Shock!The innocent and unmasculine police officer Chen actually fell in love!

Then this Xiong Sir was reprimanded by Chen Zhang, whose face was flushed.

Hmm... This rare appearance is quite cute.

All in all, it wasn't until this time that Chen realized that there were not a lot of gossiping people in the Guard Bureau. In one day, she scolded other police officers almost more times than in a week.

However, she did not let Lin En follow her for nothing. During the working hours of the day, Lin En served her tea and water, allowing her to enjoy the life of being served.

Seeing that she really devoted herself to her work, Lynn endured it.

Chen still spoke like this at the beginning:

"Lynn, get me some water, thank you."

"Lynn, take out the trash for me, I still have a few documents to approve."

However, slowly, her words became more and more succinct, so they changed their taste.

"Lynn, water."

"Lynn, trash."


Image: "Good Question", Location: "Images/1631776521-100259672-107705589.jpg"

PS: Second update

Dragon Gate Album:

Chapter 47 The Wicked Grind the Wicked

However, although the police officers were talking about it, the Longmen Guard Bureau was still operating very well. The little scandal between Lin En and Chen Sir was just a reflection of their busy schedule.

In fact, according to Lynn's observations this day, almost everyone in the Guards Bureau was busy this day. After all, the infected in Longmen are used to living a comfortable life, and many of them do not want to Leaving Longmen, and such differences intensified the contradictions within Longmen. Infected and ordinary people, infected and infected, language conflicts gradually turned into physical attacks under the instigation of ulterior motives.

When the first bloodshed occurred, there was inevitably a great deal of panic among the citizens.

The place where the conflict took place was in a slum. A group of wandering infected people beat up a teacher who said they were "destroying themselves". It is worth mentioning that this teacher was also an infected person who taught nearly Ten years, has accumulated quite good popularity.

At the same time, he is also one of the few people in the slums who can see the reality clearly. He deeply understands that the integration movement in Longmen is self-defeating, and he feels that life is good now, so when those infected people invited him When joining the group, he angrily reprimanded these former students.

But before he could explain his analysis, someone shouted loudly, "You actually betrayed your compatriots and went to the side of ordinary people, you shameful traitor!"

Then the crowd got completely out of control, and the infected people beat him black and blue, and some even broke into his house, searched his finances, and dragged his wife and daughter out of the house.

And just when they were about to commit violence, the Guard Bureau arrived.

"Cuff them all."

"The dog officer from Longmen is here to arrest people, everyone run!"

Chen issued the order with a cold face, her sharp gaze crossed the crowd, and fixed on a middle-aged female infected person who retreated and yelled, making the situation even more chaotic.

And just when she was about to draw her sword and move forward, a figure rushed up first, Lin En's figure flew across the low sky, and the heavy sword was unsheathed the moment the coat was raised.

The thick blade of the sword slapped the man's back heavily, and Lin En's strength was just right. The woman screamed and fell to the ground, but did not suffer any substantial injuries.

Chen, who was one step late, took out the handcuffs, cuffed her hands, and arrested her on the spot.

The woman was naturally struggling desperately, but Chen's hand was like steel, preventing all her resistance.

As a member of the dragon clan, coupled with years of training, although her physical fitness is not as good as Drake's, it is far superior to ordinary people in the market.

"Killed, killed! The demons murdered in the street! You useless policemen, instead of arresting this demons, came to arrest ordinary people like us. Is there any law in this dragon gate?"

On the spot, she showed her rogue skills that she had practiced for ten years. In the past, this trick can be said to be invincible. As long as she uses it, no matter it is ordinary people, urban management, or even police officers, there is nothing she can do about it.

However, today, this trick seems to have met an opponent.

She felt a sharp gaze sweeping across her body, Lynn showed a dangerous sneer full of malice, the corners of his mouth were grinning to the sides, and he spit out strong sparks in his breath, just an expression and a look, that biting killing The intention almost made her two thighs tremble, unable to stand upright.

"You think I dare not kill you?"

She collapsed on the ground, trembling with terror, unable to say anything.

And Chen, who had a headache just now, finally understood at this moment what it means to be a wicked person.

This kind of scoundrel just bullied an upright police officer like Chen. If he met a real villain, even a look would be crushed to the ground.

"I hate people calling me Mozu—I think most of the Sarkaz people do, after all, it's a nickname you force on us. However, if you are brave enough to call me again, I don't mind letting You have to see what a real demon looks like."

