"All the ships were destroyed, Azure and the others couldn't survive in the universe at all, and our combat effectiveness will also drop significantly in the universe."

"It is impossible to conduct an assault now, it is time to retreat."

"No... Although Sister Na likes to brag, pretends to be B, and calls me your goddess all day long, she still respects life."

"Why is it like Ellie now, completely becoming a combat lunatic."

"No...it must be wrong."

"Let's not talk about Xinye, even Cheng Yaowen and Brother Monkey have been affected by some factors?"

Ge Xiaolun finally discovered something was wrong this time.

After all, they are all partners who get along day and night. Anyone who has changed, even some personality changes, can easily observe and feel it.

Ge Xiaolun stood solemnly in the universe, his eyes gradually turned white.

[Start the male core. 】

[Detect people in front. 】

[Perfect sun light gene, Di Leina. 】

[The second generation goddess of Lieyang. 】

[Peak of the third generation divine body. 】

[Possess the ability to perfectly initiate a star explosion. 】

[Most of the genes are blocked. 】

[Warning...Warning, something unknown has appeared in Di Leina's body. 】

[Warning, warning, under analysis. 】

[Analysis failed, analysis 0.1%. 】

[Analysis failed. 】

[Analysis failed. 】


Ge Xiaolun turned pale with fright, grabbed Leina with his right hand, and Leina who was about to charge forward was suddenly pulled by Ge Xiaolun.

There was impatience on his face, and at the same time a trace of disdain.

"What? Our great galactic power, some time ago, was brazen about becoming stronger, sublimating in battle, and protecting Blue Star."

"It's timid now, isn't it?"

Ge Xiaolun shook his head frantically and said, "No, Sister Na, you have a physical problem, really, I won't lie to you."

"You know that I have the blessing of the core in my body. This core not only stores the knowledge of Zhixin, but since De Nuo joined Blue Star, the core has also had the support of De Nuo."

"Xiongxin also has the knowledge of Lieyang now, and in the initial battle, he also absorbed part of the knowledge of Styx."

"Even, when we set off, Chief Lianfeng released the information on Luoxing No. [-], and now I even have the knowledge of Luoge."

"But... Even so, there is a part of your body that I cannot analyze."

Lei Na slapped Ge Xiaolun's arm away and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Cowardly fighting is cowardly fighting. It's not shameful to be afraid."

"Wukong, Liu Chuang, the three of us are going, so it's not right to let Ge Xiaolun stay here alone."

"It's really... not worthy of being a soldier of the Xiongbing Company."

Ge Xiaolun looked at Monkey Brother and Liu Chuang again.

[Analyze the person in front of you. 】

[Perfect Nuoxing God of War gene, Liu Chuang. 】

[Warning...Warning...An unknown occurrence in Liu Chuang's body. 】

[Warning...Warning...Unknown appears in Sun Wukong's body. 】


Ge Xiaolun really panicked this time, and immediately pressed his left ear and said, "Zhi Xin, is Zhi Xin here?"

"Stop all actions of Lie Yang immediately, let Lei Yan and the others inform Lie Yang's General Pan Zhen."

"Also, inform the opponent's Taotie to suspend the war. There is a huge problem on our side."

Zhi Xin asked suspiciously: "What?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, don't worry about it, it's urgent, do as I say."

"Zhi Xin, I suspect that we all have unknown substances in our bodies. What are these substances, the current Xiongxin can't see through."

"This incident may be the reason why Sister Na changed."

"Hurry up, Sister Na is going to rush up."

Zhi Xin hurried to the control room.

"Quickly, inform Pan Zhen that Leina has changed."

Lei Yan felt that the escalation of the war was inexplicable, and when he received the notification from the control room, he was prudent and immediately notified Pan Zhen.

Ge Xiaolun from the outside world was eager to explain that for Ge Xiaolun, his level of knowledge was not so extensive.

Even if it is the force-feeding teaching method nowadays, his core storage will only increase, and he will not be able to explain it clearly.

Ge Xiaolun still has a long way to go to fully control Xiongxin.

Just like that, watching Leina and the others' actions, although Ge Xiaolun was anxious, he couldn't explain clearly.

Just when Leina got impatient and was about to shake off Ge Xiaolun and rush forward.

