She doesn't know, and doesn't have an answer yet.Maybe next time I actually see her, I can ask her in person.

"Huh, let's sleep for a while, don't think so much." She yawned, closed her eyes, and she lay down and fell asleep in the low-earth orbit of the earth.

Fortunately, human beings cannot detect her existence with the current technology, otherwise, if they see a sleeping person in the universe, they will feel that the gods have arrived.

With the development of science and technology itself, human beings have already deeply doubted the existence of gods, or most people in this world do not believe in gods.

If such a guy appears, it will still have a great impact on human society.

Even if there are already a lot of monsters, a lot of ghosts and the like.But this kind of thing is still fundamentally different from a god, and it would be very simple to be regarded as a god because of the behavior of Liushou Xinggong and her ability to survive in the universe.

But even if they can't detect it now, it won't be long before the existence of the gods will be revealed.

She is also big-hearted, relying on her own ability, she doesn't care what problems will arise at all.It's also a good thing that the Conviction is still devouring the world, otherwise, once it takes shape, it will directly eat it as food if it is so arrogant.

"Well, it's okay..." When the Six Shovels of Xinggong put her shield into contact, Chu Lian felt a force sweeping around her, but her face was calm, and she didn't care about its exploration at all. .

Her behavior made Judgment a little afraid. This enemy is definitely not comparable to those previous enemies. Although she looks much weaker, can she really be attacked?

It's too obvious that she is trying to attract me to find out where my body is, and then attack my body.

No, I can't make her like this. I have to keep stable, and then think about what to do.

The consciousness of convicting the crime is very clear now, he can weigh the pros and cons, know how to use tricks, instead of trying to swallow Chu Lian like before.

Now its goal has not changed, but it has been greatly restrained, and it will not see it rushing forward like a hungry wolf.

This makes it less dangerous, but the threat has increased a lot.

This is condemnation. Before it is formed, it is a beast that has not controlled its own desires.After it is formed, it can make anyone afraid, a powerful monster with intelligence and strength.

The gap between monsters and beasts is not even a tiny bit.

If the conviction of the duel with Chu Lian in OVERLOVR had already been formed, Chu Lian really didn't have the certainty that he could solve it.

Fortunately, that guy was swayed by Chu Lian at the beginning, and then it was suppressed by Chu Lian's power, which made it unable to do what it wanted to do, and finally faced Chu Lian It was a deformed fetus with poor development.

But that is to say, no matter how easy it is to deceive the judgment, there are not many people who can deceive it, and even fewer people who can make it so fearful.

It just so happens that Chu Lian is its complete nemesis. Facing the nemesis, no matter how weak the opponent is, as long as it has wisdom, it will not mess around.

This is both good news and bad news for Chu Lian.

The good news is that this guy will not affect her arrangements for the time being, and the bad news is that the guy she will face later may be a real battle.

Although none of the enemies she has faced is weak for so long, Judgment is a trans-universe boss after all, and the character that should have been the last to attack has to be dealt with now. If she is not careful, she will have to deal with it. Confession here.

"She's very powerful, but without someone to guide her, there's very little she can do in the future." Chu Lian talked about the Xinggong Liugui to Wuhe Qinli as if she didn't feel the existence of judgment.

And after she opened her mouth, a powerful force burst out, imperceptibly pushing Judgment away from here, preventing it from getting any closer.

Such a result made the conviction even more cautious. This person must have his own plan, and it will definitely not be resolved so easily.

Sure enough, it was correct that he wasn't fooled just now, otherwise, he might be disturbed by her during the forming process.

It doesn't know that this is an empty plan put up by Chu Lian, in order to make it worry and think about it.This will have a deep impact on it, and if the effect is obvious, it will even slow down the speed of absorption and become more stable.

This will undoubtedly give Chu Lian more time to prepare and do more things.

"Her power? I don't know, I only know that she may be the most powerful among us elves, but she usually doesn't come into contact with us, so I don't know her power. We will start working together, otherwise I don't know how to answer you when you ask me~"

Wuheqinli didn't seem to know much about the Six Shouls of the Star Palace, so after hearing Chu Lian's words, he could only shrug his shoulders, expressing that he didn't know.

"Is that so? I understand~" Hearing her words, Chu Lian nodded and didn't ask any more questions.I'll talk to Xinggong Liugu in person in the future, I hope she can listen to me.

"By the way, Qinli, can you gather other elves together?" She seemed to be curious about other elves without asking about Xinggong Liugui.

"Okay, what are you looking for with them?" It's not difficult for her to do it, but she wants to know why Chu Lan did it.

"Temporary ~ keep it secret. I'll come out again in a month. Then you can discuss with them and find a place to get together."

I don't know if she wanted to say it or not, but Wuhe Qinli still remembered what she said, "Let's see their schedule."

After she answered, the atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

They have nothing to talk about, and don't know what to say...

Author's message:

PS: I wanted to update yesterday, but the state is not good, and this state has continued until today.But it has been adjusted, update a chapter first, and then update a few chapters after a break.

