Kelsey did not expect that she would get such a response. At that moment, she showed a blank expression mixed with disappointment, and the cat ears on her head drooped... She took a few deep breaths, and took two steps back. Get up and put down, finally, Kelsey still didn't slap him, but just pretended to be calm and said viciously:

"You still know how to apologize... You still have a little conscience!"

Forbidden Army:? ? ?

Forget it, this is not an important matter, the imperial guard turned and walked out of the city, behind him were the operators of Rhode Island, and a little further away were the shield guards and the snow monster team of the Patriots... The natural disaster has arrived, and everyone must leave here.


At the end of 1096, the integration movement collapsed, the main city of Chernobog was destroyed, and most of the residents and members of the integration movement died of natural disasters.

At the beginning of 1097, Rhodes Island and Longmen reached a secret agreement, and the two parties formally cooperated. Chen joined Rhodes Island as a guard officer and Tallulah's substitute, in exchange for Tallulah's commutation of sentence.

In March 1097, the Patriots woke up and joined Rhodes Island under Kelsey's persuasion. The next day, Froststar woke up and joined Rhodes Island six days later. The Shield Guards and the Snow Monsters joined Rhodes Island.

In April 1097, W, Rhode Island elite operator Scout and his team returned to the establishment, Muyan and his team joined Rhode Island, and Big Bob retired to the countryside.

In June 1097, Dr. La Endymion completed the research and development of the Originium laser gun, and it was officially put into production one month later.

In July 1097, W successfully assassinated Teresis, who died in a miserable state.

In September 1097, the Sarkaz began to concentrate in the Kazdale area.

On January 1098, 1, the Tower of Babel was rebuilt.

On March 1098, 3, Kazdel returned to the country, and the Demon King was officially crowned.

On March 1098, 3, the new leaders of the ancient courts of Sarkaz announced their eternal support for the crowning of the great Amia as King of Kazdel.

In April 1098, the Ursus Intervention Army was established.

In July 1098, the Ursus intervention army was wiped out.

In December 1098, Kazdel announced that the research on the cure of ore disease has been greatly advanced. After using the cheap inhibitory medicine produced by Kazdel, patients with mild disease can survive for 12 years without large-scale use of Originium technology.

In January 1098, the Colombian Commonwealth supported by Rhine Life united with several surrounding countries to form a joint intervention army.

In June 1098, the United Intervention Army was destroyed. There were rumors that the Sarkaz began to use a beam source stone weapon that could erode armor. Although Black Steel International and several other forces obtained gun samples, they found that the cost of imitation was extremely high. High, and finally give up.

At the beginning of 1100, the Ursas Empire was destroyed, and the Ursas Republic was established with the support of the Kazdel Kingdom. The two sides carried out technological and economic exchanges and formed an offensive and defensive alliance.

At the end of 1100, Kazdel launched an attack under the pretense that Victoria had sheltered the former regent of Kazdel, Theresis.

At the beginning of 1101, Victoria surrendered and reorganized as the Victorian Republic, joining the Kazdel-Ursus offensive and defensive alliance.

At the end of 1101, Kazdel and Dayan signed a Longmen contract in Longmen, and Dayan joined the offensive and defensive alliance at this point.

At the beginning of 1102, the Yao Knight returned to Casimir and was officially crowned as the King of Knights. Casimir joined the offensive and defensive alliance, and 80.00% of the capitalists were hung on the street lamps.

At the end of 1102, after three months of confrontation between Sargon and the offensive and defensive alliance, Sargon joined the offensive and defensive alliance.

At the end of 1105, except for Agor, all forces on the land of Terra reached a unity.

On January 1106, 1, the Federation of Terra was established, and King Amiya of the Kingdom of Kazdel became the President of the Federation for a term of 1 years and could be re-elected.

In June 1106, the Federation of Terra officially announced that it had successfully cured the ore disease.

At the beginning of 1107, Agor asked for help from the Terra Federation, and the latter started the first five-year plan while helping Agor resist the attack of Haizi.

At the end of 1109, the first rocket of the Federation of Terra was successfully launched, but failed to break through the cloud of origin stone dust surrounding the planet.

At the end of 1112, the 67th rocket of the Federation of Terra was successfully launched, successfully breaking through the cloud of source stone dust.

At the end of 1118, a huge fleet arrived at the outskirts of the planet Terra... Custodian, La Endymion, doctor, he is going home.

But before heading home, one more thing to deal with:

Tallulah, who claims to be responsible for the Three Kingdoms, will always be the first choice of careerists. For the Terra Federation, it is an unstable factor that may cause social unrest in the future, but based on Chen Huijie's contribution, so...

