bang bang——

Seeing Alice's calf entangled by the tentacles, Ye Wenyu quickly adjusted his shooting position, aiming at the breaking point of the tentacles on her calf twice, and the tentacles were interrupted instantly.

Qian Yuan and Katie also took out Glock 18c and P0, and together with Ye Wenyu shot at the tentacles behind the car bunker, and the densely packed tentacles were wiped out by bullets for more than half. Sure enough, the carbon-based creatures were still obeying of the laws of physics.

"By God, thank you! So...go to hell for us! Monster."

Alice rushed to the front of the glass wall of the dining room, and threw the explosive package with both hands, but her own strength was not so strong, and the explosive package was heavy, so before flying a few meters, the explosive package began to fly at a speed visible to the naked eye. It fell, and it hadn't flown a few meters.

No way?Could it be that this is the only way?

The flying distance of the explosive package is too short, although the "meat ball" can be blown up, but the distance between Ye Wenyu and the others is too close, and the C4 explosion will take away everyone within the explosion range.


A bullet came from behind Alice, and the gunshot was very close to her. It pushed the explosive package that was about to fall a few meters forward, flew over the wooden fence in the restaurant, and landed next to the "meatball".

Alice stared at the scene in front of her with big breaths. The explosive package had already been designated, and now she just had to withdraw it. But for some reason, her body was completely out of control at this time, and she was sweating coldly on her back, as if something was wrong. Things move within him.

Could it be... the tentacles from just now?

"Miss Alice! Mistress Alice! What are you doing here in a daze? Go away!"

Seeing Alice standing there motionless as if she had lost her soul, Ye Wenyu immediately reloaded the AK with one hand, rushed to Alice's side and shot to cover, Qianyuan and Katie also followed, blocking the tentacle attack. Alice's attack.

"We...we...we...oh! By God, let's go!"

Under the urging of Ye Wenyu and others, Alice returned to normal and regained control of her body. In fact, she is not afraid of dying like this. There should be two layers of detonator settings. The first is manual detonation, and the second is to detonate. Just the pulse, even if she died from the tentacles, this distance is enough for that monster to be buried with her.

Bah blah blah——

Ye Wenyu, Qianyuan, Alice, and Katie shot at the tentacles in the restaurant at the same time, and then retreated behind the car on the side of the road.

Alice also threw a "smoke bomb" into the restaurant very unceremoniously, and the smoke mixed with "white phosphorous" filled the restaurant immediately, and the "meat ball" screamed from being burned, and a puff of smoke was only screaming. A disgusting thick stench hits the face, and that smell is [-] times worse than snail noodles.

"Then... by God, it's time to go to hell, sinner."

Under the eyes of Ye Wenyu, Qianyuan, and Katie, Alice pressed the detonator, the signal pin on C4 worked instantly, and a dazzling white light was emitted from the restaurant, illuminating the unlit room. Dark buildings.

Chapter 19 The passing PLA and the third-class gong who fled long ago

"Forward! Forward! Forward! Our team is facing the sun, and our feet are on the land of the motherland"

In the atrium area of ​​Jiangcheng City, the PLA squad leader was sitting in the passenger seat of the jeep, humming military songs to enliven the tense atmosphere of the soldiers.

"Bearing the hope of the nation, we are an invincible force"

The soldiers all sang in unison, the singing sounded so loud, the commander of A in the front poked his head out of the tank, and sang with them, and many passers-by on the street stopped and picked up their mobile phones Record this beautiful scene.

The squad leader of the PLA understands very well that momentum is very important. It makes sense to "go all out, then decline, and exhaust three times", because it will bring good luck. As a squad leader, it is absolutely necessary to have a very good fortune. .

During this period of time, their infantry squad was extremely lucky. Countless PLA soldiers were killed in battle against unknown opponents at the beginning of the world event, but they were lucky to survive that night, with relatively small casualties and large numbers. Most of the fighters didn't even have scratches.

The next step is to fight the "Thunder Sorrowers". Their squad was simply lucky. They were assigned to the rear to guard the bridge and did not go to the front line. Almost, but the auspicious value seems to have dozens of percentage points more.

The military singing was almost over. The PLA squad leader picked up his water bottle and took a sip of water, then put it in his backpack, took out the military map of Jiangcheng City, and carefully watched the next route.

