"This is a map of the neighborhood. The company is located in Kuboto-cho Gomachime."

Winnett double-checked, the location of the company is some distance from the residential area of ​​Mimachi, and it is very close to Minamikupado Station.

The nearby stations are TR Mihua Station and Ikebukuro Station. The latter is mainly a commercial area. In terms of residence, Mihua Town is a better choice and is closer to the center of the city.

"TR line," Winnett pulled out the grease pen she carried with her, and left a mark on the line between Mihua and Kuahu, "let Shirley board the TR line at the gate of the fixed tram every day on time, and set up a monitoring system on it." Personnel. There are many small shops, newsstands, and telephone booths near the exit. Arrange another person. Then put Shirley on the Kubado Line bus...or send someone to pick her up."

"Well...but these are crowded places, if she wants to escape..."

"She can't escape," Winnet said bluntly, "unless she puts her sister's life at risk."

Vodka nodded silently, and Mihua and Cuphu were also within the core scope of their activities. As long as Shirley's course of action changes without authorization, they are also capable of controlling her immediately.

However, where would it be better to arrange for her to live?

Just as Vodka was about to ask this question, he heard Winnet's cell phone ring.

Winnet turned on the phone and read the email. As she expected, the church that Belmode arranged for her was between Mihua Town and Kuboto Town.

Fortunately, the church is in Mihuacho.

The church is still under construction and has not yet been completed, and its location is next to Plum Blossom Street where it intersects with Mihua Shimachime Road.

The text message also mentioned the residence arranged for her, which is in the fourth town of Mihua.


120 The Playwright Shirley

"No... If too many people notice Miyano Shiho's existence, she will be easily noticed when she disappears."

Vodka thought for a moment, and he finally rejected Winnet's suggestion.

Based on his many years of experience working under his eldest brother, this plan is definitely not going to pass. They must consider the possibility of Shirley's disobedience, so she must not have too many contacts with outsiders.

"You don't need to worry about this." Winnet replied calmly, and continued to draw on the map with an oil-based pen, "The TR line divides the vicinity into a commercial area and an industrial area, as long as Shirley's residence is arranged in the industrial area." On the side, build another research institute, and set up surveillance personnel in the middle."

Winnet showed a dangerous smile: "The church I am about to complete is one mile away from the straight line. If there is any situation in Shirley, I will be able to deal with it immediately."

"If she behaves well enough, all of these can be undone, and some people will be assigned to her to monitor and pay attention to her actions while doing things for her..."

Vodka was silent when she heard Winnet's arrangement.

According to this, Miyano Shiho's living environment can be described as terrible, I hope it will not affect her research mentality.

Sure enough, women are the most ruthless towards women!

Vodka is convinced, so even the eldest brother can't jump out of the fault.

"I see." Vodka did what he said, and he asked Winnet to wait a while and sit on a big-headed computer on the side.

Winnet had no scruples, she walked behind Vodka, watched him call up a list, and began to edit the email; the content did not mention anything related to Miyano Shiho, just pure surveillance work.

Vodka opened the geographic information system software, edited the soft map, and then picked up the satellite image from NASA, and confirmed the number and location of various examples through the grid.

After marking, Vodka brought up the building bar again.

"Well, we still have an idle factory and office building in Mihua Town, which happens to be under the name of Sanhe Pharmaceutical." Vodka said to Winnet while quickly operating his fingers on the keyboard, "Just control Shirley's stronghold." It’s good to set it here, there is a single-family apartment next to it as a residence..."

Winnet was surprised by the consistent operation of vodka.

This typing speed?Unexpectedly, he is still a code farmer, proficient in various fields!

Sure enough, judging people by their appearance is not advisable!

Winnet once again affirmed her own idea, and every member of the organization has unique skills.

Vodka gave Winnet a resentful look: "It's just such an arrangement, it is likely to arouse Shirley's resistance."

"Don't worry, I'm nearby. Shirley has needs, and I can meet them." Winnet smiled confidently and confidently. "Like daily affairs, with me following, naturally there will be no mistakes."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Abis." Seeing that Winnet agreed, Vodka said no more.

