Once the control on the feet is relaxed, the body will slide down quickly, Tsunade subconsciously wants to reach out to grab it, but he retracts his hand after thinking of the warnings of Kaze and Mitomonyan.

He could only grit his teeth and keep trying to re-attach to the cave wall, but at the moment of rapid fall and high mental tension, even a genius with super control like Tsunade couldn't do it.

Just when Tsunade thought he was going to start over, a hand suddenly stretched out precisely and grabbed her hand. The owner of this hand was none other than Fuji.

Tsunade stared blankly at Fuji pulling her, and didn't know how to react for a while, she stared blankly at Fuji, and suddenly realized that this guy seemed handsome and a bit foul.

But Fuji is not in the mood to be handsome right now, his condition is not good, it was already very difficult to insist on sticking to the cave wall, but now he is forced to add the weight of Tsunade.

Even though he increased the chakra output in time, he still inevitably fell three to five meters away, and he said to Tsunade with some difficulty: "Don't stare at me, you should find a place to stand firmly, and then If we go down, we will both have to fall back to where we came from.”

Tsunade woke up like a dream when he heard Fuji's words, and quickly mobilized Chakra to stand firmly on the cave wall again.

After finally standing still, Tsunade looked at her holding hands with Fuji, his face blushed again.

But at this moment, Buer's untimely voice came: "Stand still, why are you still holding my hand? It's really tiring to bear the weight of two people."

When Tsunade heard this, his pretty face quickly turned from red to black. Are you saying I'm fat?

With a wave of her hand, she almost threw Buer off under the huge force: "Who cares so much."

After Fuji managed to maintain his balance, the two fell into an inexplicable silence until Jilai also waited for someone to break the embarrassment: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, be careful that there will be projectiles on it that will interfere with us."

Tsunade also said: "I understand, he is telling us to focus on the above, but we can pay attention to our feet. We have to treat this as a subconscious action like climbing trees and treading water."

Orochimaru was silent for a while when he heard what Tsunade said: "If this is the case, let's practice at a place about 18 meters away.

From the perspective of our body control, as long as we can practice this control method perfectly, it is not a problem to match our reaction ability and rush up in one fell swoop. "

Several people nodded upon hearing Orochimaru's suggestion, Zhenhong also took two steps back and said: "Then I'll wait for you here, so I can rest for a while."

"Then Fuji, you and Tsunade, come up quickly, we will wait for you at Zhenhong's position."

For a while, only Fuji and Tsunade were left at the bottom, Fuji touched his nose and said, "Then let's go up too."

Tsunade hummed imperceptibly, and then whispered: "Thank you just now."

"What did you say?"


"What's there to thank for that? How long have we been friends?"


"What? I really didn't hear it this time."

"I praise you for being handsome."

"Thank you, I think so too."

Tsunade: I've never seen such a brazen person.

The two of you talked to each other, but they walked up quickly. I don't know if it was because of the chat to divert attention. After going back and forth, Tsunade and Fuji vaguely found that kind of unconscious Feel the reaction.

After joining Orochimaru and the others, Tsunade and Fuji walked around the cave wall twice, really getting faster and faster, and felt some instinctive reactions. .

Chapter 44

After practicing Kung Fu for another hour or so, Tsunade and Fuji looked at each other, and started to walk upwards in unison.

Under the shocked eyes of Orochimaru and others, Tsunade and Fuji rushed upwards at an even and steady speed.

The attention of both of them was on the hole above, and they had been paying attention to the flight path of the stone, and they could easily react and avoid it when the stone was falling.

The density of the flying stones was not dense at all, and with the intentional prediction of the two, it took less than 10 minutes to climb to the 30-meter position.

Tsunade and Fuji acquaintance smiled, striding towards the entrance of the cave, at this moment their speed is no different from walking on flat ground.

At this moment, there was also a voice from above: "The progress is very fast, but the next step is the stone."

Speaking of a stone the size of an egg, it slammed into Fuji with a whistling sound.

Bu Er took a deep breath, staring at the falling stone and predicting its landing point, which was his side waist.

After seeing the direction of the attack clearly, Fuji twisted his waist, and sure enough he avoided the stone.

He also took a big step up, and turned his head to see that Tsunade on the other side did the same.

Facing the egg-sized stone, the two quickly moved upwards. Although there was an extra process of avoiding the stone on the spot, the time did not increase much.