She can choose to live forever in a house under house arrest no more than [-] square meters in the future, or she can choose to be exiled——

"You will be exiled to the past time, become a time traveler, a ghost that will never be observed, and can only watch everything that happens in the world with your eyes... You can change the timeline, but that's also It cannot affect what has happened now, that is to say, the moment you change something, the timeline has already changed, and that will be another timeline, which cannot affect the present."

"At the same time, the moment you change the time, you will disappear in the torrent of time forever. No one knows your existence, and no one knows what you have changed."

"Now, since you have chosen to be exiled, as a commendation of Ms. Chen Huijie's contribution, the Time Management Tribunal of the Joint Headquarters allows you to choose a time, let's talk."

Tallula, who had been imprisoned for a long time, lowered her head and squeezed out a sentence between her teeth:

"1095, July 12."

That snowy night! ! !

The snowy night in Usas was cold. Alina clutched her wound and retreated under a tree. She looked at the mob of infected people who surrounded her, smiled wryly, and closed her eyes. The massive blood loss made her Her eyes began to dim, pain and fatigue, cold and blood loss were taking away her consciousness:

She was going to die here, Alina knew it clearly.

But when she died, what would Tallulah do?What should everyone in the integrated movement do?What will happen in the future?

Alina closed her eyes, but death did not come.

The sound of the blade piercing into flesh and blood, the scream made the deer shiver subconsciously, followed by the muffled sound of flames detonating, but it seemed to be the cracking sound of wood blocks after being roasted by the fire, but when the sound gradually disappeared, Bai Xue Landing on her shoulders, Alina carefully opened her eyes—

There was nothing in front of him, only the corpses of those thugs, the corpses that had been pierced, hacked, and charred by the blades. The death conditions of these corpses were so miserable, as if the perpetrators had some deep hatred for these people.


Familiar taste.

Familiar feeling.


"Why... am I so sad?"

Alina found that tears were dripping from the corners of her eyes. She wiped them away with her sleeves, but found that the sadness in her heart was lingering like the cold earth.

Eventually, she burst into tears and curled up in a small ball in the snow.

In the distance, Tallulah's voice came:

"Alina, where are you—"

Chapter 92 Harry Potter and the Bolt Gun ([-])

Gloucestershire, England, at night.

An old man with a gray beard and a strange robe was walking on the deserted street. He walked silently on the street, but when he passed a low brick wall, the old man turned his head to face the tabby cat squatting on the wall said:

"I feel a powerful force occupying the Dursleys' house. Maybe the owner of this force can answer the mystery of Harry Potter's disappearance for us."

The tabby cat jumped forward and turned into a serious lady. The latter wore a pair of glasses, and the pattern on the face of the cat before was very similar to the glasses. After exhaling lightly, Hogwarts Minerva McGonagall, vice-principal of Cici, said with some concern:

"This morning, just coming here feels like I've stepped into an ice cave! And there's also a sense of oppression from thick stone slabs pressing against you from all directions...Albus, you have to be careful."

"It is true that you should be careful, but he doesn't seem to have done anything to you, he just gave a simple warning."

"Maybe it's a warning," Professor McGonagall said with a wry smile, "but that kind of warning almost made my heart stop beating..."

"Then, let's visit him in a formal way, although it is not suitable at night," said the white-bearded old man with a smile, but he had his wand in his hand.

A few minutes later, the current headmaster of Hogwarts, the great white wizard, Albus Dumbledore, came to the door of Vernon Dursley's house, reached out and knocked on the door, and the door slowly opened by itself , revealing the living room and the tall figure in the living room:

A giant, to be precise, is a tall human being with extremely well-developed muscles. When he moves slightly, he can see the muscle lines swimming like a giant python. As the giant stands up from the sofa, Dumbledore Only then did Lido and Mag see clearly the height of this strong man, which was close to three meters!

"Say, what's the matter?"

This muscular big muscle bully looked very upset, he frowned, lowered his head, and said coldly:

"I'm just enjoying my hard-earned vacation. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave now. My temper is much more irritable than you can imagine."

"Er... we... come to Harry Potter... this gentleman... you know..."

Even a well-informed great wizard has never seen such a situation. If you say that this man is a giant, then his outrageously strong "magic power" can bind himself to a certain first Dark Lord. Hanging and beating together, but you say he is a wizard... Does your wizard have such fucking muscles? !

What the hell is this?This is no longer a human being, but a simple muscle aggregate!

"The boy named Harry Potter has been missing for a year..."

Dumbledore considered his words, but the strong man in front of him frowned even deeper, and his next words made the two long-famous wizards completely at a loss:

"Harry Potter? Sir, I am Harry Potter!"

