Shirley suddenly felt like she was raising a child.

Although I am only thirteen years old, I have completed all my education up to a Ph.D., I have made achievements in many fields, and I have absorbed all kinds of knowledge like a sponge. This kind of myself is far more mature in psychology and behavior than my peers .

Probably, Abis's appearance now is what she should have looked like at her age.

Holding the menu and reading it, Winnet asked, "Shirley, what do you want?"

"Just like you." Shirley replied casually.

After all, it is impossible to buy nutritionally balanced food in such a fast-food restaurant, and there is no point in ordering special meals.

After seeing Winnet leave the table, Shirley breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately, the phone in her pocket rang.

A text message——

After returning to Japan, the focus of research shifted to the APTX series of drugs.

Seeing this sentence, Shirley understood the urgency of the people behind the organization.

How can it be possible to reverse time? No matter how much you invest in it, it will be futile in the end.

After closing the phone, Shirley leaned against the back of the wooden stool and sighed, and then saw Winnet walking over with a tray, on which there were piles of hamburgers piled up like a hill.

It's full of hamburgers and two Cokes. What kind of calorie hell is this...?

Shirley has stayed in the United States for so many years, and occasionally eats in fast food restaurants outside. With the size of a set meal burger, she can eat at most one is the limit. From the perspective of body size, Winnet and her food intake should be about the same.

With so many things, how could it be possible to finish them...

Shirley stared dumbfounded at Winnet walking towards her. In addition, she felt the gaze of the clerk and other customers, and the figure in the center of focus was completely unaware.

Shirley asked tremblingly, "Are you going to eat them all?"

Winnet sat on the opposite side of Shirley, put the Coke in front of her, then peeled off the wrapping paper, and took a big bite.

"Hmm!" Winnet made a satisfied voice, and then asked Shirley a little timidly, "Is it too much to spend 50 dollars at a time?"

Shirley dragged her cheeks with her hands and shook her head. Seeing this, Winnett tore another package, bowed left and right, took a bite from one side and another from the other side.

Just like a greedy little squirrel.

For a while, Shirley couldn't connect the girl in front of her with the organization's killers. If there were more such killers in the organization, the overall feeling would not be a criminal group, but a nursery.

Seeing Winnet happily biting the hamburger, Shirley thought that if she could be satisfied so easily, there was no need to make a special trip to be a killer. Sure enough——

is forced.

Opening a hamburger and putting it in her mouth, Shirley felt that the taste was okay. After all, sitting directly opposite her was a guy who was full of greasy food and full of satisfaction. It seemed that the food had also become delicious.

Shirley thought of what her sister often said, that everyone would feel happy when they sat together to eat.

As she expected, after eating the third hamburger, Winnet on the opposite side was embarrassed by the pile of hamburgers.

Shirley took a sip of Coke, looked at Winnet and said, "Let me just say, it's impossible to finish eating so much."

Winnett nodded, she didn't expect the hamburger to be so big.

Switching to the size I ate before, Miss Winette who is possessed by a hungry ghost can eat more than ten of them today!

Today, I ate very little for lunch. After training, I was called to perform a mission of hell-level difficulty. When I got off the plane, Winnett already felt her chest pressed against her back.

No, Miss Winnet is not fair!

"By the way," Shirley put down the empty Coke cup. "In this situation, it's inappropriate for me to continue calling you by your code name?"

"Winette Moriarty, just call me Winette."

Knowing that they would be together for a while, Winnet simply reported her name.

Shirley sighed in her heart.


Are you a detective novel fan?

Wait, Professor Moriarty is a fictitious character, so take this name, that is to say, Winnet is a pseudonym just like her surname.

In order not to let myself have unnecessary expectations?

Shirley thought about it, and it would be too childish to compete with the other party in this respect, so she gave up using the same pseudonym, and told Winnet, "Miyano, Miyano Shiho."


027 Japanese names are hard to remember!

Winnet, who had undergone special training in Japanese, immediately realized that this is a Japanese name.

It really is the Japanese world!

Winette mumbled the name "Miyano Shiho" in her mind for a while, and felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she saw it before. Could it be a character in an anime, novel, or visual novel?

She thought for a while, most likely it was some little-known unpopular work, and she glanced at it occasionally, and couldn't even remember the name.

Miss Winnet felt a crisis!

If you add evil elements to beautiful girl games, what will happen can be depicted with the soles of your feet, if it is not a plot-oriented work——

Joining the organization is indeed right, becoming a top killer and enriching one's strength is the only way to survive in the world created by those script writers who seek novelty!


The hamburger in his hand suddenly tasted bad.

From Shirley's point of view, Winnet suddenly changed her face, from a childish smile to a vigilant look.

After living in the organization for so many years, she also knows how to assess the situation.

Shirley lowered her voice and leaned her cheek towards Winnet: "Could someone be following us?"

Winnet shook her head.

Seeing Winnet's denial, Shirley asked again: "The people from the organization followed?"

Winnett heard Shirley's question after question, and felt that the little genius following her might have persecution paranoia, but in this way at least she wouldn't run around like a kid, get lost, and wouldn't take the initiative to get into the violent gang stationed street.

She had heard that Los Angeles was a hotbed of violence.

"No," Winnet denied again, "it's safe here, at least I don't notice any hostility."

The basic quality of being a killer is to observe the surroundings at all times to ensure that there are no monitors or obstacles behind or on the course of action.

Right now, there aren't any guys like that around.

With Shirley's expression a little tense, Winnet ran to the front desk to ask for a bag for packing, put the burger in a white plastic bag, and then took out the mobile phone Belmode gave her. New message--

I have asked the standby members in Los Angeles to prepare a place for you, in the attic of a small processing factory near Chinatown.