The same is true for the Kunai in the back. As long as Fuji is focused enough, avoiding Kunai is not a problem at all, and Mitomon Yan and the others have no intention of killing Fuji and them, and the Kunai they throw out are all light.

At a distance of ten meters, Kunai didn't speed up even if he accelerated. When he finally approached the entrance of the cave, Fuji reached out and caught one, and used this Kunai to directly block Tsunade's Kunai who was shooting at her. .

With no interference, Tsunade boarded the entrance of the cave with one last leap, and stretched out his hand to pull Fuji up.

After the two boarded the entrance of the cave, they leaned on the entrance of the cave and continued to teach the essentials to Jiraiya and others, warning Mitomon Yan's movements. With their reminders, Jiraiya and the others easily passed the test.

Abnormal level chakra control practice, all passed.

This abnormal level of Chakra control practice is indeed very effective for Buer and other people. Take Fuji himself as an example. He used chakra too extensively before, and he could not achieve precise control, which caused a lot of unnecessary waste. , even if the amount of Chakra in the Thousand Hands Clan is considerable, this kind of waste may be fatal at times.

Orochimaru and others also had a lot of gains, but unexpectedly, the one who gained the most among these people was the mediocre Jiraiya.

He seems to have suddenly become enlightened after completing this chakra control exercise, or this method of using chakra to form spikes gave him great inspiration.

Tsunade was very dissatisfied with the sneaky paddling in the black class for several days after this guy.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that after the brown bear incident, finding the scrolls seems to have become much easier. It took about a week for Bu Erwai to collect all the six scrolls of the first wave, and enjoyed it for three days The days when you don't have to take black classes.

Tsunade was so touched that tears filled her eyes. She hadn't had a good bath for a week. During this time, she could only go to the river to wipe her body every night, and she was so aggrieved.

A group of people spent three days happily in the central tower. The only strange thing was Ziraiya. During these three days, he kept himself locked in the room except for going to the toilet.

It looked as if it had been taken away by Orochimaru.

Until the third night, Zilai also kicked open the door with a bang, walked up to Bu Erwai with a face full of "I'm a genius" and said, "Ahem, everyone, I have good news To announce."

Silence, everyone sat around what they were doing, no one took care of themselves, Shuo Mao silently wiped his white teeth, Zhenhong was reading comics.

Orochimaru was discussing some philosophical topics about life and death with Fuji, and Tsunade was teasing Garnett while eating fried chicken.

The little guy has grown up very fast recently, and is already the size of an adult small dog. Although he is still very clingy, he can no longer rest on Fuji's shoulders all the time.

There seemed to be a crow flying in the sky, quacking and laughing at Jiraiya's embarrassment.

"Hey!!! I'm not kidding, I developed an original ninjutsu."

Ji Lai also patted the table to try to prove his presence, but in exchange for a critical blow from Shuo Mao: "Just you?"

Those two simple words directly made Jiraiya's anger worth.

Jiraiya had a well on his forehead, and he suddenly raised his hand to form a seal quickly, and finally folded his hands together and shouted: "Look at my newly invented trick!"

As Jiraiya opened his mouth, the silver hair behind him suddenly began to grow rapidly. The hair that originally only reached his shoulders stretched all the way to the ground, and then began to curl towards Jiraiya himself.

Jiraiya's whole body was wrapped in his own silver hair, and it wasn't over yet, the silver hair was still changing, until he formed a defense covered with fine spikes around him.

Jilai at the moment is also like a human-shaped hedgehog, he opened a slit from the pile of hair and said proudly to Bu Erwai: "This is a super powerful hair that I developed by combining the secret arts of Qiu Taoist school and a lot of inspiration. Mystic Needle Ksitigarbha, how about it, it’s amazing.”

Shuo Mao glanced at it and said indifferently: "It looks like that."

Tsunade added a knife on the side: "And it's ugly."

Zilai also said angrily: "It's because you don't know how good I am, Shuo Mao, you can try to stab me with White Fang."

Although Sakumo had a venomous tongue, he was also curious about Jiraiya's new technique in his heart, so he picked up Bai Fang and rushed forward and stabbed Jizo the needle.

Of course, he didn't apply too much force or chakra, he was afraid that he would hurt Jiraiya.

But then a shocking scene appeared, the white tooth in Sakumo's hand was actually blocked by Jiraiya's needle Jizo, and when the two touched together, they could make a clanging sound of gold and iron.

Shuo Mao was also interested, he used a little bit of strength, and found that the sharp white teeth were really hidden without piercing a needle. Thinking of this, he subconsciously began to pour chakra into it.

