"You...you are a human?!"

"Yes, the leader of all things, the son of the earth, at this moment, I am a human being, just like a fake," Rorschach didn't say anything to Pascaldo, but turned his head and told the Jurhas:

"Release your auxiliary machines, load the scanning program, and I authorize you to fire any hostile activities."

"Yes, as you wish, Commander Rorschach."

Afterwards, Rorschach looked at Pascal and said, "Lead the way, Pascal."


So, the group went on the road again. Pascal sat in the front car, and Rorschach temporarily modified the route. He wanted to witness a new possibility. At this time, the journey was full of silence and doubts. After the convoy drove for 10 minutes, Akudona patted Rorschach on the shoulder, and then pointed to his own head. Rorschach understood what he meant and began to talk to him with psychic energy.

"Rorschach, what do you want to do?"

"I just want to verify one thing, Akudona, just like I am willing to give Jurha a chance, I am also willing to give weak lives a chance."

"Your kindness is flooding again, Rorschach. In the dark and cold starry sky, there is only war between races. This is the lesson learned by the human beings in my universe for 10 thousand years. Alien with good intentions to live with humans, but how long will this kindness last? 100 years? 1000 years?"

"I'm a pacifist."

"'Pacifism' is indeed a very perfect word," Akudona under the helmet showed a ferocious smile:

"But the word only makes sense when it comes from the mouth of a strong man!"

Hearing Akudona's words, Rorschach was taken aback for a moment, and then he also smiled, and he responded with a smile:

"Yeah, only what the strong say is meaningful."

This smile made 11B's face turn red. She stretched out her hand to embrace her auxiliary machine, quietly took a photo of Rorschach's smile, and posted it on the internal forum of Yurhas. By the way, she also set her homepage as this a photograph.

Her behavior aroused the envy and jealousy of Miss Yuerha who had no combat missions yet. By the way, even a few S-shaped artificial humans assigned to the logistics also quietly downloaded the photo and put it in the album. bottom of the .

The convoy drove in silence for about an hour. The roads in the forest were really difficult to walk. Sometimes Rorschach even had to use a small nano spray gun to create a pontoon bridge to cross over. Fortunately, the gaps between these tall trees were very small. Big, off-road vehicles can barely pass.

"The front is my village, and I am the village chief...that..." Pascal looked at Rorschach hesitantly, and Rorschach also saw what it meant, so Rorschach nodded slightly and said:

"You can call me Rorschach."

Pascal seemed relieved, and said, "Okay, Mr. Rorschach, please."

Luo Xia nodded, and then he ordered in the team channel: "Leave two people to guard the vehicle, and set up light and dark sentries. The sentry will make calls at irregular times. The bright sentry will send a text briefing to 10B every 2 minutes. You decide who will be 2B."

2B nodded silently, she left 7E and 1D behind, an Executioner and a Defender, 1D as a sentinel, and 7E disappeared into the dense tree canopy after a few jumps, after simply arranging matters , Rorschach and his party followed Pascal into the village.

This village was built in the woods, and it looked like a tree house suspended in the air. The front of the house was connected by steel plates, which became passages and platforms that even space warriors could easily carry.This village is very lively. After seeing Pascal, several Androids who were wandering around the edge of the village ran back quickly and shouted loudly:

"The village chief is back! The village chief Pascal is back! It's still bringing guests!"

"It's interesting," Rorschach touched his chin, then he turned his head to look at 2B and the others in the team, and asked:

"What do you think of? Speak freely, I allow it."

"Yes... Commander," 2B hesitated, but she didn't speak immediately. Instead, 9S raised her hand and said:

"Commander, 9S requests the floor."

"Allow, let's talk."

"We may be able to establish contact with the mechanical lifeforms in this village, and use materials to exchange information with them."

"9S?! No matter how they are, they are still mechanical life forms, enemies!"

A Yurha doll first called out 9S's name loudly, but then she suppressed her voice and retorted in a low voice. 9S was obviously a little embarrassed, he looked into Rorschach's eyes a little shyly, but the encouraging look in those eyes made the boy summon up his courage, and continued:

"I just thought that if we could be friends..."

