Following Ji Luxi's guidance, Winnet adjusted to the correct posture for holding the gun, and pulled the trigger.


Huge gunshots rang in her ears, Winnet looked towards the hillside, and the square mosaic in the middle turned into a mosaic of debris.

After the first hit, Ji Luxi did not continue to correct Winnet's posture, but stood to the side like an instructor, and said, "There are still five bullets, keep shooting."

Winnet swallowed, adjusted her breathing, and aimed at the next brick.




The performance desire made Winnet continue shooting after a short interval. She hit four of the remaining five bullets, one of which hit a stone of similar color.

After shooting continuously, rather than the joy of hitting the target, what Winnet felt first was the numbness of the hands brought by the recoil.

Spreading out her palms, she saw that her palms were flushed red from the shock.

Ji Luxi approached Winnet and said approvingly: "As far as the initial training is concerned, the results are very good. However, at such a short distance, you must ensure that you can hit the right shot. Then, there is speed..."

With that said, Ji Luxi quickly raised the pistol from her waist, aimed at a position twenty yards beyond the target, and fired quickly.

3.46 seconds!

Winnet was also sensitive to time, and she realized that in such a short period of time, Ji Luxi had emptied all six bullets in her hand.

It would be difficult for her to fire a bullet every second.

What about hit rate?

Winnet looked up the hillside, and all the fuzzy mosaics that were upright just now disappeared——

All hits!

Could it be that Ji Luxi is the ace killer of the organization?

Although Winnet didn't know much about the organization, she saw a lot of criminals in London. Compared with Ji Luxi, the former was like a baby with no feathers. If the two matched, she had no doubt that Ji Luxi could Killed a dozen untrained criminals face to face.

Such an existence actually humbled itself to that Calvados?Could it be that he is more skilled than Ji Luxi?

Winnet made some calculations in her head.

Ji Luxi listens to Calvados, and Calvados listens to Belmode, as long as she can make Belmode listen to her, wouldn't she be transformed into a hot existence in the organization?

Hmm, please stop calling her a lap dancer in the future!

"In the beginning, increase the speed as much as possible while ensuring the hit rate. After that, you must actively adapt to the impact of the gun vibration on you and make corrections. There is no way to explain this in words. You need a lot of Belmode said that you are an uncut jade, which is indeed true..."

Is that what the woman said?

To be honest, Winnet didn't feel the same sense of oppression from Belmode as Jiluxi. In other words, Belmode is far inferior to Jiluxi in terms of quality as a killer, but he seems to be in a high position. It seems that the promotion in the organization Has its own set of theories - the killer, is it just a tool?

Seeing Ji Luxi teaching her with a blank face, Winnet felt this even more.

Ji Luxi did not show her due thoughts. From her face, all Winnet could empathize with was the pain of aimlessly moving forward on the road.

Yet the pain excited her.

Winnet suddenly realized that she was actually laughing.

Fueled by Ji Luxi's pain, she was feeling excited.

Riding on her hot and active body, Winnet began to assemble and disassemble the bullets.

Although the number of shots is pitiful, she often disassembles the bullets of her antique gun when she is alone in the church. She is very confident in the assembly speed, and this speed has improved again at this moment. .

Winnet curled her lips and shot at objects fifty yards away. The six bullets took only 5.24 seconds this time, and all of them hit.

Once again, the room for improvement becomes limited.

Eighty yards, 4.38 seconds, which was her fastest time, but the accuracy was not guaranteed, and the bullet missed two shots.

It's the limit for now.

In the next few days, Winnet quickly felt her own progress. She closed her eyes and rotated her body on the iron chain with almost no fulcrum in the air; He quickly crawled forward in the iron pipe; with his eyes closed, he hit the cans thrown by Ji Luxi in a dark environment; he hit six targets within a hundred yards in 3.79 seconds.

During this period, her originally thin torso was tempered with the waistcoat line, and her arms could be seen as muscular contours like armpits, and she even grew a little taller.

The part except the joint is slightly red and swollen.

Eating canned nutrition every day can actually grow taller. Winnett originally thought that "canned food" and "nutrition" were two completely insulated words.

One morning, Winnet was woken up by Ji Luxi.