Their patrol area is within one kilometer of the overpass in the atrium area. After the "Thunder Sorrowers" were eliminated three days ago, their infantry squad was assigned to perform duties here, which is actually very comfortable.

You can take a convertible car to blow the wind, and the opponent is only a monster, so you don’t have to worry about bullets shooting down from the roof, and there is a tank following, and a flamethrower is added, suddenly I feel much safer, although Now is the mobilization period of the national war, but everyone lives as they want, which is similar to the past.

At this time, the PLA squad leader couldn't help but lit a cigarette, and then took a deep breath to relieve the mental pressure.

Before the incident happened, the civil war in China had just ended less than 20 years ago, so it was basically in a peaceful era. The PLA squad leader himself had never fought in the battlefield himself, but some veterans, including platoon leaders and above, had crawled among the dead of.

He is like a rookie in front of these people. He lacks battlefield experience and his command is not experienced enough. Because of this, the PLA squad leader is more careful in commanding the whole squad. If there is a small flaw, everyone will wait. Return the corpse in a horse leather shroud!

"If we talk about the route, the next road is between the buildings, and there is a lot of traffic. I hope the other comrades have finished cleaning..."

The squad leader of the PLA looked at the map and said to himself, the situation in the whole world is similar now, except for the areas where the world boss is infested, most of the human settlements have been taken back by armies from all over the world, of course, some countries will be more unlucky, Because the wasteland or something is going to be permanently put on hold.

Especially in the United States, more than [-]% of the land belongs to wasteland. The "Washington City" in the BOD is a heavily polluted area. God knows what kind of life the people of the United States are living now. I can't even imagine it.

Bah bah bah——

There was a sudden burst of gunshots in the distance, and the convoy stopped abruptly. The PLA squad leader immediately reflexed, picked up the rifle and jumped off the jeep. The other PLA fighters also got out of the car immediately and hid On the armored body of a jeep or behind a tank, watch for the source of the gunshots.

"There are no enemies directly ahead."

"Not on the left!"

"Neither on the right."

"There are our comrades 500 meters behind, and there are no enemies."

"Are there no enemies around? It seems that it should be far away..."

After listening to the reports of the soldiers, the PLA squad leader analyzed calmly. At this time, the gunshots had not stopped. He turned on the combat tablet. The informationization of the army was still the right decision. The reconnaissance satellite quickly located the gunshots from space. At the location, about one kilometer to the northwest, there were three masked men in a white van.

"Comrades, get ready to fight, and the third-class merit of walking is coming!"

The PLA squad leader jumped into the jeep with a handsome "over the wall", and then pressed the intercom.

"The enemy has a van carrying weapons. The current confirmed number is three, and there may be more. Be careful, everyone, remember to pay attention to keeping your guns away, so as not to hurt the masses, the tanks are leading the way!"

"Understood, comrade squad leader."

The PLA soldiers said one after another, the tank commander also retracted into the tank, the driver stepped on the accelerator, the A engine started, and the tank drove forward.


A huge sound came from the northwest in an instant. The sound sounded as terrifying as the aerial bomb of a heavy bomber. The PLA fighters who were used to this sound all looked in that direction. The mushroom cloud in the sky was relatively small, probably not Very big explosion.

"I'm going... Is this fucking someone playing C4?"

The PLA squad leader said while holding the binoculars.

"I've already used C4. This is no longer an ordinary third-class work...Comrades are ready to fight, we are going to strike hard."


"Cough, cough, cough...cough, cough...Master Alice, how many pieces of C4 did you put? Why is there so much smoke and dust..."

Ye Wenyu, who was hiding behind the car, coughed and said, the dust raised by the explosion just now was really too big.

Just when Alice pressed the detonator, that is, a few seconds before, C4 exploded almost instantly, and a dazzling white light shot out from the restaurant. Ye Wenyu and the others covered their ears and hid behind the car.

Then only a huge explosion sounded from the side of the car, and the ground trembled a few times. The scorching flames engulfed the restaurant in an instant, and the shattered building fragments flew around. They flew towards the surrounding buildings, smashing the tiled walls or the shutters of the shops. The glass was destroyed by the shock wave long ago, and the glass slag all over the ground also proved the huge destructive power brought by the C4 explosion.

So why... why do human beings always like to research some powerful things not to benefit themselves, but to kill each other?Let our descendants continue to answer this point!

"By God, we didn't put much, probably... just enough to blow up a three-story building!"

