The Gothic Glory lay sideways, and just when the enemy fleet began to engage the Infinity War and the Steel Soul, the heavy cruiser chosen by Speyer happened to be in a near-perfect shooting position. ——The Emperor's Wrath unleashed from the Gothic Glory was completely hammered on the heavy cruiser, and the latter's hull armor turned into a shimmering cloud, in which sparks and electric snakes scattered and fled .

"Stupid," Speyer said with a sneer, "traitors are always like this, blindfolded by so-called honor and victory, they only see the biggest and strongest one, tsk, orcs... Lightspear, send that heavy cruiser to hell!"

"Um, Admiral Speyer, our angry fighters are like this too..." Sergeant Gower said awkwardly.

Speyer: "..."

After taking a deep breath, Speyer focused on the battle in front of him. He now needed to ensure the survival of his battleship, and he had no time to confront these strange Astartes warriors.But then again, Wrath Warrior?Sure enough... the one-winged angel has returned, and it seems that he intends to do something with the Order of the Circle.

And here is Macragge, home to the Empire's only sleeping Primarch, the homeworld of the Ultramarines.

Think again why the traitors are here.

Looks like I've gotten into something serious... Never mind, I'm born to be troubled.

After thinking about it, Speyer began to command the battleship:

"Adjust the course and face the enemy ship head-on!"

Since the Emperor wants to punish me for my absence, it seems like a good time to start...

"Even a flying stone in the battle between giants will affect the final result," Speyer put his hands on the exquisitely crafted railings of the high platform, and his words will be clearly conveyed to the ears of every crew member Here, "We shall be the flying stones that shatter our bones, in the name of the Emperor, in the name of the Gothic fleet, my crew, my pride, let us destroy those rebels, as eight centuries As before!"


After speaking, Speyer looked forward and ordered loudly:

"full speed--"

"and many more."

Sergeant Gower's voice sounded, and his voice made Speyer turn his head in dissatisfaction, his eyes seemed to say, "When everyone is in high spirits, what are you talking about, you can't read the air, you Canned food" and so on.

"You don't need to make your thoughts so obvious, Admiral Speyer," Sergeant Gower took off his helmet, his face was full of excitement, but more serious, "Look at the front, Admiral Spier, the game is changing."

Speyer frowned, he didn't look straight ahead, but looked at his adjutant, who immediately reported:

"There is a response similar to the Nova Cannon ahead, but according to our collection of weapon information on the Mechanical Ark, the effective range of the Nova Cannon will not involve us..."

"Slow down, Admiral Speyer, this is not a joke, I don't want to die," Sergeant Gower said with a smile, but he soon saw the expression on Speyer's face, "Hey, what are you doing?" The expression, hey, why do you have the expression of 'you didn't do that just now', I have tolerated you for a long time!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent tremor swept over. Amidst the tremor of the battleship, Speyer looked forward——

A black hole has appeared in the middle of the Word Bearers fleet!

The powerful suction tore the armor of the battleship, peeling it off piece by piece, like peeling an onion, and those smaller battleships were directly twisted and thrown into the black hole, turning into nothingness fragments!

Even with the engine thrust of the battleship, they barely escaped, and in the next second, they suffered a joint attack from the aircraft carrier Infinity War and the Steel Soul, and the fighters and bombers projected by quantum teleportation swept the two Word Bearers like locusts. Battleships, macro cannons and light spears never stopped attacking!

"For the Emperor's sake, a black hole?! So close?!"

cried Speyer, who immediately called to the helmsman:

"Maximum engine output, we move forward sideways, the side macro guns are ready, and the light spears strike at will!"

"Praise the Ohm Messiah, praise the principle of the circle, praise the great sage Belisarius Kaul! He really deserves to be the great sage of our Order of the Circle!" The mechanical priest from the Order of the Circle used A voice higher than Speyer shouted, "Admiral! We can sail forward, and I think you can reap the results of a battleship today!"

"I do not want!"

