, so I can avoid being tracked. Having said that, here... how can there be such a place?"

"Poposa" locked the door, and then looked at the room curiously. The decoration here is very different from the outside. It looks like a cement factory outside, but here, it looks like a five-star hotel.

The white walls, the floor made of solid wood, a Western foil sword on the big Simmons bed, as well as the cabinets and fancy lamps that look quite precious, the air is filled with a smell of incense, which is somewhat fascinating .

All of this is so inconsistent, "Poposa" picked up her submachine gun and carefully observed everything in the room. Because a thick blackout cloth was pulled behind the bed, she could only see clearly what was outside the cloth. thing.

In fact, other things are not very conspicuous, but at this time the basket of roses on the bedside table has attracted her attention. There is a card, and it says in cursive Albion:

Send the most honorable Majesty Queen Marydale - Bishop Gachelit

"Ah... what are these things? Sending flowers? Is this "Mary Goose" the bishop's wife? Oh! I really don't understand the romance of the little bourgeoisie."

"Poposa" covered her mouth and smiled. After all, she was still a child, and with insufficient information, she didn't realize that she had come to a more terrifying place, and she even made a big mistake.

"Oh? Really? You're really interesting..."

"Who! Who's there...ah—?"

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