He is Merlin, the court magician of King Uther, a human-nightmare hybrid. Under his suggestion, Arturia, a human-dragon hybrid, was created.

When Mei Lin stared at Fang Shuo with his clairvoyance, Mei Lin seemed to see flowers through fog.

According to the prophecy, Sir Kay's fate is already doomed, but now there is a fog in front of Merlin.

Now Merlin was completely in doubt, Fang Shuo seemed to have peeled off from the thread of fate, and for the first time, Merlin felt that there was something wrong with his prophecy.

"Well...it's the first time I've encountered such a situation."

At this time, the three-legged cat in his arms got out of his arms, poked out its small head, and looked around.

"Wait a little longer, I want to see how he will choose to face these monsters."

Merlin is on the human side, of course, he just thinks that he likes the beautiful side of human beings, but in fact he just likes the beauty left at the end of the story.

This kind of feeling made Merlin feel endless aftertaste, and his becoming like this may also be inseparable from the half of the nightmare blood on his body.

Nightmare has no fixed values. Their values ​​change with the change of things and will not remain static. Although he has a human nature, the habit of Nightmare does haunt him.

Like to court for example.

"There's no way to enter her dream. It's magic, but it's really powerful. Even I can't break it."

In the dark forest, there was a light like a ghostly fire, and Arturia knew that these were just reflections from the eyes of animals.

From the moment she approached the forest, she realized that the aura of the forest was not right, and a strong murderous aura hung over the forest. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time, Artoria's sixth sense told her so.

Although she could leave, the runaway Richard might not run away. Arturia really didn't want to see her playmate who had lived with her for more than ten years being torn to pieces by monsters in front of her.

"Richard, calm down, those guys are not something you can fight against."

Artoria noticed that Richard, who had been extremely irritable, suddenly calmed down. The blown hair on his body gradually returned to normal, and his eyes became clear again.

"Brother Kai..."

Artoria was surprised to find that Fang Shuo actually appeared in front of her.

"Richard ran a little fast, and he managed to catch up with him."

"Did you come here by yourself?"

Artoria was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly found that Fang Shuo didn't even have a mount beside him, which meant that he just ran over on foot.

Arturia couldn't imagine, but Richard led her all the way.

Although Arturia often herds sheep to far away places, she has never seen this forest in her memory, which means that she has long since left the Hector family's territory and come to a strange land.

"Yes, it took a while."

Fang Shuo's expression was a bit distressed. He stretched out his hand, and Richard also cooperated with him and let Fang Shuo rub his head.

Richard didn't behave like a lion in front of Fang Shuo, but like a house cat.

Artoria blinked her eyes curiously, even she had to comfort Richard for a while even if she wanted to touch Richard, her seemingly unruly foster brother actually had such an affinity for animals.

"What's wrong, Arturia, you've been staring at me?"

Fang Shuo pointed to his face suspiciously and said, "There should be nothing on my face."

"That was not what I meant."

Artoria waved her hand quickly, she was puzzled that Fang Shuo was still acting so relaxed after running all this way, the expression on his face was still calm, and even his breathing was not disturbed.

"Brother Kai, you've been running for so long, aren't you tired?"

It took a long time for Arturia to express her doubts in a more polite way.

"You said this, it's magic! I've been out and practicing for so long, and I've also learned a lot of magic."

Anyway, before he came to Xingyue World, Kai went out to travel for almost a year before returning, and he didn't bring anyone with him.So Fang Shuo can make up the process of traveling at will.

Besides, there is no shortage of magicians in this world. Fang Shuo remembered that there was a group of conjurers across the English Channel.

"It's actually magic. It seems that you, brother, have had quite an adventure."

Now it can be understood why Fang Shuo was able to cross so many spaces and come to her side.


Under Fang Shuo's touch, Richard meekly cried out twice.

"In the future, I'd better feed Richard less meat from the monster, otherwise the aggressive factor in his body will cause trouble again when he sees the monster, and it won't be easy to appease him next time."

Fang Shuo had two swords pinned to his waist, and he handed one of the swords to Artoria and said.

"Hey, the weapons are also brought to you, so it seems that we haven't hunted for a long time."

"Brother Kai, what do you mean..."

Artoria hesitated for a while, and finally took the sword handed by Fang Shuo, holding it in her arms.

"You can also feel it, the abnormality of this forest."

Fang Shuo turned his head and looked at the forest behind him. The moment he turned around to tap, the law of light was activated, and a ball of light appeared in his hand.

"Close your eyes a little bit, Artoria."

Fang Shuo threw the ball of light, and the inside of the ball of light began to shatter.

The bright light captured everyone's sight in an instant, and Fang Shuo came behind Artoria at this moment and covered her eyes.


Artoria subconsciously wanted to push Fang Shuo with her elbow, but Fang Shuo immediately grabbed her hand, and then let go of the hand covering her eyes and said.

"Don't open your eyes, you'll go blind."


There was a loud sound, and the eyes of those magical beasts watching the two of them in the dark were suddenly attracted by a ball of light, and then their retinas were burned by the strong light, and their vision was also taken away.

All the monsters can no longer keep calm. Although they are used to hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity, it doesn't mean they really like the dark.

Chapter 190. Warcraft

There was unprecedented fear in the hearts of the monsters. Their brains couldn't understand why they were blind, so they all became extremely irritable, rampaging everywhere to vent the fear in their hearts.

Because there are too many monsters, there will always be some friction. The monsters with larger systems trampled to death many small monsters on the way.

Although some monsters can be identified by smell, there are too many monsters, and the smells of each other are mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish.

Of course, this is only the case of two monsters close to Fang Shuo. For Fang Shuo, as long as it can cause confusion to the other party, it is enough.