Luo Xia stepped forward and touched 9S's head with his hand, and said, "We can't become friends with them, but a pure partnership is still possible."

"Commander, look!" 11B pointed at the village and shouted.

Rorschach followed the prestige and found that all the androids had been organized. They waved old and broken flags, big and small androids waved flags, and they wanted to show their kindness to Rorschach.

As for Rorschach, he chose to accept.

Chapter 210 Chapter 24 One After Another

Rorschach and the others walked into the village. Pascal received Rorschach, Akudona, 2B, and 9S in its house, while the others scattered in the village, both for security and intelligence gathering. Pascal's house The outside is surrounded by androids.

"Sorry, there's only fuel here."

"No need," Rorschach raised a hand to stop Pascal's movements. He put his hand on his knee and asked:

"How do you live here? If you are separated from the network of mechanical life forms, you will be attacked by individuals who have not separated?"

"Yes, Mr. Rorschach," Pascal replied, it was still a little nervous, but unexpectedly, the human in front of him looked easy to talk, "We even reached a resource exchange with those artificial humans in the rebel camp. Change the agreement."

"It's interesting, it looks like..."

There was a noisy sound outside, an android squeezed away the onlookers, ran to the door of the room and shouted loudly, it wanted to enter the room, but 2B's shining blade traversed the entire door, and this Android had no choice but to stop outside.

Just listen to it shouting:

"The guy sitting inside, you are human, right? If you are human, you must be able to understand my thoughts, right?"

Rorschach turned around and looked at Android who wanted to break in, and asked:

"who are you?"

Android's eyes lit up, and its short and slender mechanical arms were on its hips, and it said triumphantly, "I'm an inventor with a smart mind!"

This sentence made Rorschach laugh, but he didn't show it directly on his face, but continued to ask calmly: "Then how can you be sure that I will understand you, understand a thought you didn't express clearly? "

"Because you're a human being, and that's what humans are like," said the self-proclaimed inventor quite logically:

"Longing for the starry sky and the universe, and pursuing the unknown is not the instinct flowing in your genes? Oh, don't worry, I just want to build a rocket and launch the rocket to the moon, so... I want to get some sponsorship."

"If you want to go to the moon to see, my boat can take you there," Rorschach replied, his interest has been completely aroused, Rorschach turned around completely, crossed his legs , resting his elbows on his thighs and propping his chin with his palms, he looked at the "inventor" with great interest, but this Android touched his head and said:

"I don't want to go to the moon, I just want to build a rocket that can go to the moon... How about it, will you fund me?"

"Why not?" Rorschach replied with a smile, but at this moment an emergency communication was sent to Rorschach's terminal, so he nodded apologetically to the inventor, then put on his helmet, Click on the communication:

"Commander, we have detected abnormal geological activities, which are very likely to be the large movements of those mechanical life forms," ​​the message was sent by Marsayl on the bridge, "and, globally, at least Ming The mechanical lifeforms on the surface are all starting to gather at your position."

"Airdrop the engineering vehicle to the rebel camp, arm the camp, let the Yurhas send two teams, the A2 leader, let me see the capabilities of the new armor, the aircraft carrier is ready for intelligence support and suppression warfare, be vigilant, I'm not interested in playing with these things for months."

Rorschach stood up, looked around, sighed and said:

"We're ready to go to war," then he turned his head and said to Pascal, "Take the androids in this village to find a place to hide, now the mechanical lifeforms in the whole area are concentrating on us, and they are separated from the network. You are no match against so many robots."

"What?! Why? Swarm consciousness is impossible..." Pascal was at a loss, obviously, he couldn't accept such explosive news, "But... where can we escape? We need parts, fuel, and electricity , we need materials to survive, but under this kind of tide, we will only be completely crushed."

The androids outside the room were also whispering to each other, and some of them had already run back to their residences and wanted to leave quickly, but at this moment, a bigger commotion came from outside the room, and the communication from 7E, which was guarding the vehicle outside the room, was also interrupted. Sent over:

"Commander, we have captured traces of mechanical lifeforms."