Alice stood on tiptoe and stuck her head out from the back of the car. Now the restaurant has been wiped off the map, and the "meat ball" has disappeared, but there are still some red blood scattered here and there There, it was probably just an ordinary bloodstain!

"The number of 'three-story buildings' that can be blown up, I heard correctly, right? Sir Alice, do you want everyone to be buried here together?"

Ye Wenyu looked at Alice angrily. She could blow up the "three-story" C4, so it's a miracle that she can stand here. Why didn't she send another "Tsar" bomb?

"By God, Isouya, hello! We have used rockets to rescue our comrades in arms before. We know the way to bomb C4, otherwise we would have died early? Let's take a look at Katie and Qianyuan first. Huh! Still 'sleeping'."

"Master Alice, don't be an example!"

Alice did the right thing, the "tentacle ball" was blown up to ashes, and Ye Wenyu didn't suffer any injuries, at most it was just that the maid's costume was a little dirty. The ground was stunned, and it will be fine after a while.

"Tired? Am I still alive?"

Qianyuan, who was leaning on the wheel of the car, felt a little uncomfortable as she held her forehead with her right hand.

In her dazed eyes, she seemed to be watching Ye Wenyu and Alice, and dragged Kati who was still in a coma to be her company, and Ye Wenyu brought her a bottle of mineral water to drink , There is a cool feeling on the tip of the tongue, well!still alive...

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Qianyuan coughed several times in a row, and her body gradually regained consciousness. With Ye Wenyu's support, she stood up. The three women who were still awake looked at the ruins of the restaurant together. The "meat ball" had disappeared. It was they who won the victory, they won, and it was the first time that they won so easily in real life.

"Qianyuan, Master Alice, we won! We won..."

"By God, we won."

Alice held the silver cross in both hands, and said piously, she glanced to the right secretly, Ruoyu and Li Yunyue had disappeared on the bench, probably woke up early.

"Well! Isoya, we won... can we go home?"

Qianyuan, who was supported by Ye Wenyu, said slowly that she was really tired, just like the students who had a day's class, after finishing the last evening self-study, she collapsed on the cold bed with no strength. on the desk.

"Hmm! Qian Yuan, we can go home now."

Ye Wenyu nodded, and looked at Qianyuan on her shoulder with the gentle gaze of her eldest lady. Qianyuan also showed a sweet expression and looked at Ye Wenyu. That person was still leaning on her shoulder, and she also Still providing shoulders for that person, never separated.

"God is above, may the Virgin Mary bless you, there will be no disaster, and you will be happy forever."

Seeing the two so close, Alice once again held the cross in both hands and prayed devoutly.

But it seems that Ye Wenyu and the others didn't notice one thing, that is, the "bloodstains" on the ruins suddenly seemed to come alive, and all of them seeped down like water, and it didn't take long for them to disappear.

Chapter 20 It's not that simple

"What comrade are you talking about? It's over here?"

In front of the ruins, the PLA squad leader stared at the policeman in front of him with wide eyes and made a surprised sound.

Before that, they were racing all the way. The driver of the A was definitely an old driver. Under the urging of the PLA squad leader, he actually drove the tank into the air. The tank sparked with lightning all the way, and the speed was very fast. The moving vehicle didn't even slow down.

Seeing their own tanks floating up, two PLA drivers driving jeeps also stepped on the accelerator, and the jeeps went out directly, and staged the Huaguo version of "Speed ​​and Sex". These drivers used to drive racing cars Bar?This is not a track, don't come so fast.

That is to say, under the flying car of these pilots who passed the second subject at one time, the PLA squad leader and the others arrived here very quickly, but when they arrived, the place was already surrounded by the police and militia guardrail.

"Sorry comrade, the problem has been solved here. To be precise, the problem was solved by the committee before we arrived at the scene. We are also performing official duties, please understand."

The young policeman saluted the PLA squad leader, and the PLA squad leader didn't intend to embarrass him, and shook his hand solemnly after returning the salute.

After all, this policeman is wearing a bulletproof vest and is wearing a grenade. Although his skin looks a little creamy, but his eyes are heavy with the kind of eyes that have witnessed hell. Only those who come out have something. What happened during this period is tortuous and bizarre. Even those who are unwilling to fight can only pick up guns and fight for survival.

