“The taste of thanks...”

Tanjiro twitched his nose.

He smelled gratitude from Shangxian San's body.Looking at Brother Su Can, he pouted his lips and glanced at Yiwozuo, who was not moving.

Put away the sun wheel knife.

Walking towards them lazily.

"It's over! Let me... go to hell right away."

Yiwozuo's body slowly turned into fly ash and gradually dissipated... Purgatory Xingshourou, Butterfly Ninja and the others showed joyful expressions on their faces.

In the spiritual world, there is no longer the darkness, but in the clear and bright space, Yi... No, Komaji!

He hugged his beloved Lianxue and wept loudly.

"I'm sorry! Love Snow!!"

"It's because I didn't protect you well, and I didn't stay by your side when you needed me the most!! In the end... I didn't keep a single promise.

It's all useless to me!

please forgive me! !

Please... please forgive me! ! ! "

The cherry-colored kimono girl, with the snow flower hair ornament shaking slightly, tears of excitement and joy on her face, she hugged Komaji gently, and said softly:

"Welcome back...husband."

Chapter 79

"Whoa! Whoa—!"

The pitch-black crow hovered over the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad, and then landed in the courtyard of Ubuyashiki.

"Su Can! Succeeded to kill the third of the string!! Yiwozuo!!"

"Su Can! Succeeded to kill the third of the string!! Yiwozuo!!"

"Su Can! Succeeded to kill the third of the string!! Yiwozuo!!"

The sun is warm, the mottled tree shadows are projected on the cobblestone ground, and the flowing water of the rockery is gurgling.

Ubuyashiki held out an arm

Catch the excited crow.

Beside him were his wife Tianyin and daughter who were walking with him.

"The sky...it cleared up."


The dark clouds in Tokyo have dissipated a little, and the sun shines for a long time, and the plants in the courtyard are alive.

After a while, Yoya Yashiki said slowly:

"Su Can...he really..."

The wife Tianyin at the side could understand the joy in her husband's heart at the moment, she held out her palm, put it in his palm, and smiled slightly.


Night falls.

Somewhere in Tokyo, a child aged no more than seven or eight was wearing stockings, dark brown trousers, and a white button-down shirt.

The style of the suit is the "blue suit" that is common in schools now.

He slowly came out of a bookstore called "Yanhedao Bookstore", holding a blue book in his hand, the book was even wider than his forearm.

Walking through the long street, pedestrians passed him by.

It seemed to see some emotion on his face.

They all looked back.

The child finally walked into a brightly lit, luxurious house.The house is different from the neon traditional buildings, the roof of the western church, and the French golden handrail on the door.

Seeing him coming in, the adults in the room all praised him in unison.

There was no joy or fluctuation on his face. After the child had dealt with the adults, he walked to his room and opened the book in his hand.

The book is full of illustrations of various plants.

He read it carefully.

And as the number of pages decreased, the child's face was gradually covered with veins, and the blue-black pupils instantly turned bright red.

The pupils also changed accordingly, and beast-like vertical pupils appeared in the eye sockets.

"Blue Bana Flower!! Bana Flower!!! Where the hell!!!"

With his roar, the whole room was cracking, thin cracks climbed up the wall, and the whole room was trembling.

"Yiwoza!! I am so disappointed!!"

After finishing speaking, the child's body immediately turned into the appearance of Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, and after that, the whole room began to burn.

Not long after, the flames spread throughout the building.

But Ghost Dance Tsuji has disappeared without a trace.

In the moment of Wuyou's rage, all the winders seemed to sense something.

"Yiwozuo... is dead..."

The appearance is a six-eyed swordsman with long black sideburns and high ponytail, wearing a purple snake pattern kimono and black horse riding hakama, muttering to himself.

It could be seen that he was very angry at Yiwozuo's death.

"It's actually defeated! Yiwozuo!!"

"Didn't you once say that you want to defeat me? Give up the path to a higher realm for the dead... It really is.

How stupid! ! ! "

Tong Mo, who had met Su Can before, was sitting on a futon.

"Oh! Your Excellency Yiwozuo actually died, what a pity~ It's all because he didn't want to eat women, so he died so quickly, right?

Martial arts?

Such a weak thing. "


condition--!condition--!condition! !

White steam was blowing from the head of the train, and it passed through the fields quickly, startling a burst of birds.Through the window, you can see the scenery along the road.

Well-ordered paddy fields.

A peaceful town, along with the wind, you can still hear the voices of people chatting.

"What is the sound column doing now?"

"He? It seems to be in the Huajie area. He is investigating something."

Die Die looked at Su Can with doubts, not understanding why the other party suddenly asked Yu Mao Tianyuan...but thought of the location of the sound column.

"you will not....."

Butterfly Shinobu's gaze suddenly became very dangerous.

Su Can's scalp tingled.

"No what?"

As a person who has been in the workplace, he will not change his face when he is caught fishing... although he really wants to go to You Guo in the Taisho period to appreciate the customs and customs.

Taste the beauty's grapes...ahem, food and wine.

The main reason is that the children have never seen the world, and they really want to see the performance of Miss Huakui, and if possible, they can also chat about life with them.

"Hmph, man."

Butterfly squinted his eyes and spat secretly.

Su Can looked at the nose, nose and heart without squinting, and looked like he didn't know what Chongzhu was talking about. I'm sorry to shout, I really don't understand what you are talking about, just a little bit.

Afterwards, Su Can pondered the timeline of Ghost Slayer in his mind.

in the original plot.


Near the sunrise, Yanzhu died in battle.

Four months later, Flower Street will start, and the plot of Forging Knife Village will be within half a month of Flower Street... I don't know how Wu Mi will deal with Yiwozuo's incident.

Su Can suddenly remembered that Wu Mi can observe the memory of any ghost through cells.

Tsk, a little annoyed.

But seeing the gleaming golden box in the backpack, I felt a lot of comfort.

"Hey, what are they two doing?"

Zhuzhu was a little puzzled, turned his head sideways, stared at Su Can and Butterfly Shinobu with one eye on the hood, and then asked Zenitsu and Tanjiro next to him.

"Wow! What are you doing!!"

Tanjiro was taken aback.

My wife Shanyi's eyes turned white, and electric arcs crackled in her hair.

"The crime is serious!! The crime is serious!!!"

My wife Shanyi stared at Su Can who was talking with Die Die Ren.

Put your hand on the sun wheel knife, and lift your foot to go there.

Tanjiro hugged him immediately.

"Shanyi! Shanyi! Stop it!! People will die!!!"

"Huh? This kind of sinful person is going to be hacked to death!! Why am I sitting in the same seat with two stinky men, and next to him is a fragrant big sister!!!

kill him kill him! ! "

Tanjiro strangled the crazy Zenitsu, trying to dissuade him.

"No! Shanyi! I'm afraid Brother Su Can will beat you to death if he's not careful!"

- Click.

My wife Shanyi petrified in place.

Zhuzhu on the side was also taken aback, touched his headgear, and seemed to think of something.

"Shanyi, put the knife away, we'll be back at the headquarters in a while."

Tanjiro is still persuading.

They didn't even notice my autistic wife Shanyi.

"How can I repair it... Fortunately, Tanjirou stopped me, otherwise I would have been punched to death."

Had a cold war.

Thinking of the wreckage of yesterday's battlefield, my wife Shanyi got goosebumps.

Is that something humans can do?

It was as if it had been dropped by a meteorite, and there was not a single intact place on the ground.

Chapter 80 Premonition of stripes

"No ants!!"

Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke stared blankly at the three idiots...ah no, three pillars.

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