There is an attachment in the message, and when it is opened, it displays map information.

Miss Winnet was not proficient in the operation of large bricks, and it took a long time to figure it out.

This is definitely not a good housing, but it is suitable for a killer, inconspicuous enough.

Winnet thought of Ji Luxi's teaching that for a killer, choosing a temporary residence must allow him to blend into the environment.

With her appearance, it is obviously inappropriate to live in such a place, but Shirley has obvious Asian features, coupled with her fluent Japanese, it is not a problem to integrate into the life of the nearby environment.

The point is, what kind of relationship do the two of them pretend to be so that they don't appear abrupt from the side?

Age is the biggest obstacle.

Winnet looked at Shirley's face while thinking, and asked doubtfully, "What kind of relationship do we look like?"

"Relationship... a relationship in disguise? No way, we don't seem to be related by blood. Even in places like schools, Asian immigrants and local residents are separated. Friends make sense, but you He doesn't look like a mature adult at all."

After speaking, Shirley stood up from her seat and was about to leave.

Winnet felt that Shirley was right. No matter how she thought about it, they were a slightly weird combination. After all, if it wasn't for the mission, there was no need to pursue rationality too much.


"No matter how you look at it, I'm more like an adult, right?" Winnet muttered in a low voice.

Unlike most Europeans who are face-blind to Asians, Ms. Winnet can clearly identify the age of Asians. Shirley in front of her can reach the passing line of "girl".

In Miss Winnet's own words, her development is quite rapid, and her cheeks have not changed since more than a year ago.Although she was considered short, she was at least five feet three inches tall, and if she grew longer, she should be considered tall when she was an adult.

"You can't be considered an adult if you only have a mature appearance." Shirley glanced at Winnet's hamburger bag and looked away. "Also, someone's appearance is not mature enough."

Hearing Shirley's words, Winnet also felt that her behavior was a bit childish.

As the saying goes, a childish person will not look old!

Winnet was more tolerant and generous towards beautiful girls, and ignored Shirley's sarcasm. The roles were reversed, and she herself must have been several times meaner than Shirley.

Winnet reached out and patted Shirley on the shoulder: "Hi Murano, Belmode has prepared a place for us, let's go and have a look now!"

Shirley pressed her temples, almost swearing.

Not only did this guy not even remember his own name, he even patted her clothes with his oily paws...

"Winnet, my name is Miyano Shiho, please remember it!"

Winnet showed an expression of "that's how it is", and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, that... You think, it's hard to remember Japanese names, isn't it... Haha, ahaha..."

"I'm sorry, Miyano Shiho."

Speaking of the latter, Miss Winnet lowered her head, her face full of grievances, trying to pass the test by being cute.

Shirley gritted her teeth, looked at the darkening sky, and said, "Winette, you can call me Miyano or Shiho, it's too late, we need to find a place to live early."

Now is not a safe time.

Then she asked: "So, where are we going? Your eyesight is not very good, can you find your way in such darkness?"

"Oh, that's right, I'll leave it to you, Shiho."

Winnet hands Shirley the phone.

After getting Winnet's mobile phone, Shirley saw the information interface at a glance. Although there were only messages from Belmode on it, she still felt that Winnet was too careless.

Shirley turned on the navigation surface, took a deep breath, exhaled the heavy white mist, found the street sign, and changed direction at the next intersection.

Before the traffic light changed, she heard a scream——

"Give me back the bag!"

She looked towards the source of the sound, and saw that a black woman had her bag snatched away by a young kid.

Before she could turn her head, she saw Winnet beside her rushing out like a gust of wind, swiftly and lightly, like an insubstantial ghost, passing through the signal lights and turning into the lightless alley.

Shirley waited for the signal light to change, and quickly ran over, and ran into the alley with the black woman who was robbed, and found Winnet stepping on the shoulder of the thief with her foot, holding the woman's bag in her hand.

Winnet let go of her foot, and the thief immediately ran away terrifiedly, calling "Monster Girl".

Winnet nodded slightly, and handed the bag to the black woman with a smile: "Peace to you!"


028 Cohabitation life from scratch

The black woman quickly said thank you and left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Shirley immediately judged that the other party was engaged in a special industry and was robbed on the way off work.

It seemed like a common occurrence at first glance, but Shirley knew the water was deep.

Generally speaking, the mafia will mark its territory like a ferocious predator, and the industries that black women are engaged in are almost all under the control of one mafia family after another. The risk of marking, finding, attacking and stealing their employees, unless——

"It seems that there seems to be some conflict here not long ago." Shirley felt that it was probably a mafia turf grab or a bloody conflict, "It's better for us to leave as soon as possible, it would be bad if we were treated as suspicious. "

Winnet didn't quite understand Shirley's meaning: "Conflict? It's just a kid who made some mistakes. He's about your age...America is worse than I thought."

Shirley shrugged and said, "Well, indeed. It would be better if it was a place where white people live in large numbers. In immigrant cities like Los Angeles, the mafia and various violent gangs are entrenched. The police do nothing and act as peacemakers in the middle. Keep the semblance of prosperity ... the world is full of places like this, but this place is worse."

"The age of crime is also getting younger. Even elementary school students form criminal gangs, and even have connections with bad guys in society. The school will only watch them scramble for territory and fight in chaos."

"In addition, the problem of drug abuse has not been solved. It is ridiculous that even in such a country, there are many people in the world who are struggling to get its green card. 'Brainwashed stupid guy."

Winnet stared at Shirley's profile like a loyal listener.

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