In the void, Pan Zhen's figure suddenly appeared in front of Leina. At the same time, Snow also came to the battlefield, blocking all the attacks of Tao Tie.

"Goddess, don't be impatient, let me talk to Styx."

"You withdraw the battleship first, there are some things that Di Hongkun wants to tell you."

Reina rolled her eyes, turned her head and left the battlefield.

Chapter 86

She wasn't stupid either, knowing that Ge Xiaolun couldn't stop her, so she called Pan Zhen.

Although she is a new generation of Lieyang Goddess, and she is the perfect sun's light, and she is even stronger than Di Hongkun when she grows up.

Moreover, although Di Hongkun is much older than Leina, he is her real grandfather.

Naturally, she could only obey what grandpa said.

Pan Zhen has served Lie Yang for tens of thousands of years, and no matter what, it is impossible for Leina to refute his face in front of outsiders.

You know, during the tens of thousands of years, Lie Yang Emperor Hongkun didn't care about anything, and the person who talked about it was Pan Zhen.

Pan Zhen also brought Lie Yang to a whole new level.

Even in Kesha's era, angels would not have conflicts with Lie Yang at will.

Not only is their philosophy similar, but also because Pan Zhen is really very strong.

Not everyone can fight Luo Xinghe twice.

Pan Zhen looked at Snow in front and said, "Some unknown changes have taken place on Lieyang's side. My god Leina seems to be in a bad state."

"I, Lie Yang, will be responsible for the loss of Styx."

"You inform Karl, the war is over, and our plan has twists and turns."

Snow bowed slightly.

In terms of status, Pan Zhen is Lie Yang's speaker. When Pan Zhen represented Lie Yang, Karl was just a simple student.

Snow wasn't even the person behind Styx, and Snow also knew that he couldn't beat Pan Zhen.

"Yes, General Pan Zhen, I will inform my God."

"As for the compensation for Reina's defeat of my vanguard, let's talk with my God alone."

Pan Zhen nodded and left.

Snow also returned to Tao Tie's battleship group and took control of Styx's troops.

On the Lieyang main ship, Ge Xiaolun had already told Pan Zhen so and so.

Pan Zhen has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the light of the sun is just the light of the sun. Since Leina has entered her information into Xiongxin, then Xiongxin must be able to fully analyze Leina's information.

It's just that Lie Yang has the authority to activate the Lena gene.

How can there be a situation that cannot be analyzed?

Pan Zhen said in a calm voice, "You have been to Blue Star during this time, and you have been in contact with Morgana, what did you say to Morgana?"

Reina recalled wonderingly.

"I didn't say anything. Originally, I was looking for Qiangwei."

"But Qiangwei seems determined to follow Morgana, as if she has been brainwashed."

"I was so angry that when I was about to do something, Morgana appeared and used Devil One to control me."

"And said a lot of weird things to me."

Pan Zhen looked at Leina seriously and said, "What are you talking about?"

"What do you say that God can communicate with God not only through words, but also through tacit understanding."

"Since Lie Yang and Styx's little plan has started, let's do it well and don't interfere with the devil's work."

"What did you say that the devil is going to protect Blue Star for Qiangwei?"

"Also said that she doesn't trust Karl very much now, and told Lie Yang to be careful, and don't be fooled."

"Anyway, it's quite strange, and it makes me very puzzled."

"Then just let me go so peacefully, the rest is fine."

Pan Zhen shook his head lightly, put his right hand on Leina's shoulder and said.

"There is no breath of Morgana on her body."

"Ge Xiaolun, are you sure your core can't analyze Leina's body movements."

Ge Xiaolun nodded fiercely.

"I'm sure, although I can't explain what it is, it's definitely something extra."

"This thing is also not similar to the breath of Morgana that I detected."

"If you have to describe it."

"Hmm... It's like a perfect cake with a little black spot on it."

"Some nauseating feeling."

Pan Zhen's eyes turned white, and he looked straight at Leina's body.

[Start the Lieyang Palace. 】

[Analyze Di Leina. 】

[Perfect sun light gene, the growth rate is astonishing. 】

[The third generation peak divine body. 】

[Two genetic blockades, one has been unlocked. 】

[Unable to activate the ultimate flare and large flare...]

[Warning...Warning...Unknown substances appear. 】


[Analysis of unknown substances... 1%]

[Analysis failed. 】

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