As he said that, the strong man pointed to the lightning scar on his head, which became longer and longer with his growth and transformation, and now the end of the lightning had extended to his eyelids.

Professor McGonagall stretched out her fingers tremblingly, first pointing to Harry, and then pointing to the lightning scar on his head. She opened her mouth wide and looked at Dumbledore, only to find that the latter also looked dazed and shocked. It looks...Professor Maomao suddenly felt a little dizzy.


"Have a hot drink to make you feel better."

"Thank you," Professor McGonagall sat on the sofa at the Dursleys' house, held a cup of hot tea with both hands, sipped it after blowing carefully a few times, while Dumbledore sat next to her, Looking at the strong man in front of him suspiciously, he asked:

"What the hell happened during this year? Harry, why did you..."

"I've spent decades in other worlds, and now I'm just coming back for vacation to check if the whole planet is under any threat," the brawny man sat back on his special sofa, reached for a popular novel, casually flipped open.

"For decades... what did you do there?"

Professor McGonagall asked with concern, she is different from Dumbledore, the latter thinks more and farther, but for this sharp-mouthed Gryffindor headmaster, whether a child is doing well or not is her responsibility. Caring first.

"Oh, learn psionics, clean up the garbage that enslaves and oppresses intelligent races, and finally fights some powerful enemies. Generally speaking, it's okay."


Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore looked at each other, and then Dumbledore asked in a gentle tone:

"Harry, listen to me, your parents..."

"Killed, I know," Harry looked very flat, he pointed to his scar, "a piece of that guy's soul has been pulled out, and it should still be in the specimen jar as the Thousand Sons Exhibit for recruits."

This sentence made Dumbledore frowned deeply. He looked at Harry's face and said seriously:

"Please tell me more about this matter."

"It's impossible."


After Professor McGonagall finished his third cup of black tea and ate two baked crispy biscuits, Dumbledore and Harry finally ended their discussion and finally figured out what happened during these days .

After pondering for a while, Dumbledore said:

"Although it's a bit presumptuous, can I invite you to Hogwarts?"

"What am I doing there?" Harry shook his head, he picked up an envelope from the small table next to the sofa and threw it to Dumbledore, saying angrily:

"Do I still have to go to class with those 11-year-old brats?"

"Of course not," Dumbledore smiled in the blue eyes behind his half-moon eyes, "I would like to ask you to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, oh, of course, in case you have any difficulties, I will Will hire a teaching assistant for you, what do you think?"

"...It's interesting, let's talk about it in detail," Harry closed the book and was sitting up. He originally planned to come back to take a rest and deal with his private affairs, but he didn't expect to find the surrounding and even the whole world on the first day back. There are many "psychics" all over the world. Of course, they are called "wizards" here.

Thinking about it now, if I hadn't been taken away by the pharmacist of the angry warrior, I would have become a wizard by now... In other words, the souls of the psykers on this planet are too stable, although due to the extremely weak For this reason, their soul light in the subspace is not bright, but they can also be called qualified psykers——

Wouldn't it be better to pick a few people from this group to serve as think tanks?I didn't see the head of the Vorias think tank of the Wrath Warriors Chapter, because the think tank didn't have enough recruits, he was frowning every day, and he didn't even apply hair restorer... let alone the Thousand Sons Legion, although they have non-psychics However, if they return to the Imperial Universe in the future, they will definitely need qualified think tanks to go back. Besides, even auxiliary troops need psykers.

If a formal psyker training academy is established on this planet...

A well-known strong think tank of big muscles in the Wrath Warriors, a fanatic of bolt guns, Harry Potter had a smile on his face:

"Okay, I promise."

Chapter 93 Harry Potter and the Bolt Gun ([-])

a few days later.

Hogwarts, Freshman Entrance Ceremony (Why did I type a new recruit into the team when I was typing...).

Hermione Granger, who was sorted into Gryffindor, said to Ron Weasley sitting next to her:

"I heard that there will be a new teacher coming, it seems to be... the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Um, isn't the person sitting at the professor's row of desks wearing this weird turban the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"He's a teaching assistant!" Hermione glared at the boy, "Didn't you listen to Headmaster Dumbledore?!"

"Okay, okay, don't get excited," Ron swallowed, and immediately began to appease the irritable little beaver. At the same time, he also cursed in his heart:

If any guy marries you, wouldn't his family status in the future be lower than that of goblins?

Of course, he dare not say this now, nor will he dare to say it in the future...

On the professor's seat, Dumbledore looked at his watch, turned his head and said to McGonagall:

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