Lin En's smile and voice were full of malice, and the overflowing murderous aura broke through the psychological defense of the middle-aged woman in front of her in an instant. A sheep without its camouflage.

Hoshiguma handcuffed her away without saying a word, while Chen coughed lightly behind Lynn's back.

"You overacted a bit."

Lin En shook his head, he suppressed the sneer on his face, and looked at Longnu.

"You think I'm acting?"

Chen saw seriousness in his eyes.

At that moment, she understood that maybe Lynn really wanted to scare the other party at first, but the moment the other party yelled "Demon Race", the nature of this matter changed.

He hates others calling him the Demon Race, this sentence is not just talking.

This may be a manifestation of his self-esteem as a Sarkaz, or it may be some unpleasant memories, Chen does not know.

"However, thank you anyway. Without your help, this matter would not be resolved so smoothly."

After returning to the Guard Bureau, Chen thanked Lin En solemnly.

After all, it is impossible for the Longmen Guard Bureau to show its weapons to the citizens. Even if these people have already had the idea of ​​leaving Longmen, they are still a part of Longmen before they take action.

Again, once they use force, people with ulterior motives will use public opinion to push them to the forefront.

However, if the person who draws the sword is a "passer-by who draws his sword to help when he sees injustice", then the nature is different.

"Thinking about it carefully, you have helped me a lot in the past few days. After this turmoil is over, I will definitely bring a few small gifts to pay respects..."

"Small things."

Lin En waved his hand and interrupted Chen's words: "However, why do I feel that you and Wei Yanwu are talking in the same way, Wei Yanwu still owes me a few generous gifts, old Chen, you also owe me a few small gifts? "

"Why don't you have something real, how about treating me to a supper later?"

He learned the name "Old Chen" from Xingxiong. After all, he can't see up and down, and the relationship between the two is relatively harmonious. It is inevitable that calling him "Chen Sir" or "Officer Chen" is too unfamiliar.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaoxu raised his brows: "Okay, how about I treat you to pork chop rice? It's the kind you ate when you first came to the Guard Bureau, and the amount is big enough to fill you up."

Both of them laughed at the same time. Looking back now, it was an interesting story when Chen arrested Lin En as a gang member.

While the two were chatting and laughing, a police officer hurried forward: "Sir Chen, there is another conflict in District 24!"

The two looked at each other, Chen picked up Chi Xiao who was on the desk, and Lin En lifted the sword on his back.


Picture: "I have been a big boss since I was a child", location: "Images/1631885062-100259672-107711165.jpg"

PS: Today's first update

Just got home woo woo woo, I'm going to stay up late tonight QAQ

Dragon Gate Album:

Chapter 48 Hoshiguma: This melon is so sweet

"Is your Guard Bureau usually this busy?"

"No, today is a special case. Usually, I just catch some stupid thieves."

Late at night.

Because it was a special period, even though the off-duty time had already passed, the Longmen Guard Bureau was still brightly lit.

However, for these Sirs who maintain the order of Longmen, working overtime is a common thing.

Chen was holding a bowl of cup noodles, while Lin En, who was sitting next to her, was holding a pork chop rice. As a person who kept his word, Miss Chen naturally did not forget Lin En when she was eating supper, thanks to that The store still dares to open at night under such a turbulent situation, otherwise she will have a rare "broken promise".

You must know that in many places in the suburbs of Longmen, many shops have been smashed and looted at night. At first, it may have been the conflict between some infected people and ordinary people that led to a fight, but gradually some ordinary people also participated in it.

They just did some things they usually wanted to do but didn't dare to do in order to vent their desires and to see the time when the Longmen Guards Bureau was in a state of distress.

People who do this are much more hateful than those infected by incitement.

Of course, for this kind of people, the Longmen Guards Bureau will naturally catch one by one, filling the entire interrogation room to the brim, and finally had to go to the next prison to make room for these "good citizens".

It was precisely because of the resolute measures taken by the Longmen Guards Bureau during the special period that the city was not completely in chaos.

Although there is an undercurrent surging in the dark, it is relatively stable on the surface.

"What do you think of this incident?"

"Opinions... nothing special. These are just a group of ordinary citizens who have been instigated. It is really unreasonable to look at their actions without labeling them as infected, but it is precisely because they are infected, and because the world It's the injustice of the infected that makes this happen."

Chen sighed: "Longmen's policy towards the infected was actually not that tolerant at the beginning. Wei Yanwu has many things in his eyes, but he never takes a second look at things that are worthless."

Lin En heard Chen's implication.

"In Wei Yanwu's eyes, the value of the infected is not high."