He was so scared that he quickly stopped him: "Idiot, are you going to kill me? Even if you can defend against ordinary attacks, you can't stop the strengthening of the very powerful Chakra Knife."

This scene did attract the attention of Tsunade and the others, but most of their comments were: "Tsk tsk, I never imagined that there would be a day when I could develop ninjutsu by myself."

"It's just that this technique is really ugly, it looks weird."

But they just said so, but in fact they still admire Ziraiya in their hearts.

Ji Lai also felt very useful, and he said proudly: "If you want to learn this technique, just introduce me to a beautiful young lady, and I will teach you this technique."

The reply he received was of course: "You are thinking about fart."


"Isn't illusion good for him?"

"The helpless pervert."

So he kindly comforted him with a few words: "This technique is quite practical. In the future cooperative battles, the task of attracting firepower will be entrusted to you."

Well, that doesn't seem like a good thing to say.

Although no one is willing to learn this jutsu from Jiraiya, Jiraiya is still very proud. Anyway, this is the first ninjutsu developed by himself.

Especially after getting compliments from Tokkaze and Mitomon Yan, Jilai became even more proud.

But his complacency didn't last long. A week later, Buer's template proficiency broke through to 20%, stealing all the limelight.

Xuanzang also obtained a new sword move—Qinglian Sword Jue Breaking Waves!


After harvesting the Breaking Wave Style, Bu Er quit the Sword Immortal System with satisfaction.

At this time, the outside world was when the moon was shining brightly. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Tsunade and the others were still sleeping peacefully. After picking up two dry branches and throwing them into the bonfire, he touched the new moon and quietly left the place.

If you don't try a new skill you just learned, is it still human?

After walking a little further, making sure that the sound of the wind breaking with the sword would not wake Tsunade and the others, he gently pulled out Xinyue and held it in his hand.

"The wind and the waves are at this moment, hang the clouds and sail straight to the sea!"

"Qinglian Sword Art Breaking the Waves!"

Xuanzang held the knife in both hands and launched three quick slashes that were hard to distinguish with the naked eye. The three slashes swept out like huge waves, and their power was extremely terrifying.

The big tree that Xuan Zang took as a target was easily chopped off in half.

Fuji looked up and saw the big tree falling down suddenly, don't, Tsunade and the others are still sleeping.

It's a pity that the big tree had its own thoughts, and it crashed to the ground, splashing a large amount of dust.

Tsunade and the others were awakened by the sound, rushed over to check, and hurriedly asked what happened to Fuji, Fuji could only scratch his head in embarrassment and said: "The head of Lianjian accidentally lost his strength."

Tsunade and the others rolled their eyes and went back to sleep. Sakumo glanced at him and said, "It's time for me to watch the night. Go back to sleep. I'll watch next."

Fuji smiled a little embarrassedly, and went back to sleep with Tsunade and the others. .

Chapter 45

Before going to bed, Xuanzang was still thinking flatteringly that he, whose proficiency in the template had broken through 20%, was already at the Jonin level.

Hey, it's comfortable, it's comfortable.

Thinking about these things in a mess, Fuji fell into a dream, and Sakumo, who was on vigil at night, got up and walked to the big tree that Fuji had cut off.

He squatted down and gently touched the fracture of the big tree that had been broken into four sections. The fracture was very smooth, and it seemed that he didn't use much force when he chopped him off.

So it turns out that Buer is already this strong?

Thinking of this, Shuo Mao subconsciously clenched his fist, feeling a little powerless in his heart. He was originally stronger than Buer, but now he saw Buer leave himself behind little by little.

Is my talent so much different from Buer?Or is it that you haven't worked hard enough?

It should be because I haven't worked hard enough. Since I was divided into classes, I have always been at the forefront in every battle, facing a powerful enemy.

But he was just doing some sneak attack and containment work in the back, which made him unconsciously develop the habit of relying on each other.

No, I can't go on like this, I need to walk out of my own path, if I stay under Bu Er's protection all the time, I will only be thrown further and further away by him.

Thinking of this, Shuo Mao pulled out Bai Fang irritably, and waved the white tooth in his hand as if venting under the moonlight. It was not until about half an hour later that Shuo Mao stopped swinging the knife out of breath.

After venting, the uncomfortable feeling of being stuck before dissipated. He lay down on the grass and looked at the bright moon in the sky. Shuo Mao stretched out his hand and scratched it.

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