At this time, Ji Luxi was changing clothes, and Winnett looked at her from the backside, and couldn't help but feel some heat on her cheeks.

Compared with her own pale skin, Ji Luxi's whiteness is more lustrous and stronger, but it is not the strong kind of strong, but the streamlined shape that gives people a sense of beauty like the wings of an airplane, making it difficult for people to see her body. Look away.

Black sports underwear.

Winnet couldn't help thinking, everyone in the organization really has a preference for black.

However, her own priest clothes are also black.

Ji Luxi put on some kind of black animal fleece, and said: "You have basically completed the basic training, you can start the advanced training... There is a problem with Calvados, he is on a mission in Naples, so even you I have handed over the advanced training to me, I hope you will be mentally prepared."

Not long after starting training, Ji Luxi lived in the same room with her, in order to make it easier to take care of her who was like a salted fish who couldn't get up after training.

Winnet looked away slightly, wearing a field suit with a leaky belly, and asked Ji Luxi, who had a lifeless expression: "Don't you think this kind of life is very empty?"

Although I can feel the process of becoming stronger step by step, but there is no place to fill the emptiness in my heart. Miss Winnet picked up her diary these days, and after picking up the pen, she has no idea what to write, especially here only She and Ji Luxi are two people, and Ji Luxi is based on the setting of "mouthless girl" most of the time.

"It's normal for you to feel like this. The training process is like turning yourself into a sharp blade and then constantly polishing it. Feeling and thinking will make you dull instead. This is the same for killers... Okay, Hurry up and get ready. Starting today, we will start a new training."

Winnet wanted to say something more, but she caught Ji Luxi's reluctance to talk more, and began her daily prayer.

However, today's content is somewhat inconsistent——

"Let the dead bury the dead, and don't worry, my friend."

013 Miss Winnet is perfect

When Winnet was about to leave the room, she heard the long-lost sound of a car engine.

She looked around, but Ji Luxi, who usually stood at the exit of the factory, did not appear, so she came to the open space outside and saw a modified van driving towards the factory.

Winnet was able to identify it because the grinding and engine sounds were unusual.

When the car drove in front of Winnett, she confirmed her thoughts. This car was simply put together with scrap copper and rotten iron. Even the shell was not from the original factory. It was like a monster in the novel "Frankenstein" , was pieced together from a variety of parts - like a vehicle used in a dangerous zone explosion attack in a TV set.

Ji Luxi's cheek appeared on the window of the driver's seat: "Get in the car, we need to change to another place for training."

Winnett got the answer that she would probably not come back, and applied for the time to go back to the room to take away the notebook, and incidentally confirmed the blessing rosary that Sister Alyssa got when she baptized her.

"I thought I would stay here for a long time, but I didn't expect it to end so suddenly..."

Winnet understands that there is still a big gap between her ability and Ji Luxi, and her body is gradually getting used to the training rules.

She sat in the co-pilot, and Ji Luxi, the main driver, did not rush to drive, but looked up and down at Winnet who was sitting in the co-pilot: "Take off your clothes and let me see."

Winnet: "?"

Ji Luxi wanted to take it off by herself, no matter what she thought, it couldn't be a sexual relationship, but she couldn't think of any other reason for a while, she stared into Ji Luxi's eyes, and all she got was ruthless feedback.

Pursing her lips, Winnet leaned close to Ji Luxi's ear and said, "I like to be more ordinary."

No one would feel comfortable in such a bumpy and shabby car.

Ji Luxi couldn't understand what Winnet meant, so she lifted Winnet's blouse directly: "Your shoulders are very red and swollen, and you need to deal with them early."

Winnet turned her head and took a look. It was true that her right shoulder was a bit swollen.

Because in the subsequent training, the more powerful Magnum bullets were used instead, the recoil feedback was also stronger than before.

Winette also tried firing a silver, wide-bore Desert Eagle, which recoiled so badly that she nearly let it go.

To be honest, the recoil was still within her tolerable range, but the strong flashes and terrifying vibrations made it difficult for her to adapt, and continuous shooting with such a powerful pistol was also unrealistic.

It may be because of this unskilled training that the shoulders have problems.

"Oh, you're so sweet, I didn't even notice." Winnet blew on the hard-boiled shoulder.