My goal for this week is still very clear, to take down the first and second rankings in the weekly list update, to update the two books with [-] words each, I can do it~ (wink~)

PS2: Thank you for your blades and feeds. Although there are not many people who are still insisting on reading, everyone is the person I should be grateful for.

PS3: I am trying my best to write all the plots very interestingly, I will not let you down =W=

Chapter 160 Three: The only person it pays attention to is me

What if the atmosphere is awkward?Chu Lian's spiritual sense swept over the shikigami and people present, and a plan slowly rose in his heart, and he said softly: "I don't know if you have seen it, um, or, do you know that there are some things that are actually Did it happen when we didn't know it?"

Her words made those who were silent look up at her, wondering what she meant.

"What does the master mean?" Eight hundred bhikkhuni came over, holding a plate in her hand, on which was tea and wine.

Tea is for Chu Lian, and wine is for others.

She knew that girls were not allowed to drink, and once they drank, they would get drunk after a while.

Although I don't know the reason, but in order to avoid possible accidents, everyone agreed not to let her drink.

So generally speaking, tea is given to her at home, and this is not so difficult for Babaichuni.

Put the tea in front of Chu Lian, and distribute it to the other girls, and she will stand by the side like a real maid.

When she put down the tea, she just answered a sentence, but it made the atmosphere warmer, as if her words had some charm.

In fact, as long as someone answers the call to break the awkward atmosphere, there won't be so many things. She just shows up at the right time and answers at the right time.

But just like this, Chu Lian was very grateful. Not everyone can cooperate like this. It is really suitable to help her make the atmosphere right at this time.

"I mean, while we're doing things here, there are some things that should have happened."

She repeated her words in different words, but the core meaning was still the same.

"Just say what you want." Wuhe Qinli frowned at Chu Lian's appearance, what did this guy want to say?

"I mean, someone started doing something while we were doing it. Well, it's not a bad thing, and I'm not going to say things that you know."

"What I'm talking about is those people in the other world who are working hard to help us. They are opening up the channel between the two worlds. As long as we can persist, they will come out to save us when we need it most .Maybe you don’t know who those people are, but as long as I say it, you should understand what it means.”

"My strength you have seen, whether it is now or in the past, can be regarded as very powerful. But my strength is not the strongest in front of them."

"There are many people whose power is much stronger than mine, and what's more, these powers are growing slowly. Qinli, you also know that I have a lot of power. These things have developed very well after this period of time. "

"As long as we can hold on for a while, then they can cross the barrier between worlds and come to us and help us eliminate the crime."

"Don't think that our current power can fight against the conviction. If it is the conviction of a world's power, we can solve it. But this conviction has absorbed the power of more than a dozen worlds, and it is ten times stronger than other convictions. "

"This strength is not only reflected in its individual strength, but also in its number. We can fight a lot now, but in its eyes, it can be swallowed casually."

"So what we have to do now is not to confront the conviction head-on..." Chu Lian was interrupted by Wuhe Qinli at this point.

"It seems that you have been doing high-profile actions to attract its attention." It can be seen that she still has resentment towards Chu Lian's adventure, and when she heard her words again at this time, she refuted it.

Their actions are very secretive, even if they are convicted, it is difficult to detect. She is the only one who likes to make such a big battle, whether it is before the accident or when she comes back now, for fear that the crime will not find her.

Just like her, she told everyone not to go head-to-head with the conviction, what did she want to say?

"Well, don't think I'm joking. The reason why I act in a high-profile way is because no matter whether I am high-key or low-key, the conviction will never let me go. I am the only enemy it needs to guard against. In other words, besides me , you are all its targets that can be completely ignored, like ants."

"Under this situation, the more high-profile I am, the more it will be impossible for Conviction to guess what I'm going to do, and the more cautious it will be, and then it will put all its attention on me and ignore you. "

"Once it focuses on me, it means that you will act more covertly, and you can completely go underground. In this way, many things can be done."

"During the time I'm attracting Conviction's attention, I look dangerous, but as long as it doesn't find out what I'm going to do, or before it's absolutely sure, it won't shoot me. At least not personally If I take action, at most I will send some subordinates over."

"It's not that it shoots in person, I'm not afraid of them at all, I can destroy them as many as they come, or hand them over to those who show up to destroy them."

"In this case, you will also be invisible. If the things you do are not very obvious, you will basically not be noticed by it."

"In other words, we can completely hide the conviction and act, and before it realizes the seriousness of the matter, we can start encircling it."

"But there is also a time limit for doing so. The reason why it does not commit crimes is because it is not absolutely sure. It is worried that we will find its weakness after doing something against us, and then stop its process of swallowing the world."

"Once this process is interrupted, it needs to go back a little bit and start over again. If it swallows it a few more times, it will completely fail."

"So it won't mess around, and we don't dare to mess around until we don't have enough capacity."

"This balance will be maintained until it completely swallows up the world, or our people come and wipe it out."

"However, I feel that our people will come later, so what we have to do is to delay the time as much as possible, so that the process of swallowing the world is not so smooth."