"That's right, for a long time, Wei Yanwu believed that the infected were an unnecessary part of Longmen. Although he allowed the Mouse King to treat the infected leniently, once something happened, he would abandon them without hesitation— That's the kind of person he is."

"The current Wei Yanwu is not like this kind of person."

"Well, there are two things that changed him. The first thing... Forget it, let's skip the first thing for now. The main thing that changed his attitude was the second thing, and that was Tallulah's The rise of the integration movement."

Lynn probably understood what Chen meant.

Although Wei Yanwu seems to be a person who is selfless and profit-oriented, but with a little familiarity, one can understand that he is a person who values ​​friendship. For Chen and Talula, he has a series of complex emotions such as guilt and expectation, coupled with Blood is thicker than water, and he attaches great importance to these two people, to the point where he is willing to give up some interests to pave the way for each other.

Whether Chen's special inspection team or the abandoned city he gave to Tallula, these are all manifestations of his doting on his two nieces.Of course, this is because both of them are competitive enough. If Chen and Talula are unable to eat this gift and end up taking advantage of others, then there is no one to blame.

At the moment when Talula, who had been missing for many years, became famous again, Wei Yanwu was surprised to find that the girl who had been taken away for many years had grown up and became the leader of the party.

It was also from that moment that he changed his attitude towards the infected in Longmen, promulgated two successive decrees on the infected, and secretly increased the amount of supplies to aid the infected. equalize the status of the infected.

He is paving the way, paving the way for Tallulah, and also paving the way for himself. If he follows his plan, then the best result is that the Integration Movement and Longmen will reach a happy cooperation, and Chen will also be able to recognize the Tallulah sisters. .

As for myself?Wei Yanwu didn't think that Tallulah would forgive him easily, and he was mentally prepared for this, but this didn't prevent him from wanting to remove obstacles for the other party's future.

However, some people have spotted the series of changes in Longmen and think this is the best opportunity to overthrow Longmen.

It is true that they seized the opportunity, and Wei Yanwu, who has always been far-sighted, experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed for a long time.

"By the way, Lynn, how about talking about your past? I'm the only one talking, and you're too cunning."

To be honest, Chen was also very curious about Lynn.

Although he is a Sarkaz, but the first time he met Tallulah was in the ice and snow of Ursas, and his name has a strong flavor of the Yan Kingdom, coupled with his chivalrous demeanor in every move, he is completely different. Like a mercenary with an eye for money.

For chivalrous fans like Chen who have read too many martial arts novels...well, they will be quite curious as expected.

Tallulah once revealed part of Lynn's past to her, but that was just Lynn's legendary experience in Ursus. After all, Tallulah knew Lynn's experience in Kazdale and Syracuse It's not very clear, and Lynn's experience before he fell in the ice and snow and was picked up by Frost Star is even more confusing.

"Me? I actually have nothing to say."

Lin En put down his chopsticks, and he thought carefully for a moment: "After all, I'm just a knight who can't protect the princess, just a wandering mercenary."

Chen rolled her eyes, she simply put down the cup of noodles in her hand, turned around and looked at Lin En directly: "How can there be nothing to say, how about your childhood experience?"

"When I was a child? I have almost forgotten what happened when I was a child. I only remember that my parents are kind people. They taught me to treat others with a tolerant attitude and look at the world with a kind heart."

"My father and mother used to be great people. Although they never showed off, I can still learn from the words of others. It is also because of their influence that I vowed to be like my father and mother since I was a child." , the hero who protects the smiles of the children—well, this wish was finally shattered."

"My father, my mother, and my elder sister are all martial arts practitioners. Only I was born with poor health, so I was not taken to exercise by my father, so I had to study obediently. I still remember my sister secretly telling me when I was young, to be a man To be reasonable, the big fist is to force the other party to reason with you... Now that I think about it, this sentence really makes sense."

Speaking of this, Lynn suddenly got stuck. He recalled his memories before time travel. Although these memories have been polished by years of fighting, but until now these good memories are still in his heart. brilliant.

Chen looked at Lin En, for some reason, she could read a little melancholy and vicissitudes from Lin En's eyes for the first time.

It's just that Lin En kept silent after that, apparently lost in memory, which made her a little impatient, and she stopped listening to the story halfway through, who can bear it?So she quickly poked Lynn's cheek with her chopsticks, and started asking questions.

"and then?"


After a trance, the world is turned upside down.

In this dark continent, appear as an unwelcome Sarkaz in a cannibalistic empire.

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