"800 meters, I'm sorry Commander, the woods here are too dense, I only noticed the traces of flying birds."

"It's okay, you've done a good job, prepare to meet us, let's leave here immediately, by the way, set up the fragment mines for me," hung up the communication, Rorschach stood up, and Akudona also stood up straight body, asked:


"The flames of war have been completely ignited, Akudona, by the way... Pascal, what do you want to do?" Rorschach asked Pascal, he saw the difficulty of it, for this kind of thing, Rorschach also I can only sigh secretly, regretting the disappearance of a possibility.

Pascal hesitated and said:

"Mr. Rorschach...can you take us away? Ah, no, I mean, can we follow you to a safer place?" Pascal knew very well that his small village would never be caught in the flames of war. Survived, it has witnessed this kind of war many times, it broke away from the cluster network of mechanical life forms, and wanted to cut off the spiral of hatred, but unfortunately, things backfired.

"The place I'm going to is the center of the battlefield. I am the target of mechanical life forms. There, you may survive, but you may also die from a stray bullet or a building collapse. Between us The battle will destroy everything around, trees, ruins, factories, and your village will most likely disappear in the aftermath of an explosion, come on Pascal, tell me your choice."

"I..." Pascal was speechless for a moment.

"There is no time, Rorschach, let's get out of here," Akudona grabbed Rorschach's shoulders, and Rorschach nodded in response, and turned to leave without a trace of hesitation. The androids who were still here outside the room silently Rorschach patted the inventor on the head and said:

"Survive, inventor, and by the way, I suggest you send a rocket to Mars, because there are already people on the moon, and they may knock your rocket down."


Rorschach and the others came to the parking place of the vehicle, boarded the car and drove towards the direction of the rebel camp, but not long after they set off, Akudona, who was sitting next to him, patted him on the shoulder and motioned Rorschach to turn his head Take a look, and when Rorschach looked back following Akudona's instructions, he saw:

It was a crooked semi-cylindrical... airship?It would be too far-fetched to say that it is an airship. Seven or eight flying devices are welded to the bottom of the airship. There are two propellers at the back of the airship, and a dilapidated flag with nothing on it. , the inside of the airship was full of villagers from Pascal Village, including the children. The children held the toys repaired by 11B in their hands, and sat at the front of the airship, holding a boat made of a few iron bars. Pascal at the helm waved vigorously.

Seeing this scene, Rorschach let out a loud snort, and then ignored it.

Chapter 211 Chapter 25 The Rebel Camp

It took Rorschach and his party an hour and a half to successfully arrive at the rebel camp. It seemed that the collective consciousness of the mechanical lifeforms allowed this behavior.

The original rebel camp was in the ruins of a city, and there were no more than a hundred cyborgs in it, but now... the outer ruins are surrounded by walls made of superalloy steel. All the buildings were directly bulldozed, and hundreds of light point defenses and light artillery were installed on the wall by engineering vehicles. The entire wall is 15 meters high and two meters wide. This ancient defense facility does not carry any electronic equipment. It just relies on its own hard material and weight to block the enemy. Of course, the wall is not too long. It wraps the rebel camp in a circle, and the circumference of the circle is 800 meters.

Rorschach and his team led the androids from Pascal's village into the camp... No, in this small fortress, as soon as the vehicle stopped, A2 and another female android came up to them, and the other androids also started to move The androids in Pascal Village and some other androids without combat capabilities were sent to the basement. Although Pascal refused, according to its words, he had to pay the "Certificate of Voting", so Pascal was assigned an electromagnetic rifle.

A2 and Anne Mourning, the leader of the rebel army, Rorschach got out of the car and took a look at A2, then extended his hand to Anne Mourning, and the other party also extended his hand. The two held hands together, but Rorschach just shook them lightly. Released, he glanced around and said:

"It looks like it's well prepared here."