At that moment Artoria's vision was occupied by the light, and then Fang Shuo covered her eyes.

"Well... you can understand it as a kind of magic dress, which can emit strong light and steal eyesight."

Fang Shuo explained in the most common way that the current Artoria does not have the knowledge automatically given by the Holy Grail. Even though the current time dimension of Britain is different from that of the mainland, Arturia cannot understand some knowledge that is too advanced of.

Besides, the law of light and magic are not in the same dimension.

But seeing the scene where the monsters rushed out of the forest and hit the rocks, and their brains flew, Arturia also understood that these monsters had lost their eyesight.

"But don't beasts rely on their sense of smell?"


A cool wind blew in front of her, slightly lifting the hair on Artoria's face, and she suddenly understood that Fang Shuo had already calculated the wind direction.

The wind can blow away the smell from the two of them, which will be fatal to the blind monsters. Taking advantage of the time when the monsters are in chaos, if they break their formation, they may be able to defeat them in one go.

Artoria had this premonition in her heart, she pulled out the sword from its scabbard, and then answered Fang Shuo.

"It's true that I haven't hunted with you, Brother Kai, for a long time."

"Then tonight's hunt can be regarded as a warm-up before our experience."

Fang Shuo drew out the steel sword, stretched out his hand and grabbed a monster that was running wildly.

The monster looks like a wild wolf, except that it has three eyes and a pair of wings, and its mouth has sharp teeth like a saber-toothed tiger, and its claws are as sharp as steel knives.

But it was such a monster, Fang Shuo reached out and grabbed it. He took a step forward, and before the wolf could react, he directly overwhelmed the extremely powerful wolf, and then stabbed the steel sword into the monster. Its eye sockets were then stirred.

The magic wolf died on the spot, and Arturia was taken aback by Fang Shuo's method of killing the monster. When she watched Fang Shuo destroy the monster, she felt as if she was witnessing a ceremony.

His methods were so clever and his strength so precise that Artoria did not have the confidence to surpass Fang Shuo. Soon in her mind, Fang Shuo's image became a knight who had experienced many battles.

"I also have to work hard to grow up."

After witnessing Fang Shuo chopping down another monster, Arturia also turned her attention to the monster beside her.


Arturia called Richard, who immediately ran to her.

"Let's fight side by side one more time."

Arturia turned over and rode on Richard. When she got on Richard, she only felt an innate sense of familiarity.

Even though most of this era don't harness lions, she does.

Artoria stared at a wild boar in front of her that was four times the size of the owner. At this time, the wild boar stumbled and accidentally fell into the quagmire, where it was struggling.

As soon as Richard went up, he bit the boar's neck directly, and its sharp teeth pierced into the boar's body. Although the boar's skin roared very loudly, Richard's teeth were sharper than steel knives. It easily bit open the boar's neck.

"Cocoa cocoa..."

The wild boar struggled harder, but its violent movements only opened the wound and caused secondary damage.

"Attack its weak point, Artoria."

When Fang Shuo's voice came, Artoria remembered that Fang Shuo had stabbed the steel sword into the eye socket of the monster before, so she also imitated Fang Shuo and raised the sword in her hand, and then stabbed in.

The wild boar struggled for the last time, then kicked its four legs, lost its strength, and was completely unable to move.

Artoria drew out her sword, seeing that the sword was covered with scarlet blood, the expression on her face didn't even change at all.

It's hard to imagine a 14-year-old girl with such a strong mood.

"This is the first time you have fought against such a large monster." Fang Shuo asked.

"Well, although I'm not very proficient, I will adapt as soon as possible."

Although it was the first time for Arturia to fight against such a large creature, she didn't see the slightest sloppiness.

After Fang Shuo and Artoria killed almost hundreds of monsters side by side, these monsters finally became alert and surrounded them and Richard.

Countless corpses of monsters fell beside the two of them. These corpses piled up like a hill, and the scarlet blood pooled together, making the surrounding grass darker.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and the smell of blood stimulated the nerves of the monsters, making them even crazier.

Most of the blind monsters were beheaded by the two of them reasonably, some were killed by the same kind because of the riot, and some escaped and disappeared.

"Huh, the situation is not good."

Artoria took a step back and bumped into Fang Shuo.She glanced at Fang Shuo, and found that the expression on his face was still very calm at this time, without any panic, and there was not a single drop of blood on his body.

On the other hand, Arturia herself, her clothes were already stained with blood, and her hands were already a little numb from the high-intensity repetition of the slaughter.

"Brother Kai, we have been fighting for so long, why haven't the nearby garrisons rushed over yet?"

Arturia was a little puzzled. Sir Hector would have already organized heavy cavalry to attack the monsters. Although this is not Hector's territory, the nearby lords would not sit still.

"Didn't you notice? Today's World of Warcraft is extraordinarily violent."

As Fang Shuo spoke, he chopped down several monsters that couldn't hold back.

"That is indeed the case. In normal times, these monsters would have retreated long ago."

Arturia looked at these monsters that were constantly attacking, and it was indeed different from what she had imagined. Although the monsters were powerful, they would not fight to the death like this. Generally, they would collapse immediately when they saw something wrong.

Chapter 190. Evaporation

"So many companions have fallen, why don't they retreat?"

Arturia couldn't help but wonder, even if the human army would involuntarily collapse when the casualties were huge, even if the monsters had no mind, the instinct of wild beasts would drive them to flee.

"I think it has something to do with the moon."

Fang Shuo raised his head and stared at the full moon.

He can now clearly see the craters on the moon. Compared with usual, the moon is much closer to the earth at this time, and it just so happens that today is the night of the full moon.

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