"Turn your face away." Ji Luxi held the medicine mist spray can, "Just like guns, killers can't let go of their own maintenance. If you don't take care of it for a long time, you may leave sequelae, even if Belmode values ​​you very much. , you also need to keep your sharpness at all times."

Winnet felt that what Ji Luxi said was right, but——

Why is she looking at her belly?

She looked at Ji Luxi's gaze, it didn't look like it was mixed with strange colored waste.

Winnet tried to touch her arm, and under her fair skin, she felt soft, slender muscles that could burst out with great strength in an instant, which really surprised her.

Is this the result of training?

Although these days feel a little out of touch with reality, there is also a feeling of being extremely close to reality. Although it is extremely contradictory, in fact it is like this - without the help of cheating fingers - all by myself.

"It's perfect." Ji Luxi said suddenly, "Belmod will definitely think the same as me when he sees you now. Your appearance and body shape are not weaker than your talents. On the way to being a killer."

Winnet rolled her tongue, thinking it should be a compliment that her belly is beautiful.

She thinks it's okay for Ji Luxi to see, but that's fine with that woman Belmode, judging by her appearance, it's obvious that both men and women can be bothered, and she doesn't know how many ignorant boys and girls have been harmed——

Miss Winnet felt herself in danger.

"What kind of tasks does Ji Luxi usually perform in the organization?" Winnet asked casually.

Ji Luxi started the car, fixed her gaze on the windshield, and said, "There's nothing worth talking about, you should be able to guess it."

"Soon you will understand my work and feel my feelings. However, it is different for everyone, and you are a relatively unique individual. There is only one thing I want to tell you. When doing tasks, don’t leave too much personal emotion, depending on the situation, it may affect the evaluation of you by the organization.”

After hearing Ji Luxi's words, Winnet knew that it was meaningless to ask any more.

Ji Luxi's way of living like a tool always makes her feel uncomfortable, but this is not an escape, but another way of carrying everything, outsiders are not allowed to say anything.

However, Miss Winnet is not someone who cares about those.

Jeeps like bulk garbage, running on dusty ground.

The bumps hit the ass, and the car wasn't on the same route as it was on the way to the factory.

After two hours' journey, Ji Luxi led her to the edge of the city.

Container-like square warehouses are scattered on the ground, and to the east is a piece of water connected to the coast. It seems that it has been used as a pier for a while, but now there is only a bleak scene after the glory.

The car stopped in front of one of the warehouses. Ji Luxi took a simple long key and opened the chain lock on the gate.

The warehouse was empty, but to Winnet's surprise, there wasn't much dust accumulated inside.

Winnet is used to the dark environment, like a competent killer, she didn't ask any more questions, and followed Ji Luxi quietly, until she opened the floor of what looked like a cellar structure, and appeared on both sides like a rusty ladder leading to a water tower. in front of people.

Ji Luxi talked with her whole body first, leaving her head exposed, and said, "Come, follow me."

Winnett nodded and looked at the surrounding scene curiously. The rows of cardboard boxes showed that this place was indeed being used as a warehouse.

That's right, it is impossible for the organization to choose a stronghold in a place that is above board.

Winnet stepped on the ladder and murmured: "If the funds are sufficient as Belmode said, it would be great to use some high-end hotels and clubs as a cover... like in the movie."

Winnet fell to the ground, and Ji Luxi beside her was holding a gas lamp in her hand, illuminating the surrounding environment.

A slender and deep passage.

She followed Ji Luxi and walked forward for about 5 minutes, then came to an open area as big as a warehouse.

On the opposite side of the entrance the two passed by was a row of weapon racks, which were filled with weapons and equipment that Winnet didn't know. Just seeing the shiny bolt surfaces was enough to understand the power of the organization.


014 Human Dregs Miss Winnet

Winnet, who was observing the weapon rack, noticed that Ji Luxi was playing with something. She turned her head and saw a row of metal targets.

The target is fixed on a chain that looks like a rail, and there is a box-shaped power machine of unknown function beside it.

Winnet reached out her hands, but didn't touch the weapons that didn't suit her. She asked Ji Luxi, "What are you adjusting?"

"Shooting a moving target is an actual combat technique you need to master." Ji Luxi answered briefly.

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