After the handshake, the PLA squad leader waved to the driver comrade, indicating that he was going to turn around and leave. He also took a look at the surrounding environment, especially the ruins. Tents, and several people wearing thick protective clothing are shuttling back and forth in these tents. Their clothes are printed with special patterns of swords, sickles and hammers.

The squad leader of the PLA immediately recognized them as members of the People's Committee. In fact, a few people wearing the black semi-military uniforms of the People's Committee happened to be standing next to the ruins. Each of them was carrying a flamethrower. Shouldn't this kind of thing be in the equipment update list of the Ministry of Armed Forces next year?Why are comrades in friendly units equipped?

The independent unit is really good. You can purchase the equipment by yourself. I still remember that in order to achieve "one optical sight per person", the ACOG on the AR rifles in a large number of "civil war remnants" was removed and issued, and then it barely reached the "one per person" requirement. degree.

Don't ask how these ARs came about. In short, they are trophies. The whole army knows it well, and it's done if it's easy to use and looks good.

But in fact, there is an incongruity. The PLA squad leader has always felt that something is wrong. They came very fast. Why did the people from the People's Committee come first? And in this ruined scene, something seems to be missing, something very important s things……

correct!It's a corpse!Where did the body go? If there is no body, there must be the wounded, right?But there is not even a little blood here, and there is no ambulance or doctor, so what happened here?

The PLA squad leader thought quickly in his mind, and came up with several frightening answers at once, but in the next second, his cranky thinking was shattered, because an old policeman in white hair came out of the ruins. Over there came over and greeted him affectionately.

"Hello! Comrades of the PLA, this place has been resolved by the comrades of the committee, you go back! We are all late."

Director Zhang Yangtian, who carried 81-1 on his back, patted the PLA monitor's left arm and looked at him kindly.

"Good chief, I will lead my comrades out of here immediately."

The squad leader of the PLA saluted Director Zhang Yangtian, and then continued.

"Hello, Comrade Chief, we are really destined! This is the second time we have met."

"The second meeting? Where did we meet before, little comrade? Let me think about it..."

Director Zhang Yangtian recalled the past memories, after a while, he patted his old thigh, and finally remembered.

"Oh, oh, oh! I remember it. It was on the Yujiang Bridge that day, right? So many comrades died. You are very lucky, little comrade. Keep working hard! Remember that the only way to destroy the enemy is to preserve yourself. This is the real victory, go! The warriors are waiting for you."

Director Zhang Yangtian pointed behind the PLA squad leader. At this time, the convoy had turned around and was ready to leave at any time. The PLA squad leader also saluted him again, then ran into the car and left here.

"Cough... my little comrade, it's easy to say, but it's very difficult to do..."

After seeing the PLA convoy leaving, Director Zhang Yangtian shook his head helplessly. What happened during this period is getting more and more outrageous, but beating "zombies" and "mobs" is fine. Most of the adults in Huaguo They have all experienced militia training, so as long as they buy a gun, they can protect themselves, and they can fight guerrillas in groups of three or five.

But there will always be many creatures beyond human common sense. The "Thunder Sorrower" a few days ago is a typical representative. God knows what the next opponent will be like. God knows...God knows...

"Xiao Liu, you can see here first, if other people come, only those who are not members of the committee will be sent away directly, and other people cannot be allowed in. This is not good for our work."

Director Zhang Yangtian made arrangements for the other police officers on duty. The events that the world is most concerned about now are a series of disasters after the "world fusion". It is estimated that today's incident is just luck, so it did not cause any special damage, but now Jiangcheng, Huaguo, and even all mankind need hope, and the society needs to settle down, so that people can have a chance to return to their former days and have the right to survive.

Now I can only hope that this matter is nothing more than a trivial matter, and if it is resolved, it will be resolved, and no other strange things will happen.

Naturally, the old people had the idea that more things are worse than less things. Director Zhang Yangtian walked back to the ruins, put on the prepared gas mask, and walked into a white tent.

"Did you find something now? I can't use the police force to act as 'security' for you. You should hurry up."

Director Zhang Yangtian, who walked into the tent, said to the uniformed girl in the tent who was staring at the ruins that she was Nightingale, but because of the gas mask, she didn't wear a mask.

"Comrade Zhang Yangtian? It will take another 5 minutes. The other comrades are still on the way, so we don't have to wait too long, but we found something very interesting. Do you want to take a look together?"

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