After all, the other party had lived in Twilight Street as a magician for a period of time, and had carried a warrant there, so he should be able to do a good job as a guide.

Cosmo and Qianjie can be said to be the key figures in the fourth and fifth collapses, but they have nothing to do with the Destiny organization now, and even if they meet in the future, it is impossible to immediately bring people into the copy.

As for Kevin, who almost participated in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and even seventh Herrscher crusades, after all, there was a difference from the real Kevin. Even if Kevin was brought in, it would only be an extra combat power , cannot allow it to possess Kevin and obtain the memory of the other party.

Facing the above-mentioned Herrschers, Ulandal really has no shortage of helpers, so naturally there is no need to bring Kevin.

The same is true for Su, even if the opponent is the main force to deal with the Eighth Herrscher, the real female Su and the male Su in the dungeon can't be integrated together, and Ulandal doesn't have much combat power against the real Su Don't embarrass a frail doctor.

The other key figures are Sakura and Mei.

Before the sixth Honkai broke out, due to Mei's increasing opposition in Moth, a high-ranking officer ordered Sakura, a subordinate of "Poison Chrysalis", to assassinate Mei.

What did May do to face opposition from within Flaming Moths?How Sakura joined the poisonous chrysalis, and why she obeyed orders to kill Mei, these are of course what Youlandell wants to know.

It's just that, for these two people, Ulandal doesn't intend to let them contact the dungeon prematurely.

Before the sixth Honkai eruption, based on the current rhythm of Honkai outbreak almost once a year, there are only less than two years left.

Ume and Sakura, who have not experienced everything in Flame Chasing Moth, didn't think it was a good thing for them to be exposed to those dark memories too early.

This has nothing to do with trust or not, it just comes from her concern for her companions.

"However, it's actually too early to plan these things. After all, if Mebius's research on Yu Duchen doesn't go well, not to mention other people, even you, I won't bring them in again." In the dungeon. I cannot afford the price of not being able to awaken your memory in the dungeon."

Urandale reached out and stroked Alicia's cheek lightly, saying so.

"Hmm... well, I see~?"

Alicia didn't have to follow Ulandal into the dungeon.

Last time, it was mainly because I didn't know the specific situation, and I thought that Youlandal was in danger, and I was even more afraid that if I didn't keep up, maybe the two of them would never see each other again, so they rushed into the whirlpool. in the door.

Now that she knows that there is not much danger to Youlandal in the dungeon, but that she may stay in it permanently because her memory cannot be awakened, Alicia will naturally not be in the dungeon researched by Yu Duchen. Risk again before the result.

After all, at this time, recklessness is the real possibility of separating her from Ulandal forever.

"It's getting late, I asked the captain to bring the cruise ship to the shore of the island, and we can start preparing for tonight's bonfire party and fireworks display."

Looking at the gradually darkening sky outside, Ulandal shook her head and said with a smile: "I didn't feel it when I was inside the cabin. I didn't expect that a day would pass so quickly."

"After all, we are not ordinary people, so the perception of fatigue is not obvious. In this way, the two children, Gracie and Bell, fell asleep more than once in the middle." Thinking of the two children, Alicia's face I couldn't help but put on a smile.

Looking at Alicia's smile at this moment, Yolandelle asked in a strange way: "Alicia, do you... want a child of your own?"

Alicia was taken aback when she heard the words, and then shook her head: "If it's artificial insemination, I don't want it."

"of course not."

Urandale understood what Alicia was worried about, and she thought of Kiyana, who was a clone bred by Otto using her and Sirin's genes.

Although I regard them as younger sisters, it is more appropriate to say that they are mother and daughter or 'father and daughter'.

There are also Teresa and Amber, which are also obtained through the fusion of Kallen's cells and Vishnu's cells.

As for the technology possessed by Otto, in fact, most of it comes from Void Manzang. Isn't the source of it the technology of the current world?

Perhaps the current level of technology is still a little bit worse, but within the Destiny Organization, there are more than one bigwigs in biotechnology. Mebius and Mei are both good at it, and both of them also have same-sex partners. Believe it or not, she is the only one with similar thoughts.

"Then let me ask another question, Alicia, do you want a child that belongs to you and me?"

Urandale asked.

Alicia was taken aback.

She never thought about it.

Although she loves all the human beings in this world, she never thought that one day, she would also give birth to a brand new life, witnessing her love with Ulandal, and continuing their lives.