"At least it must be leveled until not long before our people arrive, so that there is a way to completely eliminate it."

"Do you know how many times I have encountered the hunting of condemnation in the game, and I have seen how many subordinates it has?"

"That's only in the game, where its power is not fully displayed, there are such a large number of enemies. Once it is really released, then we will face... endless, it can be said that there are no enemies except us. Beyond that, the whole world attacks."

"This is not an exaggeration. Conviction is the power to swallow the world and then pollute it. It's just that because there are more than a dozen of these worlds, it's very troublesome just to swallow it, so it didn't sway more power. Control those ordinary people."

"But even if it doesn't control ordinary people, there will still be many monsters who want power, humans who have fallen into darkness and other enemies who will attack us. In a world, their number does not need to be so important."

"Countless worlds, dozens of worlds, different monsters, different enemies, the number of fusions is in the billions. Unfortunately, I don't have the power to destroy so many people."

"Unless I destroy the world right now before condemnation devours the world...but then what is the difference between me and condemnation? What I want to do is to save, not destroy."

"If I have no way to do it now, once the world is swallowed by the conviction, I will not be able to mobilize such a powerful force again. In other words, at that time, all we can rely on are ourselves."

"I understand what you mean." Wuhe Qinli listened to her words quietly, then nodded.

What Chu Lian said was based on the information she knew. She knew that Judgment cared very much about Chu Lian, but she didn't expect that it cared enough to ignore them.

That's right, thinking about what they have encountered so far, if they hadn't been by Chu Lian's side to help her, they wouldn't even be favored by Judgment.If they are not favored by conviction, they will not be in danger.

Once they stop helping Chu Lian, or shrink up and take action, Judgment has no interest in them.

I thought there was some other reason before, but now I can understand it.But Chu Lian is really a mobile trouble maker.

No matter if she made it up by herself, or someone from the past asked her to finish it, or whatever, it put her in a very troublesome situation.

And it seems that as long as they leave her side, no one will encounter these things, which is amazing.

"So you can act first on your own. As long as you don't provoke Confession, generally speaking, there will be no major problems. But you can't mess around easily. When you helped me get rid of Confession's subordinates, You have already been remembered by it. Not taking action against you is the reason for my absence, once it is convinced that my strength is not enough to pose a great threat to it, it will start to eliminate the people around me."

"So Qinli, tell the other elves that if you want to act, at least two people must act together, and you can't make too much noise."

"Only in this way can everyone avoid getting into trouble and temporarily avoid the danger at this time."

Chu Lian's words were out of concern for them, and after Wuhe Qinli heard it, she didn't intend to refute, she squeezed Yoshino's little hand tightly, and nodded.

With her pinching, Yoshino, who was holding the doll, seemed to wake up. She looked up at Chu Lian, hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Well, Lian, when are you coming back?"

She wanted to make sure when she could come back, as if waiting for her, some time.

"Me, four months at most, three months at least, but I will come back in a month to meet you elves."

"Sansan told me that I can completely trust you, because you have inherited her will to protect me."

Chu Lian leaned forward, reached out and stroked Yoshino's small head, and whispered the time when he might come back.

"Is that so, then how many things do you still have to do?" Wuhe Qinli asked for her from the side, and she also wanted to know the progress.

"I encountered a demon attack in the game. After killing the demon, I obtained an ability that can be absorbed by people and bring the power in the game to reality."

"It is also for this reason that I suppressed my idea of ​​coming out as soon as possible, but wanted them to raise their strength to the highest level in the game, so that after they came out, they could obtain the most powerful power and be able to protect Own."

After hearing her words, Wuhe Qinli was a little curious about what stage the power she mentioned had reached: "What level is this power?"

"Earth level, high level or so, although it looks like this, but don't underestimate these powers. They are all people with luck in each world. In other words, everyone is a natural protagonist panel."

"And the world favors such people. Once they find themselves swallowed up by conviction and unable to resist, they will pin their hopes on these protagonists. When the time comes, their luck will become stronger and stronger, and they will There's a lot of power and potential emerging."

"They have nothing to do at this stage, but as time goes on, they will become one of the main forces fighting against conviction."

"They are still the hope of all the worlds. As long as they don't die, these worlds are not truly destroyed. After we wipe out the crimes, they can reunite with the power of luck in the protagonist's body."

"Of course, at that time, what needs to be solved is not only the problem of his own death, but also the problem of merging these worlds together."

"We don't need to worry about these, because we don't have the ability to do this, they will have their own way. Even if they don't have their own way, those who come to help us should also have this way. "

"Well, anyway, we don't need to think so much." The more Chu Lian said, the more complicated it became, and he simply interrupted the topic later, not explaining these things that he didn't understand.

"Understood, I will wait for you to come back." Yoshino seemed to have just realized it, and nodded at this moment, answering her initial words.

"Xiaosi just listen to my sister obediently. I'll be fine, because if I want to live to see you, I will naturally need to work very hard."

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