As for the conversation between the two, Shirtel, who was standing with a sword not far away, sneered dismissively: "The guy who is a nest of snakes and rats."

"It is indeed a nest of snakes and rats. There is nothing wrong with your adjective."

Ivan is not angry either. After two years of struggling in Longmen, perhaps the biggest improvement for him is his belly. If he had not come to Longmen two years ago, if someone mocked him in person Then he will definitely try his best to make the other party die without a place to bury him.

After all, he is not a big-hearted person.

"By the way, Shirtel, do you still remember your mission?"

"I'm going to jail soon, and it's all up to you."

"The life and death of the old lady is all in your thoughts."

Facing Ivan's blatant threat, Shirtel gritted his teeth and clenched the sword in his hand.


The advancing speed of the Guard Bureau was unexpectedly fast.

The special inspection team led by Chen deserves to be the elite among the elite, and almost every member has the ability to fight ten against one.And Rhodes Island's team also has many strong players. With the joint efforts of the two, the main gates of the strongholds that the Ursas gang was holding on to were quickly captured.

To the surprise of both Chen and Amiya, when they found out that their stronghold was under attack, these Ursus gang members showed unexpected determination. No one retreated or ran away, and everyone fought forward one after another. I want to stop the Guards Bureau.

"...This kind of ability to incite people's hearts, it seems that the leader of this gang is not simple."

Chen and Amiya looked at each other.

"The Guards Bureau has sealed off the surrounding area, Rhodes Island, I need you to cooperate with us to advance together."

"it is good."

Miss Doctor, who was in charge of the command, dispatched troops and generals. Under her command, Rhode Island's operators cooperated with the guards to advance layer by layer, and quickly broke through the first line of defense of the Ursus.

To be honest, this is the first time she has fought such an expensive battle. With powerful allies and a new lineup of operators, Miss Doctor no longer has to worry about missing monsters.

Originally, from Rhodes Island's standpoint, they shouldn't be able to participate so actively in such incidents caused by non-infected people.

This is determined by their position.

But who let these Ursus die like this?It is no exaggeration to call their actions terrorists. Among the residents of Longmen who they massacred before, there are also infected people in the lower city.

In this way, Rhodes Island's intervention is difficult to prove, but it can accumulate a good reputation of "be brave for justice".

Facts have proved that determination cannot be eaten, let alone make up for the gap in strength.

In just 10 minutes, the Guards Bureau and Rhodes Island had advanced to the inside of the stronghold, and countless Ursus fell on their way.

The last obstacle standing in front of them was a gate made of steel.

Chen Leng snorted, and she pulled out the sharp blade an inch, the sharp sword energy tore through the solid steel in an instant, splitting the door in two.

"But so."

After going through so many things, she was very irritable when facing these Ursus people.

Facing the police officers who broke into the door, Ivan just shrugged and stretched out his hand cooperatively.

"Okay, you win."


Image: "Grass", Location: "Images/1631406687-100259672-107687474.jpg"

PS: good morning!

The mainline is almost done.

Dragon Gate Album:

Chapter 38 Tallulah and Wei Yanwu

10:07 PM

weather/light rain

Wei Yanwu Office

"I'm here to see you."

Looking at the heroic girl in front of him, Wei Yanwu was filled with emotion.

20 years.

20 years ago, Kosiche returned to Longmen, blackmailed Wei Yanwu by blowing up half of the Dragon Gate, and took away the young Tallulah. At that time, both Wei Yanwu and Wen Yue felt that Tallulah's life would be ruined by the black snake. Lose.

After all, it is the Black Snake, a god who has lived for thousands of years and is best at deceiving people.

Even Wei Yanwu has already made plans to become an enemy of Talula. If she becomes the heir of Kosiche, she will definitely return to Longmen, and no matter what method is used, she will destroy this city that Wei Yanwu regards as life.

grown up.

At that time, she was not even taller than her waist, and she was as delicate as a doll.

But now, Tallulah is wearing a neat but somewhat old military uniform, the sleeves and neckline are even washed white, it can be seen that this dress has accompanied her for a long time.

But paired with her temperament, this dress actually brings a sense of perseverance and courage.

Wei Yanwu remembered the information brought back by the courier. During the Chernobog incident, it was the integration movement and Rhodes Island who worked together to break the "infection source" and save hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Tallulah did not become the black snake.

She is still her.

But no longer a child who needs our protection, no longer a carefree little princess, she has grasped the sword, lit the fire, and become a fighter.

In a daze, Wei Yanwu even saw the shadow of his sworn brother who had died for many years on her body, the burning fighting spirit in those eyes was really exactly the same.

"Hiko, don't keep the child waiting."

Mrs. Wenyue's gentle voice woke Wei Yanwu out of his trance, and the consul who has been in the political arena for many years came to his senses. He sighed and put the pipe in his hand on the table.

"Wen Yue has already told you the truth back then."

"I have nothing to justify. It is true that I killed your father. If my character was stronger, he wouldn't have to die, and your mother wouldn't have to remarry. Kosiche wouldn't be able to take you away from me. "

"If you want to take revenge, then you can swing your sword at me, but I won't die obediently, because I still have too many things that I can't let go of."

Wei Yanwu opened his mouth, perhaps because he felt guilty about those things back then, he spoke clearly instead of prevaricating Tallulah.

Wei Yanwu has been doing things like this since he was young. He is upright and courageous, and it is precisely because of this that he met Tallulah's father and became brothers.It's just that after he took charge of Longmen, he had more and more worries. As the years passed, he gradually became what he once hated the most.