However, after Urandale proposed it, the idea surged in Alicia's heart like a weed.

Before she even noticed it, she had already nodded under the gaze of Ulandal.

ps: No pregnancy, just like Mei bred a child with her own and Kevin's genes, pure artificial in vitro pregnancy

Volume 139: Chapter [-] Mebius: "You are fat~"

"Then... we have to work harder."

Urandale said something that, to Alicia's ears, was extremely 'terrible'.

"Hard? Are we not trying hard enough these days?"

Of course Alicia knew that Ulandelle didn't mean that, after all they were of the same sex, but she just couldn't help but want to tease each other.

Sure enough, after hearing what Alicia said, Yolandelle's expression froze, and the cheeks that had been stained with a little alcohol before had deepened a lot at this moment.

She glanced at Alicia helplessly: "You know that's not what I meant."

After all, Urandale stopped pretending and delivered the dessert that Alicia had chosen to the other party, while she ran to the cab to inform the captain that she was heading to the island.

Alicia didn't follow this time, she just gently put the red wine glass aside, and then took small bites of the dessert in her hand.

Just as Alicia was enjoying the pleasure of dopamine secretion brought by sweets, by coincidence, Mebius also came out to breathe.

Mebius just glanced at Alicia inadvertently at first, and she couldn't explain why, she instinctively didn't want to have too much contact with the other party, but sometimes she couldn't help but go to the other party's line or something .

She was in a good mood today, so she didn't want to say anything.

However, as a master in the field of biotechnology, in the eyes of Mebius, everyone is marked with various quantitative information.

Therefore, when he saw Alicia who was eating sweets, Mebius could see the figure of the other party at a glance, which seemed to have changed subtly from before the outbreak of the third Honkai.

Although the specific manifestation is that Alicia's secondary sexual characteristics are more prominent as a woman, but with Mebius's language art, it becomes: "Alicia, have you noticed that you are more than seven or eight days old?" Is my former self fat?"


Alicia's movements froze for a sweet tooth.

She lowered her head and pinched her waist, and found that there was not much fat.

Rather, it seems to be more slender and powerful.


Recently, she seems to feel that her previous clothes don't fit well.

The change seems to be the upper and lower circumferences of the measurements.

It's the same situation with Ulandale.

I didn't think there was anything before, but after being reminded by Mebius, Alicia had a relatively reasonable guess.

As a result, Alicia, who really thought she had gained weight, felt relieved.

She continued to taste the last bit of dessert, then put the small plate and fork in her hand aside, walked up to Mebius, and said meaningfully: "How should some things be explained? Let's put it this way, if Mebius If you and Klein are like me and Ulandal, similar changes should happen to you too!?"

After finishing speaking, Alicia saw that Ulandal had come back from the cab, so she picked up the wine glass that she had put down before, drank the rest of the red wine in the glass, went up to meet her, and offered to send Give a kiss, and let Ulandal taste the aftertaste of the red wine left in her mouth.

And after seeing Alicia's series of performances after she finished speaking, Mebius still didn't know what happened.

In an instant, Mebius' face turned livid, and then, for the first time, he made up his mind that he would definitely take Klein down tonight, and he must not drag it on any longer.

With her arms around Alicia's slender waist, after tasting the taste of the red wine and the beautiful woman, Yolandelle asked with a little indulgence: "What did you say to Mebius just now? I think she looks like I am very angry with you."

Alicia shrugged and said with an innocent face: "Mebius said I was fat, and I explained the reason for the change in figure, and she is like this~?"

"The reason for the change in body shape?"

Urandale was a little puzzled.

However, being reminded by Alicia, she did notice that the other party and her body had indeed changed during this time.

But because the body fat rate and other indicators did not change much, Yolandal didn't take it seriously, but it was really troublesome that some clothes didn't fit well, so she made an agreement with Alicia, Find a day to do some big shopping.

Fortunately, her Valkyrie armor doesn't need to care about her figure.

Moon Soul Armor can actively adapt to changes in her figure, which is basically one of the characteristics of the fourth-generation Valkyrie Armor.

After all, many Valkyries are not very old and are in the development period of their bodies. Both their height and measurements are not fixed. Precious materials to create a well-fitting armor?That price is too low.

