"Jie ha ha ha... Even if I die in this sea, I will let my reputation as a golden lion remain in this world forever, and be remembered by everyone!" The golden lion said with pride.

The corner of his mouth raised, and he said domineeringly and confidently: "If you can't die vigorously, is being a pirate just to pursue gold and women?"

Kaido also interjected, and said happily: "Yes, my dream is to start the biggest war in the world!"

"as well as..."

"Witness that the boss of Ares has become the strongest creature in the world!"

The last three all looked at Ares in unison.

Ares looked at the setting sun at the end of the coastline in the distance, and said with a smile: "Of course my dream is to make myself a famous sword that surpasses the supreme sword!!"

"Use my name to create a legend..."

"Even to create an era..."

"An era called "Ares"!!!"

Chapter 76 Pyrotechnic Forging: Powerful Resilience

This is the world called "Old Age" by later generations.

It was also a glorious period when the dreams of countless people intertwined and collided.

It must be a bright and exciting era! !

The Rocks Pirates, the most powerful pirates in this sea, carry the dreams of many people to ride the wind and waves in this sea, and sail forward without hesitation.


Ares didn't drink too much alcohol, restrained himself, and his strong recovery ability caused his alcohol consumption to rise.

Moon stars are rare.

The hazy white moonlight poured over the earth, bringing a bit of vague beauty to this world.

After saying goodbye to Whitebeard, Golden Lion and Kaido.

He came to the training room alone again.

"You must cherish every minute and every second to strengthen yourself, so that you can realize your dreams as soon as possible, and have the power to change and surpass Captain Rocks."

Ares understands that although he has obtained the "Phantom Beast · Azure Dragon Form", his strength has been greatly improved.

However, the strength has not surpassed the Golden Lion, White Beard and others.

Not to mention the most powerful "Captain Rocks" among the pirates.

As usual, he picked up an iron rod from the shelf.


Ares turned on the "Dragon Man Form", took a deep breath, puffed his cheeks and sprayed fire on his left arm!

The high-temperature flames scorched the scale-covered arms.

Chi Chi~!

Chi Chi~!

The burning pain is completely different from the beating pain, it is more terrifying and uncomfortable!

Ten seconds!

50 seconds!


Two hundred seconds!

The pain became more and more severe, and beads of sweat the size of marbles appeared on Ares's youthful face.

Enduring the severe pain, he couldn't shut up either.

Once closed, the flame will disappear.

5 minutes!


15 minutes!

The blue scales that originally covered Ares' arms turned black and red, and a burning smell began to permeate the training room.

He immediately hit the roasted left arm with the iron rod in his right hand.


boom! !


The severe pain stimulated Ares' pain-sensing nerves, and the veins on his face protruded from the ferocious dragon's face because of the severe pain.

The skin all over his body began to turn red, and the blood flowed crazily in his body.

Sweat rained down.

If it weren't for the powerful recovery ability brought by the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit, Ares really wouldn't dare to try such a "cruel" training method in a short time.

Fortunately, several years of persistent training, coupled with the re-merging of part of the soul will, made his will stronger.

He also forcibly endured Heyang's inhuman pain!

Without hard work, there will be no fruit reaped.



The increasingly intense pain still made Ares unable to bear the sound of gasping.

Left arm, right arm, chest, left leg, right leg...

The night is deep.

Ares can only judge the current time with his own biological clock.

The skin under the scales curled up due to loss of moisture, and even the fine hairs were burned away.

The entire training process lasted for two or three hours, and no one knew how Ares persisted in such unimaginable pain.

With a scorching smell all over his body, Ares returned to his room.

He was so exhausted that he didn't even take a bath, and his current state was not suitable for a bath, so he lay straight on the ground and fell asleep.

The strong recovery ability made his new skin smoother, more shiny, and firmer.


The next day.

When Ares woke up, he also noticed the changes on his body, like a snake, shedding its skin! !

He stared at his palms with wide eyes, and even the thick calluses disappeared completely.

A strong surprise appeared on his face, "Is this the powerful resilience brought by the phantom beast devil fruit?!"

"It's a real treasure!!!"

In his memory, there is only Marco, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the phoenix Marco, and the form of the phantom beast, the Great Buddha, possessed by the Admiral of the Buddha Warring States.

This is the phantom beast devil fruit he knows.

As for what happened after the top war, he didn't know.

"This strong resilience is much stronger than I thought!" Ares was happy from the bottom of his heart. "In this way, my body will continue to exercise and grow faster."

Excitedly pinching the hard skin, even the muscles have increased a little bit.

Full of enthusiasm! ! !

The effect of pyrotechnic forging is indeed much stronger than the training effect brought by simply hitting with an iron rod, which is naturally due to the abnormal ability of the phantom beast.

"Now I'm a big step closer to my dream, so..."

"What is lacking now is continuous training and fighting!"

All the foundations for success are already in place, and the only thing left is perseverance - hard work! !

Ares's strong and powerful body exudes a vigorous vitality unique to this age.

The sweat exchanged for youth will eventually have a successful day.

Take a shower.

He washed off the scorched skin on his body last night, and took off his dark skin, but it didn't change into the white and clean Xiaosheng, but the color like gold leaf.

yellow! ! !

This color appeared on Ares's bulging muscles and streamlined body, reducing the ghost-like aura, but adding a sense of strength and beauty.

Called the "Golden Ratio"!

After taking a bath, Ares felt very comfortable all over, so cool!

Started daily training.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Ares also has a better understanding of his own devil fruit ability.

And today.

He did not go to the training room, but took a few iron bars and followed Wang Zhi to the pier.

Wang Zhi said earnestly on the sidelines: "Aris, you must not act without authorization when you meet the enemy this time, and you must obey the command!"

He was really worried that Ares would rush forward again this time.

Lessons learned from the past, he is really worried.

I'm afraid that Ares will come up with some "moth" again.

"I am already very strong now. Let me meet the world destroyer Bondy Wald or Vice Admiral Garp again, and I will definitely not lose!" Ares said confidently.

He also gave a good reason: "What's more, Shiji is with us this time, and you and Silver Ax are also there?"

Wang Zhi's face froze, and he said again: "Then you must obey the command, and withdraw when you have to!"

"Then when you meet an enemy, you must arrange a stronger opponent for me." Ares made his request to Wang Zhi.

"Okay, okay..."

Wang Zhi reluctantly agreed that the current Ares even surpassed him in strength.

The two also quickly arrived at the pier.

A huge pirate ship is also waiting for them.

Ares looked at the boundless blue sea, feeling agitated, "The future One Piece Gore D. Roger..."

"Let the fate of this world change from me, Ares!!"


Today's fourth update, adding a new chapter, yesterday's book friends really gave a lot of help.

But it only adds up to more than 100 points, and there is only one update.

For 3000 people, one power generation per person adds up to three more chapters.

Cough cough... Take it easy, I'm afraid I won't be able to take it too much.

Continue to ask for a wave of power generation and evaluation, don't hold back, just send them out.

I have replied to all the gift messages, thank you for your support!

Kowtow online.



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