Perhaps, you can only describe yourself as deserved.

"...I don't hate you long ago, Wei Yanwu."

Talula and Wei Yanwu looked at each other. When she was young, she was deceived by Kosiche and left Longmen voluntarily to avenge the murder of her father.After growing up to have the ability to think independently, her hatred for Wei Yanwu, who gradually saw the evil face of Kosiche, has long since dissipated. To get an answer, that's all.

After getting the answer from Mrs. Wenyue, she accepted the reality very calmly.

Her father was forced to death, and the real murderer was Kosche, who revealed her identity, Wei Yanwu's jealous younger brother, and the darkness of Londinium.In order to preserve himself who was still in his mother's womb at that time, Wei Yanwu was forced to kill his brother himself under heavy pressure, and this is still a heartache in his heart to this day.

Wei Yanwu and Mrs. Wenyue had no children, and they regarded Talula and Chen as their own children, but the young self believed Kosiche's words and carried the shackles.

On both sides of the balance are himself and the people of Longmen. Wei Yanwu reluctantly chose Longmen and let Kosiche take Tallulah away in front of him. Only he could understand the pain in his heart at that time.

It was precisely because of that incident that the upright Chen and Wei Yanwu broke up. She went to study at the Royal Victoria Guards College, and after returning to Longmen, she chose to join the Guards Bureau and become a police officer. Uncle, but "Officer Wei".

It wasn't until the integration movement became famous and Mrs. Wen Yue told Chen the truth of the year that the relationship between Wei Yanwu and Chen gradually improved.

The so-called punishment is enough.

Now, you have to look forward.

"I've already visited the Lower City of Longmen."

"How do you feel?"

"It's much better than I imagined. The infected people belonging to Longmen haven't been oppressed. They live well and have their own life and dignity. Wei Yanwu, at least you can stand up in this matter."

"The infected are also part of Longmen. Since I am the consul of Longmen, I will not abandon them."

Wei Yanwu said: "As long as they are not enemies of Longmen, as long as they are children of Longmen, then no matter whether they are infected or ordinary people, I will treat them equally in my eyes."

"But on the edge of the slums, I saw many infected people who were abandoned by the dragon gate."

"I said, as long as they don't become enemies with Longmen."

Wei Yanwu's voice was not angry but pretentious: "The people there don't belong to Longmen, they are just a group of speculators smuggled in - and you can also see what those Ursas people did in Longmen."

"...Forget it, I'm not here to argue with you."

Talula shook her head, she looked into Wei Yanwu's eyes, showing a serious expression: "I understand, everyone has their own difficulties, Longmen is not a paradise for infected people, you have no obligation to let Longmen accept every infected person. "

"However, the integration movement is the home of the infected. Those who are oppressed, impoverished, and struggling to survive, the integration movement is their last hope."

"I'll take care of the people you can't control; I'll save the people you can't save. Wei Yanwu, I want to take them away from Longmen, ignite the hope in their hearts, and look for a chance to survive together."

"Maybe they won't be much better off than they are now, but at least they won't be worse off, will they?"

Facing Tallulah's firm words and eyes, Wei Yanwu smiled very relieved.

"Talulah, you are exactly the same as Edward. I guessed that you would make such a choice."

He paused and continued.

"No problem, you can take those infected people away if you want, no one will say anything."

"On the other hand, as a dereliction of duty uncle, I have a 20-year-overdue birthday present for you."

He looked at Wen Yue, and Wen Yue cooperatively took out a key from under the table.

"Longmen is a big city, and the improvement, expansion and replacement of urban areas are indispensable in the process of development."

"And some urban areas that can no longer keep up with the current Longmen will be abandoned and replaced by more advanced urban areas."

"However, even the abandoned urban areas are basically functional. They just can't keep up with Longmen, but they can't keep up with the times."

"Talulah, I will give it to you."


PS: Second update

Dragon Gate Album:

Chapter 39 A Heart-to-Heart Conversation under the Moon

The sound of rain could not conceal the battle in the distance.

There was almost no suspense in this extermination. After all, those gangsters who were loyal to the Ursus gang and would not retreat might not be enough to kill 400 kills by Miss Doctor's golden brigade.

In terms of strength in frontal combat, whether it is the crazy herds of Chernobog, the heroic soldiers of the Ursus army, or even the armed infected of the integration movement, they all surpass these gangsters by more than one level in quality.

Lin En has no interest in participating in this battle of revenge against the Longmen Guards Bureau.

This is a sure-fire battle, and the deal with Wei Yanwu has also been completed, and it has nothing to do with him whether these Ursas live or die.

He is just a mercenary who takes money to do things.

Lynn sat in the room, smoking sullenly.

The source of his gloom was the two girls sitting in his room playing games.

"Has Mr. Lynn stopped playing?"

"If you can't beat you, your head will be shaved no matter if you play racing or fighting, so what's the fun in playing games!"

Lynn spread his hands helplessly: "You two play, I'm really not good at playing video games, and I'll die if I don't pay attention."

"If it doesn't work, we can play cooperative games!"

Angelina's eyes were shining brightly, and this time she burst out with unexpected enthusiasm.

"No, have you forgotten my previous record of beating Monster X-man four times in a row!?"

After changing four or five games in a row, Lynn finally confirmed it.

Video games are bad civilization.

"Mr. Lynn is an idiot!"

Angelina laughed heartlessly, and even Texas couldn't help laughing. She is not an expert at playing games, but...however, Lin En is really good.

"Let's stop here for tonight, it's getting late."

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