"It's still thanks to your help, Mr. Rorschach...I mean, Commander Rorschach," Anne Mourning changed her words immediately after seeing Rorschach's frown. At this time, Rorschach's expression changed After a little relief, he said:

"Anne Mourning, right? I've read your profile, and I've worked hard for you for so many years... Please don't shirk, persistence is also an honor to some extent."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"No, I caused you trouble. How is the situation now?" Rorschach asked, and A2 next to him also took out a projection device and put it on the ground at the right time, and began to explain for the two of them:

"According to the intelligence of the aircraft carrier Infinity War, the mechanical life forms in the entire area are now concentrated here, and there are large-scale machines, but after a few of the aircraft carrier's missiles were dropped, no more appeared."

"The Atlantis formation in the Pacific Ocean has been attacked and has successfully left the battlefield. By the way, our submarine construction base has been destroyed. It is estimated that more than [-] large machines participated in this battle..."

"I see, where is the enemy air formation?"

"Yes, the main enemy air force is searching for our submersible carrier formation in the Pacific Ocean. The enemy air units in the current area have been dispersed by the Hornet fighter jets and do not pose a threat."

"Something's wrong..." Rorschach looked at the projected map and rested his chin in thought, tapping his fingers on his face, "They want to do something, Anne Mourning, do you have any opinions?"

"I'm sorry, Commander Rorschach..."

Anne Mourning looked at Rorschach with an apologetic face, but it was not her fault, after all, it was the first time this kind of thing happened in her long fighting career, and it was the first time she learned about the mechanical life forms coming here. The logic core almost went down when the size of the army was large, but fortunately, only a few minutes later, two Jurha teams and a large number of engineering vehicles arrived here under the leadership of A2, claiming that it was the order of the human commander.

Later, when she learned that it was the human commander in front of her who was going to take the transport plane, Anne Mourning almost blurted out, "You brought the mechanical life form here?" !

"Forget it, get ready to fight, A2, how is Jurha's combat troops getting ready? Is the armor still suitable?" Rorschach turned his head and asked A2 again. A fire gauge was sent to the courier who now controls the Rebel stronghold.

A2 nodded, ready to answer Rorschach's question, and behind her, the Yurhas who had just guarded Rorschach had already replaced their power armor and connected their cores to the computer inside the armor.

"The power armor is very powerful, but the heat dissipation effect is not good. When Juerha's body is engaged in high-intensity battles, the lower body generates a lot of waste heat, and the heat dissipation effect of this type of power armor is not good."

"Okay, I see. I will modify Jurha's body and armor in the future. This battle will focus on long-range shooting. How does the heavy assault rifle feel?"

"It's very useful, Mr. Rorschach, that plasma rifle is also very useful," A2 said with a smile on his lips, and the slightly heavy rifle in the words was hanging on the girl's waist by a magnetic lock. The waist of the power armor.

Rorschach nodded, then he reached out and raised A2's chin, and said softly:

"I seem to have said, don't call me 'adult' in the future."

A2 turned her head with a reddish face, not daring to meet Rorschach's eyes, she changed in a low voice: "I mean, I'm sorry, Commander Rorschach."

"Very well, go do your own thing," Rorschach let go of A2's chin, but at this moment, Rorschach's terminal rang, and it was a communication from Imperius:

"Commander, do I need to send the ACU down?"

Luo Xia looked around, and some Jurha figures were watching him secretly, so he took a deep breath and replied in a normal tone:

"No need, my soldiers will protect my safety, I believe in their abilities."

The eyes watching him secretly disappeared, and at the same time, in Rorschach's psychic perception, the dolls here showed positive emotions in warm tones... Although Rorschach wanted Imperius to send his ACU down , especially now that he feels "less safe".

So, he converted his armor information into positioning coordinates and sent it to Israel, he knew what to do, and he was very skilled.

"Rorschach! How do you want to arrange me?" Akudona stepped forward and asked. Rorschach could feel the soldiers in front of him eager to try. He thought for a while and replied:

"I have no plans for you, just a suggestion."

"tell me the story."

"You can hunt as you please, but send me a text message before leaving this fortress, and, don't worry, as long as you are not killed instantly, I can teleport you back to the aircraft carrier. Lives are precious, Akudona ,value yourself."

"There is no need to talk about this kind of unnutritious suggestion, Rorschach, you can arrange it."

Akudona replied in this way.

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