Speyer clung to the railing tightly, he felt like his whole heart was going to jump out of his mouth, but fortunately, the black hole didn't last long, after swallowing those small warships that couldn't escape, it was like a full meal The wild beasts retracted into the cave and disappeared, only pieces of warship fragments that had not been sucked in shimmered under the light of the stars.

"It looks like this skirmish is coming to an end, Admiral Speyer," said Sergeant Gower, with some regret on his face. No glory in sinking an enemy battleship."

Speyer: "..."

Emperor... If you really want to punish me... It would be too cruel to let me die of a heart attack caused by excessive shock...

Thinking of this, Speyer turned his head to look at the excited Priest of the Circle Order, and asked:

"Excuse me, what does it cost to get an artificial heart?"

Chapter 838 Chapter 640 Seventh Response of the Word Bearers

The loss of the two battleships was no small loss, even for the Word Bearers, who had assembled the largest fleet since the Heresy, but they were not entirely unprepared—

With the help of the Chaos Gods, coupled with the evil witchcraft after sacrificing their souls, the Word Bearers created a warp storm that enveloped the Macragge galaxy. Blocked by the storm, the giant stargate connecting the Macragge galaxy to Terra is in another galaxy.

Kill the astropaths before the battle begins, use human souls on the surface of the planet to create a subspace storm, and block reinforcements... There are not many ways to invade chaos, but they are all extremely effective.

"Dark Bishop, the squadron we sent has been wiped out."

A Word Bearer walked into the bridge of the Blessed Lady Abyss Fury-class battleship, and said to Cole Pharon, who was standing in the center of the bridge, that the place is full of creeping darkness and sneaky shadows. The battleship that has been wandering in space for a long time has long been eroded by chaos, and the interior has become more maze-like and terrifying. Starting from the bow to the stern of the ship will even make a person directly from youth to old age, and what is worse is And it could turn into something else nasty.

If any slave in the battleship can survive a month or not undergo any mutations, that is the luckiest of luck, and he is often chosen by the Word Bearers as the best material for rituals.

"Then let Erebus deal with it. Anyway, it's a warship sent by both of us together." Cole Phaeron finished his prayer and turned to face the Word Bearer who walked in. "Our task It is to maintain the warp space storm and stop the reinforcements of those false imperial slaves, if Erebus can't deal with those two battleships..."

"My lord, there are three ships. There is a Lord-class battlecruiser spit out by the warp space storm. It seems that it has been wandering in the warp space for a long time, and among the three ships is the Infinity War, the one-winged angel. of the ship."

"Three ships?" Cole Farren thought for a while, "Then tell Erebus that the Piece Wing Angel only brought three warships, and one of them has been damaged. If it wasn't for me, I would let the blessed The Lady maintains the Warp Storm, otherwise this glory and victory would not have been his."

"Yes, Dark Bishop."

Seeing the Word Bearer begin to command the severely mutated communicators in the ship to send out communications, Cole Pharon lowered his eyes slightly, and while singing the praises of the gods in a low voice, a trace of love for Erebus rose in his heart. of contempt.

Erebus wants everything, and the result is nothing. In the past, he dominated the corruption of Horus and won the favor of Lorgar and the gods, but he also quickly corrupted Sanguinius. He failed and was reprimanded and attacked by the Primarch and Horus. During these ten thousand years, this unscheming guy pulled up an army to compete with himself for the dominance of the Word Bearers Legion.He couldn't understand the thoughts of the gods, and now he was crawling at Lorgar's feet like a wild dog, hoping to get a share of praise.

How stupid... What really needs to be served is not Lorgar, but the Gods of Chaos. Only the Gods of Chaos can give people strength and eternity!

Lorgar?Lorgar is nothing but a useless thing raised by me!

The deep chants gradually became high-pitched, and Cole Pharon began to rejoice in his bright future.


"What a stupid old thing, who does he think he is?!"