After the matter is over, he can report to his elder brother and continue to assist his elder brother in his work.

After reaching an agreement, Vodka explained to Winnett the time and arrangement of the reconstruction, which were all handled by him; during the period of completion of the reconstruction, she was still in charge of Shirley, including the arrangement of the residence.

The two came to Shirley's laboratory, knocked on the door and entered, and saw Shirley sitting in front of the computer and checking drug-related information.

Shirley saw the figures of the two through the screen of the computer.

"The information about the drug is classified," Shirley said almost mockingly. "Want to take a look?"

Although it was a different experience, Winnet still felt teased.

If you really read the drug information, wouldn't you become an unruly target who needs to be silenced?

For those who don't know Shirley well enough, the first time will definitely leave a bad impression.

After hearing this, Vodka quickly glanced away.This is a secret that the BOSS has specially confessed. Even his elder brother only knows that Shirley is researching a special poison, and knows nothing about its efficacy.

After staying with his eldest brother for a long time, he understood a profound truth, that is, to see less and do more, to avoid unnecessary curiosity.

Needless to say, Winnett, at this distance, even with thick lenses, she couldn't see the words on her big head clearly.

Shirley closed the system frame and took out the disk, "It's fine here."

"It's a pity," Winnet said with a smile, "that you'll have to continue to hang out with annoying people for a while."

"Ah, it's not that I hate you... I need to correct you, I just want to feed you the medicine I'm researching." Shirley responded with a smile.

Vodka realized what is meant by the imminent tension between women, he lifted the brim of his wide hat and walked out of the room.

Immediately, he heard Shirley's painful groan.

He decided not to touch Abis's brow.

Don't look at him who looks big and thick, and knows some judo and fighting skills. Compared with a brutally trained professional killer like Abis, he has no chance to display those strengths.

Close to the oppressive feeling of big brother.

He waited for a few seconds before Winnet grabbed Shirley by the neck and threw her out.

There is a red slender handprint on the neck.

Vodka was afraid that something would happen to Shirley in the past few days, so he quickly persuaded: "Abis, she is still a scientist valued by BOSS..."

"I know, but... I don't need to say more about the treatment of prisoners who can't recognize their own situation, miss!" Winnet licked her upper left lip to make herself look a little excited.

But she was worried.

Although Shirley used her eyes to signal her to treat her roughly, it was against her will. For the sake of realism, she couldn't hold back too much. If she hurt Shirley, she might be scolded afterwards.

Xue Li's eyes were firm, and she stood up like a normal person without saying a word.

When she shook her head, her beautiful short hair swayed to one side of her cheek like a wave, and then quickly swayed back: "Then, in order to change to a better cell, the prisoner must cooperate with the cruel guard lady... huh."

Winnet wonders about Shirley's interest in acting.


Because I couldn't participate in the shooting of the short film on the boat, I acted opposite her alone; everything was too natural, and she might be deceived if she stood in the perspective of vodka.

Immediately, she heard the stammer of vodka.

"Abis, it's better to meet her request as much as possible. If she stops researching, you and I will be held accountable."

Winnet narrowed her eyes and looked at Shirley's back thoughtfully: "Don't worry, I'm pretty good at dealing with little girls!"

Woo, Shirley is no ordinary little girl at all!

"That, that's good."

"Mr. Vodka, why is your face twitching, and the corner of your mouth too?"

"Well, it will be fine in a while. Well, the tasks are too intensive, and sometimes I have this problem. I mean, I have recovered." In fact, he felt that it was even worse after the suggestion, and he didn't know what Abis was going to do. To deal with Shirley, which made him nervous.

It wasn't until he got back in the car that he held the steering wheel with both hands, before he slowed down.

Vodka thought to himself: It's best to quickly cancel the surveillance on Xue Li, and then provide her with some ordinary member errands, and let her meet her sister by the way, so as to appease her quickly.


121 For my sake

Vodka sent them to Kubado Premier Hotel.