In addition to Moon Soul, she will now also use two sets of armor, Immortal Star Anchor and Tianyuan Qiying. The power of the two bloodlines in the body itself is the manifestation of power, so naturally there is no need to consider whether it fits or not.

Seeing that Ulandal really didn't know the reason, so Alicia had no choice but to explain in a low voice.

And after listening to Alicia's explanation, Yolandelle, who had kissed her generously on the deck before, looked around with a guilty conscience at this moment, and found that Alicia and herself were standing at the leeward, nearby There was no one, and since the voice was not loud, he was not afraid of being heard, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the eyes of Alicia, Ulandal's appearance made this smile bend down, and the whole person leaned on the other party's body.

Sure enough, molesting the other party when the goose is enlightened is really a great fun in life.

Unlike before, she didn't respond to how she teased her, but she was so angry.

Not far away, Mebius, who was watching Alicia and Ulandal chatting, laughing, and hugging each other, felt even more distressed. Klein needed to hug her to get better~

At the same time, an interesting scene is also taking place in the cabin.

Hua was surrounded by Carol, Cangxuan, Danju, and Himiko, which made her even more uncomfortable, who was not used to such a lively occasion like a masquerade party.

Hua didn't understand. As a socially phobic patient, why did the people around me attract more social bullying than the other?

"Hua, listen to me, I heard before that the arcade in Changkong City is very fun, and there are claw machines and so on. Let's take a speedboat back to Changkong City to play tomorrow, shall we? "

This is fun-loving Carol.

"Hua, your outfit really looks like an ancient Chinese knight. Let me tell you, my sister and I like martial arts stories. What I like the most is...Danzhu is also very good at craftsmanship. When the time comes How about you make a figure according to the current image?"

This is Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu who are keen on all kinds of stories and gossip.

ps: I have long wanted to play the meme of Mebius telling Alicia that you are fat, and today I finally realized it

In addition, there is a reason why Urandale and Alicia were not allowed to become pregnant

Cecilia would have died, partly because she hadn't fully regained her strength postpartum

In this situation, the two main combat forces must not be pregnant.

Of course, if you really want to see a pregnancy, it’s not that you can’t arrange it after the crisis is completely over, and it won’t matter at that time

Volume 140: Chapter [-] Mebius and Klein who have successfully cultivated

"Hua, I still have some skills to teach you in terms of combat. When are you free? Of course, I am actually better at things other than combat."

Himiko said meaningfully while drinking the wine in his glass.

However, everyone is destined to throw winks at the blind man, after all, this is an old antique with a more elm-headed head than a goose at the unenlightened stage!

Hua could only smile awkwardly, and allocated his time for the next few weekends to play arcade games with Carol, act as figure models for Cangxuan and Danzhu, and receive private lessons from Himiko.

After finally waiting for the cruise ship to dock, everyone began to prepare for the bonfire party, and Hua escaped with the excuse of helping.

And as Hua left, everyone who had gathered together also dispersed without a word of unnecessary conversation.

"Hua is really welcome!"

Klein, who witnessed the whole process, sighed while drinking juice.

At this moment, she heard Mebius's leisurely voice behind her: "Klein, do you want to enjoy that feeling like Hua?"

Klein was shocked when he heard this.

For some reason, Klein just wanted to run away at this moment.

Having said that, I had a similar feeling several times before, but it was not as strong as it is today.

However, just as Klein was about to pretend he didn't hear and leave, he found that his hand had been held by Mebius.

Without any explanation, Mebius dragged him to the second floor of the cabin, where there were rest cabins, and each member of the Mandate of Heaven was distributed a room card.

Mebius found the corresponding room based on the information on his room card. After pulling Klein in, he locked the door behind him.

This is the first time for Klein to see Mebius being so tough. Usually, even if the other party asks him to do something he doesn't want to do, it is usually a soft way. Once he acts like a baby, he has nothing to do with the other party. .

But today, at this moment, Mebius, whose eyes glowed with a certain kind of red light, was the first time that Klein felt palpitations.

"Doctor, what happened?"

Klein asked cautiously: "Doctor, you must be drunk, right?"

"I didn't drink today, if you don't believe me..."

Mebius hid the dangerous light in his eyes, moved closer, and directly forced Klein back to the door, and said, "You can try it yourself."

How could Klein dare to say that he didn't believe it, and since Mebius was so close, she did not smell alcohol on him, so she shook her head repeatedly and said, "No, no need, I already believed it."

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