Erebus yelled furiously on the bridge of his flagship. He casually killed two trembling sailors. The headless corpse lay limp on the ground, and was dragged away by some demons that "lived" inside the battleship. After eating, the whole bridge echoed with the happy hum of the beast eating flesh, which made the other crew members on the bridge shrink their necks or other mutated limbs.

After Erebus shook off the blood on his hands, he felt better. He turned to look at the adjutant standing by, and said with a sneer:

"Winged Angel's battleship has been confirmed to be observed?"

"Observed, my lord," the adjutant of the Word Bearers tilted his head slightly, and a crew member below immediately nodded quickly, and then the adjutant continued:

"It was indeed the aircraft carrier Infinity War that appeared when we were besieging Terra. This warship caused us a lot of trouble at that time, and Cole Farren threw this trouble at us to see our jokes. Weaken our fleet."

"Huh... that despicable old thing," Erebus looked down at the galaxy map on the projection platform, and after a little thought, he clicked on a few battleships above and said:

"Remove the suppression fleet against the Pseudo Emperor Slave Fleet, concentrate the fleet resources on fighting against the Winged Angels, and transfer some of the fleet that escorts the Lady Blessed, and let them suppress the enemy fleet and orbit in the Macragge galaxy Starport."

"This will weaken the defenses of the Blessed Lady, and the Warp Storm is being maintained on it..."

"No problem, no one can pass through that level of warp space storm, unless it is the Queen of Glory class battleship, but now," Erebus looked at the Lady Glory class in the projection that was fighting the Word Bearers fleet Battleship, a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth, "The Glory of Macragge is still here, and the Queen of Glory class of the other Astartes mother regiments are fighting in other star areas, and no one is free to come. Besides, there is an extra ship." What about the Queen of Glory class battleship? Can she bring warriors to fight tens of thousands of Word Bearers?"

"Our current enemy is not the one-winged angel. No matter how strong the latter is, it is only at the level of a Primarch. We have already prepared sacrifices to summon several big demons here. It is no problem to delay it for a while."

Erebus stretched out his hand to enclose the projection of the aircraft carrier Infinity War, put her in the palm of his hand and looked at her carefully, and continued:

"The real enemy is Kor Phaeron and those who try to usurp the Primarch and the gods to watch us. The real enemy is within the Word Bearers Legion. My adjutant, you must understand this clearly."

"You are right, my lord, but I am still a little worried," the adjutant echoed. He also looked at the projection of the Infinity War aircraft carrier, and then expressed his worries, "How should we deal with the transmission of the winged angel?" Raid? That warship has defeated many opponents in the past with such quick maneuvers."

"This is indeed a problem... But his fleet is not here," Erebus said with a smile on his face, "We can spread the news and let the Winged Angel know that it is Cole Pharon who is maintaining Asia Space Storm, when he tries to charge in, we have to quickly attack or interfere with that warship. Although the Infinity War is powerful, it is impossible to destroy our huge fleet, even in one It doesn't have any advantage against a pair of Abyss Fury-class battleships, after all, she is just a battleship that is slightly stronger than the battleship class."

"We're going to use Cole Phaeron as the bait, and concentrate our superior force on this bone!"


"The subspace storm blocked our way. If we sail at sub-light speed, the war may be over by the time we arrive... Elder Saul, Elder Canaan, what are your opinions?"

"Concentrate the most elite fighters on the Emperor's Pride, let's rush in!"


Chapter 839 Chapter 640 The Battle of the Steel Soul

The three battleships, Infinity War, Steel Soul, and Gothic Glory headed towards Macragge, but on the way, Infinity War entered the vicinity of Macragge's planetary orbit through a short-distance teleportation, directly orbiting Pass the Word Bearers' blockade and battle the Macragge fleet!

This sudden scene caught the Word Bearers, and even the friendly Macragge fleet by surprise.

Except for Erebus, he is very happy. After all, in this case, he only needs to deal with a mechanical ark and a lord-class battlecruiser, and the lord-class battlecruiser will soon leave the team. The Kurag fleet converges.