Edward lavishly wraps it up for the use of his guests.

After parking the car, Butler Carter was already waiting in the lobby and rushed over to greet Winnet and Shirley.

Vodka lowered the brim of his hat as a signal, and immediately drove away. The two followed Butler Carter and took the elevator to the thirteenth floor.

Carter led them to Room 1307 and handed the room card to Winnett.

As soon as the door opened, Shirley walked into the room quickly. Winnet carried the luggage and placed them in the cabinet next to the bed, and then came to the aisle.

Immediately, she checked all the objects in the room to prevent some surveillance equipment from appearing.

She saw Shirley leaning on the door frame with her head up, her left leg resting in front of her right, and said, "The mark you left is really clear. Have you accumulated a lot of grievances against me? Depending on the situation, let you vent a little bit." It's not impossible...Speaking of which, did you discuss something with Vodka, about my placement?"

Mark left?

Winnet saw several pink arcs appearing on Shirley's fair neck, and instantly realized what Shirley was referring to.

As for venting...

Winnet decided to skip the first half sentence and answer the question.

"Yes." Winnett's eyes hesitated, and she stumbled a bit in her speech because she mentioned a bunch of unfavorable conditions, "At first you will work harder, and then the conditions will rebound. They will consider your feelings, and then improve The quality of your life in Japan."

"It seems that you are really planning to imprison me, Miss Caretaker."

Shirley blinked and smiled teasingly.

Miss Winette thought that the evil dross culture was fermenting, and her face became rosy like a baby's face, her legs and feet were weak, and she sat on the soft mattress.

Then, she found out that it was a single room, and even the bed was only a big and soft one.

Miss Winnet shook her head and said, "I am for you..."

Before she could say the word "OK", Shirley pressed her index finger to her lips.

The next second, Shirley was sitting in her arms, clutching her chin with a smirk that succeeded in a prank.

"Change it to us, ma'am." Shirley sat on Winnet's lap, her legs crossed, and her coffee-brown hair rested on Winnet's shoulders, "Oh, it's only one kilometer away from my church. Who said it?"

"That's..." Winnet's voice rose and then stopped abruptly.

She felt her throat burning and her breathing almost stopped.Yes, she couldn't deny that it was mixed with personal thoughts. This is not a shameful thing, it's just human nature - the same is true for friends.

Why did she behave so weirdly, as if she was on the stake!

"It's you, Ms. Pastor, who is hard-spoken." Shirley straightened Winnet's face, letting her lackluster eyes look at her, "Treat the little girl with ease... Where is the prestige at that time? Could it be, in our In the time you have never seen, you have succeeded many times?"

"It's just that a girl came to talk to me!"

Miss Winnet felt that the conversation was being steered in some dangerous direction, and God forbid she had never used her vocation for anything.

Even though they are all girls around the same age, Shirley is just a little... Uh, she is still quite cute.

If only she didn't always tease herself like this.

When she looked at Shirley, her sharp eyes became soft like cream foam, and she smiled maliciously, which seemed to show that Shirley was in the ink tank of the organization.

"For my sake." Shirley's voice became softer and softer.

Winnet's instinct told her that the atmosphere became ambiguous, and maybe the sweet part would come soon. About those, she still couldn't imagine, and she had a contradictory feeling of fear and expectation kneaded into Tai Chi.

However, Shirley just yawned, rubbed the teardrops glistening in the corners of her eyes, wrapped her arms around Winnet's neck, and lay down on the bed.

Shirley turned sideways and said, "Since you have arranged a terrible environment for me, you have to take responsibility and meet my requirements, otherwise I will have to stop research and protest."

Winnet felt that stopping the research would not be as impactful as the scene just now.

Her nostrils were still trembling, and the muscles on her cheeks felt sore from being too tight.

After her mentality calmed down a bit, Winnet asked softly in Shirley's ear: "Aren't you going to look around? The banquet won't be held until tomorrow night."

"Unless you put my sister in front of me," Shirley turned over, wrapping her arms around Winnet's waist, "otherwise, what difference does it make here or anywhere else?"

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