Such a situation is much better than being fooled by that Infinity Warship, especially that Mechanical Ark often has a lot of good things on it, if you can find STC or fragments to trade with those guys from the Dark Mechanicus... …

Thinking of this, Erebus became extremely motivated. After throwing Rorschach's troubles to the Word Bearers fleet that blocked the planet, he enthusiastically mobilized some warships to protect the Blessed Lady to join him. During the siege of the Steel Soul——

"Father Duranda-34, you come to take over the command of the Steel Soul, just don't let us be sunk halfway."

The great sage Belisarius Kaur said boredly, and he turned around, apparently intending to leave the bridge.

"Great Sage!" The high-ranking priest who took over the command said in a deep voice, his highly modified eyes glowed red, "Two questions, do you need to take into account your next actions in battle, and, what can I do?" To what extent?"

"I'm going to make preparations before the start of the experiment. Don't worry about me. As for how can do whatever you want, Father Duranda-34. I didn't transfer you from the construction corps so that you Those cowards on holy Mars babble like that!"

"Yes, as you wish, Great Sage."

Father Duranda responded flatly, but there were thousands of binary codes of joy in his heart. As a member of the Order of the Circle, he also longed to unleash the destructive power of the Om Messiah on the heads of the traitors !

This longing has been suppressed in my heart for too long. You must know that Father Duranda has stamped his seal in the Construction Corps for about ten years. I don’t know how many times he said “can be delivered” or “welcome to pick up the equipment.” , This pain of not being able to go to the battlefield tortures every priest of the Circle Order like Father Duranda!

The current Order of the Circle is mainly divided into three parts, one part is the construction corps, which mainly builds giant star gates and provides various weapons and equipment for the Astartes battle group. However, due to the existence of Tzeentch, the construction of star gates often requires a Many centuries of blessing and observation can be put into use, otherwise there will be dire consequences... This also led to complaints from the priests and sages who carried out the production and construction. Report in a daze.

The second part is the Exploration Fleet. Although the Circus Order is not a high proportion of the entire Mechanicus, it has dispatched an extremely large Exploration Fleet. Explore on the edge of the astronomical torch, and often even rush into those dark areas, and these daring exploration fleets often only return one or two battleships, but they will bring back countless novel knowledge and star maps.

"Want ancient technology? Do you want endless wealth and resources? It's all there, beyond the light of the astronomical torch, go find it! Ohm Messiah and the theory of the circle put everything in There!"

These are the words of a great sage of the Order of the Circle who returned from the dark area in the past, and he himself died of an unknown data virus, and his knowledge was sealed in the deepest part of the Order of the Circle.But this discourse inspired the enthusiasm of the Order of the Circle and other Adepts of Mechanics to explore the unknown world, and even the Rogue Traders and the Imperial Colonial Team began to be interested in the marginal world.

The last part is to follow the destruction fleet of the imperial army. As the fighting faction among the fighting factions, the Circle Order has developed to be very rich in martial arts, and any technology that can be used as a weapon has been applied to the battlefield. Moreover, the sages and priests in the Destruction Fleet were even more delighted to hear the battle, and they specially chose those complicated and cruel battlefields to fight, such as the siege of Vraks that was still going on.

And Priest Duranda-34, who has been in every part of the Order of the Circle for a period of time, was favored by the Great Sage Kaur because of his excellent resume, and he was allowed to work under his command until today.

Under the command of Father Duranda, the Steel Soul began to change course, heading towards the edge of the Macragge galaxy. Thanks to its powerful engines, the Steel Soul gradually opened the distance from the Word Bearers warship, forcing the enemy to The fleet began to appear disjointed... This is normal, although the rebels have powerful and ancient warships, it is difficult to get perfect maintenance, and the actual performance often declines.

Before being able to suppress the Imperial Navy, it was also possible to rely on surprise attacks, high-level warships that were sufficient to suppress the Imperial Navy in the area in a short period of time, and the Chaos Astartes jumping gang, and there were often methods such as Chaos Corruption and Warp Space Storm before the attack. auxiliary.

Steel Soul gracefully dodged a round of torpedo fire, while the macro cannons and light spears of the Word Bearers Fleet could hardly shake the thick void shield on the Mechanical Ark. If you want to tame or hunt such a giant beast, you must do it well. Prepare to sacrifice, but on the contrary, when the giant beast starts to fight back, even the hunters in large numbers will feel afraid——

The macro cannon of the mechanical ark began to roar, and every burst of heavy light spear seemed to make the void shield on the Word Bearers battleship start to burn. The extreme light and heat released the power of destruction to the fullest, and the macro that followed immediately The cannon shells directly smashed into the void shields of some small and medium warships, tearing their armor into pieces and turning them into shining clouds.

Naturally, the Word Bearers would not just watch their warships being destroyed. Among them, several large warships with fast speeds let their engines spit out blood-red tail flames frantically, and the warships were accelerated to a terrifying speed in a short period of time. However, those slaves in the ship who were not blessed by Chaos or who had poor physical fitness died completely in this acceleration, and their souls and bodies were swallowed up by the warp space creatures around them, but the Word Bearers who commanded the battleship They don't care.

When approaching the Steel Soul, the Word Bearer battleship immediately released the Hell Dragon and rushed towards the Mechanical Ark, while the Word Bearers and other blasphemous things carried on the battleship were riding against the gunfire and anti-aircraft turrets in jump gangs. The torpedo rushed to the Steel Soul!

Not only that, but at the moment Steel Soul's void shield broke, these large Word Bearers warships immediately released lightning strikes on it, and twenty Word Bearers Chaos Terminator were teleported into the Mechanical Ark... This was an unstoppable assault by the warships of the Imperial Navy, not even the battle barges of the Chapter Astartes could stand against so many Chaos Astartes!


"Wake up, Alpha Primus! I need you and the warriors created from your template!"

Two thousand and one hibernation chambers opened, and two thousand and one warriors who were taller than the current Astartes slowly opened their eyes.

Chapter 840 Chapter 640 Chapter [-] Battle of Steel Soul

Something is wrong... something is wrong with this mechanical ark!

Something is eating us!

"...!...! The third team jump...?!"

A former leader of the Word Bearers warband frowned and called the nearest jumping unit in the communication, but he could only hear a little rustling echo in the communicator, the latter had disappeared like nothing left. Any trace, and the Word Bearers leader's squad had no Chaos Sorcerers, nor the daemons that infested the battleship, was a "pure" Astartes force.

In other words, in this case, he can only obtain information through more traditional means.

"Was it wiped out by the sage of the ring?" A Word Bearer said aloud, "The priests and sages of the Order of the Circle are hard stubble, if Yuri hadn't ordered us to obey... Now, there is no point in saying this now, your order?"

"Let's meet up with other people first. After entering this mechanical ark, we hardly encountered any normal humans. They were all mechanized soldiers and mechanized servants with weird weapons."

The leader of the Word Bearers said this, and he instinctively felt that something was wrong... After all, there is never a shortage of crew members on an imperial warship, whether it is a ship of the Mechanicum, a ship of the Imperial Navy, or even a civilian ship. So, but now on this mechanical ark, it is completely different.

The neat and bright ship corridors extend deeper and turn to the left and right at the end of the line of sight. This is the most common sight in this battleship, but it gives the chaotic Aspen of this Word Bearers team The Tateers engender an indescribable terror.

"Long enough delays...go on and find talking humans or other jumping troops."

The leader of the Word Bearers swallowed, and walked forward first, while the Word Bearers behind him looked at each other and followed suit.

But before they took a few steps, a figure slowly came out from the left side at the end of the corridor, holding a head in his hand—a human head that had mutated and grown horns.The bottom of the skull that was fixed on the frightened face was still connected with a hideous and twisted spine, as if someone had pinched the head and pulled it out of the body forcibly!

Pure white walls, gray figures, and bright red blood.


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